Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыСценарий утренника на английском языке ''In the World of Fairy-Tales"

Сценарий утренника на английском языке ''In the World of Fairy-Tales"

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Beдущий: Good afternoon, children and our dear guests! Today we are going to have a  party. Do you like to read fairy-tales? All children like to read fairy-tales or to listen to them. I am sure it is very interesting to meet your favourite faire-tales characters.


Pupils recite poems about books.


Волшебник: I have an old magic book. I have a crystal ball. That’s why I am the strongest and the cleverest of all.

Мать и дочь-разбойницы: Who are you?

Волшебник: I am a magician. My name is John Jones. I am the best magician in the world.

Мать: She is the best.

Дочь: I am the best.

Поет песню: (песня разбойницы из м/ф  “Бременские музыканты”):

                       I’m the best, I’m not a beauty

                       Everybody understands, be the worst is my first duty

                       And I try, but it depends.

                       Look at me – I’m the best

                       And don’t stare at the rest,

                       Look at me/2 and you never will be free!

Дочь: And what is it in your hands, I wonder?

Bолшебник: It’s my magic book, the book of Adabra!

Дочь: Ha-ha! The book of Adabra!

Волшебник: Don’t laugh. This book has a strong magic. I can turn you into a frog!

Дочь: You? Turn me? You are the miserable magician. Oh, mum, I want to have this book. Now bring it to me!

Мать: No problems!

Волшебник: It’s my book! It’s not yours!

Мать: No, it was yours and now it is ours. Ha-ha!

Волшебник: Oh, my god! They stole my magic book!

Дочь: This book is not interesting, there are no pictures in it. OK. I’ll give you this book if you tell me a fairy-tale!

Волшебник: Well, look in crystal ball. 1,2,3. SHASAM!


Bедущий: Once upon a time there lived a young princess. Her name was Snow-white.

Белоснежка: I am Snow-white. I live here in this palace with my friends, my dear

father and my stepmother.

Мачеха: I am a queen. I am beautiful. I am very, very beautiful. (Берет зеркало и говорит): Mirror, mirror on the wall

                 Who is the fairest of us all?

Зеркало: You, o, Queen, are the fairest of all.


Королева поет песню ( под музыку песни “Арлекино”):

                        I am a queen, yes, I am a queen,

                        I’m the best queen in the world.

                        I’m a queen, yes, I am a queen,

                        I love silver, diamond, gold!


Мачеха: Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of us all?

Зеркало: You, o, Queen, you are the best, but Snow-white is the fairest!

Мачеха: Then she must die! A hunter!

Охотник: Yes, my Queen!

Мачеха: Take this girl into the forest and kill her!

Охотник: But she is too young and she is too beautiful.

Мачеха: Don’t tell me anything about her. What did I say to you?

Oхотник: Yes, my Queen!

Ведущий: And the hunter took the young princess to the forest.

Охотник: My poor little girl, I can’t do this cruel thing. You may hide in this forest.

Ведущий: Soon after he left her, she came upon a little house, among the trees.

How do you think what did she see there? Yes, she saw seven little beds.

Белоснежка: What a wonderful house! I’d like to live here. But I am so tired. I want to have a rest( ложится спать).


Гномы (выходят и поют песню):

Walking along we sing a happy song,

All things are fine, we sing a song and smile.

Hey! Stodala/3 Pumpa, Stodala Pumpa/2

Stodala/3 Pumpa, Stodala Pumpa/5!


1-й гном: What a beautiful girl!

2-гном: Oh, yes, she is very beautiful!

3-й гном: What can she be?

4-й гном: May be she is a princess?

5-й гном: Where is she from?

6-й гном: What is she doing here?

7-й гном: I think she went the wrong way.


Ведущий: When Snow-white told them her sad story, the eldest said:

1-й гном: You may stay here.

2-й гном: But if you promise to cook for us.

3-й гном: And to keep the house tidy.

4-й гном: We will be glad to see you in our house.

Белоснежка: I’d love to!

Ведущий: And from that day she began to take care of them.


Мачеха: Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of all?

Зеркало: You, o, Queen, you are the best, but Snow-white is the fairest!

Мачеха: How? Why? She is alive!

Зеркало: O, my Queen, she is alive. She lives with seven dwarfs in their house and she is the fairest in the world!


Ведущий: Learned these words, the Queen takes an apple with deadly poison. She

went to the dwarf’s house.

Мачеха: I have brought you a lovely rosy red apple, pretty one.

Bедущий: When she ate this poisoned apple, she fell to the ground. Alas, the apple contained a deadly poison.


Появляются гномы:

1-й гном: Oh, our dear Snow-white!

2-й гном: Oh, why don’t you answer?

3-й гном: What’s wrong with you?

4-й гном: This is the work of the evil queen!

5-й гном: She is too beautiful to be buried in the cold ground!

6-й гном: Let’s stay her here!

7-й гном: So all who pass this way may see how beautiful she is!


Ведущий: One day a handsome prince came riding through the forest. When he saw Snow-white, he fell in love with her.

Принц: Oh, how beautiful you are! I have never seen such a beauty!

Белоснежка: Oh, what has happened to me?

Принц: When I saw you, I fell in love with you. Be my queen!

Белоснежка: Of course, I will!


Белоснежка и Принц танцуют вальс.


Артисты выходят на сцену и поют песню “FAIRYTALE” А.Рыбака.
















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