Инфоурок Другое Научные работыСтатья на тему "Changing museums in a changing world"

Статья на тему "Changing museums in a changing world"

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Changing museums in a changing world

 "The Museum is a mixture of art and history,

philology and fables, document and novel,

which sends us through many

 years sliver of light and brings

the unique values and knowledge»

F. Dzer

I. Introduction


In modern society, the role of museums is increasing. They unite people by talking to the visitor in the culture language.

Hypothesis: I suggested that museums are changed with society, but keeping their main essence-the ability to see the beautiful and remember our past.

My research topic: "Changing museums in a changing world"

The aim: to define what museums are, why they are needed, to compare the museums features in England and Russia. What can we do to young people for their actively visit them.

Research problems:

1. to study literature and Internet resources on this topic

2. to define the museums role in the educational students process in England and Russia

3. how museums should change in a changing world

4. to analyze the work done, to draw conclusions

           The urgency of the research:

In the last 10 years, the Museum industry in Russia is developing in all factors: the number of museums and the total number of visits are growing. But at the same time, in the studies we see the following figures: to date, 16% of Russians are interested in museums and visit them, 70% do not know about museums and are not interested, and another 14% know about museums, but do not visit them. Such statistics aid the high ticket prices, the lack of family passes and programs, too many restrictions and rules.


II. The concept of "Museum"


The concept of "Museum" was introduced by the ancient Greeks. The origins of this concept come from collecting. Already at the dawn of its history, mankind has collected and sought to preserve all sorts of items: literary and scientific texts, paintings, remains of ancient animals and much more.

Museum - an institution learned the collection, study, storage of monuments of natural history, material and spiritual culture. Now there are a lot of museums, such as: local history, history, literature, music, natural science, theatre and so on. With the computer technology development appeared virtual museums.

To understand why museums are necessary, it is important to know that museums are memory. They help us remember, appreciate and know.

Museums appeared when mankind had a need to look back. All modern museums have appeared over the past few centuries.


III. Museums place for schoolchildren


In my opinion, museums take place the great importance in the schoolchildren life:

1. conduce the students' speech skills development.

2. widen students ' culture knowledge of their country and the country of foreign language.

3. increase students ' interest in learning English

After role understanding of museums, I decided to find out what my classmates think about museums, and made a survey. The children answered the question - the importance of museums in our live. Here are the results of the survey (see appendix 1):

- you can learn a lot of interesting and useful-32%

– the opportunity to see another world-35%

But there were such answers:

 I don't like museums-21%

 It's a waste of time going to museums – 12%

The survey showed that museums have a place in our lives. The most important fact is that everyone can find an own Museum.

Another survey helped me answer the question – what museums would attract my peers' attention? (see appendix 2)

And that is what I heard:

 - Museums about favourite music groups

- Meeting interesting people

 - Interactive museums

- In historical museums, it is interesting that children were met by the era characters, that there were theatrical performances

 - The ability to touch the exhibits.

I decided to study whether museums are changed with society and whether these changes are always for the better.


IV. Museums in Great Britain and Russia


 The number of museums in England and Russia is large.

    So, knowing with the world culture and Great Britain history I advise you to start with London, the cradle of Royal dynasties. The Museum heritage pearl of the country can be considered British Museum, the pride of the British.

But I kept my attention to the Museum of the British school in Hitchin. It is the museum of the history formation of the national educational system in the UK. The main work there is excursions, for schoolchildren more often with the use of elements of theatricalization. Excursions are conducted by teachers who taught in schools Hitchin. In fact, the Museum is a specially created interactive space where visitors of all ages can play with old toys and games, learn more about Queen Victoria and her family.  Family take place in the Museum tea party with refreshments, including home-made cakes.

Of course, a visit to such Museum will be very interesting and informative for students. It measures up all the requirements that my classmates named in the questionnaire.

Thus, in the second half of the XIX century Museums in the UK played a significant role in the children out-of-school education.

However, it is important to understand that museums in Russia do not lag behind museums in the West and, in particular, the UK.  For example, Peter's Cabinet of curiosities was founded four decades earlier than the famous British Museum, and while sir Hans Sloan, even at the end of his life, still considered his collection as intended only for scientists and a few educated people, the Cabinet of curiosities was originally addressed to all segments of society.  Peter 1 opened the first Russian Museum in 1917 and defined the goal: "I want people to watch and learn."

Thus, Museum education in Russia has its roots in the distant past. For decades, it has developed in parallel with the West.  The traditional Russian view of museums as an educational institution developed in Russia, as well as in the UK, at the end of the XIX century.  

 At this time, in Russia, in the conditions of General secondary education, there was a criterion that the Museum should not specifically explain everything that is included in the school program, and in working with students should be used other methods of education.   

   I decided to find out what these methods are and compare them with the wishes expressed by my classmates. It can be:

1.                  The lesson-excursion

2.                  Excursion-research

3.                  Excursion-trip

4.                  Opportunity to work with Museum objects

5.                  Meeting with an interesting person in the Museum

6.                  Historical game

7.                  Theatrical performance

That is, the proposed methods of training coincide with my classmates' wishes.

