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Сценарий праздника на английском языке (5-9 классы)

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Сценарий праздника

на английском языке для учащихся среднего звена .

Литературно-музыкальная композиция

“Welcome to the Kingdom of the English Language”


Краткое описание : Праздник « Добро пожаловать в королевство английского языка» проводится в рамках недели английского языка в школе . Проводят учащиеся 7—9 классов , ведущие—ученики 10 класса ( один говорит по-английски , а другой переводит на русский язык , чтобы было понятно приглашённым родителям и классным руководителям ).



Образовательная : расширение лингвистического кругозора учащихся ;

Развивающая : развитие творческих способностей учащихся , формирование готовности к коммуникации ;

Воспитательная : развивать уважение и интерес к литературе страны изучаемого языка , развивать интерес к предмету .


Мотивация к работе : личный интерес учащихся , самореализация , удовлетворение собственным трудом .


Оборудование :

1.      Костюмы , придуманные и изготовленные самими учащимися

2.      Необходимые реквизиты для каждой сценки .

3.      На сцене надпись “Welcome to the Kingdom of the English Language”

4.      Гитара для сценки «The Ant And The Grasshopper»

5.      Аудиокассета с записью музыкального сопровождения

6.      Текст припева к песне “ May there always be sunshine” , написанный крупными буквами на большом листе ватмана .

7.      Книги Г. Б. Стоу « Хижина Дяди Тома» ; М. Твен « Принц и нищий» ; М. Твен « Приключения Тома Сойера и Гекельбери Финна»


Играет музыка и на сцену выходит ведущая –Королева в красивом платье и с короной на голове , за ней идёт второй ведущий –верный паж .


Ведущий 1 : Dear boys and girls ! Dear teachers , parents and guests ! We are glad to

 see you here today ! Now we begin our party “Welcome to the Kingdom of the English Language” .

Ведущий 2 : Дорогие мальчики и девочки ! Уважаемые гости , родители и

учителя ! Мы рады видеть вас здесь сегодня . Сейчас мы начинаем наш праздник  « Добро пожаловать в королевство английского языка»

Ведущий 1 : I am the Queen of this Kingdom .

Ведущий 2 : Позвольте представить нашу Королеву !

Ведущий 1 : We begin our party with the English folk song “ Oh , No John”

Ведущий 2 : Начинаем наш вечер английской шуточной народной песней « О ,

нет , Джон»

( Песню исполняют мальчик и девочка , учащиеся 9 класса )


“ Oh , No John”


1.      On  yonder hill there stands a creature ,

Who she is I do not know .

I’ll go and court her for her beauty ;

She must answer Yes or No !


2.      My father was a Spanish captain

Went to sea a month ago .

First he kissed me , then he left me –

Bid me always answer No .

Oh , no John ! No John ! No John ! No !


3.      O Madam , I will give you jewels ;

I will make you rich and free ,

I will give you silken dresses .

Madam , will you marry me ?

Oh , no John ! No John ! No John ! No !


4.      O Madam , since you are so cruel ,

And that you do scorn me so ,

If I may not be your lover ,

Madam , will you let me go ?

Oh , no John ! No John ! No John ! No !


Ведущий 1 : A fable “ The Fox and the Crane”

Scene 1

Fox : Good morning , my dear friend .

Crane : Good morning , Foxy .

Fox : How are you? I haven’t seen you for ages .

Crane: Thank you , I am all right .

Fox : I  am so glad to see you . Come and have dinner with me , my dear .

Crane : Oh , thank you!


Scene 2

Fox : Here is my home . Sit down , dear Crane . Dinner will de ready in a minute .         Help yourself , dear . The porridge is very good . I have cooked it myself . Sorry , my dear Crane , but I have nothing else to give you /

Crane : Thank you all the same , I’ve had enough . Come and have dinner with me . Good-bye .


Scene 3

Crane : Come in .

Fox : Good afternoon , Crane .

Crane : Oh , Foxy , glad to see you . You are just in time for dinner . Help yourself tj the soup, my friend . Sorry , but I have nothing else to give you .

Fox : But I am very hungry .

Crane : I was hungry after your dinner, too . Good-bye, dear friend .

Fox : We are no longer friends .


Ведущий 1 : Now listen to the humorous verse “ Grizzly Bear”

Ведущий 2 :  Послушайте юмористическое стихотворение о том , что может

случиться , если вы повстречаетесь с медведем .



“ Grizzly Bear”

If you ever , ever meet a grizzly bear ,

You must never , never , never ask him

Where he is going , or what he is doing ;

For if you ever , ever dare to stop a grizzly bear ,

You will never meet another grizzly bear .


