Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыСценарий внеклассного мероприятия: «WE STUDY ENGLISH»

Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия: «WE STUDY ENGLISH»

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Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение

«Гимназия №5»

г.Норильск Красноярского края







Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия









учитель английского языка

1 категория

Кузина Людмила Владимировна
















Норильск  2010


Предлагаю вашему вниманию разработку внеклассного мероприятия, которое проводилось во время недели иностранного языка учащимися 7-8 -го класса.



Пояснительная записка      


Автор: Кузина Людмила Владимировна, учитель английского языка,   1 квалификационная категория.

Образовательное учреждение. Муниципальное бюджетное  общеобразовательное учреждение «Гимназия №5» г.Норильск, Красноярского края

Предмет: английский язык и внеклассная работа

Класс: 7-8 класс

              Тема: WE STUDY ENGLISH




1.Лариса Колодяжная  «Познакомьтесь: Великобритания.» 

Айрис Пресс  Рольф  Москва 2000

2.Алла Хабенская: «Открой для себя Канаду»

Айрис Пресс  Рольф  Москва 2001

3.Н.К.Никонова: «Готовимся к урокам английского языка»

Айрис Пресс  Айрис  -дидактика  Москва 2005


При разработке мероприятия учитывались индивидуальные способности учащихся, возрастные способности и личностные характеристики детей.



Цели: повысить интерес учащихся к изучению английского языка, развитие творческих способностей , ИКТ - компетентности.


Образовательный аспект: Формирование и развитие коммуникативных умений учащихся на основе языковых, лингвострановедческих и социокультурных знаний, навыков,

Воспитательный аспект: Воспитывать личностные качества учащихся (уверенность в себе)способствовать максимальному проявлению творческих способностей учащихся.

Развивающий аспект: развивать познавательные и творческие навыки учащихся, развивать умения выступать с мультимедийной презентацией, развивать навыки коллективной работы.

Оборудование: Компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, интерактивная доска, музыкальный центр.


(Звучит фонограмма музыки к песне композитора Соловьёва – Седова к песне «Подмосковные вечера»  На сцену выходят два ученика ,музыка затихает и они по-английски обращаются к зрителям в зале)


Pupil 1 ---  Good  afternoon!                                  Pupil  2-----  Dear friends!  We   want you to

We  are glad to see you here.                                listen to poems and songs in English, to answer

                                                                              our questions and….. .

Pupil 1------And . and --- we want you to have a rest….

  Let’s start!

        English. What am I going to do with  you?


P2. --   You are an opportunity to improve my life.


P1.---You are a good  supporter.

          You can open any door.

          You can give wings to all students.


P2.—My English is my mother`s   hands.

         She lifts me up, when I am down

         And gives me news of other lands.


P1.--- When I am prefer in English,

           I`ll  win renown.

           My English is like the fairy tale

           Which never ends.

P2.—My English is like a saving straw

          In the great ocean of our life.

          My English is like something that

          Helps me understand other people.

P1.---My English is like an endless source of experience

          My English is like evening reading

         That makes me grow and think.

P2.----My English is like my best adviser.

          My English is like my best friend.

          My English helps me every day.


P1.---We have got to know many interesting and useful  things and facts with the help of English.

Now we want to ask you some questions. What do you know about English-speaking countries?


P2.--- What is the capital of the USA?

(The capital of the USA is Washington.)

What river is the capital situated on?

(Washington is situated on the Potomac River.)

P1.—What is the capital of the UK?

        (The capital of the UK is London.)

          What river is London situated on?

        (London is situated on the Themes.)

P2.—In which  month is Thanksgiving Day celebrated?

       (Thanksgiving Day is celebrated in November.)

       What is the largest museum in London?

(The  largest museum in London is the British Museum.)

P1.---What is the symbol of England?

        (The symbol of England is the red rose.)

        What is the symbol of Scotland?

       (The symbol of Scotland is the thistle.)

P2.---What is the symbol of  Wales?

          (The symbol of  Wales is the  daffodil.)

 P1. – What is the nickname of London Underground?

        (The nickname of London Underground is the Tube.)

