Инфоурок Английский язык ПрезентацииСтрановедческая игра по англоязычным странам "Своя игра" ("You Bet!") (7-8 класс)

Страноведческая игра по англоязычным странам "Своя игра" ("You Bet!") (7-8 класс)

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  • You Bet!Country Studies Game

    1 слайд

    You Bet!
    Country Studies Game

  • Great Britain

    2 слайд

    Great Britain

  • Final GameSymbols 
Sights & Monuments 

    3 слайд

    Final Game
    Sights & Monuments
    Towns & Cities

  • The Land 10What parts does England consist of?Basically we can name North of...

    4 слайд

    The Land 10
    What parts does England consist of?
    Basically we can name North of England, Midlands, Heart of England, East, South-East and South-West

  • The Land 20What’s the name of the biggest of the British Isles?
Great Britain...

    5 слайд

    The Land 20
    What’s the name of the biggest of the British Isles?

    Great Britain.
    It’s simply Great Britain!

  • The Land 30The Thames is the most important river of England, but which is th...

    6 слайд

    The Land 30
    The Thames is the most important river of England, but which is the longest one?
    The Severn is.
    It runs through
    Wales and England and is 220 miles
    (354 km) long.

  • The Land 40This place in the North of England is especially attractive for to...

    7 слайд

    The Land 40
    This place in the North of England is especially attractive for tourists for its scenery
    It’s Lake District

  • The Land 50If you travel this part of the country up to the ocean, you’ll fin...

    8 слайд

    The Land 50
    If you travel this part of the country up to the ocean, you’ll find yourself at the place which is called very simply: “Land’s End”. Where is it situated?
    It’s the most western point of England. It’s a cape in the South-West.

  • Literature 10“To be or not to be?” – this character asked himself. Who is the...

    9 слайд

    Literature 10
    “To be or not to be?” – this character asked himself. Who is the author?
    William Shakespear is the author of “Hamlet”.

  • Literature 20One of Shakespeare’s tragedies tell a story of two lovers who we...

    10 слайд

    Literature 20
    One of Shakespeare’s tragedies tell a story of two lovers who were not allowed to be together because of their families’ hatred.
    What are their names, famous all over the world?

    Romeo and Juliet

  • Literature 30“My heart’s in the Highlands, my heart is not here,My heart’s...

    11 слайд

    Literature 30

    “My heart’s in the Highlands, my heart is not here,
    My heart’s in the Highlands
    a-chasing the deer,
    A-chasing the wild deer and following the roe –
    My heart’s in the Highlands wherever I go!”

    Who is the author
    of this poem?
    Robert Burns,
    the famous Scottish poet

  • Literature 40The name of this writer, author of “Ivanhoe” and “Rob Roy”, is d...

    12 слайд

    Literature 40
    The name of this writer, author of “Ivanhoe” and “Rob Roy”, is deeply connected with Princess Street in Edinburgh. Who is this writer?

    Sir Walter Scott

  • Literature 50...

    13 слайд

    Literature 50
    This Englishwoman is merely called “the queen of detective stories”. Her novels, created at the beginning of the 20th century, are still popular all over the world. What’s her name?
    Agatha Christie

  • Politics 10Who does the power belong to in the United Kingdom of Great Britai...

    14 слайд

    Politics 10
    Who does the power belong to in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Nothern Ireland?
    The power in the UK belongs to the Parliament and the Prime Minister.

  • Politics 20How many Houses does the British Parliament include? Which ones?Th...

    15 слайд

    Politics 20
    How many Houses does the British Parliament include? Which ones?
    They are two:
    the House of Commons
    and the House of Lords

  • Politics 30Great Britain used to be a huge Empire. What happened to the most...

    16 слайд

    Politics 30
    Great Britain used to be a huge Empire. What happened to the most of the former British Colonies?
    They formed
    the Commonwealth

  • Politics 40He is the elder son of Queen Elisabeth II and therefore he is the...