Ведущий 1 : The Auction

( after “ Uncle Tom’s Cabin” by H. Beecher Stowe )


Story-teller : It was at the beginning of the 19th century . American traders brought to their country thousands of Negroes from Africa . They sold the Negroes like things . Rich Americans made the Negroes work day and night . This is how it was .


Mr. Haley ( a trader ) : Open your mouth !

Albert : Yes , sir .

Mr. Haley : How old are you ?

Albert : I am 14 , sir .

Mr. Haley : You look ill .

Albert : Oh , no , sir ! I am not ill . I am hungry .

Mr. Haley : I am not going to give you much food .

Albert : Yes , sir .

Mr. Haley : Well . Show me your arms ! All right . Jump a little . Now take my

                    bag and carry it . Stop ! You are strong . I see that . I think I’ll buy you .

Aunt Hagar : He is my son . Buy us together , please . I can work from early

                       morning till late at night . I am strong enough ( She tries to carry

                      the bag but can’t )

Mr. Haley : You are too old to work much .

Aunt Hagar : Buy me too , sir . I’ll die if you don’t .

Mr. Haley : You will die if I buy you . No , I shall not !

Auctioneer : Mr. Haley buys the young Negro for 2 dollars . One! … Two!

White man : 3 dollars !

Mr. Haley : 4 dollars !      

Auctioneer : 4 dollars. One ! … Two ! … Three ! Mr. Haley has bought  the

                     young Negro !

Aunt Hagar : Oh , Albert , oh , my boy , you were my last baby .

Mr. Haley : Let him go ! I paid money for him . Come on! ... Oh , you won’t ?!

                     ( whips the boy ) 


Ведущий 2 : ( показывает книгу « Хижина Дяди Тома» ) Если вы ещё не читали

 эту книгу , отрывок из которой вы сейчас увидели , то спешите в библиотеку и получите её . Она есть даже на английском языке .

Ведущий 1 :  It goes without saying that you know Mark Twain and his well-known

books “ The Prince and the Pauper” and “ The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”

Ведущий 2 : А эти книги вы уж наверняка читали . ( показывает « Принц и

нищий» и « Приключения Тома Сойера и Гекельбери Финна» ) Сейчас смотрим отрывки из этих произведений .





“ Tom Canty and the Prince”

( after “ The Prince and the Pauper” by Mark Twain )


Prince : What has happened? What does this boy want , soldier?

Soldier : He wants to get in and see you .

Prince : Let him in . I want to talk to him . Hello , boy ! What is your name ?

Tom : My name is Tom Canty .

Prince : Where do you live ?

Tom : I live in Offal Court .

Prince : Do you like it there ?

Tom : Oh , it’s very interesting there . There are many children there . Have you

            got any friends ?

Prince: No , I have no friends .

Tom : And with whom do you play ?

Prince : I play alone .

Tom : Oh , how dull it is !

Prince : Yes , it’s very dull here . I want you to stay here and play with me .

Tom : Oh , no .I’ll better go to my offal Court . Your soldiers are very angry .

Prince : Tom , I want to go with you .

Tom : You can’t in this dress . Everybody will know you are the Prince .

Prince : Tom , give me your dress .

Tom : All right . Take it .

Prince : What is this blue mark on your hand ?

Tom : The soldier has struck me .

Prince : How dared he ?

Story-teller : The Prince in Tom’s clothes runs to the gate . He wants to strike

                       the soldier , but he throws the Prince out .

Minister : Breakfast is ready .

Tom : What is it ? What are you ?

Minister : Don’t you know me ? I’m your Minister .

Tom : What is Minister ? I’m Tom Canty , and I don’t know you .

Minister : Oh , the Prince has gone mad . He has forgotten his name !

Tom : What are you saying ?

Minister : You are my Prince .

Tom : I am Tom Canty , I tell you . The Prince has gone to Offal Court .

Minister : I shall call the doctor ! You are not well !

Prince ( running into the room ) : Tom ! Give me back my clothes .

Tom : Take your dress and give me mine . I can’t live here . Your Minister is mad .

Minister ( running in ) : The doctor will come in a minute .

Tom : Good-bye , Prince .

Prince ( turning to the Minister ) : It’s time for breakfast .


“ Tom Doesn’t Want to Go to School”

( after “ The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” by Mark Twain )


Tom : I don’t want to go to school . What can I do to stay at home ? Oh . my tooth

             is loose . That’s wonderful ! Sid ! Sid !

Sid : What has happened , Tom ?

Tom : Oh , Sid ! I am dying . I am not angry with you .

Sid : Oh , Tom , you are not dying ! Don’t !

