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Статья по английскому языку "Сленг в песнях Арианы Гранде как показатель молодежной субкультуры"

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«Средняя общеобразовательная школа № 14 имени Б.И. Хохлова»

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городской округ Симферополь Республики Крым




Сленг в песнях  Арианы Гранде                           как показатель молодежной субкультуры


Английский язык


                                        Работу выполнила:

                                                              Мартиросян Карина Арменовна,

                                        ученица 9-В класса


                                               Научный руководитель:

                                                                           Мулюкбаева Тамара Михайловна,

                                                      учитель английского языка,

      МБОУ «СОШ № 14 им. Б.И. Хохлова»




г. Симферополь, 2020

Introduction ……………………………………………………………………….3

СHAPTER I. Youth slang: the key concepts.........................................................

1.1. Youth slang in modern music........................................................................

СHAPTER II. Demonstration of slang in Ariana's work…………………………

2.1. General characteristics of Ariana's work.....................................

2.2. Slang phenomenon in grammar and vocabulary.....................................

Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………

List of references……………………………………………………………



















         Youth slang is a special form of language that is very difficult to learn, since this phenomenon is not established in time, mobile and changing. Today, when the mass media play a huge role in the appearance of new words: television, radio broadcasting, the press, slang is crowding respectable speech and, thanks to mass culture, it imposes its own typo on the language of the entire nation. If we take into account the fact that language and culture are interrelated phenomena, we can suggest that by learning slang through songs, a person becomes attached to the English-language culture, which is a significant factor in increasing interest in the language being studied.

The gap between" classical " speech and slang is widening every day, so that sometimes it is impossible to understand a native speaker of a foreign language because of the academic nature of the textbooks used to teach the language. This determines the actuality of this study. The scientific novelty of the research is determined by the novelty of the actual material (the latest newspapers, magazines, Internet publications, modern songs, as well as the "live" language of my peers were analyzed).

Purpose: to identify the features of the use of modern youth vocabulary in English songs on the example of Ariana Grande's work.

 Tasks: 1. Consider the key concepts of youth slang; 2. To study the concept of youth slang and determine its place, function and role in the formation of the language; 3. To analyze youth slang on the material of the foreign songs.

Subject of research: use of youth slang vocabulary.

Object of research: slang in Ariana Grande songs.

 Hypothesis: youth slang is a popular and influential sociolinguistic phenomenon in speech terms.

Structure of the work: the work consists of an introduction, two chapters and a conclusion: the first Chapter contains a theoretical analysis of the literature on the topic of the study; the second Chapter is devoted to the analysis of the features of the use of youth slang vocabulary. The work is accompanied by a bibliographic list of 12 names.

 Research methods: continuous sampling method, linguistic-stylistic analysis.            The research material was 50 songs by pop singer Ariana from 5 albums from 2013 to 2019.



























СHAPTER I. Youth slang: the key concepts

In the twentieth century, there was a technical revolution, the pace of life has significantly accelerated, and the vocabulary has increased, because each new concept must correspond to at least one word. Accordingly, the vocabulary of jargon is expanding, and thousands of new words have been added to reflect political and social changes. For example, to play hooky-skip classes, there you go-Well, you're good! I. T. p. [4, p. 115] as you know, there are still doubts in modern linguistics about the origin of the word "slang". According to one version, English. slang comes from sling ("throw"). In such cases, remember the archaic to sling one's jaw - " to speak violent and offensive speech." According to another version, "slang" goes back to slanguage, with the initial letter s allegedly added to the language as a result of the disappearance of the word thieves; that is, originally it was about the thieves 'language thieves' language [11, p. 183]. In writing, the word slang was first recorded in England in the 18th century. Then it meant " insult."

