Инфоурок Иностранные языки Конспекты«School problems» 9 кл

«School problems» 9 кл

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Школа-лицей им. Ю. А.Гагарина





The English open lesson

On the theme:

For the 9th form


«School problems»



Prepared by English teacher:






Тема «School problems»


Задачи урока:

·         повторение, обобщение и систематизация знаний учащихся по данной теме.

·         развитие речевых умений.

·         развитие умений аудировать с детальным пониманием содержания.

·         развитие умения запрашивать информацию с помощью вопросов.


·         развитие способности к осмысленности восприятия и развитие способности к сравнению и сопоставлению фактов.


·         способствовать формированию интереса к системам образования в англоязычных странах.

Оборудование: доска, таблица, магнитофон.


I. Начало урока.

Hello, boys and girls. Sit down, please. I am glad to see you. There is the bell. It is time to start. Today is the …..It is Friday. 
Our theme names: “School problems” Our task is to remember and to discuss all aspects of school education which are typical of Great Britain, the USA and our country.
I would like you to work hard and be more attentive. Take part in our discussion, please.

I. Аудирование.

А) And now listen to the interview with Mister Daymond. After listening you should say what Mr. Daymond told us about school problems in Britain. Use Reported Speech.
(Слушают запись дважды)
В) Please, say what Mr. Daymond told us.

(На доске клише – подсказки к началу разговора):
                                                Mr. Daymond said that
                                                He answered that…….
                                                He explained that………
                                                Mr. Daymond added that…
                                                Mr. Daymond told us that…

(Возможные варианты ответов: (Mr. Daymond said that in England about 93% of children attended state schools. He said that the other 7% attended private schools. He explained that a majority of these private schools were boarding schools where children lived as well as studied. He added that all children were required by law to attend school full time between the ages of 5 and 16. He told us that for younger children there were a few state kindergartens, some private schools and a few nursery classes in ordinary schools. He said that in fact primary school consisted of a reception class, infant school and junior school. He explained that a reception class and infant school take a year. Mr.Daymond told us that pupils spend 5 years in junior school .He added that at about 11 or 12 children moved to a new school usually a comprehensive one that accepted all the children from 4 or 3 neighboring junior schools. He said that changing to the big schools was a great moment in life of them. He told that at secondary school pupils studied for 5 years. He told us that comprehensive schools were schools which took children of all abilities so there were no entrance examinations. He said that there were some grammar schools in which children had to pass a selection test. He added that pupils left school at 16.)

III. Новая информация об образовании в Великобритании.

Vera prepared some more information about education in Great Britain ...Listen to Vera, please.(Слушаемсообщениедевочки) 
In Great Britain there are different types of secondary schools. Most of them are state where education is free. But some parents choose to pay for private education.
Private schools in Britain and Wales are very expensive and they are attended by about 5% of the school population. 
The education in public schools is of high quality, the discipline is very strict. Most of private schools are either for boys or girls.

Private schools are famous not only for their perfect education but also for the right friends and contacts which are useful and successful future.
In some British schools uniform are worn by all the pupils, in others the children can wear what they want to. Some public schools in Britain, such as Eton, have uniforms based on what was worn over a hundred years ago.
Some private schools are very famous such as Eton, Harrow, Rugby and Winchester.
Harrow school is famous as the place where Winston Churchill was educated, as well as six other Prime Ministers of Great Britain, the poet Lord Byron and many other prominent people.
(Я задаю вопрос после прослушанного рассказа девочки)
Is new information interesting? Ответ: Yes, it is.

IV. Let’s remember the system of education in the USA. (На доску вешаю таблицу с системой образования в США) It is represented here. Nadia knows about it a lot of. Please, ask questions to Nadya.

Возможные вопросы:
1. What types of schools are there in the USA?
2. What divisions are typical of public schools?
3. Are public schools free or fee-paying?
4. Do parents pay for education in private schools?
5. At what age does a child’s education start?
6. Is nursery school optional?
7. What role does kindergarten play?

8. How long is the period of compulsory education?
9.  At what age do children go to elementary school?
10. What grades does elementary school consist of?
11. How long does a pupil learn at junior high school?
12. How many years does a pupil learn at high school? 
13. How are students of the 9 grade at high school called?
14 What subjects are compulsory at secondary school?
15. How long does the school year last?
16. How many semesters are there at school?
17. What grades do American children get?
(Thank you)

V. Please, Listen to the information about school problems and answer the questions. (Эти вопросы записаны на доске

Discuss in groups….

VI. Let’s compare these systems of educations: in the UK and in the USA and in Kazakhstan

Are they different or similar?
(Возможные варианты ответов: In the USA state schools are called Public schools and in the UK private schools are called Public schools. 2. Children leave school in the UK at the age of 16 while in the USA they leave school at 17. 3. State schools in the USA have the following division: elementary, high junior and high school, while in the UK they have primary school, secondary school.)

VII. What do you know about school education in our country?

·         Ребята рассказывают, описывая нашу школьную систему, по 3-4 предложения. Спросить 5-6 ребят.