         What is the nickname of the flag of the UK?

          (The nickname of the flag of the UK is the  Union Jack.)

P2.—Who discovered America?

         (Christopher Columbus discovered America.)

        What is the official  language of Australia?

        (The official language of Australia is English.)


P1.---Thank you.   I think it is enough. Our guests are well -educated people. May be we ask somebody from our form to show us something interesting?

(Учащиеся выходят на сцену один за другим)

Pupil 3.---May  I recite a poem?

P2. ---------Yes,  you may.


P.3- A poem:  I  want to live   and  not to die!

                        I want  to laugh  and  not to cry!

                        I  want  to feel  the summer sun.

                        I  want  to  sing when life is fun.

                         I  want  to fly into the blue .

                        I  want  to  swim as fishes do.

                        I want  to live  and not  to die!

                        I want to live  and not to cry!

P1.---Why  are you so sad?  Why are you speaking  about the death?

 P3.---But why are you so happy? I am not speaking about the death, I am speaking about our Earth.  The problems of ecology  are very important nowadays. Let us discus this problems.

( На экране демонстрируется презентация об экологической ситуации в мире. Учащиеся   (P 4,  5 ) комментирует её)

Pupil 4.—We must speak about ecological  problems in the world.  The situation is dangerous.

                 Water is polluted. Fish are disappearing. Are is polluted. Factories throw their wastes into the open air.  Birds and animals are hurt. Land is polluted. Flowers are pulled out.

Baby plants are damaged. The countryside is spoiled. Rubbish is left everywhere. Forests are cut down.


Pupil 5---But our Earth is so beautiful and I think it will be interesting to know that

             ----the lion has the smallest heart of all wild animals;

            -----tortoises live 140 years;

             ----insects live only one year or even one day;

             ----a bee flies 10 km. an hour for nectar and 6 km. an hour when it carries nectar;

            -----fish sleep under the water, but they do not close their eyes, because they  have no eyelids.


P4.-----The Earth is our home. We must take care of it for ourselves and for the next generations.

We all must do what we can to keep the land, air and water clean.


   We want to ask you; People-Do not pick wild flowers.

                                                -Do not litter the ground with cans, paper and bottles.

                                               -Do not frighten animals.

                                               -Do not harm plants.  Feed birds and help them.

                                               -Plant trees and flowers .Clean rivers  springs.

                                              - Recycle used materials such as metal, bottles and paper.

P 4. –Falling  Snow. (by Fr. Sherman)

See the pretty snowflakes, falling from the sky;

On the walls and house-tops soft and thick they lie;

On the window-ledges, on the branches bare,

See how fast they gather, filling all the air.

Look into the garden, where the grass was green.

Covered by the snowflakes, not a blade is seen,

Now the bare black bushes, all look soft and white,

Everything is laden. What a pretty sight!



P5.---Yours and Mine.  (by Fr. Sherman)

The sun the trees, the grass the sky,

The silver moon that is sailing by,

The rain and dew and snowflakes white,

The flowers sweet and stars at night!

The song of birds, wind whispering-

Such lovely things to hear and see

Belong to you, belong to me.


P 1. Yes our Earth is so beautiful.  We must take care of it.  And I am sure  all of us do our best to protect our nature. But now let us continue our meeting.


P2. Look  we have young  friends here. They want to say us something.  Please

.(на сцене появляются ученики начальной школы)


     THE    ABC    ------------ Holiday.

A   is for apple-trees.                                   B—is for balloon..

You can see apples on apple-trees.                I have a beautiful balloon,

                                                                        A blue one, so grand.

                                                                        I blow, and blow, and blow, and blow,

                                                                        And burst it with my hand.  Bang.

C—is for cat.                                               D   - is for doll.

My cat is grey,                                                 My pretty doll is very small.

And with me it likes to play.                          I love my pretty, little doll.

E –                                                                 F   is for flowers: red and blue,

 is for eight and for eleven.                                White and yellow and rosy too.

How much is eight and eleven?

E  -is for elephant.                                         G      -is for girl .

I am big and I am strong,                                    I am a little girl, I have a ball- so new:

And my trunk is very long.                               Will you play with me? I want to play with you.