However, we must understand that such forms are not acceptable for adult visitors of the Museum. And today we see that in the UK museums have turned to strengthening the entertainment role. For example, the curators of the Victoria and Albert Museum (London) were forced to simplify the style and language of their texts, learning how little their visitors know about the history of their country and that the average an adult reading level  can be compared with the level of a 12 – 14-year-old.

In General, having studied modern Museum practice in different countries, I came to the conclusion that the work of museums in Holland, France, Germany, Czech Republic, USA is much closer to the meaning and spirit of the Russian Museum tradition than the work of museums in England.

So, in London, the Victoria and Albert Museum was advertised as"a great café with a good Museum in it."

Then at the same time:

- on the wall of the Van Gog Museum in Amsterdam is the appeal to people in many languages: "Visit museums often!»;

- museologists of Italy consider Museum texts as a means of development and enrichment of the child's speech;

- guides and Museum educators in America enthusiastically present great works of art to children;

- Museum workers in Germany do not think that a work of art can not be understood without changing into a "historical" costume.

- residents of Prague are in line for the exhibition, even if it is not" relevant " today and there is no café in the exhibition building!

Based on this, I concluded: it is important to take a meaningful approach to the British experience of museums, to take from it the organic and universal, and remember that "culture is an organism that must develop continuously, and no one can be copied, it is necessary to develop your own".

I enjoy visiting museums. Recently, my parents and I visited the Tula State Museum of weapons. It is one of the oldest museums in Russia. The exhibition presents interactive areas in which children playfully learn about the history of weapons, can hold models of various types of small arms, get acquainted with the technical features of the structure of firearms on specially designed programs in the computer class. For adults, there is a draw pad, where they can read the information about the exhibits. That is, the Museum combines an interesting and educational platform for children and intellectual opportunities for adults.


V. Museums in my school № 102


Separately, I would like to say about school museums. There are 6 museums in my school. Much attention is paid to the digital technologies introduction in them:

1. QR-codes

3. Moving the collections of museums in electronic form

4. Creating virtual tours

 In the Museum "G. N. Troepolsky" children lead tours. I am the guide of this Museum. I really like to tell our countryman's life story.

Among the created museums, we would like to offer a variant of the school interactive Museum. For example, the creation of an interactive book of the most famous museums in Russia and England. Flipping through the virtual pages, the history of the world cultural heritage would literally come to life in the visitors' hands. After all, the generation of my age is oriented to receive information presented virtually. This would correspond to modern students' teaching methods and my peers' wishes.


VI. Conclusion


To sum up I’ d like to say that today we can find any information in seconds, but people will never stop visiting museums because they are changing along with society. And modern museums will never lose their role of educators in a rapidly changing environment.




1.      http://www.exmu.ru/museum_history/museums_in_modern_russia.html (Дата

2.      Rice D. Balancing act: education and the competing impulses of museum work // Art Institute of Chicago Museum

3.      Studies. 2003. Vol 29, № 1. P. 11. URL: http: // jstor. org (дата обращения: 25.03.19.

4.      Whitehead C. The public art museum in nineteenth century Britain: the development of the National Gallery. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2005. P. 27

5.      Варламов Д. Дети в музеях: полезна ли «цифра»? // Праздник, 2013. – № 11. – С. 12–13.

6.      Ноль Л.Я. Информационные технологии в деятельности музея /; Федер. агентство по образованию, Гос. образоват. учреждение высш. проф. образования Рос. гос. гуманит. ун-т. - М. : Издательский центр Рос. гос. гуманитар. ун-та, 2007. -420 с.

7.      обращения: 20.03.19.

8.      Перспективы развития музейного дела [Электронный ресурс]. URL:

9.      Терекян Б.С. Школьный музей как центр школьной жизни // Новые ценности образования: культуросообразная школа: Научно-методический сборник / Под ред. Н.Б. Крыловой. М.: Народное образование, 2002. Вып. 11.

10.  Трошина Т.М. Интерактивный музей в современном медиапространстве. Екатеринбург : Академический Проект, 2007. - 210 с.














Changing museums in a changing world






Mikhail Andreevitch Zolotaryev,

form 5 “G”

English teacher:

Yulia Sergeevna Khurchak,

Voronezh secondary school №102










Table of contents:

I. Introduction

II. The concept of "Museum"

III. Museums place for schoolchildren

IV. Museums in Great Britain and Russia

V. Museums in my school № 102

VI. Conclusion























Appendix 1

The importance of museums in my classmates’ life












Appendix 2

What museums would attract my classmates' attention?

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In modern society, the role of museums is increasing. They unite people by talking to the visitor in the culture language.

Today we can find any information in seconds, but people will never stop visiting museums because they are changing along with society. And modern museums will never lose their role of educators in a rapidly changing environment.

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