Around 1850, the term began to be used more widely, as a designation for" illegal " vernacular vocabulary. At the same time there are synonyms for the word slang - lingo and argot [10, p. 3]. On the scope of the concept "slang" talk later appeared his descriptive terms like "obscene colloquial speech or slang is language that rolls up his sleeves, spits on palms and goes to work" (Carl Sandberg) or is it "poetry of the common man," etc. [6; p. 72] the definition of the word "slang" is one of the most controversial and confusing issues in English linguistics. A set of jargon that makes up a layer of colloquial vocabulary that reflects a roughly familiar, sometimes humorous attitude to the subject of speech. It is used mainly in conditions of casual communication: English. gal-girl [7, p. 161]. The term "slang", notes the famous American linguist CH. Friz, has expanded its meaning so much and is used to refer to so many different concepts that it is extremely difficult to draw a dividing line between what is slang and what is not. [9, p. 52]. R. Spears notes that the term "slang" was originally used to refer to British criminal jargon as a synonym for the word "cant" (cant). Over the years, "slang" has expanded its meaning and now includes various types of non-literary vocabulary: jargon, vernaculars, dialects, and even vulgar words [12,  p. 10-11].

       Slang is a vocabulary that has an emotional connotation. Slang usually includes all sorts of humorous, ironic, and other expressions.  Slang can be divided into well-known and common, and little-known and narrowly used. Slang is characterized by limited intelligibility. An interesting interpretation of slang can be found in an article by Stuart B. Flexner, one of the authors of the Dictionary of American slang. He writes: "American slang ( ... ) is those words and expressions that are used by a relatively large part of the broad strata of the American people, or that are understandable to them, but in the opinion of the majority, are not suitable for "good", official use of them in speech" [9; p.14]. The General vocabulary of the "average American", the author writes, is approximately 10 000 - 20 000 words. Of these, about 2,000 words are slang. Therefore, slang accounts for 10-20 percent of the total lexical stock mentioned above. In total, the vocabulary of the English language in the United States, according to scientists, includes 10,000 words related to slang itself, and 35,000 words - to its varieties: this is professional slang, jargon, Argo. [13; p. 96] there Are several functions of youth slang, let's highlight some of them: first, youth slang acts as a means of communicating people of the same age category. Youth slang differs in that the dictionary is limited to the realities of the world of young people. The slang names in question refer only to this world, thus separating it from everything else, and are often incomprehensible to people of other age categories. Secondly, phrases used by young people sound more playful than usual, giving the speech a humorous character and turning into a "collective game". Third, youth slang opposes itself to the older generation. The main principle is the element of shock and shock. This is the challenge to a prosperous, successful society and the rejection of its norms, patterns, and decencies [7, p. 138].



1.1.  Youth slang in modern music

Slang is used in different spheres of life, there are different types of slang: professional, prison, from which most of the adopted hip-hop culture, the language of computer scientists, hippies, etc. All this directly affects the musical culture, almost all modern songs have an abundance of slang, which leads to their rapid spread and introduction into the vocabulary of society [20; p. 59]. Mass media, especially television, play a significant role in the emergence of new words. Most new slang words arise and evolve quite naturally from specific situations. Thus, the appearance of new objects, things, objects, ideas, or events is accompanied by the appearance of new words to explain and describe them. For example, in the 60s of the twentieth century, there were no personal computers or mobile phones, and musicians did not go to "play for a cap". In addition, each new generation of young people also needs some new words to explain their different view of pre-existing things. This is what introduced such a large number of slang words and expressions into the slang of young people of the late twentieth and early twenty - first century, reflecting various aspects of the life of drug addicts, as well as relations between young people.  Modern youth slang is a kind of language in the language that can dominate the speaker's speech and only slightly affect it. For example, instead of the commonly used "to eat" in youth slang, they will say "to stuff" or "to have a stuff"; instead of "good"- "gee"; instead of "surprised" - "gaga"      [6,  p. 163].

