Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыСценарий тематической дискотеки, проведенной на неделе иностранных языков "Disco party"

Сценарий тематической дискотеки, проведенной на неделе иностранных языков "Disco party"

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Отдел образования исполкома Кукморского муниципального района РТ Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение татарская гимназия N21

<<Disco Party»

Сценарий тематической дискотеки, проведенной на неделе иностранных языков

Составитель: Ишмеева Г.Р. учитель английского языка

I квалификационной категории

Кукмор 2005

( Vood noernine dear ladies and eentiennen' e(your Eneli •h teachers)are glad to see  at patty. You know it's "Disco Patty guarantQe ou that it will be diftérent colupetit Ions ith interestine noonoents.lm io_v yoursel\ es and spend your as ilinny as it could be.

I Let's bec,in our compertitions.Be active. [he first patt is g•eeting.Cotne here dear palieipators . You should introduce u»urselves in seseral words.Fot- exannple let us introduce ourselves: I anl Gulchachak Raiisov na English teacher .1 have been ovkinuy in E l atar eyinnasiunn I S Nears.l like Iny profes *ion and espeacialy nny pupils Please introduce yourself.The best introducer ill will get a special medal.

( I Ine pupils introduce thenaselv es. )

Ok. Your English is so good. We liked your introduction, Tnanks a lot.

And now dance everybodyL We                 that } ou like dancing sery nnueh.

to the next part of our partyLl.et's remennber your first steps at English. Revnenlbet• sour first  rhs mes and s,ones.

( Pupils tell their fas ourite rhy nies, ) 'Vlvank y ou dear boys and girls.And now  to sine   our fax ourite sones,ss hich       liked in your childhood. tuay he thioueh these sonus you - Il begin lilakine sour success in your English.l-et's A circles.l ins ite     of y ou to help Ine.( Pupils sing the sor gs  t hank sou \ erv Inuch.You sine \ ery ell.lt's ureat..And          let •s dance touether

hat are sour iinpressions about our parts Do ou like it.) Can we continue our purls I f   can do it let's begin the next colupetition.lt ill be tlte tonque-twisters conipetltion.Say    quick as you can.( Fifiv-fitiv Mississippi. (Jnique New York. What noise annoy s an oy ster).So the best speaker ill eet a prize.(yood for you.C)ur congratulations.

l)o ou veant to dance? M usic please!

So e have recalled our first steps at I inelish.t\nd now       often dreanl about ouj• •seethearts.l.et m s imagine vour first dating. You'll take   rt conversations. You should act out. Be artistic and try to show téelings to each other.     forget you are at this numnent. lhe best actor ill get a prize.t Pupils act out the cons erqa -

I hanks a lot, You are super! Now sse sue o est you to Ote on our young hands if y ou liked the pair nunnber I .And   let's clap if   Isant to vote on the second pair.S,o our inner is the. .         coneratulations and our noeclals.So the next dance not.isic ill be for our lose and sy Inpathy to each 0th er.We lose    our pupi\s. Dance ex erybodv.Be happy . We ish ou to find >æur     e?thealts and to be belosecjq

I he next cotnpetition IS also   you dear linaginable        eethearts:sou should take nvalches one by one and say ords hich caress ears of your sxseethearts, Who can naine Inore swords will be the  to noe dear boys and girls and take the apples ith nvatches.(pupils nanne the ad lectives

 I hanks a lot. decided to present ou eets to be noore attractive and lender e lox.' each other,sse ant to be that' < lees dance our" White dance Please dance ex cry one. You are so nice and charnning.l think everyone deserxes attelb lion il]vank you very much. You dance oncierful.,And as e k novv our best dancevx should take our special prizes.

Attention! Attention! Welove_sou our dear boys and girls.Nl ow would like to inxåt.e our boys and girls ivho were born on this eek.L)ear. , . We congratulate you on our birthday.Our best wishes and Inany happy returns.} and loxæ. NVe wish you tobe our best pupils förexer.f\nd our su -prise for you. A s a present we suoeest the best dance music for y ou.

next cotnpetit;on is Cocerning Phonetics. You should »ronounce. the followin i2 ords correctly. The best prouncer ill get a prize.( Pupils read the words).

let's take part in the dance -competition.          knoxv t lat Russia is a tnulticultural

Country and there are many nationalities hich has e their own traditions and custon)su should show us your dancine abilities in national c ancest l he best dancer h ou are zooci dancers e sees Thank sou serv no uch.l\oxs ecs dance all together

last connpetition is called ..Do ou k nosy English ell?" ILv 10 anssser the questions on different topics. You xson't hax e any tinne to think  will ansxser I henÄ at once

I 3 first letters in the English A BC 2 hat in the last year.

3.    Spell the

4.    Read the

2 nd dav of a ileek

6. What season conies affer inter';          reated Mucky-noouse'.>

8.          ho discovered America?

9.          Who is your   s 11)0ther'?

I              s the capital of England'?

I low nvany windoxss are there in our sportroonf.o 1 2 What s your English teachers hanne'.)

Who is your father s father')

1 41 IONS ltvany seasons are there in a year hat the capital of the Russian ederation,

1 6. ha: s the sy nobol of Enuland'.

1 7.1     inanv stars has the flag 01 line I 'S X

1 8. hat are the n•éllnes of the parts of the U

1                             tnanv English teachers are there      our school .

2(). hat's            favourite subject'

2                             1 llat is 11r.Kasirnov conies to the children on Nexv earÄ l)as do you have on breakfast')

you like dancine favout•ite kind of njusic•

26. What s the address of Your school'.)

27 1 he telephone number of our school'.

Good fov you dear boys and girls. You knoxx E nulish sery jell.

(         connpetitions are oxer Thank you ery Inuch coining. We think vs e' ye had a ioy ful tinne together.Be happy. We lox e you verv nnueh.

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