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Сценарий театральной постановки "Золушка" на английском языке. 4 класс

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Author.This is the story of Cinderella. She is a beautiful girl. She hasn’t got a mother. She has got a father, a stepmother and two stepsisters – Julia and Alice. Her stepmother and stepsisters treated her like a servant. (Соболин)

Alice (Ира) : Cinderella…, Cinderella…, Cinderella…!
(Аня Кара) : Wait, I’m coming. Why are you calling me?
Alice :
Look at that. The floor is dirty. Clean it quickly.
(Настя): no, no, no, Cinderella. I’m hungry now, cook some food first.
Alice : Julie, the floor is dirty.
Julie : Alice, I’m hungry
Alice : I don’t care, the floor is dirty.
Cinderella : May I say some
s (together): NO!!
Step mother (
Даша М.): What’s going on here? Cinderella, clean the floor and cook some food quickly.
Cinderella : okay, mom

(Автор. Носов) There was also a prince who lived in a castle. His parents wanted him to get married. But he was always against it. Finally Prince was ready to get married.

Prince (Слава): Dad, I agree with you. I agree to marry. But….
Queen (Даша Г): Why? What is wrong?
Prince : No. everything is rights. I just want to say I don’t know who I have to marry, mom
King (Петров): ha…ha…ha…, don’t be nervous. We have thought it. We will make a
ball for all the ladies in this country. Then, you can choose one of them to be your wife.
Queen : That’s right. Do you
like this idea?
: I do, mom

Соболин: After that, the Castle Guard spread this news to all the houses in the country. Every lady could come to that party. The Guard came up to the Cinderella’s house.

The Guard (Ицков): Attention, for all ladies in this country. Prince invites you to come to his ball. Every lady can come. That ball will be at Saturday night this week. Thanks for your attention.

В комнату вбегает мачеха Золушки и радостно обращается к дочерям: Girls, girls we will go to the ball, we will go to the ball!!!

1 Daughter (Настя): we will go to the ball!!!

2 Daughter(Ира): we will go to the ball!!!

Берутся за руки и кружатся. Cёстры садятся и прихорашиваются

1 Daughter : Cinderella, bring me a powder!

Cinderella: One minute, one minute

2 Daughter : Cinderella, bring me a mirror!

Cinderella: One minute, one minute (приносит им вещи)

Носов: Cinderella wanted to come to that party. Unfortunately, her step mother didn’t give her permission to go there.

Cinderella: May I go to the ball?!

1 Daughter : Of course, no! You haven’t got a beautiful dress

2 Daughter: You haven’t got beautiful shoes

Mother: Besides, you have got a lot to do at home!!!

Мать и сёстры уходят. Сёстры смеются над Золушкой. Последняя показывает ей язык.

Золушка остаётся одна. Садится на стул и плачет.

Cinderella: I have no dress, I have no shoes. And I want to go to the ball! I want to see the prince.

Звучит музыка и появляется фея.

 Fairy (Алиса): - Hello, Cinderella! Why are you crying?

Cinderella: Oh, dear... fairy… I do want to go to the ball…but  I have no dress, I have no shoes…

Fairy: Don’t cry .I can help you!  Onetwothree….

Волшебница взмахивает волшебной палочкой, Золушка сбрасывает старый халат и остаётся в  красивом платье с изумлением осматривает себя

Cinderella: What a beautiful dress! Oh, thank you!

Fairy: One- two- three 

Выходит маленький паж (Артем М) и на подушечке несёт красивые туфельки

Cinderella: Thank you, thank you, dear fairy… I’ll go to the ball!!! I’ll see the prince!!!

Fairy: The carriage is at the door

 Золушка надевает туфельки убегает, кричит из-за сцены, благодарит фею.

Fairy:  (кричит ей вслед) Don’t forget, at 12 o’clock you must be back! The carriage, the dress and shoes will disappear!!!

Аня Манзулина: Cinderella went to the party. All ladies invited Prince to dance with them. But the Prince didn’t want to do it. Then, When Cinderella came, the Prince was surprised and fell in love with her. Cinderella looked very beautiful. She looked like a beautiful Princess from the Castle in other Country.

