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The Great Unknown ( посвящена В Шекспиру)

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              THE GREAT UNKNOWN





                                                                                       Prepared by









The Great Unknown


                                               William Shakespeare

                                          ( 1564-1616 )

“He was not of an age but for all time”

These words were said by Benjamin Johnson a playwright and player, a good friend of Shakespeare, about the greatest of all poets. Who was that William Shakespeare of Stratford? The facts are very few. Shakespeare was probably born on the 23d of April, 1564, in Stratford-on-Avon. William’s father was a rich man and gave his son a good education. William knew Latin well. His first work was to look after horses. Then William Shakespeare was an actor and founder a theatre himself. William Shakespeare wrote many sonnets and poems. The best and the most popular Shakespeare’s works are “King Lear”, “Romeo and Juliet”, “Hamlet”.







April 23 is Shakespeare’s birthday and is also the day he died. Both events occurred at Stratford-on-Avon, a small town in the centre of England. There are no mountains or deep valleys near Stratford, but there are beautiful woods, green fields, a quiet gentle river – the winding Avon – and lovely houses, black and white with thatched roofs. Here visitors can see the very room where Shakespeare was born.

In one room there is a little wooden desk, the very desk that Shakespeare sat at when he went to the grammar school in Stratford. Behind the house there is a garden. Here the visitors can see the flowers, trees and plants that are mentioned in Shakespeare’s plays. They say that William Shakespeare wrote his last plays in Stratford.



King Lear








It is the story of a man who was so proud and so egoistic that he could not understand the world around him. He heard only what he wanted to hear; he saw only what he wanted to see. He believed the lies that his eldest daughters told him because they were pleasant. He refused to believe his youngest daughter who told him the unpleasant truth. And it only when he has lost everything, when he is old and alone, he realizes that he has been wrong. He suffers deeply and we suffer together with him. Together with him we learn the lesson to look for truth in life, not to listen to lies even though they may be pleasant to our ears.



Romeo and Juliet




“Romeo and Juliet” is one of the greatest love stories in the world. Two young people fall in love and want to marry. But their families have quarreled and they will never allow the boy and the girl to unite their lives. The young people do everything in their power to escape from the anger and hatred around them.

Unfortunately they can’t find the way out of their terrible situation and they die.


Rome and Juliet is often called an optimistic tragedy. Although the main characters both die, their death brings the two families together.


“Romeo and Juliet” is staged in all kinds of theatres. Great Galina Ulanova danced Juliet in a ballet.









“Hamlet” is a story of a man who loved good and hated evil, he loved truth and hated lies. He thinks about his time and decides that it is a sick time and he is ready to give his life to bring a better era to his people.


Hamlet is a thinking person who detests murder. He is eager to forgive people’s weakness but he cannot forgive meanness.

In “Hamlet” William Shakespeare presents his humanistic ideas most clearly.


The character of Hamlet is one of the most difficult in world literature. It is not yet discovered in full.



It is a play about love and jealousy, about a person who believed the lie and killed his wife whom he loved dearly. A brave battle-sricken man proved helpless bebore treachery


The Immortal Poet of Nature








Shakespeare’s sonnets and plays are masterpieces. He expressed in them the variety of human nature. All human life is there in his plays, its greatness and its imperfections alike.


Shakespeare possesses some special merit for every generation, and almost every person in turn.


Whether he is writing of history or love, or tragedy, or comedy, things have meaning and value. It was hid genius that gave the world poetry of a deathless beauty.

Shakespeare’s Language is Timeless



1. Something is rotten in the state of Denmark. (“Hamlet”)


2. Brevity is the soul of wit. (“Hamlet”)


3. Oh shame! Where is the blush? (“Hamlet”)


4. We know what we are.

    But we know not

    What we may be. (“Hamlet”)


5. To be or not to be: that is a question. (“Hamlet”)


6. Better a witty fool than a foolish wit. (“Twelfth Night”)


7. Time is the nurse and breeder of all good. (Two gentlemen of  



Shakespeare’s Language is Timeless


1.   All is well that ends well. (“All is well that ends well”)


2.   Much ado about nothing. (“Much ado about nothing”)


3. I hope to see London before I die. (“Henry IV”)


3.   What is done can’t be undone. (“Macbeth”)


4.   All is not gold that glitters. (“The Merchant of Venice”)


    5. Life is the theatre and we are all actors. (“As You Like It”)


6.   All that lives must die passing through nature to eternity.    




The Globe Theatre




Shakespeare came to London looking for work as an actor. He joined an acting company called the Lord Chamberlain’s Company. They were very successful and performed for Queen Elizabeth. Thus the Globe theatre was built in 1599 for this Company. Unfortunately the original Globe burnt down in 1613 when a cannon in a performance of Henry the VIII set fire to the thatched roof of the gallery. The Globe theatre of today was built between 1987-1997 and everything about it, the design, the materials and the location are almost exactly the same as the original.

