Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыThe Electoral System of Great Britain

The Electoral System of Great Britain

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Күні:    12.01                                                                    Сынып:11

Тақырыбы:. Step four. THE ELECTORAL SYSTEM IN BRITAIN. Британияның сайлау жүйесі.

Мақсаты: Оқушылардың сайлау туралы білімдерін толықтыру 

                    Сөйлеу дағдыларын дамыту

                    Жаңа сөздерді үйрету

                                                Сабақ барысы

Ұйымдастыру кезеңі:

1 Амандасу

2 Үй жұмысын тексеру

3 Жаңа тақырыппен таңыстыру



1.         Talk to your group / class. Guess the meanings.

•           Do you know the word elect ?

•           Do you know the word election?

•           Do you know the word electoral ?

•           Do you know the word to vote ?



Ex 2.    Now match the Kazakh word with the English word.

a)         сайлайтын                                          1) elect [iTekt] v

b)         сайлау                                                  2) electoral [ilektorol] adj

c)         сайлаушы                                           3) election [ilektorol] n

d)         сайлау                                                  4) elector [flekto] n

e)         тулға                                                   5) quality ['kwoliti] n

f)         жеке басына тэн қасиеттер                6) personality [po:so'nashti] n

g)         шығу тегі, өмірбаяны                        7) background ['baekgraund] n

ex 3.    Talk to your partner / class.

a) At what age do people vote in your country?

•Have you ever voted in an election?

•Have your parents ever voted in an election?

•Has your sister / brother/aunt/ uncle/ cousin ever voted in an election?

•What qualities should you look for when you vote for someone to rep-resent in the Parliament of Kazakhstan?

b) Omar and Dmitry think when they vote for a person they should look for:

1) his/ her family background ['bsekgraund]

3)         his/her party membership

4)         personality

5)         education

Ex 4.    a) Talk to your partner.

•           Do you agree with Omar and Dmitry?

•           Do you want to add to the list of qualities?

Ex 5.    Make your own list. Compare your list with your partners or classmates.


Ex 6.    Before you speak about the electoral system in Britain talk to your class.

•           Do you know the importance of the vote?

•           Do you know anything about the electoral system in Britain?

Ex 7.    Read the text and answer the questions of execise 6.

                                       VOTING AND VOTERS IN BRITAIN

Millions of people all over the world have fought long for democracy and the right to vote.

In Britain the battle was finally won by women known as Suffragettes (campaigners for women’s suffrage) when they got the vote in 1921. They got full and equal voting rights in 1928.

The vote is the membership ticket of the democratic society.Voting is by secret ballot.Any organisation wishing to put up candidates at an election must be registered as a political party with the Electoral Commission.The leader of the party that wins most seats at a general election is by convention invited by the Monarch to form a government. He or she be¬comes Prime Minister and chooses the ministers who will together form the Government.All British citizens who are residents of the UK may vote at the age of 18 or over.British citizens living abroad may apply to be registered to vote for up to 15 years after leaving Britain. British citizens who are working overseas as British Government employees also have the right to vote. Voting in elec¬tions is voluntary.


Ex 8.    Read the text and correct the statements                                                   True                       False

a)         Voting is by secret ballot.                               

b)         Any organization that wants to put up candidates

at a relevant election shouldn’t be registered as a political party with the

Electoral Commission.                       

c)         Candidates who do not belong to any party

or smaller parties may also stand.                               

d)         The leader of the party that wins most seats at a general election is

by convention invited by the Prime Minister to

form a Government.                           

e)         He or she becomes the Prime Minister and chooses the ministers

 who will together form the Government.                               

f)         All British citizens who are residents of the UK may

vote at the age of 18 or over.                          

g)         British citizens who are working on overseas as British Government


do not have the right to vote.               

Production :   


Ex 9.    Read the text again and give the derivatives of the following words and find them in the text (exercise 7).

a)         elect, v c) member, n    e) govern, v

b)         person, n         d) vote, v         f) employ, v

ex 10.  Complete the chart and mark the stress. Then read the text again and find them in the text (exercise 7).

             Verb                              Noun                         Adjective

a)         elect                           

b)                               person              

c)                              member             

d)         vote                           

e)         employ                      

f)         govern



Үйге тапсырма:

Goodbye! I wish you luck!



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