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Сценарий урока домашнего чтения в VI классе по книге Л. Кэрролла «Алиса в стране чудес»

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Сценарий урока домашнего чтения в VI классе по книге Л. Кэрролла «Алиса в стране чудес» (Английский язык, 6 класс, Алиса в стране чудес, Английский в фокусе, Ваулина Ю.Е., 2011)

Цели и задачи урока: контроль понимания прочитанного; практика устной речи; использование изученной ранее лексики и грамматики; повышение мотивации к изучению английского языка.

Оформление: на доске прикреплена большая обложка книги, рисунки детей, изображающие понравившихся героев и сцены из книги, поле игры на магнитной доске с фишкой-магнитом.

Рядом стоят различные издания книги на английском языке.

Ход урока: 

I.Today we are going to talk again about Alice and her adventures in Wonderland. We're starting our adventures with the help of the board game which you can see here. The board consists of squares of four colours: red, yellow, green and blue. Each colour represents a question. On the yellow square you can see a Character question; on the green square you can see a Place question. There is an Adventure question on the blue square and a Why question is on the red square. There are three squares to miss a turn. I've got a dice to help you to move from START to FINISH and cards of four colours with four different questions I've told you about. You will choose one of the questions seeing only the colour of it, without knowing the question itself. If you answer correctly you'll be able to move a head towards FINISH. If we finish the game we'll help Alice in her adventures. 

II.Before we start our game let's look the pictures you have drawn for today's 1esson.

"Alice and Rabbit"

Question: Why did Alice's adventures begin? 

 Answer: Alice saw the White Rabbit with watch and a pocket and followed him.

"The Pool of Tears"

Question: Why was Alice in the pool of tears?

Answer: She couldn't go through the small garden door because she was too big.

"The Caterpillar"

Question: How did the Caterpillar help Alice?

Answer: It told her to use the mushroom to grow bigger or smaller.

"Cheshire Cat"

Question: What didn't Alice know about Cheshire cats?

Answer: That they always grin.

III. Now you're ready to start the game.

Учитель бросает кубик. В зависимости от количества точек на кубике продвигает фишку-магнит по полю, останавливаясь на одном из квадратиков. Учащиеся по очереди вытаскивают карточки с вопросами в зависимости от цвета квадратика на поле и отвечают на них. Вопросы написаны на отдельных карточках красного, желтого, зеленого и голубого цветов.

Character Questions:

1.  Who was mad in the place where Alice was? (Everybody)

2.  Who did Alice see in the pool of tears? (A mouse, a duck, a dodo and a lot of other animals and birds)

3.  Who hid the gardeners from the soldiers? Where? (Alice; she put them into a big flower pot.)

4.  Whose names were "2", "5" and "7"? (The gardeners' names)

5.  How many people were there at the tea table? (There were only three: the Hatter, the March Hare and a dormouse)

6.  Whose name was Dinah? (Alice's cat's)

7.  Who won in the race? (Everybody)

8.  Who did the White Rabbit take Alice for? (For Mary Ann, the girl who worked for him) 9. Who was there in the Duchess's house? (The Duchess, a baby, a cook and a big cat) Place Questions:

1.  Where were the Hatter and the March Hare trying to put the Dormouse? (Into a teapot)

2.  Where wasn't there any place for Alice? (At the tea table)

3.  Where did the Duchess live? (In a small house)

4.  Where did Alice see the Cheshire Cat? (In one of the nearby trees)

5.Where did the March Hare put the watch? (Into his tea)

6.  Where did Alice find the prizes for the animals after the race? (In her pocket) 

7.  Where was the key of the door to the beautiful garden? (On a little table)

8.  Where was the baby when Alice went in? (In the Duchess's arms)

Adventure Questions:

1.  What did the Queen of hearts shout all the time? ("Off with their heads!")

2.  What could the Cheshire Cat do? (grin)

3.  What helped Alice become smaller? (A small bottle, the fan, pieces of the mushroom)

4.  What did the animals and Alice do so as not to be cold after the pool of tears? (They had a Caucus race)

5.  How many bits of the mushroom did Alice take? (Two bits with each hand)

6.  What was the prize for Alice after the race? (A small box without sweets)

7.  What did the cook throw at the Duchess in her house? (Such things as pots, jars, irons,knives)

8.  What did the White Rabbit look for?(The fan and the little gloves)

Why Questions:

1.      Why did Alice go to the March Hare's home? (She thought that if it was May, the March Hare wasn't very mad)

2.      Why was the Duchess's house very noisy? (The cook was making a great noise with cooking utensils)

3.      Why was the Caterpillar's question "Who are you?" difficult for Alice? (Because she had changed more than once)

4.      Why wasn't the Duchess in the Queens procession? (She was waiting to have her head cut off)

5.      Why shouldn't Alice be afraid of the Queen of hearts and all who were with her?

(Because they were only the pack of cards)

6.      Why was it difficult for Alice to know which side of the mushroom to eat? (Because the mushroom like other mushrooms was round)

7.      Why did the gardeners paint the roses red? (If the Queen sees white roses on the tree she'll have their heads cut оff)

8.      Why did the White Rabbit take Alice for Mary Ann? (He was in a hurry and he didn't look at her because he was looking for his fan and gloves)

Если во время игры фишка попадает на квадрат "Miss a turn", то учащимся даются задания: разгадать кроссворд по содержанию книги, разыграть диалог между персо-нажами, озвучить роли героев мультфильма по видео (например, разговор Алисы и Чеширского кота).В игре нет одного победителя. Побеждают все участники.

IV. We helped Alice in her adventures and we've come to finish.





Приложение 1


Приложение 2

Кроссворд для разгадывания во время пропуска хода:

1.Where did the Caterpillar sit? (on the mushroom)

2.Who is sitting on the mushroom in the picture? (caterpillar)

3.What can caterpillars change into? {butterflies)

4.Was the first Caterpillar's question hard or easy? (hard)

5.Did Alice become angry when the Caterpillar asked her a hard question? (yes)

6.How many bits of mushroom did Alice take? (two)

7.What was in the garden? (house)

8.What kind of house was in the garden, big or small? (small)

9.Who began throwing things at the Duchess in chapter VI? (cook)

10.What did the baby change into? (pig)

11.Which part of the Cheshire Cat disappeared last? (g r i n )

12.(Complete the sentence) All people and animals in the place where Alice was were... (mad)



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