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Сценарий конкурса чтецов сонетов на тему "The Heritage of Shakespeare"

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Сценарий «Конкурса сонетов (на английском языке),

посвященного творчеству У. Шекспира».

Автор: Никонова А.А.


Таня: dear friends, we are glad to see you here. And our competition is dedicated to the greatest play writer in the world literature, William Shakespeare. You will listen some facts of Shakespeare`s biography, about the time when he lived and worked. And you`ll enjoy his unforgettable sonnets


Ксюша: let us introduce you our judges for today`s party. They are:

- Любецкая Эльмира Талгатовна,

- Мадиева Татьяна Александровна,

- Багманова Роза Абзаловна,

- Багманова Наиля Мударисовна,

- Кашапова Роза Сагитовна.

 (звучит гитара)

Шекспир: ladies and gentlemen, I’m happy to come to the twenty-first century. I have just written a sonnet for you, young guys and girls.


(читает сонет)

(выходят ведущие)


Вика: thank you great, William. We are glad to see you. We want to ask you to become our judge. Please, William, take your sit next to the judges.

Аделя: hundreds years ago the great outstanding English poet and play writer created his famous sonnets. These sonnets became immortal.


Вика: let`s meet the first participant Мишечкина Ангелина.

(сонет 1)

Таня: William was born on the twenty third of April, fifteen sixty four. His father was a well-to-do merchant. There were eight children in their family. William was the third child. But two of children died in early childhood.


Ксюша: the following will be Минигалеев Нияз on the stage.

(сонет 2)


Аделя: William was educated in the school. He went to the grammar school in Stratford, but he was educated more by the people and nature about him than by teaching at school.


Вика: Данилова Ксения is invited to the stage.

(сонет 3)

Таня: when William was only eighteen, he married Anna Hathaway.

Ксюша: three years later in fifteen eighty seven, the young Shakespeare, who already had three children, went to London because he wanted to be an actor.


Таня: In London William began to act and to write plays and soon became an important member of a well-known acting company. His dream became true.

Ксюша: dear guests, have a little rest. Enjoy a mediaeval song “Green sleeves”. Лейсян and Ольга we invite you to the stage.


Аделя: William worked as an actor. But his friends and he didn`t have their own theatre, that`s why they built a theatre and called it the “Globe”.


Вика: most of his plays were performed in the new Globe Theatre built on the bank of the River Thames.


Аделя: the fourth participant will be Мусин Радик.

(сонет 4)

Таня: in sixteen thirteen he stopped writing and went to live in Startford, where he died in sixteen sixteen.


Ксюша: the house William died in exists nowdays. It was a big house bought by William Shakespeare for his family when he was still in London.


Таня: Хасанова Лейсан is invited to the scene.

(сонет 5)

Аделя: Holly Trinity is a church where Shakespeare was buried. Visitors coming to Stratford admire the beauty of the church and honour his memory.


Вика: it is interesting, that he died on his birthday, twenty third of April, sixteen sixteen.


Аделя: following participant is Петрушин Дмитрий.

(сонет 6)

Вика: William Shakespeare wrote one hundred and fifty four sonnets, dedicated to a friend and to his “dark lady”. They are very popular and are translated into different languages, and into Russian too. Meet the next participant Звонарева Таня.

(сонет 7)

Ксюша: now, ladies and gentlemen, enjoy a beautiful mediaeval peasant dance.


Таня:  another memorial to William Shakespeare is the Royal Shakespeare Theatre. The modern Building was constructed in nineteen thirty two. The first building was opened on Shakespeare`s birthday in eighteen seventy nine and destroyed by fire in nineteen twenty six.


Ксюша: and we meet the eighth participant Сайфеев Инсаф.

(сонет 8)

Аделя: the bronze statue of Shakespeare was presented to Stratford by Lord Ronald Sutterland Gower in eighteen eighty eight. Shakespeare`s figure is high above the ground and on the ground there are small figures of Shakespeare`s famous characters.


Вика: Хайруллина Гузелия is invited to the stage.

(сонет 9)

Ксюша: now, dear guests, listen to a lyrical song. Ильназ appears for you.


Таня: the name of William Shakespeare is known all over the world. The last half of the sixteenth and the beginning of the seventeenth centuries are known as the Golden Age of English Renaissance and sometimes are called “The age of Shakespeare”.


Ксюша: and we meet the tenth participant Стратилатов Роман.

(сонет 10)

Аделя: the last participant, Матвеева Алена, is invited to the stage.

(сонет 11)


Аделя: thanks to all participants.


Вика: and now the judges will sum up the results and will announce the winner of our competition.


Аделя: at this time we will watch the pictures from the movie “Romeo and Juliet”

(4 минуты судьи подводят итоги)


Таня: now the chairman of the judges Любецкая Эльмира Талгатовна and William Shakespeare are ready to tell us the results of the competition …

(объявление победителей)

(финальная песня)

Ксюша: our event comes to the end. Thank you all for your attention. Good bye.

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