H  -is for hand.

I have tow hands. This is the way I clap my hands.


                                                                         I  -is for I. I am a boy . I am ten.

                                                                          I like to play with my brother Ben.


J  - is for jam. This apple is jam.                   K – is for Kate. Kate has a kite.

Jimmy likes it, and so does Sam.                   It is little and it is white.


L  - is for little.                                         M    - is for mouse.

Little frog, little frog. Hop, hop, hop.             Little mouse, little mouse

Little frog, little frog. Stop, stop, stop.            Where is your house?



N   -  is for night.                                    O   - is for one.

Good night mother, good night father       One , one, one, little dog run.

Kiss your little son.

Good night sister, good night brother;    P  - is for pilots.

Good night everyone.                               In the sky very, very high  the pilots fly.


  Q   - is for questions:                           S    - is for squirrel.

How are you? How old are you?              I am a little squirrel. As busy as can be.

                                                                  I am gathering some nuts for winter food for me.

R  - is for run.                                        T  -is for train.

We run a race. What fun! What fun!        The little train on a long, long track

Let us run again. Run, run, run.                  Goes clickety   clickety, clickety, clack.


U    -is for under.                                      V   - is in five and also in seven,

Little boy, little boy under the tree                   it is in twelve  and in eleven.

I like this house give it to  me.

                                                                 Y    -is for yard where children play.

W   - is for winter when it is cold.              They play in the yard every day.

But I like winter and I like cold.

                                                                 Z    - is for the Zoo.

X  - is in six.                                                 Let us go to the Zoo .I like to  go to the Zoo.  And you?

Let us count up to six!

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.


                THE  CAT  AND  THE   MOUSE.

Little mouse, little mouse where is your house?

Little cat, little cat I have no flat.

I am poor mouse I have no house.

Little mouse, little mouse come to my house.

Little cat, little cat I cannot do that

You want to eat me.


               THE   ZOO SONG.

Come along, the sparrow birds, and hop, and hop like me.

Come along the elephant, and all walk heavily.

Come along the kangaroos  and jump and jump like me.

Come along the polar bear, and swim and swim like me.

            A  HOUSE IN THE WOOD.

Here is a house in the wood.  A mouse is running through the wood.

She stops at the door,  she asks at the door.


P 1.---Very well, thank  you !

Let us continue our concert.  What do you know about March?

I believe I can predict your answer. March is the spring month and the third month of the year.


P 2.—Yes, you are right. But I am sure that only teachers can give the right  answer.

April is the time of annual teachers’ marathon. According to English dictionaries, a marathon is an event characterized by great length or concentrated effort.

P 1.- -I think  this is the right definition of the event that takes place in Moscow and unites officials, English language school-teachers, both young and experienced, university teachers and students.


P 2.—Our teachers work much. They work at the lessons, and after the lessons, and even in their holidays. Teaching English and all other subjects at school  is both a science and an art.

(Обращение к педагогам, находящимся в зале)

P 1.---I am sure that all teachers agree with me ---you are tired.  This small concert is for you , this songs and poems are for you. We want you to have a rest.


P  2.----Boys,  you will be the first.


(pupils---6 and  7)     English   Rhymes (by R. Kipling)   

I have six  honest serving-man

( They taught me all I knew);

Their names are What and Why and When

And How and Where and Who.

I send them over land and see,

I send them East and West;

But after they have worked  for me,

I give them all a rest.

I let them rest from nine till five,

 For I am busy then,

As well as breakfast, lunch and tea,

For they are hungry men.


But different folk have different views;

I know a person small---

She keeps ten million serving-men,

Who get no rest at all!

She sends them on her own affairs,

From the second she opens her eyes—

One million Hows, tow million Wheres,

And seven million  Whys!



I met a little girl  who came from another land.

I could not speak her language, but I took her by the hand.

We danced together and had such fun!

Dancing is a language you can speak with anyone.


(Девочки  танцуют танeц. Танец выбирается произвольно. Мы танцевали танец, который на данный момент был самым удачным с точки зрения преподавателя танцевального кружка, который посещают дети. Там же нам помогли и с костюмами для танца)


P-1---Who will be the next?


