Инфоурок Иностранные языки Рабочие программыShort term planning, School after K.Satpayev English lesson, grade 5 Teacher: Akbissenova S.K

Short term planning, School after K.Satpayev English lesson, grade 5 Teacher: Akbissenova S.K

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Short term planning, School after K.Satpayev

English  lesson, grade 5

Teacher: AkbissenovaS.K




Тheme of the lesson

Visual aids


Results  of the lesson

Class : 5 «g»

Where is Great Britain?

Textbook 5class

Plan of the lesson

 to teach students to express their own points of view and work in groups;
• to develop skills of reading, listening, speaking and unprepared speech;
• to enlarge country studying knowledge and educate the feeling of love towards
• our motherland.

An expected results of the lesson: at this lesson I could organize an active participation during the lesson. Students with great pleasure planned their work, could discuss, control and mark themselves

 Visual aids: An interactive board, pictures of interesting places of Great Britain.

Cоздание атмосферы сотрудничества,

стимулирование учащихся к самостоятельной  работе,    развитие умений работать в группе и  принимать совместные решения.





Procedure of the lesson



5 min

Division the class into groups.

Role play





I.Organizational moment

1. Greeting

2. Well, children let’s begin our lesson Today we have a new lesson and an interesting lesson. First of all I want you to take cards with different colours. Please, take cards. According colours I want to devide you into two groups. Pupils with red coloures sit here, Your groups name is “English” and the second groups name is “Kazakh”





Дается 2 минуты, чтобы

oпределиться  в группы .

Затем группы по очереди задают друг другу

 вопросы по предыдущей теме  и

 комментируют ответы.


Phormative assessment

Dialog learning

Critical thinking


ІІ . Warm-up.

Phonetic practice:

Dear children, let’s begin our lesson with a phonetic exercise.

Three grey rabbits in the grass

Grow roses for us.

- Are you ready? 

- Good! Let’s start the work!






Exercise books, dictionary

III.Checking up the home task.

Ex.11,12 p. 152









Phormative  assessment








IV. Dear children,

Look at the screen. You have the new words today. Listen and repeat the proper names  after me:
• London

• Tower Bridge 
• Westminster - Buckingham Palace 
• The West End 
• Tate Gallery 
• The East End 
• National Gallery

Write new words into your copybooks:


The students do different tasks.

Проработав  новую  тему  по теоретическому  mатериалу  в учебнике,записывают  новые

cловв  тетрадь

8 min

Critical thinking


V.  Reading the text

1. London's parts
London is the capital of Great Britain. It is one of the largest cities of the world and the largest cities in Europe. London is situated on the both blanks of the river Thames. Traditionally London is divided into several parts: the City, Westminster, the West End and the East End. They are rather different from one another.
2. Heart of London
The City is the heart of London. Numerous banks, offices are situated there.It is the financial centre of the UK. 
Westminster is the historic centre of government.
The West End is the richest and the most beautiful part of London. The best hotels, shops, restaurants and theatres are situated there.
The East End is the poorest parts of London. There are a lot of factories and docks there. The port of London is also there. The streets are narrow and the buildings are not so attractive.
The East End is populated by working class families.





VI. Cheerful minute.
T: We are tired to sit at one place, therefore I propose you to relax. Let’s sing a song and dance!

Now let’s have a rest. 

Stand up. Clap, clap.

Arms up. Clap, clap.

Hands on your knees.

Hands on your hips.

Turn around and sit down!


8 min






Теоретический материал  в учебнике.

Выучить  новую  лексику  по  теме


VII.  Work in groups (design the posters).

Answer the questions.
• What can you say about London as the capital of Great Britain?
• Where is London situated?
• What parts is London traditionally divided into?
• What can you say about the City?
• What is the West End? Is it the richest and the most beautiful part of
•What is the East End? What people live there?


Homework Additional material

2 min



VIII. Conclusion. Homework

Giving -up the home -task: Our lesson comes to the end. Open your dairies and write down your home -task for the next lesson
T: Dear pupils our lesson is almost over. 

And now I would like to know your emotions.

What emotions do you feel? I feel…

Positive                  Negativehttp://nsportal.ru/shkola/inostrannye-yazyki/angliiskiy-yazyk/library/2014/12/22/konspekt-uroka-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-v

http://nsportal.ru/shkola/inostrannye-yazyki/angliiskiy-yazyk/library/2014/12/22/konspekt-uroka-po-angliyskomu-yazyku-vSatisfaction            Unsatisfaction

Happiness          Sadness

Joy                      Boredom

Proud                  Irritation

I’d like to thank you for our lesson. You’ve worked very well and hard today. I’ll give you good marks. Results of lesson. 







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Краткое описание документа:

 to teach students to express their own points of view and work in groups;
• to develop skills of reading, listening, speaking and unprepared speech;
• to enlarge country studying knowledge and educate the feeling of love towards
• our motherland.

An expected results of the lesson: at this lesson I could organize an active participation during the lesson. Students with great pleasure planned their work, could discuss, control and mark themselves

 Visual aids: An interactive board, pictures of interesting places of Great Britain.

Procedure of the lesson

I.Organizational moment

1. Greeting

2.Well, children let’s begin our lesson Today we have a new lesson and an interesting lesson. First of all I want you to take cards with different colours. Please, take cards. According colours I want to devide you into two groups. Pupils with red coloures sit here, Your groups name is “English” and the second groups name is “Kazakh”

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