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Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия "Мамин день" 4 класс

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Сценарий праздника   «Happy Mother's Day»



-   Научить учащихся самостоятельно работать с фонетическим материалом стихов и песен.

-   Формировать актерские навыки при исполнении стихов, пьес, песен на анг­лийском языке.

-   Активизировать у учащихся твор­ческие способности при подготовке и проведении праздника.

-   Повысить интерес учащихся к изуче­нию английского языка.


Обучающая. Научить учащихся пра­вильному употреблению речевых образ­цов в стихах и пьесах (I don't know ..., I can't..., Can you ...? You can't...).


Развивающая. Развивать умения моно­логической и диалогической речи, уме­ние импровизировать; развивать память и логическое мышление.


Воспитательная. Создать благопри­ятный эмоционально-психологический климат обучения, атмосферу благожела­тельности, сопереживания героям пьес. Воспитать в детях положительный образ матери, женщины.



                                                   Ход мероприятия

Pupil 1: Good morning, dear mothers, guests and dear teachers!

Pupil 2: We are very glad to see you.

Pupil 1: This party is for all girls and women!

Pupil 2: And for all mothers!

Pupil 1: We hope you will like it.

Pupil 2:     Today is Mother's Day.

                    Let's help Mama.
                    I'll make breakfast.
                    You make lunch.
                    I'll do the dishes.
                    You do the shopping.
                    Let's help Mama.
                    It's Mother's Day


Pupil 1:       Today is Mother's Day.
                     Let's help Mama.
                     I'll sweep the bedrooms.
                     You make the beds.
                     I'll clean the kitchen.
                     You do the laundry.
                     Let's help Mama.
                     It's Mother's Day.




Выходят  7 учеников и рассказывают стихотворения.


Pupil 1: I love my dear Mummy!

             I love her very much!       

             And do you love your Mummy?


Children (in chorus): Of course, we do!

 Pupil 1: Who loves Mummy best?    

Pupil 2:      "I", says Fred,       

    "I give her flowers:    

    White, yellow and red."

     Who loves Mummy best?


Pupil 3: "I", says May,

    "With my dear Mummy,.  

      I always play."

     Who loves Mummy best?


Pupil 4:    I", says Joe,

    "She asks me to help her

    And I always do so."


Pupil 5:  I'm mother's little pet

             Yes, that's me

   And my hair is very black

    As you can see.


Pupil 6:  I have two balls, many toys

       And a brother.

               And I'm very, very fond of my mother.


Pupil 7:   Who fed me when I was a child?

Children (in chorus): My mother!


Pupil 8:  Who sat and watched my little head,

                While I slept in my little bed?     
Children (in chorus): My mother!


Pupil 9: Mother is busy from morning till night

                 Keeping her family happy and bright!


Children (in chorus): I love you so much!




Pupil 2: We have prepared a short play. It is called "Little Lost Baby."



Baby Animal (Elis)







Storyteller: The baby animal had walked all morning and most of the afternoon. He was tired. He was lost. He couldn't remember his name. He didn't even know what he was. He wanted his mummy.


 Baby Animal: I'm lost. I don't know what I am. I can't remember my name. I want my mummy. Whose baby animal am I?


Storyteller: He met Mother Dog. She was knitting a sweater for her baby.


Baby Animal: I'm lost. I can't remember my name. Will you be my mummy?


Mother Dog: Can you sound like a dog? Can you say, "Bow-wow. Bow-wow?"


Baby Animal: Ugh.


Mother Dog: I'm sorry. You can't be my baby. You don't sound like a dog.


Storyteller: Baby Animal met Mother Cat. She was making a birthday cake for her kittens.


Baby Animal: I am lost. I don't know what I am. I can't remember my name. Will you be my mummy?


Mother Cat: Can you sound like a cat? Can you say, "Meow, meow?"


Baby Animal: Ugh.


Mother Cat: I'm sorry. You can't be my baby. You don't sound like a cat.


Storyteller: Baby Animal met Mother Bear. She was reading a story to her cubs.


Baby Animal: I'm lost. I don't know what I am. I can't remember my name. Will you be my mummy?


Mother Bear: Can you sound like a bear? Can you say "Grr, grr?"


Baby Animal: Ugh!


Mother Bear: I'm sorry. You can't be my baby. You don't sound like a bear.


Storyteller: Baby Animal met Mother Squirrel. She was feeding her baby squirrels.


Baby Animal: I'm lost. I don't know what I am. I can't remember my name. Will you be my mummy?


Hen: Can you sound like a squirrel? Can you say, "Keoo, keoo?"


Baby Animal: Ugh.


Hen: I'm sorry. You can't be my baby. You don't sound like a squirrel.


Storyteller: Baby Animal met Mother Elephant. She was all alone. She was weeping.


Baby Animal: I'm lost. I don't know what I am. I can't remember my name. Will you be my mummy?