·         Дается письменное задание:

Complete each sentence with one of the words below. Use each word once only.

Trouble          education                attend                   allowed     ages      schools

Have               punish       private            punishment             behaves


In Kazakhstan education is compulsory between … of 6-7 and 15years. There are different types of secondary….in our country. Most of them are state schools where …. is free. 
But some parents want their children to attend …schools which are not free.
Children have to…school from Monday till Friday. In some schools they … to wear uniform. In others they are … to wear what they want.
The discipline is not very strict. But if a pupil …badly the teacher can …the child. Of course, the …is not severe. The teachers want their pupils to stay out of …and always do their best.

VIII.  Work in groups.
What is school for you? Work in groups of 4.Write on papers your answers.
(Зачитывают написанное по очереди все группы)



IX. Work in groups.
What is school for you? Work in groups of 4.Write on papers your answers.
(Зачитывают написанное по очереди все группы)
Описание: http://festival.1september.ru/articles/505266/img.gif.


X. Подводим итоги урока.

The reflexion of the lesson….You’ve done well….

You’ve got…..Your home work for the next lesson:

1. Learn new lexical material by heart

2. Your short essay on the theme

The bell has gone. You are free. Good bye.




Good afternoon, dear colleagues and pupils?


Today we are glad to see you at our English lesson.

Our lesson is devoted to multiple – choice test.

Tasks: 1. to improve pupil's listening practice.

            2. to develop pupil's oral skills.

            3. to bring up pupil's interest to English language.

Type of the lesson: combined


I.   Brainstorming:Do you know?

1.     What's the capital of England? (London)

2.     What's the capital of France? (Paris)

3.     What's the capital of USA? (Washington)

4.     What's the capital of Canada? (Ottawa)

5.     What's the capital of our state? (Astana)

II.   Test “Capitals”



New York









Text №1.

This city is in the central part of our state it is on the river Esil. It’s famous for its modern buildings, the Circus, the entertainment centre of Duman.

-  What city is this?

Text №2.

This city is famous for its skyscrapers, people speak difteunt languages, but the official is English is it not the capital of the country.

-  What city is this?


Text №3.

This city isthe capitalof the country.

It is situated on the river Potomac.This city is not so old. It is famous for its museums, parks, monuments.

-  What city is this?

Text №4.

This city lies in Europe, on the river Thames. It is an old city. It is famous for its historic buildings: The Houses of Parliament, where you can see the famous clock Big Ben and children’s favorite place is Hamleys.

-  What city is this?


Text №5.

This city is also situated in Europe. But English is not am official language of the country. It is famous for its beautiful old buildings, parks, monuments – the Eiffel tower.

-  What city is this?


III.         Test        “At School”


Physical Training












Introduction: Yesterday we had 5 lessons: Arts, English, Mathematics, Physical Training and Kazakh. Listen and guess which lesson was first, second, third, fourth and fifth.

Text No.1.At the first lesson we read, listened and spoke. We did exercises orally and in writing. We asked and answered questions. We described pictures. We spoke about theweather and our school. We did not speak Russian owe must speak English.

Text No.2. At the second lesson we had paper and pencils of different colours. We drew and painted pictures. The teacher drew on the board. We drew on paper and got marks for our drawings. We can draw pictures with pencils of different colours.

Text No.3. At the third lesson we wrote. We wrote on the board and in our exercise books. We counted. We do sums and problems. The lesson was not easy.

Text No.4. We read, wrote, listened and spoke at the fourth lesson. We did exercises orally and in writing. We asked and answered questions. We learn the poems difficult words and sentences. We write dictations in Kazakh.

Text No.5. At the fifth lesson we did exercises. We ran, jumped, played. We had this lesson in the gymnasium. We liked the lesson.


IV.          Reflextion. Express your opinion.


-         You’ve done well.

-         You’ve got.

At the end of the lesson write down your home – work for the next lesson:

1.    Learn new words.

2.    Review grammar rules the lesson is over. Good byе!
















Школа-лицей им.Ю.А.Гагарина





                                                  The English open lesson

On the theme:

«Sport is for health»

For the 9th form







Prepared byEnglish teachers:

L.V.Shevchuk and A.B.Oserbaeva






Agadyr 2012

Good afternoon, dear colleagues and pupils?


Today we are glad to see you at our English lesson.

Our lesson is devoted to the theme: “Sport is for Health”.

Tasks: 1. to improve pupil's listening practice.

            2. to develop pupil's oral skills.

            3. to bring up pupil's interest to healthy life.

Type of the lesson: combined


1 Brainstorming:

Let’s review the idioms connected with our theme:

a)Time on …hands  b)button your …  c)sweet…. tooth d)on the tip of …tongue  e)the apple of …eye. See page 13.

2 Do you know the proverbs on the theme? Name them, please.

a)     “ A sound mind in a sound body”.

b)    “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”.

c)     “Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise”. 

Give your own examples in Kazakh language.

2 Conversation Practice:

Listen to the following dialogues then act them out with your classmates.

