Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыСценарий праздника St. Valentine's Day.

сценарий праздника St. Valentine's Day.

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  Сценарий праздника на русском и английском языках, посвященный  Дню святого  Валентина.


Цель работы: Развивать у школьников способность использовать ИЯ как инструмент общения в диалоге социокультур  и цивилизаций современного мира.



Познавательный аспект: Обогатить знания учащихся о традициях и обычаях проведения  “St.Valentines Day”, существующих в англоязычных странах.


Развивающий аспект: Развитие познавательного интереса учащихся, творческих способностей, коммуникабельности, способности к догадке, сравнению и сопоставлению. Развитие умений учебного сотрудничества при выполнении познавательно – поисковых заданий. Развитие умений ориентироваться в реалиях культуры стран изучаемого языка, использовать фоновые социокультурные знания и собственный опыт.


Воспитательный аспект: Воспитание положительного, уважительного и толерантного отношения к британской культуре, формирование потребности и способности к сотрудничеству и взаимопомощи при работе в паре и группе.


Учебный аспект: Развитие навыков устной диалогической и монологической речи, навыков чтения, аудирования, письма.


Оснащение: 1. Наглядный материал: аудиозаписи:

 Стив Уандер “ I just call to say I love you”, Elvis PresleyLove me tender”, рисунки учащихся, картинки, мелодии песен, которые исполняют дети.



2. Раздаточный материал: ИКТ, карточки с заданиями, «сердечки», презентация о празднике


             Сценарий   праздника.


(Звучит мелодия песни “Love me tenderElvis Presley)


Ведущий 1:  Here is a special valentine,

                         With lots of love for you.

                         And since you’re very special,

                        Here are hugs and kisses, too.

Ведущий 2:     Someone to love,

                        Somebody new,

                        Someone to love,

                        Someone like you.


Ведущий 1: I hope that Valentine’s Day

                     Will bring you lots of fun.

                     He thinks you’re extra – specially nice

                    And so does everyone.

Ведущий 2:  You’re just the nicest kind of girl

                         So very grown up, too.

                         No wonder that this Valentine

                         Brings lots of love for you.


Ведущий 1: Праздник Святого Валентина – это праздник всех влюбленных, праздник ожидания – это международный день влюбленных и любящих. Никто в действительности не знает происхождение праздника. Многие историки связывают его с древним Римским праздником Люперколия. Он проводился 15 февраля в честь Фавна, бога животных, охоты, покровителя брака и хранителя любви, природы. С распространением христианства этот языческий праздник стал Днем Святого Валентина.


Ведущий 2: Другие эксперты связывают этот день с двумя святыми ранней христианской церкви. Согласно одной легенде Святой Валентин – это епископ Тернийский. Он как священник венчал молодые пары вопреки приказам Римского императора Клавдия 2, который считал, что одинокие молодые мужчины являются лучшими солдатами. За это епископ и был сожжен на костре в 200 году в Риме.


Ведущий 1:Был еще один Валентин, друг детей. Он не почитал богов,              

провозглашенных  Римским императором и за это был брошен в тюрьму. Дети бегали к окнам тюрьмы и бросали своему старшему другу записочки с поздравлениями, признаниями в любви, приветами и пожеланиями. Дети стремились помочь другу, поддержать и ободрить его.


Ведущий 2: Некоторые считают, что слово  «валентин»  произошло от нормандского слова “galantine”, что обозначает «галантный».

А некоторые люди связывают этот праздник со старым английским поверьем, что птицы выбирают себе пару 14 февраля. Это также возможно, так как весна уже не за горами.


Стихотворение “ Rain or Shine….Be My Valentine”


Raindrops on our dresses,

Sunshine on our face,

No matter what the weather,

The look of love won’t be replaced.


The silent sound as rain falls,

The brilliance of the sun.

They only promise radiance,

Caused by either one.


Let it rain, or let it shine,

It won’t matter none.

You’re such a lovely Valentine,

In either rain, or sun.

                     (By Donna Wallace)


        Ведущий 1: The ornaments that decorated valentines are symbols of love and friendship.          Ornaments for early valentines were made by hands. Each had a special meaning. A fan meant “Open up your heart”, a ribbon meant “You are tied up”, or “You are my girl”, Lace meant “You have caught my heart in a net”.

At valentine parties romantic symbols were sometimes hidden in a cake. Each guest got a slice and, if he was lucky, a symbol. The symbol told his fortune. Rice or a ring meant wedding. A coin meant the person would marry someone wealthy. Harps and lyres play romantic music. Angels and children bless a happy marriage.


      Ведущий 2:  Listen to the description of some symbols and guess what it is.