Mother Elephant: Can you say, "Ugh, ugh"?


Baby Animal: Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!


Mother Elephant: I am glad. You are my lost baby. Your name is Elis. I'm your mother.


Baby Animal: My name is Elis. I’m very happy, I’m very glad. I love you, mummy!!!



Pupil 1: Now, listen to the song  M-O-T-H-E-R” and sing with us!











Pupil 2: Now let us watch the second play. It is called “The Silly Chicken”






Chicken Little


(Chicken Little stands between the cock and the hen. The hen has a wing on his head.)

Hen: Look, father, how nice our little son is! (Chicken little raises his head proudly.) Sonny, my dear sonny, say “How do you do” to your father!

Chicken Little: How do you do, daddy!

Cock: How clever our son is!

Hen: Now, my darling, make a pretty bow!

(Chicken Little makes a bow.)

Cock: Oh, my dear sonny, you are strong, you can do everything!

(Chicken Little raises his head higher and sticks out his chest.)

Hen: Now I must go and get some crumbs and seeds for you, my dear little sonny-boy!

Cock: And I must go and cry cock-a-doodle-doo

Hen: My dear son, you may play here, in the yard!

Chicken Little: Yes, mummy! Good bye, daddy!

(The Cock and the hen go away)

Chicken Little: (walks up and down) I am clever, I am strong, I can do everything! I am clever. I am strong, I can do everything!

(The frog jumps up to him)

Frog: Croak, croak! Hello, Chicken Little!

Chicken Little: Hello, frog! Look at me! I am clever, I am strong, I can do everything.

Frog: Can you jump? Look! (He jumps across the stage)

Chicken Little: Of course, I can! I can do everything! (He begins to jump, falls down and cries) mummy, mummy! Oh, my leg!

Hen: I am here! Oh, my little chicken! (She bandages his leg). Now, now, here are some crumbs for you! (Chicken Little eats them up). My darling! (She goes away)

   (The cat comes on the stage. Chicken Little crosses the stage. He cannot walk well.)

Cat: meow! Meow! Hello, Chicken Little! Are you ill?

Chicken Little: Hello, cat. I am not ill. I am strong. I am clever, I can do everything.

Cat: And can you say “meow”?

Chicken Little: I can do everything! Listen: peep, peep, peep!

Cat: but that is not “meow”, it is “peep, peep”! And can you catch rats?

Chicken Little: Oh, yes, I can! I can do everything!

 (The rat appears)

Rat: hello, hello, Chicken Little, can you catch me? Chicken Little, catch me, catch me!

(The rat runs, Chicken Little runs after it, then the rat looks round, turns and runs after Chicken Little. It bites him on the head.)

Chicken Little (cries): mummy, mummy, come here! My head, my head! Oh, Oh, mummy!

(The hen runs up to him)

Hen: Oh, my dear, oh my poor little boy! Don’t cry! (She bandages his head). Here are some seeds for you! (Chicken Little eats them up).Are you well now?

(She goes away. The frog, the cat and the rat come up to Chicken Little)

Frog: I don’t think he is clever.

Rat: I don’t think he is strong.

Cat: What can he do? He can do nothing.

Chicken Little: (stamps his foot) But I am clever, I am strong, I can do everything!

Frog: But it is not true.

Cat: No, it is not true.

Rat: You must learn and learn.

Frog: Then you will be clever.

Cat: Then you will be strong.

Rat: Then you can do everything.

Frog, Cat, and Rat: (together)  But now you are only a silly little chicken! Good bye!       

Выходят ученики и рассказывают стихи о маме.


                My dear, dear mummy,

                  I love you very much!

                  I want you to be happy

                  On the 8th of March!


                     I like the way you look,
                     I like the way you cook,
                     Now I want to say:
                     «Happy Mother’s Day! »


                         Mom is such a special word

                    The loveliest I've ever heard

                    These words to you, above all the rest,

                    Mom, you're so special,

                    You are simply the best!


                     Mommy I love you
                     More than you see
                     You have always been there
                     When I needed you to be

                    I wish there was more
                    For you I could do
                    But all I can say
                    Is how much I love you
                    It is deeper than the oceans
                    Higher than the sun
                    I could shout it forever
                   And still not be done


                    I have a special treasure
                   A gift from up above
                   A precious treasure
                   It is my mother’s love.


                   You are more than just special
                   You are a part of my heart
                    Locked there forever
                   Never shall we be apart.



                  All of my dreams,

                 You made sure came true.
                 Putting yourself aside,

                 Even when I hurt you.


                You’re not only my mother,

                You’re also my best friend,
                No one can ever change that.

              It’s not something that could end.

                 I know that I am blessed,

                 From heaven up above,
                  So lucky to have,

                   My mothers love!

Дети дарят сделанные заранее открытки своим мамам.


              Our party is over. Thank you! Good-Bye!



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