Tom : I am not angry with Aunt Polly .Tell her so . And , Sid , give my cat with

            one eye to the new girl in my class .

Sid : Oh , Aunt Polly , come ! Tom is dying !

Aunt Polly : Dying !

Sid : Yes , come quickly !

Aunt Polly: Don’t say so ! You , Tom 1 Tom , what has happened to you , me boy ?

Tom : Oh , Auntie , look at my right hand ! It is red and hot .

Aunt Polly : Oh , Tom , stop that nonsense and get up !

Tom : But , Auntie , it is so hot , that I’ve forgotten about me tooth .

Aunt Polly : Your tooth ? And what has happened to your tooth ?

Tom : It’s loose .

Aunt Polly : Open your mouth . Well , you are right . Your tooth is loose . Sid ,

                      bring me some thread .

Tom : Oh , please , dear Auntie , don’t pull it out . It’s all right now .

                      ( Aunt Polly pulls the tooth out )

Tom : Oh, oh ! My tooth was all right . But I didn’t want to go to school .

Aunt Polly : Oh, Tom , you don’t want to go to school . you want to go fishing .

                      Tom , Tom , I love you so , and you … Now get up quickly and go

                      to school !


Ведущий 1 : And again –just for fun : a verse “ Shopping”

Ведущий 2 : И опять смешное стихотворение про животных , у которых

появились деньги . Вы поймёте , что они хотели купить на них и что из этого получилось


“ Shopping”

A bear and bunny had plenty of money ,

They went to the store for carrots and honey .

When the bear and the bunny asked for “Carrots and honey !”

The man in the store cried , “ Where is your money?”

How strange and how funny ! They really had money –

And that’s how they bought their carrots and honey !


Ведущий 1 : And this fable is also very famous . It is called The Ant And The


Ведущий 2 : А эта сценка в переводе не нуждается .


The Ant And The Grasshopper


Scene 1

Story-teller : It’s summer now . The day is hot and sunny. An Ant is working near

                       its little house .

Ant : Oh , how hot it is !    I am very tired . But I must work . Winter will come soon .

Story-teller : And who is coming here ? It’s a Grasshopper .

Grasshopper : Hello , Ant ! What are you doing ?

Ant : Hello , Grasshopper !  I am working .

Grasshopper : Why are you working ? The day is hot . Stop working . Let’s go to

                         the river .

Ant : No, no . Winter will come soon . Where shall I get food then ?

Grasshopper : Winter will not come soon . It’s summer now .

Ant : And what do you do all the time ?

Grasshopper : I dance and sing

Ant : And I have no time to dance and sing . The winter is long and cold . I must

          be ready for it .

Grasshopper : I don’t like winter . I like summer .I don’t like to work in summer  .

Ant : But you must . What will you eat in winter ?

Grasshopper : I don’t want to think of winter . Good-bye , Ant ! I shall

                          and dance

Ant : Good-bye , Grasshopper ! But you will have nothing to eat in winter .


Scene 2

Story-teller : It’s winter now . It’s very cold . The sun doesn’t shine .

                       The Grasshopper is cold and hungry .

Grasshopper : Oh , how cold it is ! I am cold and hungry. What can I do ? Oh ,

                         I see Ant’s house .

Ant : Who is there ?

Grasshopper : It’s your friend , the Grasshopper .

Ant : What do you want ?

Grasshopper : Let me in , please . I am cold and hungry . Give me something to eat .

Ant : You danced and sang in summer  , Grasshopper . Now dance and sing

          in winter . Good-bye !

Story-teller : You see , what happens when you do not want to work in time .

Ant : All right ! Come in ! That will be a lesson for you . Will you work next

         summer ?

Grasshopper : I am ready to work even in winter ! Thank you , my dear friend !


Ведущий 1 : Dear boys and girls ! Our party is over . I wish you study well and read

these books in Russian or in English . ( в руках книги ) And now let’s sing the song “ May there always be sunshine” all together .

Ведущий 2 : Королева желает вам всем хорошо учиться , прочитать эти книги ,

кто ещё не читал и предлагает всем вместе спеть известную песню « Пусть всегда будет солнце» , но только на английском языке . Текст припева написан ( вывешивает лист с текстом песни )


На сцену выходят все участники праздничного вечера и исполняют первый куплет песни “ May there always be sunshine” и припев вместе со зрителями .


“ May there always be sunshine”


Bright blue the sky ,

Sun up on high –

That was the little boy’s picture .

He drew for you ,

Wrote for you ,  too ,

Just to make clear what he drew .


Refrain :

May there always be sunshine ,

May there always be blue skies ,

May there always be Mummie ,

May there always be Me!

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