During the twentieth century and the beginning of the twenty-first century, many subcultures appeared: hippie, punk, rave, and so on. today, there are many directions in music, but the most popular types are pop, hip-hop, and R'n'b. These three directions are intertwined, creating a new style of life, where there is an abundance of their slang. As mentioned above, modern music is full of different kinds of slang and jargon, the origin of which is diverse. For example, hip-hop, a very relevant direction in music today. The culture of hip-hop is very much borrowed from the prison culture: clothing, mannerisms, slang and jargons. Rap is very difficult to perceive by people of other nationalities, since there is an abundance of slang that is understood mainly only by people belonging to this culture. The name itself already speaks to the lifestyle of this subculture: the rich and luxurious life of people who bow to glamour and wealth. R'n'b style introduced such words as icys-that is, diamonds of incredible purity and size, junk inside a trunk-designer items in Louis Vitton suitcases, fabulous-a person not only rich, but also a star. In their songs, representatives of the modern R'n'b style praise their ideals, that is, money and all their subsequent ones. As already mentioned, not everyone understands their slang, especially foreign people, but their study will help you get closer and understand the main meaning of the songs. The same applies to songs from other music genres, for example, popular music is also full of different new words. Listening to songs of the studied language, a person develops listening skills and learns to perceive foreign speech. Nowadays, these words can be found in the normative vocabulary of the English language. They are no longer considered slang and are quite successfully used in colloquial speech.


СHAPTER II. Demonstration of slang in Ariana's work











2.1. General characteristics of Ariana's work

Ariana was born in a resort town on the Southeast coast of Florida in 1993, on June 26. Edward and Joan, the parents of the future pop star, moved to Boca Raton from new York. Even in early childhood, Ariana began to show an interest in creativity. The girl took part in theatrical productions and performances based on famous fairy tales.

When Grande turned 14, she went to Los Angeles. At this time, as a teenager, the girl clearly realized that, despite the success and prospects in acting, she wants to seriously study music. However, the first appeal to the producers ended with a refusal: recording studios at that time considered Ariana too young to start a career as an R&b performer. However, the imaginary failure becomes only a step to success: the girl receives an offer to take part in a Broadway musical and accepts it. Work on the musical play "13", where the rising star got the role of the leader of the school sports support group, forces the girl to stop studying for a while. In the future, the young actress will not return to classes, continuing training in an individual format with the help of hired Tutors.

In 2009, Ariana gets a role in the television series "Victoria the winner". In a situational Comedy, she embodied the image of kat Valentine. The following year, producer Desmond child invited a talented girl to his musical "Cuba Libre". In 2010, Grande decides to suspend her work as an actress for a while and begins to diligently improve her vocal data, devoting all her time to this occupation. The effort does not go unnoticed, and soon Grande is invited to the team of "Republic Records", and in 2011 the first single" Put your hearts up", released by the efforts of a professional recording Studio, is released. Grande combines her first steps as a singer with work on voicing cartoon characters in the series "Winx Club" and the animated project "Snowflake, the White Gorrilla". Soon, Grande appears in front of the audience as a fragile, charming snow White in a theatrical adaptation of the popular literary work "A Snow White Christmas".

In 2013, Ariana presented her first Studio album with the touching title "Yours Truly". A month later, the album topped the us "Billboard 200" rating. The track "The Way"was included in the top ten songs for the same version. In the summer of 2014, the second album "My Everything" was released, which again immediately soared to the first position of the authoritative list of "Billboard 200" and demonstrated a phenomenal commercial success. The collection of tracks sold more than 150 thousand copies. The collaboration with hip-hop artist Iggy Azalea "Problem" quickly turned into a hit and received high ratings from fans of popular music.

In 2015, Grande appeared in the frames of the series "scream Queens", broadcast on the Fox channel. At the same time, the third album was not long in coming. "Dangerous Woman" appeared in the public domain in the spring of 2016 and cemented Grande's position as an incredibly successful, sought-after and popular singer. Even critical skeptics liked the record.

2018 turned out to be extremely fruitful: Grande worked on recording two albums:" Sweetener " fans had the opportunity to evaluate in the spring, and in the fall the track "Thank U, Next" was released, which precedes the appearance of the record of the same name.












