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  • Seven miracles of the world

    1 слайд

    Seven miracles of the world

  • Egyptian pyramidsOnly from “seven miracles of the world”, that reached to the...

    2 слайд

    Egyptian pyramids
    Only from “seven miracles of the world”, that reached to the present, appear Egyptian pyramids. Ancient Egyptian architecture even during our days strikes with the power of its huge rock construction. At the entrance into these temples as terrible of guard, cost enormous statues pharaoh's, rock sphinxes lie. Sphinx - in ancient Egypt - the embodiment of tsarist authority, the statue, which depicts fantastic essence with the body of lion and the head of man or sacred animal.

  • Semiramida’s suspended gardensBabylon city was located in Mesopotamia, region...

    3 слайд

    Semiramida’s suspended gardens
    Babylon city was located in Mesopotamia, region in the average and lower flow of the Tigris rivers and the Euphrates. Mesopotamia is one of the largest centers of the civilization of the ancient east. In Babylon city was found one of seven miracles of light - Semiramida’s suspended gardens. These gardens ordered to build himself Navukhodonosor litter for mussel most favorite of its wives Of Amitis, undertaken from the mountainous country. The palace was built on extensive brick area. Five courts followed one others from the east to the West, into the courts left the doors it was numerous rooms. The facade of the main throne hall, lined by the continuously colored tiles, is especially was luxurious : bright palms and lotus came out against the dark-blue background. There were no windows, and light penetrated through three wide doors.

  • Artemida Ephesian’s templeThe temple was built repeatedly. But early wooden...

    4 слайд

    Artemida Ephesian’s temple

    The temple was built repeatedly. But early wooden buildings came into the decrepitude, burnt or died from the frequent here earthquakes and therefore in the middle VI of century to our era it was decided to build, without stinting on means and time, splendid dwelling for the goddess- patroness. In the architects, the artists and the sculptors there was no deficiency. Best was acknowledged the project of famous [Khersifron]. [Khersifron] judged, that the soft marshy soil will serve as shock absorber with the future earthquakes.

  • this is what reality remained with the temple

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    this is what reality remained with the temple

  • Colossus Rodosskiy[Rodosskiy] - junior contemporary of mausoleum and Artemida...

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    Colossus Rodosskiy
    [Rodosskiy] - junior contemporary of mausoleum and Artemida’s temple. The idea to create it was born by the spring of 304 years to our era, when the inhabitants of the small island, which lies on the very shore of Asia Minor, costing on the worried to death by long siege walls, looked, as hide themselves in the sea ships one of the heirs of the power of Alexander Macedonian. The pride of the precipitated army was [geleopolida] - siege tower with the rams and the draw bridge, the catapults, the areas for the landing.

  • Alexandrine lighthousethe latter from the classical miracles, one way or anot...

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    Alexandrine lighthouse
    the latter from the classical miracles, one way or another connected with the name of Alexander of Macedonian, Alexandrine lighthouse. Alexandria, based in 332 to our era, was stretched in the delta of the Nile. This was one of the first cities the epoch of hellenism, built according to the common plan. In alexandria stood the Alexander’s sarcophagus. [Museyon] - immediately and the academy of sciences, and hostel for the scientists, and technical center, and school, and the most great in the world library, in which it was to half million of rolls.

  • Zeus Olimpus's statueZeus Olympus's statue - only miracle of light, which was...

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    Zeus Olimpus's statue
    Zeus Olympus's statue - only miracle of light, which was proven to be on the continent. After selecting as the miracle for Olympus, they memorized not temple, not sanctuary, but only statue, which stood inside. Zeus had to the Olympus the most straight direct relation. Each inhabitant of those places excellently remembered that precisely here Zeus conquered the bloodthirsty of Kron, native his father, who in the fear, that the sons will take away in it authority, started to devour them. Zeus rescued also, as the fairytale heroes of all peoples escaped themselves: the good soul, who will be sorry baby, will always be located.

  • Galikarnassus mausoleum Mausoleum in [Galikarnase] was the contemporary of th...

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    Galikarnassus mausoleum
    Mausoleum in [Galikarnase] was the contemporary of the second Artemida’s temple. Moreover, the same masters participated in the building and their adornment. Best masters of that time.
    Formally speaking, this mausoleum also the monument of love as babylonian gardens. But if [midiyskaya] tsarevna hardly could bring harm to humanity, even if she wanted, and it is more pleasant by all to think that it was dear, good and it was worthy this monument.

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Семь чудес света (или Семь чудес Древнего Мира) — список самых прославленных достопримечательностей культуры Ойкумены. Составление списка самых знаменитых поэтов, философов, полководцев, великих царей, как и памятников архитектуры и искусства — традиционный «малый» жанр греческой эллинистической поэзии и своего рода упражнение в риторике. Сам выбор числа освящен древнейшими представлениями о его полноте, законченности и совершенстве, число 7 считалось священным числом бога Аполлона (Семеро против ФивСемь мудрецов и т.п.). Подобно сборникам высказываний знаменитых мудрецов, собраниям анекдотов и рассказам о диковинах, сочинения о Семи чудесах света были популярны в античную эпоху и включали в себя описания самых грандиозных, самых великолепных или в техническом смысле самых поразительных построек и памятников искусства. Вот почему их называли чудесами, в то время как в списке отсутствуют многие подлинные шедевры древней архитектуры и искусства — Акрополь в Афинах с творением Фидия — статуей Афины Парфенон, прославленная статуя Афродиты Книдской работы Праксителя и т.д. 

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