    17 слайд

    Politics 40
    He is the elder son of Queen Elisabeth II and therefore he is the heir of the British Throne. Can you remember his name?
    Prince Charles

  • Politics 50Just an address: 10 Downing St., London.Who lives there? Can you...

    18 слайд

    Politics 50
    Just an address: 10 Downing St., London.
    Who lives there? Can you remember at least one name?
    British Prime Ministers
    - Gordon Brown since 27 June 2007
    Tony Blair
    John Major
    Margaret Thatcher

  • History 10It happened in 1666 and it destroyed ¾ of London. What was it?The G...

    19 слайд

    History 10
    It happened in 1666 and it destroyed ¾ of London. What was it?
    The Great Fire Of London

  • History 20He was a French and he invaded the British Isles in the 11th centur...

    20 слайд

    History 20
    He was a French and he invaded the British Isles in the 11th century. He took over England and became King of England under the name of…
    William the Conqueror

  • History 30Who founded the town of London (Londinium those days)?The Romans did.

    21 слайд

    History 30
    Who founded the town of London (Londinium those days)?
    The Romans did.

  • History 40Which of the Roman emperors first came to the British Isles?Julius...

    22 слайд

    History 40
    Which of the Roman emperors first came to the British Isles?
    Julius Caesar

  • History 50He was an English general and politician and he lead the army again...

    23 слайд

    History 50
    He was an English general and politician and he lead the army against King Charles I in the Civil War. He finally became Lord Protector of England. What is his name?
    Oliver Cromwell

  • London 10Which square is the centre and the heart of London?Trafalgar Square

    24 слайд

    London 10
    Which square is the centre and the heart of London?
    Trafalgar Square

  • London 20This street is known as the shopping paradise, with all the best sho...

    25 слайд

    London 20
    This street is known as the shopping paradise, with all the best shops along it. It’s name has become the synonym for exclusive shopping in London.
    Oxford Street

  • London 30The Tower of London is famous for its black ravens. What’s the reaso...

    26 слайд

    London 30
    The Tower of London is famous for its black ravens. What’s the reason for keeping them?
    The legend says:
    “As long as ravens stay
    in the tower of London,
    the Crown will last”.

  • London 40The Royal Residence in London is the Buckingham Palace. You can see...

    27 слайд

    London 40
    The Royal Residence in London is the Buckingham Palace. You can see a monument in front of it. Who is the monument to?
    It’s Queen Victoria

  • London 50There is a large and beautiful concert hall in London built after Qu...

    28 слайд

    London 50
    There is a large and beautiful concert hall in London built after Queen Victoria’s husband’s death. What’s the name of this building?
    Royal Albert Hall

  • SymbolsWhat is the Union Jack made up of and what do these mean?

    29 слайд

    What is the Union Jack made up of
    and what do these mean?

  • PeopleWhat’s her name?Elizabeth-Mary-Alexander Windsor
Her Majesty Queen Eliz...

    30 слайд

    What’s her name?
    Elizabeth-Mary-Alexander Windsor
    Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

  • DatesWhen did Queen Elisabeth II come to the throne?In 1952.

    31 слайд

    When did Queen Elisabeth II come to the throne?
    In 1952.

  • TraditionsThis celebration started after the unlucky Gunpowder Plot. People s...

    32 слайд

    This celebration started after the unlucky Gunpowder Plot. People still burn fires that autumn night. What do they call it?
    Guy Fawkes Day

  • Sights & MonumentsIn which part of the country is this monument situated?The...

    33 слайд

    Sights & Monuments
    In which part of the country is this monument situated?
    The Stonehenge
    is in Wiltshire
    in the South-West of England

  • SportsA bat-and-ball team sport that is first documented as being played in s...

    34 слайд

    A bat-and-ball team sport that is first documented as being played in southern England in the 16th century, is still popular especially in British schools.
    It’s cricket

  • Towns and CitiesThis industrial city on the North-West coast of England has b...

    35 слайд

    Towns and Cities
    This industrial city on the North-West coast of England has become famous all over the world for The Beatles.

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