Сцена бала начинается с приветствия короля . Придворные кавалеры  оживляются при появлении короля

1 кавалер (Степа):- Wonderful evening, your majesty!

2 кавалер (Леша): -Good evening, your majesty!

1 кавалер(Степа):- You look  great, your majesty!

2 кавалер(Леша):-  Thank you for invitation, your majesty!

The king: Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen! Glad to see you!  Let’s make fun!

В зал входит Золушкаосматривается

The king:  Who is this girl? She is very beautiful!

The queen: She is not from our kingdom, we don’t know this girl!

Принц подходит к Золушке, знакомится с ней

The prince: Hello, what is your name?

Cinderella: I’m Cinderella and you?

The prince: My name is Richard

The king:  The prince is talking to the beautiful unknown girl! Let the music play! Everybody dance!

The prince: May I dance with you?

Cinderella: Yes, I like dancing

Начинается  сцена танцев. (Слава и Аня, Степа и Ира, Леша и Настя, Даша Г. И Тимофей П.)

The prince:  Where are you from? I haven’t seen you before!

Cinderella: I haven’t been to your palace yet.

Степа:  Hello, my name is George, what is your name?

Ира:  My name is Alice

Степа: Nice to meet you.

Ира :  Nice to meet you too.

Леша: My name is Henry. What is your name?

Настя: My name is Julia.

Леша: You look nice!

Настя : Thank you.

King : Look at our son. I feel he is falling in love with this lady.
Queen :
I am so happy to see him in love. I want him to get married soon.

Prince : Lady, you look beautiful. May I ask something?
Cinderella : Sure.
Prince : May I know your name?
Cinderella : Of course. My name is….
(The bell rang)
Cinderella : Oh, sorry Prince. I must go home now.
Prince : No, lady. Stay here, please.
Cinderella : I’m sorry, Prince.
Prince : Lady, don’t lea
ve me. Lady…lady…lady…

(Соболин) Cinderella went home quickly. But the Prince felt sad. But luckily, Cinderella’s glass shoe left in the palace when she was running away.

(Эдик) Don’t be sad, Prince. You can get her back. Look at that. Her shoe left. You can find the owner.
Prince : Brilliant, Thank you. Stop this
ball and we will look for the owner tomorrow. Do you understand?”
Эдик: Yes, sir.

Аня М. Prince and his guards looked for the owner of that glass shoe. But, the shoe was too small to fit the laies in the country. Then they came to the Cinderella’s house.

Mother:Who was that unknown girl at the ball?

1D –Yes, it is interesting!

2D -  The prince danced with her! (обращает внимание на шум за окном) What is the noise?

Глашатай и два королевских гвардейца появляются под окнами (под сценой)  и читают королевский указ.(Эдик, Виталик, Артем М) Дочери с матерью иЗолушка застыв слушают глашатая.



Wanted a girl.

 She is very beautiful. She has got blue eyes and long fair hair.

She has got very small feet. She has lost a shoe. Every girl in the kingdom must try on the shoe.

Мачеха зовёт  охранников в дом.

Mother: Come in gentlemen! I have two daughters; they want to try the shoe on!

Охранники поднимаются на сцену. Дочери сидят на скамеечке и вытягивают ноги, чтобы примерить туфлю

1Daughter: I want to try the shoe on.

The guard (Виталик): This is not your size

2Daughter: I want to try the shoe on too.

The guard (Артем) : This is not your size

Mother: I want to try the shoe

The guard (Виталик): This is not your size. Are there other girls in the house?

Mother, daughter1 and daughter2:  No, No, No

Cinderella: . I want to try the shoe

The guard (Артем): This is your size!

Cinderella: Yes, and I have another shoe.

The guard: (Виталик) We must take you to the palace!

Надевает другую туфельку, сбрасывает халат и опять оказывается в красивом платье.

CinderellaIm ready

Золушка уходит в сопровождении охранников, сёстры и мачеха остаются на сцене, удивлённо разводят руками  и вместе восклицают:

  What a surprise!!!

