Инфоурок Английский язык КонспектыStarlight 10 4.3 Save the whales

Starlight 10 4.3 Save the whales

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УМК «Starlight 10», Module 4 «Environmental issues».

Тип урока: 3

Задачи урока

Практические задачи урока (от одной до трёх):

1.      Способствовать развитию умений в чтении: понимать тему и основное содержание текста «Save the whales», основную мысль текста; логично излагать содержание текста, оценивать прочитанное.

Способствовать поддержанию и совершенствованию произносительных навыков, звук [w].

Развивающая задача урока (в зависимости от потенциала урока):

1.      Способствовать развитию внимания, памяти учащихся (в ходе пересказа текста “Save the whales”; при выполнении задания на нахождение ошибок в тексте).

Формируемые УУД:

Коммуникативные УУД

1.      Развернуто, логично, и точно излагать свою точку зрения с использованием адекватных языковых средств.

Регулятивные УУД

1.      Умение соотносить свои действия с планируемыми результатами, осуществлять контроль своей деятельности в процессе достижения результата, определять способы действий в рамках предложенных условий и требований, корректировать свои действия в соответствии с изменяющейся ситуацией.

2.      Умение оценивать правильность выполнения учебной задачи, собственные возможности ее решения.

Познавательные УУД

1.      Излагать полученную информацию, интерпретируя ее в контексте решаемой задачи; находить в тексте требуемую информацию (в соответствии с целями своей деятельности); ориентироваться в содержании текста, понимать целостный смысл текста, структурировать текст.


Этап урока

Предполагаемое время

(в мин)

Действия учителя

(Установки, КЗ)

Средства обучения

(опоры, ТСО, учебные пособия)


Домашнее задание

I Речевая подготовка:



7 мин.



1. Приветствие/ кто присутствует или отсутствует

Good morning children! I’m glad to see you. Sit down, please.

-               What is the date today?

-               Who is absent today?

2. Задача урока: Today we are going to read the text about humpback whales.    

3. Фонетическая зарядка

But before that I want you to learn a tongue twister about that animal, and to recite it like the English we should revise the sound [w].

It is a voiced consonant sound. To correctly pronounce the [w] sound, form your lips into a small, tight circle. It is important to hold your lips correctly. Imagine whistling or blowing out a candle. Your jaw should be mostly closed to make the sound, but your teeth should not touch.

Now repeat after me:

- the sound [w];

- sound combinations: [wʊ], [wɜ:], [weɪ];

- words: winter, know, awkward, white.

- phrases: warm winter, weeping willow, sweet water, white microwave, wide awake.


Now let’s read the tongue twister. Who wants to wallow in white waves?







S1, please read the tongue twister.



In your opinion, why whales want to wallow in warm waves?  


Now read after me line by line: in warm waves, whales want, want to wallow, whales want to wallow in warm waves;

in white waves, while whales want to wallow, while walruses want to wallow in white wave;

Why do the whales want to wallow in warm waves

While the walruses want to wallow in white waves.


Now, S2, S3 … read the tongue twister, S3 read it.


4. Речевая зарядка

 Have you ever seen whales or walruses? What do you know about them?
















̇ Whales want to wallow in ̖warm waves,

While walruses want to wallow in ̀white   waves.

̇ Why do the whales want to wallow in ̖warm waves,

While the walruses want to wallow in ̀white waves?









Повторение артикуляции отрабатываемого звука



звука: изолированно, в звукосочетаниях, словах, словосочетаниях.


В режиме T-Cl, T-S1, S2 …




Чтение речевого целого сильным учеником

Проверка понимания


Отработка речевого целого в режиме T-C1.


Упражнения в репродукции речевого целого: ученики по очереди читают речевое целое.



Решение практической задачи

1 мин.

1.      Экспозиция.

Have you heard anything about humpback whales?  Open your book on page 104, Ex. 1. Which of the sentences are true about humpback whales?






5 мин.

2. Снятие трудностей

Before reading the text look at the words below and try to explain their meanings.


Replace the underlined words with words above.

1 The world needs to pay attention to the troubles of the humpback whales and help them survive.

2 Some insects like butterflies are major agricultural pests, while the majority complete their life cycle with no significant direct impact on man.

3 I can't help hearing it in my head, like some unforgettable melody.

4 Some types of camel have two hunches and others have one.

5 A word or two more concerning this matter of the skin or fat of the whale.

×          humps

×          moths

×          plight

×          haunting

×          blubber





7 мин.

3.      Организация чтение текста про себя.

It’s time to open your student’s book at page 104. Read a newspaper article about humpback whales and check if you were right about statements from Ex.1.

How did Roger Payne’s whale recordings help the animals?

Look at the slide to check ex.1. How many did you get correct?





2 мин.

