Инфоурок Иностранные языки Другие методич. материалы8 сынып

8 сынып

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Theme: “Who is the best?” (Тапқыр болсаң озып көр)

The Aims of the lesson:

a.       to develop communicative skills and abilities;

b.       to stimulate the students’ interest and their power of guessing and thinking in the foreign language;

c.       to educate the feeling of international friendship and love to our Motherland – Kazakhstan.

Type of the lesson: unusual lesson

Connection of the subject: English – Kazakh – Russian

Visual aids: техникалық оқу құралдары (интерактивті тақта, слайдтар)

Steps of the competition:

        I.            Presentation. (Таныстыру)

       II.            Who is clever? (Әріптер таңдап, сұраққа жауап беру)

     III.            Who is the fastest? (Бір сөзден сөздер құрау)

    IV.            Odd one out (Артық сөзді алып тастау)

      V.            Proverbs (Мақал-мәтелдерді құрастыру)

    VI.            Imagination (Сөздерді немесе сөйлемдерді көрерменге ыммен сипаттау)

   VII.            Who is the best? (Қысқа сұрақтарға қысқаша жауап беру)

 VIII.            Summary (Қорытынды)


·         Good afternoon, dear teachers and students! Today we have an unusual lesson. We have competition lesson.

        I.            Presentation. (Таныстыру)

·         It’s time to introduce you. I would like you to name yourself, say some words about your likes and dislikes.

        I.            Who is clever? (Әріптер таңдап, сұраққа жауап беру)

·         There are cards with letters. You must choose any card and I’ll ask you a questions.

1.      What colour are the crocodiles? (Green)

2.       What is the biggest animal? (Elephant)

3.       How many oceans are there on our planet? (Four)

4.       What month is it now? (September)

5.       What can you see in the fridge? (Ice)

6.       Where are you from in Kazakhstan? (Zhezkazgan)

7.       Where’s Aspen, Colorado? (in USA)

8.       Who is the President of Kazakhstan? (N.Nazarbayev )

9.       Who works at school? (Teachers)

10.   Where’s the Akhorda? (in Astana)

11.   What season is it now? (Autumn)

12.   What day is it now? (Wednesday)

        I.            Who is the fastest? (Бір сөзден сөздер құрау)

·         Make as many new words out of this word: Intellectual

        I.            Odd one out (Артық сөзді алып тастау)

·         Choose one odd word from this words.

1.      Pencil, book, apple, ruller.

2.       White, blackboard, blue, yellow.

3.       Bananas, lemon, oranges, shoes.

4.       Lamp, mirror, book, telephone.

5.       Sofa, armchair, black, bed.

6.       Rabbit, zebra, bear, umbrella.

7.       Notebook, mouse, cat, dog.

8.       Work, child, listen, read.

        I.            Proverbs (Мақал-мәтелдерді құрастыру)

·         Make up proverbs from this words.

a.       late / never. / than / Better (Better late than never.)

b.       pleasure. / Business / before (Business before pleasure.)

c.       a will / away. / Where is / there is (Where is a will there is a way.)

d.       All is not / glitters. / gold / that (All is not gold that glitters.)

e.       waters / Still / deep. / run (Still waters run deep.)

f.        there is / there is / While / love / hope. (While there is life there is hope.)

        I.            Imagination (Сөйлемдерді көрерменге ыммен сипаттау)

·         There is a cards with words or sentences. You must choose any card but you mustn’t say this sentences, only act it.

1.      I am sleeping.

2.       I am swimming.

3.       I am listening music.

4.       I am writing.

5.       I am reading.

6.       I am running.

        I.            Who is the best? (Қысқа сұрақтарға қысқаша жауап беру)

·         Now we begin our seventh stage “Who is the best?” In this stage one of you who gathered fewer points will choose one envelope. In these envelops there are two letters: A and B. I will read 10 questions and all answer will start with letter A or B. Is everything clear for you? Then let’s begin.

Letter A:

1.      The name of the fruit. (Apple)

2.       The name of the month. (April)

3.       The capital of Kazakhstan. (Astana)

4.       The name of the school subject. (Algebra)

5.       The first letter of the Alphabet. (A)

6.       What cannot we live without? (Air)

7.       One of the oceans. (Atlantic Ocean)

8.       A story in the newspaper. (Article)

9.       The famous Kazakh writer. (Abai)

10.   It is harmful for our health. (Alcohol)

Letter B:

1.      A little child. (Baby)

2.       The name of the fruit. (Banana)

3.       The antonym to the word “good”. (Bad)

4.       An object in the classroom. (Blackboard)

5.       The capital of Germany. (Berlin)

6.       The name of the school subject. (Biology)

7.       A lake in Kazakhstan. (Balkhash)

8.       The room where we sleep. (Bedroom)

9.       An important day for all of us which happens once every year. (Birthday)

10.   A colour. (Black)


        I.            Summary

·         Dear pupils, thank you for your work. The competition lesson is over. Let’s end our lesson with the motto of the British students:

“Good – better – best,

May you never rest

Until your good is better,

And your better is best!”