There is an amazing atmosphere in the theatre. Behind stage it is very busy-last minute make up, costume changes and actors still learning their lines-the every day hustle and bustle of theatre life.                                                                                   


Shakespeare Memorial Theatre .




Shakespeare Memorial in Stratford.




      Shakespeare’s Familia Quotes Quiz


Shakespeare’s language is timeless- we still use many of the  expressions found in his plays. Take our quiz to see how well versed you are!


1.Shakespeare was definitely in love when he wrote the line “Parting is such sweet sorrow”. Who said this oft-quoted line?

  a. Beatrice from Much Ado About Nothing.

  b. Kate in The Taming of the Shrew.

  c. Juliet from Romeo amd Juliet


2. In which Shakespeare play can we find the line “Murder most foul”?

   a. Julius Caesar.

   b. Hamlet.

   c. Macbeth.


3. In the tragedy Othello, which is the much- quoted phrase that reveals

    a truth.

   a.”I will wear my heart on my sleeve.”

   b.”The lady doth protest too much, methinks.”

   c.”I must be cruel, only to be kind.”


4.”All that glitters is not gold” is a popular warning in which Shakespeare play?

   a.The Tempest.

   b. Two Gentlemen of Verona.

   c. The Merchant of Venice.


5. Which of the following popular phrases is credited to Shakespeare?

   a. “What a tangled web we weave. When we practice to deceive.”

   b. “In my mind’s eye.”

  c. “A rose is a rose.”

Sonnet 73


That time of year thou moist in me behold
When yellow leaves, or none, or few, do hang
Upon those boughs which shake against the cold,
Bare ruined choirs, where late the sweet birds sang.
In me thou seest the twilight of such day
As after sunset faded in the west,
Which by and by black night doth take away,
Death's second self, that seals up all in rest.
In me thou sees the glowing of such fire
That on the ashes of his youth doth lie,
As the death-bed whereon it must expire,
Consumed with that which it was nourished by.
This thou perceiv'st, which makes thy love more strong,
To love that well which thou must leave ere long.
* * *
Во мне ты можешь видеть время года,
Когда слетел иль редок желтый лист
На тех ветвях, что треплет непогода,
Там, где весной звучал веселый свист.
Во мне ты видишь сумерки тех дней,
Когда заря на западе блистает,
А ночь за ней - все ближе, все черней -
В подобье смерти мир успокояет.
Во мне ты видишь тление костра
На пепле чувств всего, что было мило,
Достигшее до смертного одра,
Снедаемое тем, чем прежде жило.
И, видя это, любишь ты сильней
Того, чья жизнь - вопрос немногих дней.

Age and youth
Crabbed Age and Youth
Cannot live together:
Youth is full of pleasance,
Age is full of care;
Youth like summer morn,
Age like winter weather;
Youth like summer brave,
Age like winter bare.
Youth is full of sport,
Age’s breath is short;
Youth is nimble, Age is lime;
Youth is hot and bold,
Age is weak and cold;
Youth is wild and Age is time.
Youth, I do adore thee!   
Старость и молодость
Может ли юность ужиться
Вместе с ворчливою старостью?!
Молодость лишь веселиться -
Старость в делах, а не в праздности.
Юность, как летнее утро;
Старость, как зимняя холодность,
Блёкла, пустынна и будто
Смотрит с укором на молодость.
Юность проворна, как ветер,
Жизнь её в спорте, движении;
Ставит для старости сети
Немощь с усиленным рвением.
Молодость жаром пылает,
В жизнь претворяя желания;
Старость в бессилии тает,
Жалко прося подаяния.
Юность - дика, своенравна;
Старость - легко укрощаема.
Вряд ли покажется странным:
"Юность, тебя обожаю я!"


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