As you see, some parts are missed in the text. Please, choose the correct parts of the sentences (A-G) to complete gaps 1-6.


В режиме T-Cl, T-S1, S2 …



4 мин.

4.      Проверка общего понимания:

Now answer my questions.

-          What kind of scientist is Roger Payne?

-          Where did he first encounter humpback whales?

-          What sounds were picked up on microphones?

-          What was happening to the whales at the time of Payne and McVay’s discovery?

-          What did Payne do with recordings?

-          Does the biologist continue his work?


В режиме T-Cl




5 мин.

5.      Установка на интерактивную работу с текстом

Look through the text and find errors. The corrected sentences should be written in your workbook.

























































 Let’s check what you’ve corrected.

In 1967, a young post-doctoral biologist named Roger Payne travelled to Britain to see the humpback whales that he had been told regularly passed by the country. An expert in how bats and moths use sound to locate their predator, Payne had recently resolved to use his expertise in animal acoustics to help this species, which was under threat from mankind. The decision, Payne says, had come about because of his increasing concern about man’s destruction of the natural world.

Whilst in Bermuda, Payne met a man named Scott McVay. It was a chance encounter which turned out to be very lucky. Watlington was using underwater loudspeakers in his job for the US Navy and told Payne that every now and then his loudspeakers would pick up strange sounds. Watlington told Payne that his guess was that the sounds were coming from whales.

From this chance meeting, Payne, together with friend Scott McVay, went on to confirm not only that the sounds on Watlington’s microphones were from humpback whales, but that the sounds were in fact songs, which they found could travel across entire oceans.

At the time of Payne and McVay’s discovery, nonprofit whaling was still in full force. Tens of thousands of whales were being hunted and killed every year by nations across the world and many whale species were dangerously close to extinction.

Payne decided to release a recording of the long and haunting humpback whale songs, which he described as «exuberant, awesome, uninterrupted rivers of sound». This unique recording was an instant hit with the scientists. The joyful sounds of whales singing to each other as they played in the ocean placed the plight of these enormous but gentle creatures firmly at the forefront of the public’s mind. It helped lay the foundation for the launch of the ‘Save the Whales’ movement, which was instrumental in bringing about an end to commercial whaling. In 1986, the International Whaling Commission passed a moratorium on whaling. The humpback whale stocks have partially recovered since then, but they are still an endangered species.

Today, Payne is still turning to this magnificent creature to show mankind his folly. He has recently collected many tiny skin and blubber samples from sperm whales in order to examine them for pollutants. Preliminary studies have shown terrifying levels of man-made poisons are present in the samples. Payne hopes that when the results are made public it will turn the whale into a symbol of how mankind is poisoning the oceans. For a second time, Payne looks set to make the whale an icon of the plight of our times.


Corrected sentences:

In 1967, a young post-doctoral biologist named Roger Payne travelled to Bermuda to see the humpback whales that he had been told regularly passed by the island.

Watlington was using underwater microphones in his job for the US Navy and told Payne that every now and then his microphones would pick up strange sounds.

From this chance meeting, Payne, together with colleague Scott McVay, went on to confirm not only that the sounds on Watlington’s microphones were from humpback whales.

At the time of Payne and McVay’s discovery, commercial whaling was still in full force.

This unique recording was an instant hit with the public.

К тексту выдаётся на точно такой же текст, но с ошибками, их нужно найти и исправить, исправленные предложения записать в тетрадь.



















































В режиме T-S1, S(2) …



2 мин.

6.      Проверка детального понимания текста:

How many logical parts are in the text? What are these parts?

Now let’s make the plan of the text.

The plan:

1. A visit to Bermuda.

2. Strange sounds.

3. Popular recording.

4. A symbol of poisoning.





7.      Пересказ (по плану).

Now using the plan of the story you’re going to work in pairs. One of you is Roger Payne, the other one is Scott McVay. After retelling, swap the roles.


a) Imagine that you are Roger Payne, a biologist working to raise awareness about the protection of humpback whales. You were asked to deliver a presentation to an environmental group. Tell them about your discovery and what you do for protection of whales.

b) Imagine that you are Scott McVay, Roger Payne’s fellow researcher. You were asked to deliver a presentation to an environmental group. Tell them about your discovery and what is threating to whales.

Работа в парах.




8.      Высказывание своего отношения к персонажам, событиям, проблеме, теме.

How we can draw attention to the problem of endangered animals?

Would you like to do such discoveries? Why (not)?





Оценка класса, рефлексия,  домашнее задание

2 мин.

Thank you for your work!

What new words we have learnt today? What was the most interesting thing in our lesson?

That’s all for now. Your homework will be to do exercises 3, 4 in workbook on page 51.

Goodbye, children.



WB, p. 51, Ex. 3, 4.


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