Инфоурок Физика СтатьиСтатья по методике преподавания физики на тему "PHYSICAL LABORATORY WORKS AT HOME AS THE METHOD OF FORMATION OF STUDENTS’ RESEARCHING SKILLS".


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УДК 53:004




1 East Kazakhstan State University after named S. Amanzholov, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan

2East Kazakhstan State University after named S. Amanzholov, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan



Берілген мақалда физикадан үй жағдайында жасалған зертханалық жұмыстар арқылы қалыптастырылу мүмкіндіктері қарастырылады.

Түйінді сөздер: үй жұмыс, физика, мектеп, эксперемент, зертхананың  жұмысы.

В данной статье рассматриваются возможности формирования исследовательских навыков при помощи домашних лабораторных работ по физике.

Ключевые слова: домашняя работа, физика, школа, эксперемент, лабораторная работа.

In this article possibilities of forming of research skills are examined through laboratory home-works on physics.

Keywords: home work, physics, school, experement, laboratory work.


There is no reason to stop,
I go, gliding...

And there are no such vertices in the world
that you cannot take.
Vladimir Vysotsky


"Great scientist the child cannot be, but it is necessary to be the independent person, able to analyze actions, behavior, self-improvement, to realize themselves in the world".Approaches to educational methods can vary greatly.

Models of teaching methods in the modern school are divided into two types - passive and active or extractive - interactive. The features of the passive model or extractive mode are activities of learning environment. It means that the students learn the material from the words of the teacher or from the text of the book, do not communicate with each other and do not perform any creative tasks. Examples of such models can be traditional forms of lessons, such as a lecture. This model is the most traditional and quite often used, although the modern requirements to the structure of the lesson use active methods, causing activity of the child.

Active and interactive methods involve the stimulating of cognitive activity and independence of students. This model assumes that the creative (often homemade) and communication tasks in the student-teacher system are required. The disadvantage of this model is that students act as subjects for teaching only themselves, and do not interact with the other actors of the process, except for teachers. Thus, this method is characterized by its one-sided direction, namely for technology of independent activity, self-learning, self-education, self-development, and does not teach the ability to share experiences and collaborate in groups.

The aim of interactive model is to organize a comfortable learning environment in which all students interact with each other. Using of this teaching model at lessons talks about innovative activities. Organization of interactive learning involves modeling of the life situations, using of role-playing games, general issues on the basis of the analysis of the circumstances and the situation, the penetration of information streams into the consciousness, inducing active processes.

The essence and purpose of modern education – is the development of the general abilities of the person and its universal methods of activity by educational subjects. The role of teacher is more important as the organizer of the pupils’ activity in the school. Indeed, the role of physical experiment should not be underestimated, because the students’ experimental skills are formed by experiments: they learn to determine the purposes of the experiment, set goals and reach solution, hypotheses and prove them or disprove, and they learn to collect devices, observe and validate occurring phenomenon from a scientific point of view that can help students to explain the life around them, phenomena and processes.

The possibility of using domestic labs in learning physics at the first stage in high school is very appropriate. This is especially relevant in a situation of hour’s reduction in the school curriculum of physics teaching, but the volume of the material is not reduced. That is teachers need to give the same amount of knowledge as before in less time. Unfortunately, the most of practicing teachers cut experimental part of lessons. Physical experiments that exist in the modern school, divided into demonstration experiment, frontal laboratory work and physical workshop. And only a few teachers-methodologists allocate a separate group of domestic experimental (laboratory) work. We consider it is necessary to conduct laboratory work at home on the first years of teaching physics, in particular, to introduce them as homework on weekends in high school physics course from the 7th to 9th grades.

Physics - experimental science. Experiment is an experience, i.e. observation of the phenomenon investigated in the conditions taken into account, allow you to monitor its progress and to recreate each time repeating the same conditions. Therefore, an understanding of the physical theory and consciousness can not be confirmed without Information, i.e. experiments no. It involves active and independent position of students in the teaching; development of general learning skills: primarily research and self-assessment; Formation of abilities that are associated with the experience of their application in practice, priority targeting the development of informative interest of students, the implementation of the principle of communication training with life.

For many students, the material on physics in books and textbooks remains unclear for a long time. And interest in the subject is reduced because of the misunderstanding, which leads to the subject of misunderstandings and reduce performance.

