Инфоурок Иностранные языки ТестыСценарий выпускного вечера в 4 классе на английском языке. УМК И.Н.Верещагиной, О.В. Афанасьевой.

Сценарий выпускного вечера в 4 классе на английском языке. УМК И.Н.Верещагиной, О.В. Афанасьевой.

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                                СЦЕНАРИЙ – ВЫПУСКНОЙ  4  КЛАСС.



Звучит музыка «Джентльмены». Выходят участники монтажа.


1.     Любим все мы гимназисты

В школу каждый день ходить.

Здесь о многом по-английски научились говорить.


2.     The school has doors that open wide

And friendly teachers wait inside.

Lots to learn and lots to do.

I like to go to school, don’t you?


3.     The girls like Drawing, Reading.

The boys – to play football.

And everybody in my class

Likes English most of all.


4.     Рассказать как день проводим

Не составит нам труда.

Про зарядку, про уроки,

Игры с другом и дела.


5.     When the sun is in the sky

I get up and open my eye.

I wash, put on my dress and pair

Of shoes and all the things I wear.

Then walking off to school I go

To learn the things that I must know.


6.     Наша школа крепкой дружбой

На весь город славится.

Без друзей с бедой никак никому не справиться.


7.     I’ve got a friend

We like to play

We play together every day.


8.     He always helps me

When I’m in need

For he’s my friend – good friend indeed.


9.     На уроки кое – кто мог игрушку прихватить.

Приходилось по – английски про мишутку говорить.






10.    My Teddy keeps me warm in bed

   I like his brown toes,

   I like his darling funny head,

   His pretty little nose.



11.    Завтрак, ланч, обед и ужин

   Могут дети обсудить.

   И о чувствах настоящих по-английски заявить.


12.  I like ice-cream, he likes sweets                  13.  I like cookies, she likes cheese

       I lie coffee, he likes tea.                                      I live you – do you love me?


14.     I can read, I can write

  I can speak English too

  I love learning English!

  And what about you?


15.     Здесь на всех у нас одно суперувлечение.

  Английский точно каждому приносит наслаждение!


16.     Everybody has a hobby.

  And we have got a common one/

  English does attract us

  More than films or actors

  And…………..it is a great fun! ( все вместе ).


Звучит музыка «Джентльмены». Выходят ведущие.


1 child:    Good afternoon, dear teachers and parents!


2 child:    Здравствуйте, дорогие учителя и родители! Today we say good-bye to primary school  in English and show you what we can say and do.


1 child:    Мы сегодня говорим «До свидания» начальной школе на     английском языке и  показываем вам, что мы умеем делать и говорить. А начинали мы с букв и звуков,  игрушек и цветов.


Стихотворение “Animals from A to Z


A is Ape, B is Bee,

C is Clownfish in the sea!

D is Deer, E is Eel,

F is Fox who wants a meal,

G is Goose, H is Hog




I’s an Inchworm on a log

Jay is J, Koala’s K,

          L’s Lion far away

M is Mule, N is Newt

O’s an Ostrich, tall and cute.

P is Pig, Q is Quail

R’s a Rat with curly tail

Snake is S, Turkey’s T

U’s the Umbrella bird flying free

V is Viper, Worm is W

Bird’s “X” are hatching

Does that joke trouble you?

Yak is Y, Zebra’s Z

Alphabet animals for you and me.



стихотворение “Colours”



          What is pink? A rose is pink

By a fountain’s brink.

What is red? A poppy’s red

In its barley bed.

What is blue? The sky is blue

Where the clouds float through.

What is white? A swan is white

Sailing in the light.

What is yellow? Pears are yellow,

Rich and ripe and mellow.

What is green? The grass is green

With small flowers in between.

What is violet? Clouds are violet

In the summer twilight.

What is orange? Why an orange,

Just and orange.



1 child:     And then we learnt to name people of the family.


2 child:     Потом мы учились называть членов семьи.









стихотворение “My Mother”


Who said “Good night”

When I was a child?

– My Mother.

Who dressed my dolls in clothes so gay

And showed me often how to play?                                                          

– My Mother.

Who ran to help me when I fell

And who could funny stories tell?

– My Mother.

Who sits at my head

when I am in bed?

– My Mother.

Who is so nice, who is so kind,

Another so dear you’ll never find?

        My Mother.


1  child:      We  like to play with our toys and we have got many toys. Lets listen about  our favourite toys.


child:      Мы любим играть с игрушками и у нас много разных игрушек. Давайте послушаем стихи о наших любимых игрушках.



Ive  got  many  toys.


I’ve got a hare,

I’ve got a bear.

My toys are here,

My toys are there.


My horses are white,

My kittens are grey.

I’ve got many toys.

Let’s play!



The tiger-cub 


I’m a baby tiger,

My coat is smooth and nice, 

It is of yellow color 

With pretty narrow stripes. 





My dog.


My dog is clever, strong and quick, 

It's name is Spot, my name is Nick. 

My dog is nice, my dog is gay,

We play together every day.