1.      It has been associated with romance since the days of knighthood when a knight rode into a battle with it given him by his fair lady.         ( a ribbon)

2.      One of the most famous valentine symbols. It is typically represented as a chubby, naked boy with his bow and arrow. He went around shooting gold – tipped arrows into the hearts of humans. Then they fell in love.  ( Cupid)

3.      It is the most popular flower in the world, speaks of love. ( rose)


4.      The most common romantic symbol. Candy, cookies and even cakes are made in its shape for valentine parties. Little symbols appear on valentines themselves.  (hearts )

5.      It is called the “hormone of joy”. It is a traditional gift to a sweetheart.   (chocolate)

Учитель:   Во время праздника вам будут предложены различные задания, которые помогут вам проверить ваши знания, связанные с праздником дня святого Валентина.  Вы должны записать ваши ответы  в тетрадях и в конце мероприятия самостоятельно проверить и подсчитать баллы за правильные ответы. Таким образом, суммируя ответы, и самоконтроля мы выберем лучшего знатока традиции праздника.


Наше первое задание – разминка на проверку знания лексики



Unscramble these words, using the word list.

1.      Pucdi                                           lace

2.      Vole                                            heart

3.      Levniaten                                    cupid

4.      Epsnret                                        love

5.      Ancyd                                        valentine

6.      Elca                                            present

7.      Hetar                                          candy

8.      Orwar                                         card

9.      Rdca                                           arrow



Poem “My valentine”

                  (Mary Catherine  Parsons)

I have a little valentine

That someone sent to me.

It’s pink and white

And red and blue,

And pretty as can be.

Forget – me – nots

Are round the edge,

And tiny roses too; and

Such a lovely piece of lace,

The very palest blue.

And in the center

There’s a heart.

As red as red can be.

And on it’s written

All in gold, “To You,

With Love from Me”





Ведущий 1: Valentine’s Day is celebrated on February 14th as a festival of romance and affection. This happy holiday celebrates friendship, love and romance. It’s a time to let all those special people in your life know how much you like them. This is what friendship is all about. And you can probably of others who are important to you – Moms, Dads, grandparents, sisters, brothers, friends and teachers. Valentine’s Day is a good time to tell them how you feel.


Use some of the words to write a Valentine story.

1.      Valentine’s Day is in __________

2.      February is the second month of the ___________

3.      We give our __________ pretty Valentine cards.

4.      It is fun to get _______ Valentine cards from our friends.

5.      Some people ______ their own cards instead of buying them at the stores.


Friends,      month,      more,         love,    season, make,       week, February, sell,              

year,      red,        pink,         January


 “I am sending back your roses”.(a poem)

I’m sending back  your roses,

Sending them back to die.

What good to me are roses,

Now that you have told a lie?

I’m sending back your roses,

Now that we have had to part.

Even a field of roses

Can’t mend my broken heart.


Teacher: We have great examples of true love in literature, history, legends, films and even cartoons.      Match the famous loving couples.

1.      Carmen                a. Yoko                    7. Tarzan                   h. Ruslan

2.      Adam                    b. Josephine          8. Romeo                   i. Eve

3.      Ludmila                c. Jane                     9. Rhett  Butler          j. Orpheus

4.      Napoleon             d. Juliet                   10. Shrek                    k. Scarlet O’Hara

5.      The Beauty          e. Fiona                   11. Eurydice               l. the Beast

6.      John Lennon       f. Mickey Mouse    12. Minnie Mouse     m. Don Jose


Song “You are my sunshine”      (sung by the pupils)



There are a lot of idioms connected with love. Match the idioms to their meanings.

1.      Be head over heels in love                               a. to find someone very attractive

2.      Cupboard love                                                   b. an immediate, strong attraction

                                                                                  for someone you just met.

3.      To have the hots for someone                       c. to be attractive to someone

4.      Send your love to someone                            d. to be on love with someone

                                                                                 very much, especially at the

                                                                                 beginning of a relationship.

5.      Love at first sight                                             e. love that you give in order to get

                                                                                Something from someone.

6.      Catch someone’s eye                                      f. to pass a message from you to

                                                                                  someone else.


Poem “Love is a wonderful thing.”


Love is a wonderful thing though it’s sad.

Love makes you happy and goes to your head.

Love keeps you lively when others are down.

Love keeps you smiling no trace of a frown.

Love keeps you warm on a cold winter’s night.

 Love makes you day dream make things seem alright.

Love seems for ever love never ends.

Until those dreaded words

Let’s still be friends.


Teacher: There are a lot of stories about love with happy or unhappy endings.  Here is a short love story.


A Short  Love Story.

It was a beautiful spring evening. Fred lived in the suburbs of a small town, where there were no tall buildings. His dad was an architect. Recently, they had moved to a big house his father had built. It was hot in the house.

He went to the pond. There was a beautiful smell in the air, because the magnolia trees were in bloom. Suddenly, he saw a girl. The girl was sitting on a bench and she was holding a beautiful magnolia blossom in her hand. She was looking into the water. She was very beautiful. She had long, dark hair and was wearing a pretty pink dress.

Fred came up to her.

Fred: Hello, what a nice day. What’s your name?

Eleanor: I’m Eleanor.

Fred: I often go to this pond and always see you reading.

Eleanor: Yes. Frankly speaking, only here I can relax and read my favourite books.

Fred: How long have you been here?