How do you arouse students' desire for knowledge? How do you revive the process of learning and to create an atmosphere of joyful elation that accompanies the search and creativity, to do learning activities cheerful, exciting and interesting?

The solution to these issues in teaching physics is staging the student as a researcher in the conditions at the place of the scientist or discoverer
          For a student observations, experiences and organization of research in the study of physics - a necessary factor which allows to increase the interest in physical science, make it fun, entertaining and useful, and to realize that physics - it's not scary, physics - it's interesting.

The experiment not only helps the student to understand the theory better, but also actively involved in the work in the classroom, to put forward their theories to solve the problem, to solve not only with the teacher assigned tasks, but even on their own. The experiment is an important aspect of the practice. With the help of science is able not only to explain the phenomena of the material world, but also directly to master them. Therefore, the experiment is one of the main means of communication between science and life.

The experiment is both a source of knowledge, teaching methods and means of activization of informative activity of the student.
          Today in the field of education are gaining momentum, new criteria for assessing the quality of education, taking into account the dynamics of the development of each student. This is due to the increasing speed of change in society: the change of technology, lifestyle, new products and needs, changing forms of work. The most successful are the people who can for a limited time to create a unique product or service, reconstruct and learn new methods of work, to offer an extraordinary way out of a problem situation, that is, to implement certain competence. The need to quickly find a solution to emerging industrial and scientific purposes has led to the spread of self-employment as a technology to solve problems. It is clear that successful professionals are available only if you configure them from school. As a result of independent activity of pupils permanently it will be one of the most important forms of modern education.

During the demonstration experiments in classroom time devoted to the experience is limited to the duration of the lesson, and in fact even less. At the same time the main activities carried out and the teacher, in the best case, one - two students. The remaining just watches the conduct of the experience.

After the lesson, which was carried out to demonstrate, to the desk of the teacher fits a lot of kids who want to twist the knob of the generator, to touch a glass of water on the touch to determine its temperature and so on. This all shows that many of the children want to experiment themselves, because it is interesting! Teachers always try (of course, if it's good teachers) to conduct training so that children were interested. It’s easy - the children give a hint that they are not averse to experiment for yourself to see the phenomena, which told the teacher in theory, in practice.

Experimental work at home - is the simplest experiment, which is carried out by students at home, out of school, without direct supervision by a teacher over the proceedings, but sometimes in cooperation with parents. The objectives of this type of work - is the formation of the ability to observe physical phenomena in nature and in home conditions, take measurements using measuring tools used in everyday life, the formation of interest to the experiment and the study of physics. This type of work can be carried out by students with the help of devices that they have done on their own, using household items, or by using devices that are commercially available. Home experiment rightfully enters in system of school experiments with the special value of this type of work is that it can be attributed to the system of independent work, which can enhance the interest to the subject - physics, as well as allow to see the connection of physics and other sciences.

For unaided work is necessary to teach at the lower levels of the subject matter, when simple tasks easily solvable are put that gradually have become more complicated. This type of work is individual, even if one laboratory work is given to the whole class, because students have to do the job at home, without teacher and classmates. A distinctive feature of the home labs is that the teacher in the preparation of assignments does not take into account the fact that different students perform tasks at different speeds. This makes it possible to give all students the same task. Home experiment should be conducted in accordance with the topic in the form of homework, or be controlled after studying a particular subject or topic. Laboratory homework can be given by teacher:

1. in the course of studying of a theme;
2. at the end of the topic;

3. as a control work on topics that do not require verification of ability to solve problems, and the theory of knowledge and ability to apply it in practice, and the theoretical part should be excluded from the job description;

4. frontally when the entire class is given a single experiment;
5. variably when each student or group of students is given different experiences.

During the activity, students should not only conduct and describe an experiment and draw conclusions based on the knowledge that they have on the topic. If students learn the material correctly, they will not have a problem to make a conclusion of the observed phenomenon. Home laboratory work can be divided into work, in which:

- The main activity is the observation of phenomena surrounding us;

- Measurements should be made using instruments that are used in daily life;

- It is necessary to carry out measurements with instruments that students should make their own hands.