Во дворце:

Prince : Dad, she is my lady. I will marry with her. Мom, dad, I love her, I hope you agree
King : Who have said we disagree? I’m proud of you. You choose a lady from
your heart
Queen : Yes,
son. You made the right choice.
King : Hey…hey…hey…, Prince is my son.
Prince : Thanks, dad, mom. Cinderella,
will you marry me?
Cinderella : Yes, Prince.

Соболин: Finally, Cinderella and Prince got married.

Носов:Cinderella’s family lived with them in the castle. They didn’t treat her like a servant anymore. And they lived happily ever after in the castle.

Все встают  и поют заключительную песню на мотив  «We wish you  a merry Christmas…»

We wish you a merry wedding

We wish you a merry wedding

We wish you a merry wedding

And long happy life!

Let’s all do a little clapping

Let’s all do a little clapping

Let’s all do a little clapping

And spread happy cheer!

Артисты берутся за руки и кланяются.

Revision Exercises:
I. Complete the sentences using either present simple or present continuous:
1. Look! They (leave) _____________the house.
2. Brian (cycle) ___________________30 km every day.
3. Samantha (do) _________________her homework at the moment?
4. He usually (get up) ______________early in the morning.
5. You (see / not) _______________ her every day.
6. The baby (sleep / not) ________________ at the moment.
7. We (go / not) ______________ to school on Sundays.
8. He (watch / not) _______________the news every day.
II. Write down the sentences using present perfect.
1. Susan / read / her new book
2. I / find / some money in the street
3. Mr and Mrs Baker / have / an accident
4. Tom Davis / win / the volleyball match
III. Complete the sentences using past simple, past continuous or past perfect.
1. My brother______________ (get) married last year.
2. We _______________ (have) dinner when Sally called.
3. John got to the cinema late and the film_____________ (start) when he arrived.
4. I was driving home when the accident ____________ (happen).
5. ________________ (you / watch) TV when I phoned?
6. I'd studied really hard but I _______________ (not pass) the exam.
7. When the post man _____________ (arrive), my father _____ (have) a shower.
8. While my brother __________(study), my grandma _________(make) some muffins.
9. I ____________ (go) to the doctor 2 days ago because I ____(have) a terrible headache
10. He ______________ (miss) the train because he_____________ (talk) with some friends.
11. The thieves__________ (come) into the house while the man ______________ (sleep)
12. I ___________ (drink) a glass of water at eleven pm. I'm not thirsty now.
IV. Change the following from direct to indirect speech:
1. "The film began at seven o'clock," he said.
→ He said _____________________________________________________________

2."Don't make so much noise," he says.
→ He asks us ___________________________________________________________

3."Where did you spend your holidays last year?" she asked me.
→ She asked me ________________________________________________________

4. "Does she know Robert?" he wanted to know.
→ He wanted to know __________________________________________________

  1. "I will get myself a drink," she says.
    → She says _____________________________________________________________

V. Change the following from active to passive voice:

1. Somebody washes the cars every week.

2. Somebody wrote a report last Friday.

3. Somebody will fix the roads. ________________________________________________________

4. Somebody must build new houses every year.

5. Somebody sells vegetables in the market.
VI. Change the following from passive to active voice:
1. Blue shoes are worn by them.
2. You will not be helped by them.
3. The book is not opened by him.
4. The letter must be written by you.
5. Was the thief caught by the police officer?
VII. Complete the following sentences using the conditionals 1,2,3:
1) If I ___________ (be free) tonight, I will go to the cinema.

2) If you get back late, I ____________ (be) angry.

3) If we _______________ (not/see) each other tomorrow, we will see each other next week.

4) If he came, I ________________ (be) surprised.

5) If we hadn’t waited there, we ______________ (not be) late.

VIII. Translate the sentences into Russian. Identiy the tense:

We’ll have packed our luggage by the time the taxi comes.
The government will close the old jail.
My son will be meeting me at the airport at 8 on Tuesday.
I’ll go roller-skating next weekend.
Bob will have left India by this time tomorrow.
By 2050 they’ll have been living in the country for forty years.
The baby will be sleeping at 9 tonight.
They’ll have been working for this company for 10 years next September.

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