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Краткое описание документа:

Theme: “Who is the best?” (Тапқыр болсаң озып көр)

The Aims of the lesson:

  1. to develop communicative skills and abilities;
  2. to stimulate the students’ interest and their power of guessing and thinking in the foreign language;
  3. to educate the feeling of international friendship and love to our Motherland – Kazakhstan.

Type of the lesson: unusual lesson

Connection of the subject: English – Kazakh – Russian

Visual aids: техникалық оқу құралдары (интерактивті тақта, слайдтар)

Steps of the competition:

  1. Presentation. (Таныстыру)
  2. Who is clever? (Әріптер таңдап, сұраққа жауап беру)
  3. Who is the fastest? (Бір сөзден сөздер құрау)
  4. Odd one out (Артық сөзді алып тастау)
  5. Proverbs (Мақал-мәтелдерді құрастыру)
  6. Imagination (Сөздерді немесе сөйлемдерді көрерменге ыммен сипаттау)
  7. Who is the best? (Қысқа сұрақтарға қысқаша жауап беру)
  8. Summary (Қорытынды)


  • Good afternoon, dear teachers and students! Today we have an unusual lesson. We have competition lesson.
  1. Presentation. (Таныстыру)
  • It’s time to introduce you. I would like you to name yourself, say some words about your likes and dislikes.
  1. Who is clever? (Әріптер таңдап, сұраққа жауап беру)
  • There are cards with letters. You must choose any card and I’ll ask you a questions.
  1. What colour are the crocodiles? (Green)
  2. What is the biggest animal? (Elephant)
  3. How many oceans are there on our planet? (Four)
  4. What month is it now? (September)
  5. What can you see in the fridge? (Ice)
  6. Where are you from in Kazakhstan? (Zhezkazgan)
  7. Where’s Aspen, Colorado? (in USA)
  8. Who is the President of Kazakhstan? (N.Nazarbayev )
  9. Who works at school? (Teachers)
  10. Where’s the Akhorda? (in Astana)
  11. What season is it now? (Autumn)
  12. What day is it now? (Wednesday)
  1. Who is the fastest? (Бір сөзден сөздер құрау)
  • Make as many new words out of this word: Intellectual
  1. Odd one out (Артық сөзді алып тастау)
  • Choose one odd word from this words.
  1. Pencil, book, apple, ruller.
  2. White, blackboard, blue, yellow.
  3. Bananas, lemon, oranges, shoes.
  4. Lamp, mirror, book, telephone.
  5. Sofa, armchair, black, bed.
  6. Rabbit, zebra, bear, umbrella.
  7. Notebook, mouse, cat, dog.
  8. Work, child, listen, read.
  1. Proverbs (Мақал-мәтелдерді құрастыру)
  • Make up proverbs from this words.
  1. late / never. / than / Better (Better late than never.)
  2. pleasure. / Business / before (Business before pleasure.)
  3. a will / away. / Where is / there is (Where is a will there is a way.)
  4. All is not / glitters. / gold / that (All is not gold that glitters.)
  5. waters / Still / deep. / run (Still waters run deep.)
  6. there is / there is / While / love / hope. (While there is life there is hope.)
  1. Imagination (Сөйлемдерді көрерменге ыммен сипаттау)
  • There is a cards with words or sentences. You must choose any card but you mustn’t say this sentences, only act it.
  1. I am sleeping.
  2. I am swimming.
  3. I am listening music.
  4. I am writing.
  5. I am reading.
  6. I am running.
  1. Who is the best? (Қысқа сұрақтарға қысқаша жауап беру)
  • Now we begin our seventh stage “Who is the best?” In this stage one of you who gathered fewer points will choose one envelope. In these envelops there are two letters: A and B. I will read 10 questions and all answer will start with letter A or B. Is everything clear for you? Then let’s begin.

Letter A:

  1. The name of the fruit. (Apple)
  2. The name of the month. (April)
  3. The capital of Kazakhstan. (Astana)
  4. The name of the school subject. (Algebra)
  5. The first letter of the Alphabet. (A)
  6. What cannot we live without? (Air)
  7. One of the oceans. (Atlantic Ocean)
  8. A story in the newspaper. (Article)
  9. The famous Kazakh writer. (Abai)
  10. It is harmful for our health. (Alcohol)

Letter B:

  1. A little child. (Baby)
  2. The name of the fruit. (Banana)
  3. The antonym to the word “good”. (Bad)
  4. An object in the classroom. (Blackboard)
  5. The capital of Germany. (Berlin)
  6. The name of the school subject. (Biology)
  7. A lake in Kazakhstan. (Balkhash)
  8. The room where we sleep. (Bedroom)
  9. An important day for all of us which happens once every year. (Birthday)
  10. A colour. (Black)
  1. Summary
  • Dear pupils, thank you for your work. The competition lesson is over. Let’s end our lesson with the motto of the British students:

“Good – better – best,

May you never rest

Until your good is better,

And your better is best!”

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