Eleanor: Having come in the morning, I have been looking through it.

Fred: Shakespeare? May I sit down?

Eleanor: Of, course, sure.

Fred: We both love Shakespeare.

Eleanor: we have been talking for a long time. I must go. I have to do some work at home.

Fred: May I accompany you? Where do you live?

Eleanor: In a little house near the bridge. Where do you live?

Fred: In a big red house in the center of a town. My father has recently bought it.

Eleanor: Oh, he is rich.

Fred: I’ll be waiting for you here tomorrow at 7 in the evening.


The next day, when Fred came to the park he understood that Eleanor had been there as he saw a fresh magnolia blossom on the bench.



Goldenhair.     A poem by James Joyce.


Lean out of the window, Goldenhair,

I heard you singing, a merry air,

My book is closed,

I read no more,

Watching the fire

On the floor.

I have left my book,

I have left my room

For I heard you singing                                                                                                  through the gloom.

Singing and singing

A merry air

Lean out of the window, Goldenhair.




(Song “I just call to say I love you “)


Teacher: Sometimes it happens that we have our hearts broken. I have some broken hearts.  Match them and read the words of love on them.

(цитаты написаны на половинках сердец, найти нужную половинку и прочитать цитату)

1.      You’ll never know, dear,

How much I love you.

2.      You must be mine

As I am thine.

3.      Oh, my love’s like the melodie,

That’s sweetly played in tune.

4.      What happened to our love

It used to be so good.

5.      Hearts like doors will open with ease

To very, very little keys.

6.      I gave you my heart

You tore it apart.

7.      I’ll find my love some day,

Some day when my dreams come true.

8.      She’ll whisper “ I love you,”

And steal a kiss or two.

9.      And I will love you still, my dear,

Till all the seas gang dry.

10.  The love we had was going strong

Though the good and bad we’d get along.


 Ведущий 1: As valentines became more and more popular so did valentine parties. Children played   “Drop the handkerchief” at their parties. The boy kissed the girl who dropped the handkerchief, but he had to catch her first. “Post Office”, another kissing game, was also popular. Today we still keep many of the old valentine customs. Girls tell fortunes. Boys and girls have valentine parties at school or home. They make heart chains of red paper for decorations. Sometimes gold and silver arrows are used. Cakes, cookies and candies are made in heart shapes and decorated in pink or red. There is a valentine box at the party. The valentine box is even older than valentines. When we draw valentines from a box, we are like the Romans who drew names from a jar. We are keeping a custom that began more than 2000 years ago.


Let’s play one more game. Draw a large heart. Use it to design a happy valentine face, adding small hearts for eyes, ears, lips, nose…


Song “My Bonnie is over the ocean”        (sung by the pupils)

Teacher:    These lines, used in the 1700’s, are still popular today.

“The rose is red, the violet blue,

Lilies are fair and so are you”.

Sometimes the sender wrote an acrostic valentine proposal. In this kind of puzzle the first letter of each line spells her name.

May you answer, “Yes”, my heart,

And no longer keep us apart

Remember I love you, dear Valentine

You must be mine as I am thine.

Try to write your own puzzle. (Работа в группах)

Teacher: Saint Valentine’s Day came to be celebrated in most of the countries of Europe. In German girls planted onions on this day. They put names of young men on them. They thought they would merry the man whose onion sprouted first.

Valentine parties became popular in many French homes.

In America many newspapers carry advertisements or messages placed by people in love. On Valentine’s Day many radio stations play romantic music all day long. One very famous song is called “My Funny Valentine”.


 Use the code key to find the secret message.

Code key.

33 – d, 77 – l, 19 – I, 51 – s, 42 – y, 83 –h, 79 –n, 56 –o, 8 –e, 66 –v, 7 –a, 69 –t, 17 –u,             26 – r, 2 –p.

____       __ __ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ____                  _____  ____ ___ __ 

19           83  8    7      26   69    19    77   42                        83      56     2       8


__ ___ __    ___ ___ ___ ___         ___        ___ ____ ___ ___ ___

42  56  17      83   7    66   8              7            83     7       2      2    42

____  ___ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___           ____ ____ ___.

66       7     77   8      79   69      19   79  8      51              33     7       42



We sing a song “I have a Dream”.

Пришло время проверить ваши ответы. Сверьте их с ключами и подсчитайте количество правильных ответов. За каждый правильный ответ вы получаете один балл.

( После подведения итогов поздравление победителя и обмен « Валентинками»)







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Данная разработка направлена на формирование у учащихся положительного отношения к фактам иноязычной культуры, желания расширить кругозор и проявлять интерес к познавательной деятельности. Цель праздника - воспитание толерантности и уважения к другой культуре, развитие умений ориентироваться в реалиях культуры стран изучаемого языка.

  Учащиеся знакомятся с английской поэзией по теме через цитаты и стихи, которые читают во время праздника. Лирическое настроение создают песни.

Работа в группе и парах формирует уважительное отношение к мнению собеседника, потребности и способности понимать чужую точку зрения и стремления иметь собственное мнение. 

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