1 Hello, Tom. How are you?

Hi, Jim. Im fine, and you? I see you look not so well.

Oh, I have a headache and a sore throat.

It’s a pity, you must go to the doctor. All right. Good bye.

Good morning, Alex .I see you look pale.

What’s the matter with you?

Oh, something has gone wrong with my leg, it hurts me.

It’s a pity. Have a rest and don’t go to P.E .it’s dangerous for you.

Yes, of course. I’ll go home. Good bye.

3 Reading

Read three short texts .Match them to the sport.See page 33.

a)   Swimming b)Running c) Football


4 Let’s have fun.       Write the other kinds of sport.

Volleyball         Football                                  swimming…..

hockey                    athletics           …….       wrestling …….

gymnastics    running                 …….                            …….

figure skating……                       ………              boxing

5 Listening Practice.

Please listen to the poems and answer the questions.

Do you like sport? What…?

Do you go in for sport? What…?

Grammar Section: Review Tenses…

Use such phrases: I go in for….I play…My favorite sport is…

Student’s  opinions about sport and health……                           his

                                                                                     my     her      our

6       Reflextion. Express your opinion.


Memory Test. See page 34.


In pairs look at the words in the box for one minute.

Then close your books and write down all the words you cfn remember.




For the 9th form

     Check yourself.                 Lungs,flexible.strong

   Pain                                       Dangerous…

  Treatment…                               Pale, rest

    Keep fit….                           hurt, legs, health…

              Harmful….          Smoke….



-         You’ve done well.

-         You’ve got……


Your home work for the next lesson:

7At the end of the lesson write down your home – work for the next lesson:

Learn new words and phrases  on the theme.

Review grammar rules. The lesson is over. Goodbye!






Школа-лицей им.Ю.А.Гагарина





                                                  The English open lesson

On the theme:

«Do you speak English?»

For the 5th form






Prepared byEnglish teacher:

Bektursynova A.K.







Agadyr 2012

Good afternoon, dear colleagues and pupils?


Today we are glad to see you at our English lesson.

Our lesson is devoted to the theme: “Do you speak English?”


Активизировать коммуникативную деятельность учащихся


            1.Повторение и обобщение пройденного материала

            2.Развитие навыков диалогической речи учащихся

            3.Привитие интереса к изучаемому предмету- английскому языку


Type of the lesson: combined



1 Brainstorming:

Answer the teacher’s questions: 

 What is the date today? ……..

 What is the day?............

 What is the weather?........

2 Phonetic drills:

a)     Will-Bill, Sill- Hill, Hat- Sat…..

b)    A black, fat rat sat on a mat…..

c)     She sells seashells on the seashore.

Give your own examples in Kazakh language.

2 Conversation Practice:

Listen to the following dialogues then act them out with your classmates.

1 Hello, Tom. How are you?

Hi, Jim. Im fine, and you? I am OK

Where are you from?

I am from Kazakhstan.

2 Let us review our numbers:

1-one                              say it in English: from 20 up to 100

2- two                             write the numbers:………………….

3-three…….up to 20

3 Grammar Section:

Plural form of noun:

A cat-cats, a watch- watches, a bus –buses

A tomato - tomatoes, a potato – potatoes

Do exercise in groups: translate the words and form a plural form

Review the English Pronouns:

we- .., they-..,you-.., I-.., he-.., she-...

Make up the sentences:

She is a girl. He is a boy. They are children

4 Reading

Read the text and translate it from English into Kazakh

Ex. 3 p.45

5 Miscellaneous: you’ ve  done well, your marks for the lesson….


Your home work for the next lesson:

At the end of the lesson write down your home – work for the next lesson:

Learn new words and phrases  on the theme.

Review grammar rules. The lesson is over. Goodbye!









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Краткое описание документа:

Тема «Schoolproblems»


Задачи урока:

·         повторение, обобщение и систематизация знаний учащихся по данной теме.

·         развитиеречевыхумений.

·         развитие умений аудировать с детальным пониманием содержания.

·         развитие умения запрашивать информацию с помощью вопросов.


·         развитие способности к осмысленности восприятия и развитие способности к сравнению и сопоставлению фактов.


·         способствовать формированию интереса к системам образования в англоязычных странах.

Оборудование: доска, таблица, магнитофон.


I. Началоурока.

Hello, boys and girls. Sit down, please. I am glad to see you. There is the bell. It is time to start. Today is the …..It is Friday. 
Our theme names: “School problems” Our task is to remember and to discuss all aspects of school education which are typical of Great Britain, the USA and our country.
I would like you to work hard and be more attentive. Take part in our discussion, please.

I. Аудирование.

А) And now listen to the interview with Mister Daymond. After listening you should say what Mr. Daymond told us about school problems in Britain. Use Reported Speech.
В) Please, say what Mr. Daymond told us.


(На доске клише – подсказки к началу разговора):
                                               Mr. Daymondsaidthat
                                               He answered that…….
                                                He explained that………
                                                Mr. Daymond added that…
                                                Mr. Daymond told us that…

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