 Pupil 9       OUR  SCHOOL 

Our school is the best and teachers are good there.

We go to school not to rest but to learn clever thoughts and ideas.

Many subjects are taught in our school, they are Literature, English, Biology,

Physical education in the swimming pool, History and Information technology.

Some pupils do not like school but they are really few.

They have to know a good rule: learning is not easy thing to do.

Floors in school are clean, air in classes is cool.

How here is good- therefore I love my school.


Pupil 10             The Arrow and the Song.  (by H. W. Longfellow)

I shot an arrow into the air, it fell to earth, I knew not where;

For so swiftly it flew, the sight, could not follow it in its flight.

I breathed a song into the air, it fell to earth I knew not where;

For who has sight so keen and strong, That it can follow the flight of a song.

Long, long afterward, in an oak I found the arrow, still unbroken;

And the song, from beginning to end, I found again in the heart of a friend.


P 2-  Who is the next:

Pupil  11      When God ……….

When God created teachers he gave us special  friends

To help us understand this world and truly comprehend

The beauty and the wonder on everything we see

And become a better person with each discovery.

When God created teachers, he gave us way in which to grow

So we can decide how to live and how to do.

What is right instead of wrong.

To lead us so that we can lead and learn how to be strong.

When God created teachers

To his wisdom and his grace was to help us learn

To make our world a better wiser place.

P 1—This song is also for you our dear friends

( Звучит песня «Подмосковные вечера» - сначала 1 куплет на русском языке, затем 1 куплет и до конца все песню только на английском языке)


Все участники выходят на сцену и поют песню.



(Music by Soloviov – Sedoy)

Not a rustling leaf, not a bird in flight

In the sleepy grove until dawn.

How I love this nights, Moscow suburb nights,

The caress of the walking sun.


The calm rilling stream seems to ebb and flow

Like a silver web of moonlight,

In my heart I hear singing come and go

On this wonderful summer night.


Why this downcast look? Does the rising day

Bring us near the hour when we part?

It’s as hart to keep as to give away

All that passes upon my heart.


Dawn is nigh, and pale grow the amber lights.

Let me hope, my dear, that you too

Will remember these Moscow suburb nights

And our love that has been so true.



P 1- Now we want to thank you for your attention and say “Good bye”.

                  The End.   






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Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия по английскому языку, оупбликованный на ресурсе http://numi.ru/5160 для свободного ознакомления. Свидетельство о публикации № С-005310.

Предлагаю вашему вниманию разработку внеклассного мероприятия, которое проводилось во время недели иностранного языка учащимися 7-8 -го класса.

Пояснительная записка

Автор: Кузина Людмила Владимировна, учитель английского языка, 1 квалификационная категория.

Образовательное учреждение. Муниципальное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение «Гимназия №5» г.Норильск, Красноярского края

Предмет: английский язык и внеклассная работа

Класс: 7-8 класс



1.Лариса Колодяжная «Познакомьтесь: Великобритания.»

Айрис Пресс Рольф Москва 2000

2.Алла Хабенская: «Открой для себя Канаду»

Айрис Пресс Рольф Москва 2001

3.Н.К.Никонова: «Готовимся к урокам английского языка»

Айрис Пресс Айрис -дидактика Москва 2005

При разработке мероприятия учитывались индивидуальные способности учащихся, возрастные способности и личностные характеристики детей.

Цели: повысить интерес учащихся к изучению английского языка, развитие творческих способностей , ИКТ - компетентности.


Образовательный аспект: Формирование и развитие коммуникативных умений учащихся на основе языковых, лингвострановедческих и социокультурных знаний, навыков,

Воспитательный аспект: Воспитывать личностные качества учащихся (уверенность в себе)способствовать максимальному проявлению творческих способностей учащихся.

Развивающий аспект: развивать познавательные и творческие навыки учащихся, развивать умения выступать с мультимедийной презентацией, развивать навыки коллективной работы.

Оборудование: Компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, интерактивная доска, музыкальный центр.

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