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Сказка на английском языке (4 класс)

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  • The secret garden of hope

    1 слайд

    The secret garden of hope

  • … in  distant and forgotten lands there was one country named Askhart – the w...

    2 слайд

    … in distant and forgotten lands there was one country named Askhart – the world of snow ice

  • Like all children, Ray loved tales. The boy could spend hours reading books,...

    3 слайд

    Like all children, Ray loved tales. The boy could spend hours reading books, looking at the bright pictures

  • Ray found  a shabby and dusty book

    4 слайд

    Ray found a shabby and dusty book

  • There was a green carpet of fine green grass in the picture and  the  sky was...

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    There was a green carpet of fine green grass in the picture and the sky was clear blue with a golden ball in the book

  • He found the tree from his picture and went towards the rising sun

    6 слайд

    He found the tree from his picture and went towards the rising sun

  • The boy met a very old man

    7 слайд

    The boy met a very old man

  • The boy believed in a fairy tale, and it became a true story

    8 слайд

    The boy believed in a fairy tale, and it became a true story

  • The end

    9 слайд

    The end

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Краткое описание документа:

The secret garden of hope.

Long agoindistant and forgotten lands there was one country named Askhart – the world ofsnow ice.Winter reigned there. People of Askhart never knew the warmth of the spring sun.

In this country lived a boy whose name was Ray. Like all children, Ray loved tales. His mother often presented himbooks with magical stories, and Ray could spend hours reading them, looking at the bright pictures. He disappeared in those mysterious worlds, along with the characters, Ray traveled, got into adventures and at the endreturnedhome to his cold colorless world, regretting only that reality could not be so.

Ray and his family lived in an old, but strong house, under the roof of which was the attic full of shabby things. The boy sometimes went therein search of the children's treasure. One day, sitting in the attic and sorting things untouchedforhundred years, Ray found a shabby and dusty book. The boy couldn’tunderstand the name of it. He just turned the pages with trembling.

Raynever sawleaves, notalive not fallen. Henever heard aboutspring, summer and autumn. His country was the kingdom of eternal winter, and he and his parents and grandparents belonged to this kingdom. When the boy was reading the book he was so surprised because he began to distinguish the features of a completely new landscape for him: there was a green carpet of fine green grass in the picture andthe sky was clear blue with a golden ball in it. That was the most vivid vision of Ray’s life.

Under the picture the boy could see the following words: go through the meadow towards the rising sun and you will come into a beautifulgarden. Ray thought it was another story, because he did not know what a meadow and the sun were. This garden was only a part of a new magical world for him. And Ray was ready to close the book when he looked at the picture again andrealized that a living tree on the green carpet from his picture was as like as a dead trunk near his house. Ray's heart leapt with joy. Will thetale finally come true?!

Ray rushed out of the house. He found the tree from his picture and went towards the rising sun.

The boy walked without stopping through the snowy lands, from time to time looking at the stars.Soon Ray came to the area full of mysterious light.

The boy could not believe his eyes. He saw a blooming garden with lovely flowers, trees and liquid fruits.

Ray was very tired so he sat under one of the beautiful trees and thought: if the garden was true where was the meadow behind his house? Suddenly there were footsteps behind Ray. The boy saw a very old man.

- Hello, Ray, - someone said quietly.

-Are you surprised, Ray? Do you want to know how all this can be?

Ray was silent so the old man continued - Long time agothis country was a lovely garden. People lived there and didn’t need anything. The garden bloomed and gave peopletasty fruit. But the people took care only about themselves. They didn’t worry about other people and didn’t look after the garden that gave them food.

So once the garden stopped blooming, andsome years later it became extinct, and the sun disappeared. Cold and darkness fell on these lands.

Ray listened to this story and couldn’t say a word. It was not like the happy stories that he loved. Suddenly tears came to his eyes and the boy asked -Is there no hope that darkness and cold will go away?

- Dear boy, you believed in a fairy tale, and it became a true story. Ray, just hope! This piece of the world, this part of the garden revived because you hoped. Remember that, and remember that hope is always there, no matter how hopeless life may seem.

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