 I said to crocodile: 

"Will you play with me?"

 "Oh, no," - said Crocodile.

"oh, no," - said he.

Here is my tooth-brush

And here is my cup so new.

I must brush my teeth.

 I cannot play with you.



My Pussy.


I love my little Pussy

Her coat is so warm.

And if I don’t hurt her

She’ll do me no harm.

So I’ll not pull her tail

Nor drive her away.

But Pussy and I

Very gently will play.





 I think mice are very nice, 

 Their tails are long, 

Their faces are small, 

They haven't any chins at all.

Their ears are pink,

Their teeth are white,

They run about the house at night.

But I think mice are very nice. 









1 child:    We know the names of different animals and can sing a song about them.


2 child:    Мы знаем названия разных животных и можем спеть песню

про дядюшку  Мак Дональда и его ферму.


Песня  “Old MacDonald”


                             Old MacDonald had a farm,   

                              Ee - i – Ee – i – Oh,     

                             And on his farm he had some chicks,

                             Ee - i – Ee – i – Oh,

                             With a chick, chick here,

                             And a chick, chick there

                             Here a chick, there a chick,

                             Ev’rywhere a chick, chick.

                                                           Old MacDonald had a farm,

                                                                             Ee - i – Ee – i – Oh,

                                                                             And on his farm he had some ducks,

                                                                             Ee - i – Ee – i – Oh,

                                                                             With a quack, quack here,

                                                                             And a quack, quack there,

                                                                             Here a duck, there a duck,

                                                                             Ev’rywhere a quack, quack.

            Old MacDonald had a farm,                                                                      

            Ee - i – Ee – i – Oh,

              And on his farm he had some pigs,

              Ee - i – Ee – i – Oh,

              With an oink, oink here,

              And an oink, oink there,

               Here a pig, there a pig,

              Ev’rywhere a hoink, hoink.


                                                                Old MacDonald had a farm.

                                                                  Ee - i – Ee – i – Oh

                                                                 With a chick, chick here,

                                                                  And a quack, quack there,

                                                                   With an oink, oink here,

                                                                  And a moo, moo there

                                                                  Old MacDonald had a farm,

                                                                   Ee - iEeiOh









1 child:     Now we know the names of different professions and can tell what we want to be.


2 child:     Теперь мы знаем названия разных профессий и умеем говорить кем мы хотим быть.



стихотворение “Wishes”


1.    When I think of what I will be,

       It is something that puzzles me.  

       When I am a grown man,

       Shall I drive a lorry or a van?


2.   Shall I be an electrician,

      And fix everybody’s television?

      When I think of what I’ll be,

      It is something that puzzles me.


3.          I want to be a worker

      On a Russian modern plant

And make machines and lorries

For our Motherland.


4.      I want to be a farmer

         On a big collective farm

         We do like bread and butter

And to eat them gives no harm.


5.       I want to be a doctor

To keep the children strong

And make their parents happy

And let them all live long.


6.       I want to be a teacher

And teach my children nice

To read, to write, to listen

And give them good advice.


7.       I want to be a sailor

To sail through the sea

I’ll meet with many strangers

Who’ll make friends with me.


8.       I want to be a spaceman

And journey to the Moon

In our Russian rocket

I’ll make this journey soon.


9.       I want to be a soldier

To watch our borders’ peace

And guard our people’s freedom

And let them live at ease.


10.      So, let us, children, study,

To make our wishes true –

We all are strong and happy

And gay as well as you.










1 child:

We are happy children

Strong and full of fun.

Look at our banners

In the bright, bright sun!


2 child:

We are children.

High our flags we raise.

Thank you, our Teachers,

For our happy days!




2 child:   And now, pupils, let’s stand up and sing the song “If you are happy”:


If you are happy and you know it,
Clap your hands.
If you are happy and you know it,
Clap your hands.
If you are happy and you know it,
And you really want to show it,
If you are happy and you know it,
Clap your hands!


If you are happy and you know it,
Stamp your feet.
If you are happy and you know it,
Stamp your feet.
If you are happy and you know it,
And you really want to show it,
If you are happy and you know it,
Stamp your feet!

If you are happy and you know it,
Snap your fingers.
If you are happy and you know it,
Snap your fingers.
If you are happy and you know it,
And you really want to show it,
If you are happy and you know it,
Snap your fingers!

If you are happy and you know it,
Click your tongue.
If you are happy and you know it,
Click your tongue.
If you are happy and you know it,
And you really want to show it, Click your tongue!


If you are happy and you know it,
Nod your head.
If you are happy and you know it,
Nod your head.
If you are happy and you know it,
And you really want to show it,
If you are happy and you know it,
Nod your head!

If you are happy and you know it,
Say OK.
If you are happy and you know it,
Say OK.
If you are happy and you know it,
And you really want to show it,
If you are happy and you know it,
Say OK!

If you are happy and you know it,
Do all six.
If you are happy and you know it,
Do all six.
If you are happy and you know it,
And you really want to show it,
If you are happy and you know it,
Do all six


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