Инфоурок Английский язык Другие методич. материалыТеатрализованное представление-игра "Reading is fun"

Театрализованное представление-игра "Reading is fun"

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театрализованного представления-игры

на семинар учителей иностранного языка














учитель английского языка

Ковтач С.С.









- развитие интереса обучающихся к чтению книг на английском и родном языках;

- актуализация и систематизация полученных ранее знаний;

- формирование мотивации к изучению иностранного языка.



- развитие умений и навыков аудирования, говорения, чтения;

- расширение кругозора.


- развитие познавательных и творческих способностей обучающихся;

- развитие внимания, мышления, воображения.


- воспитание уважительного отношения к культуре стран, изучаемого языка;

- воспитание культуры общения.

Оборудование: ноутбук, мультимедийный проектор, экран, музыкальное сопровождение, карточки с заданиями, части пословиц.

Ход мероприятия:

Вика: Hi everyone!

София: We are glad to see you in our magic hall!

Вика: Today we are going to prove that reading is really fun!

София:You see, books are our real and best friends. They give us knowledge and pleasure.

Вика: And today you have a wonderful chance to go to the land of books and fairy-tales.

Даша: There is a land –
A marvelous land –
Where trolls and giants dwell;
Where witches
With their bitter brew
Can cast a magic spell;
Where mermaids sing,
Where carpets fly,
Where, in the midst of night,
Brownies dance
To cricket tunes;
And ghosts, all shivery and white,
Prowl and moan.
There is a land
Of magic folks and deeds,
And anyone
Can visit there
Who reads and reads and reads.

Вика: We want you to enter our competition.

София: We will divide you in two groups. Raise your hands those who have red smile. (поднимают) Great! You are the first team.

Вика: And raise your hands those who have yellow smile. (поднимают) Ok! You are the second team.!

Вика: And our first contest is “Guess a fairy-tale”.

София: Our actors will show you some fairy-tales. And your task is to guess every one.

Вика: Today many fairy-tale characters are going to be here. Listen! They’re already coming. Let’s look at them.


Дочь 1: We will go to the ball today! Clean up mess and I want the funny dress!

Дочь 2: And I want to dress!

Дочь 1: Cinderella, you can’t go to the ball until you do it all!

Дочь 2: No, you can’t go to the ball!

Золушка: Clean the house, wash the clothes then I need to cook. Oh, it’s not good! (плачет)

Фея: Dear, don’t ask me why. And please, don’t cry!

Золушка: I can’t go to the ball because my dress is very old!

Фея: I can help you!

Look at me!

Close your eyes!

And one, two, three!  

Золушка: I don’t believe that this dress is mine! Thank you, darling! You’re so kind!

Фея: But remember! At midnight, your beautiful dress will disappear! (показывает на часы)

Золушка: Oh, it’s clear! 

Золушка: Oh, I don’t believe! I am on the ball!

Prince: Oh, what a beautiful girl! And her hair is gold! And her dress is so wonderful! She is so sweet! (addressing to Cinderella) What is your name, my beautiful stranger?

Cinderella:I can’t say.

Prince: Why have I never seen you here? Where are you from?

Cinderella: It’s my secret!

Prince: May I ask you for a dance?

Cinderella: With pleasure.

Cinderella: Oh! It’s twelve o’clock. I must go away.

Prince: Oh, wait, wait! I’m so sorry, she has run away.

София: Now tell us the name of this fairy-tale, please.

Guests: Cinderella.

Вика: Great! You have such wise awl from us.


Girl: Hello! I'm a nice little girl. And this is my Mum.

Mum:Oh, my darling! Go to your Granny. Give her the cake and the pot of butter.

Don’t speak to anybody on the way. Don’t stop in the wood. And don’t pick any flowers or mushrooms there!

Girl: All right, Mum. Goodbye!

Mum: Goodbye!

Girl: How nice it is in the wood! There are many flowers here! Flowers here, flowers there, flowers growing everywhere!

1 flower: Little girl, little girl! Where are you going?

Girl:I am going to see my grandma. I love and miss her so.

2 flower: What do you bring for her?

