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Stavropol city.




Выполнила: Главатских Елена
















The city of Stavropol is the administrative center of the entire Stavropol Territory. It is both a cultural and an industrial city. It combines old traditions and modern advanced technologies well. It is one of the largest cities located on the territory of the North Caucasus. It was founded back in 1777, and was located at first on the hills of the Pre-Caucasus. But gradually the city expanded, occupied a much larger territory. We can say that the location of this city is unique: it is located in the center between the North Pole and the equator. In fact, it is equidistant from both sides. The position of the city is advantageous: it is located on the watershed of the basins of the Azov and Caspian Seas. It forms a kind of gate at the entrance to the Caucasus, for which it was nicknamed the gates of the Caucasus.

Characteristics of the Stavropol climate


Since Stavropol is a southern city, this determines the peculiarities of its climate. There is a lot of sunlight here. Accordingly, unique vegetation grows here, which loves a lot of light. This is a green city, because all light-loving plants photosynthesize well, contain a lot of chlorophyll, which makes their color green. It has a very hot summer here, and a relatively warm, low-cloud winter. There is enough sunlight here both in summer and in winter.


The growing season here is 160 days. It is not surprising that many cultivated plants are grown in this city, which feed all residents of Russia in winter. However, there are often strong winds here. But the locals are already used to them, they don't pay any attention. Vegetation has also adapted well to them. To visitors, the winds may seem cold and strong. It is not surprising, because the wind speed here can reach 20-25 meters per second. In summer there can be heavy heavy rains, and in winter there are often heavy snowfalls that sweep all roads, paralyze traffic. In spring, the air comes from Asia: it is warm, humid. It brings with it thaws, and in summer – dry winds. When tropical Asian air reigns on the territory of Stavropol, there is a noticeable warming. In autumn, such warm days are called Indian summer.

Economy and industry of Stavropol


The basis of the economy is industry. There are more than 400 enterprises operating in the city, mechanical engineering prevails. Widely produced means of protection against various types of corrosion. The food industry is also developed: the production of cheeses, sausages, flour, oils, alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages. High technologies, chemical and pharmaceutical industry are developed. The network of hotels and catering establishments is widely represented.

The city of Stavropol. It was laid out in 1777. The place for the city was chosen convenient, the fortress was built on a hill, the approaches to it were guarded by a deep ravine and the Tashla, Mamayka, Mutnyanka and Zhelobovka rivers. The city is located in the center between the North Pole and the equator. It is called the gateway of the Caucasus, because the road to the Caucasus Mountains goes through it. The name of the city is translated as the city of the cross, «Stavros» means «cross», and «paul» means the city.


The city is southern, which affected its climate. There is a lot of sun in the city, respectively, there is a lot of greenery in the city. It's hot here in summer, and winter is also warm and cloudy. And the bright sun shines all year round.


Today, 480 thousand people live in the city, but according to official data, in fact, the population is much larger.


The city of Stavropol is the center of the Stavropol Territory. But both industry and culture are concentrated in it. It combines both traditions and advanced technologies.


There are many places in the city that a tourist can visit and see. A museum of local lore has been opened in the city, where a collection of butterflies is kept, skeletons of southern elephants are exhibited, the tour goes through the exhibits of historical military and household appliances.

The rest of the city's museums, such as the Literary Museum and many others, are also informative. And the historical monuments include the Tiflis Gate and the bust of General A.P. Ermolov.


There are many flower beds in the city center. To the main square there is a Theater square with a fountain and many benches in the shade of trees, the main place of rest in the city.


The city has its own Botanical Garden, rare red book flowers, trees grow in it, there are even exotic palm trees on which there are fruits. And a petting zoo has been opened in Central Park, there is no end of small visitors.


Fortress hill is a cluster of interesting things, Here you can see a Cross found during the construction of the city, a tent with a key to the city, a lovers' shop. But the main place of glory in the city, of course, is the memorial to the fallen soldiers and the eternal flame.



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