2.2. Slang phenomenon in grammar and vocabulary

Ariana Grande's recent song "7 rings" received more than 106 million views on You Tube, but it's not easy to understand the meaning of the lines “My neck is flossy” and “My gloss is poppin’. I don't think she sings about a fluffy neck and a bursting sparkle. Let's look at slang English expressions from Ariana Grande songs. Ariana Grande “7 rings”. My neck is flossy. Flossy-Literal translation: fluffy, silky-Slang: fashionable, spectacular. Ariana sings that her neck is covered with jewels. How to use: Your new dress is so flossy. = Your new dress is so fashionable. Ariana Grande “7 rings”. My gloss is poppin’. Poppin ' - Literal translation: bursting, cracking-Slang: cool, stylish. Ariana makes a reference to the Lip Gloss track and says that she has a cool lip gloss. How to use: That guy is popping. = This guy is cool. Ariana Grande “No tears left to cry”. We're out here vibin‘ . Vibe-Literal translation: vibrate-Slang: hang out, carouse to music. If you are tired of the hackneyed "hangout” or" groove“, use the fashionable”vibe". How to use: Hey, girl, come vibe with me. = Hey, girl, come hang out with me. «Thought I'd end up with Sean. But he wasn't a match – was it a match. And for Pete, I'm so grateful. I ain't worried 'bout nothin' - I'm not worried about nothing. And she handles pain –Pain – handle. At Least this song is a smash-break.











Thus, this study was relevant, because the gap between" classical " speech and slang is expanding every day so that sometimes it is impossible to understand a native speaker of a foreign language because of the academic nature of textbooks that are used to teach the language. If we take into account the fact that language and culture are interrelated phenomena, then learning slang through songs, a person becomes attached to the English-language culture, which is a significant factor in increasing interest in the language being studied. A significant place is given to slang in pop culture, which makes it prestigious and necessary for self-expression. The internal source of speech development for young people is music with its bright, unusual words. There is a strong tendency to reduce and simplify words. The mechanism of formation of slang systems of youth speech is based on borrowings. Thus, based on the analysis of the obtained data, we concluded that there are grammatical and lexical deviations from the norm in the slang of Ariana's songs. Grammatical features include double negation, all sorts of violations of language rules, and abbreviations. As for lexical deviations from the norm, the main feature is the frequent use of profanity. The main theme of slang is the person and his feelings, as well as the expression of emotions.













List of references


1. Beregovskaya, E. M. Youth slang: formation and functioning / / Questions of linguistics/ E. M. Beregovskaya. - M, 2002. - 354.

2. Burdin, L. S. Dictionary litter "slang" and interpretation in modern linguistics / / questions of linguistics and methods of teaching foreign languages/ L. S. Burdin. - Yeah., 2002. - Yeah. 67 to 79.

3. Large encyclopedic dictionary. Linguistics. - Yeah.: Russian encyclopedia, 1988. - 680c.

4. Voloshin, Y. K. American slang in the spoken language // Linguistic units of different levels and their functional characteristics/ Y. K. Voloshin. - M, 2002. - Yeah. 13-17.

5. Zabotkina, V. I. New vocabulary of modern English / V. I. Zabotkina. - Yeah.: Higher school, 2003. - 456.

6. Mihailov, N. N. Lexicon with a cultural component of meaning-Collection of scientific works of MOPI. N. K. Krupskaya, 2001. - 196.

7. Orlov, G. A. Modern English speech/ G. A. Orlov. - Yeah., 2001. - 274 p.

8. Modern encyclopedic dictionary. - Soviet encyclopedia, 1975. - Yeah. / ed. Col.: S. M. Kovalev - 234 p.

9 . Harlitsky, M. S. New phenomena in the modern vocabulary of the mass media // Language and society. Part 1. / M. S. Garlicky. - M, 2003. - 289.

10. French Fries: an Introduction to the American College dictionary. New York: New American library, 1947. - 478.

11 . Pei Mario history of the English language. Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1967. - 430 p.

12. Slang and euphemism of Richard A.-M.: Russian language, 1991. - 528.



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