- 19.02.2022
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Stary Oskol.
Выполнила: Главатских Елена
The city is located in the Belgorod region near the Oskol River. It is a very old town with a small population. Unlike other provincial cities, where everything does not look so civilized, there is a constant development, thanks to which the city is getting better and better, and despite the fact that it is a hinterland, it stands out against the background of others with its highly developed technologies, art and economy.
The city was built by Ivan the Terrible himself in order to protect our lands from raids from the south. Previously, the city was inhabited by military people, merchants and Cossacks who processed iron ores and land.
After some time, an electrometallurgical plant was built in the city, which brought it to a new level.
Ecology and climate
The temperate continental climate reigns here, as in most cities of the European part of our country. This gives a mild change in the weather, unlike the Siberian sharply continental climate. But still, despite the low temperature, due to high humidity, frosts are felt more strongly here than in less humid places. In summer, it often rains in the city, and in winter it snows heavily.
The environmental situation, no matter how strange it may sound, because about 30 industrial enterprises work in Stary Oskol, has been the best in Russia for many years. The city is very clean, the air is slightly polluted, which has a great effect on people's lives. The city is even considered the most comfortable.
Over the past few years, the population in Stary Oskol has increased by 2 times, which is surprising. This can be explained by the fact that there is a lot of work in the city, as enterprises constantly require people, the economy is thriving. Another important factor, of course, is the cleanliness of the city. From polluted cities, people often go to Stary Oskol. Also, real estate in the city is inexpensive, compared even with nearby cities, and in general prices are low here. For lovers of aesthetics, the city is just a godsend! There are many different monuments, architectural structures and churches in it.
The Park of military glory, which is located near the museum, attracts both tourists and residents of the city, because you can retire there, think about life, about the past, as it is located in a very quiet place. There is a monument to a grieving mother in the park, and it always brings people to tears and a lump in their throat.
Alexander Nevsky Cathedral is another wonderful attraction, which is not only a religious temple, but also an excellent indicator of the art reigning in the city. Visiting this place, a person calms down, and his soul begins to sing.
The beautiful and clean city of Stary Oskol will not leave anyone indifferent!
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