Home experiment can also be exploratory. In this case, students are asked to create certain conditions for a certain period of time, observe what is happening and to draw conclusions about what they saw at the end of this time. The role of independent work in the performance of the home laboratory work is very high. They contribute to the emergence of student interest in the subject, which, as already mentioned, is important. Therefore, the teacher should pay more attention to precisely this kind of work in the preparation of curricula, where independent work should always be included. Independent work will form the ability to solve problems without any help, that will be useful for students later in life. Home labs must meet special requirements. All the experiments, which are selected for students at home, should not in any way harm the students; therefore, one of the main requirements is safety. At home labs should not be used a source of danger. In case of working with hot objects in the description of laboratory work is necessary to specify that it should be carried out only in the presence of parents. Because laboratory work is carried out at home, they should not be performed on some sophisticated equipment, and using items that are available in every home that is the student must not carry any material costs. Although home laboratory work should be easy to implement, it carries a great theoretical load. Description of laboratory work should include not only single-stepping, but also a theory that will help students not only to explain the phenomenon of what he saw, but also contribute to a repetition of the material studied. Reports on the implementation of the work should be executed. On the form reports the teacher should talk with the students in advance, for example, it may require the registration of students, which they do during the front labs. This type of reporting will help the teacher to assess the work of each student. Results should be discussed with the class; it will help students understand the issues that were not clear to them when performing. Thus, the experiments that the teacher chooses to home labs must meet the following requirements:
          1. Safety.
          2. Ease of implementation.
          3. No material costs.
          4. Reports on the work.
          5. Discussion of the results.

Carrying home labs is also due to the psychological development of children in their teens. This period is the shortest of all, but during this period the person makes a big leap in their development. During this period that he becomes a person. It is also necessary to take into account the development of higher mental functions in this age, namely: memory, attention, perception and thinking as a whole. Development of these functions depends on the motivation of learning. In adolescence is dominated by theoretical thinking by which a child learns to establish connections. It is well known that the greatest interest in the study of physics students exhibit in carrying out independent practical action, like in the classroom and in extracurricular activities. It is therefore logical to use a physical experiment in homework. We have developed methodical instructions "Home laboratory works in physics for grades 7-9.". There is a system of home labs for secondary school classes 7-8-9 in this tutorial. In 7th grade during the school year performed 17 works, in the 8th grade - 7 works, in 9th grade - 5 works. A large number of home laboratory works in the 7th grade at the initial stage of training provides a solid base of theoretical knowledge learned by the child in the process of self-employment. Considering that the studying of physics is given in grades 7-9 is not such a large number of hours, the performance of home laboratory work does not lead to an overload, and the work is given on the weekend, so that students have time to perform the experiment and for interpretation of the results. Students are instructed to implement a home lab, which gives a list of necessary equipment and accurate algorithm for the experiment. During the work the students deepen their knowledge, repeat the material from lessons, develop memory and thinking, learn to analyze the idea and the results of experiments, draw conclusions on their own. The works evoke students' sense of wonder, delight and pleasure from the work which have done independently, as obtained with positive emotions for a long time fixed in the memory of the necessary information. All proposed works are related to real life; make it possible to learn how to give an explanation of natural phenomena.
          This allowance has been applied in the teaching process in one of the schools in our town. According to a survey of students, and analyzed the results of a survey of students, it can be concluded that the application of home laboratory works in the learning process has led to an increase in the level of knowledge of students and caused interest in physics as a science. Thus, the application in practice of teaching physics home labs actively influences on the development of practice-oriented skills of students and increase their interest in the subject, makes it possible to some extent to overcome the costs of "chalk" method of teaching physics in the modern school.
These labs are adapted to modern textbooks.























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Soroka Darya Sergeevna, 3 course specialty 011000 - "Physics",  laboratory of the Department of Physics and Technology EKSU after named S. Amanzholov,, tel.: +77472523305, darya1001@mail.ru, East Kazakhstan region, Ust-Kamenogorsk , street Egorova, house 4, flat 32


Shevchuk Evgeniya Petrovna, Master Engineer, Senior Lecturer, Department of Physics and Technology EKSU after named S.Amanzholov, tel.: +77058604025, evgeniya-shevchu@mail.ru, East Kazakhstan region, Ust-Kamenogorsk , street Vinogradova, house 6, flat 29













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