Girl: I bring a cake, apples, sweets to her.

3 flower: What will she say for it?

Girl: Thank you, my darling! Танец

Wolf: Hello, my dear guest! Who you are?

Girl: Hello Mister Wolf! I am just a little girl…

Wolf: Where are you going?

Girl: To my Granny.

Wolf: Where does she live?

Girl: In a little house near the forest.

Wolf: Oh, I see. Goodbye!

Girl: Goodbye Mister Wolf!

Granny: Who is there?

Wolf: It’s me, your granddaughter!

Granny: Come in, dear!  

Wolf: Who is there?

Girl:It’s me, Little Red Riding Hood.

Wolf: Come in darling! Hello my dear. I am glad to see you!

Girl: Happy birthday, granny! Many happy returns to you!

Wolf: Thank you, darling!

Girl: Oh! What big eyes you have, granny!

Wolf: The better to see you, my dear!

Girl:What big ears you have, granny!

Wolf: The better to hear you, my dear!

Girl:What sharp teeth you have, granny!

Wolf: The better to eat you up, my dear!  

Hunter: 911. Speak!

Granny: Help me, please! The Wolf is here! He wants to eat me up! Help me!

Hunter: Don’t worry. Stay calm. I am coming!

Granny: Oh, thank you very much!

Hunter: It’s nothing!

Girl:Thank you!

София: So this tale’s name is…..

Guests: Little Red Riding Hood

Вика: Great! Take you cards.


Mother Bear: Take your plate, Father!

Father Bear: Thank you, dear!

Mother Bear: Take your little plate, Baby Bear!

Baby Bear: Thank you, Mummy dear … Mother, it is too hot!

Father Bear: Then let us go for a walk.

Little Girl: Whose room can it be?  I am hungry. (Sits down at the table and tastes the porridge.) Oh, this porridge is too cold for me!... This porridge is just right for me.

Father Bear: My plate is not full!

Mother Bear: My plate is not full either!

Baby Bear: And my plate is empty. (They look round.) Oh, and who is this?

All together: A little girl!

Father Bear: Let us catch her up!

Mother Bear: Let us eat her up!

Baby Bear: Yes, yes, let us eat her up!

Little Girl: No, you won’t. 

Mother Bear:  It is your fault, Father! You fell and I fell, too!

Baby Bear: And I fell because you fell!

All together: And the Little Girl has run away. Oh no!

София: Have you already guessed this fairy-tale?

Guests: Goldilocks and the three bears

Вика: Well done! Take your cards.

София: It’s a very good you read fairy-tales and you know their characters very well. And now it’s time to play and take part in English Reading Contests.

Вика: Our second contest is “Whose is it”

София: You will see some pictures on out magic screen that belong to characters of English fairy-tales.

Вика:You have to say the names of these characters or fairy-tales.

София: So, look at the screen please. Tell us please what character this belong to?

Золотой ключик (a gold key) – PINOCCIO  Ok!

Вика: Do you know what is it? Красная шапочка (a red hat)– THE LITTLE RED RIDING HOOD (YELLOW) Great!  

София: Whose is it? Шляпа и сапоги (a hat and boots) – CAT IN BOOTS   (RED)  Well done! (клик)

Вика: Who loves honey? Горшок с мёдом(a pot of honey)– WINNIE-THE-POOH   (YELLOW)   Right! (клик)

София: Who has this blue balloon? Воздушный шарик голубого цвета (a blue balloon) – PIGLET  (RED)  Good

Вика: Whose is it? (a guitar) – THE TRAVELLING COMPANIONS  (YELLOW)   Ok! (клик)

София: Who has such rose? (a rose)– THE SNOW QUEEN  (RED)   Good!  (клик)

Вика: Whose is it? (a shoe) – CINDERELLA   (YELLOW)   Well done! (клик)

София: What character these things belong to? (a carpet and a lamp)– ALLADIN  (RED)    Great!

Вика: Who has such bath? (a broken bath)– THE TALE ABOUT GOLDEN FISH  (YELLOW)  

София: What is the name of this boy? (a fence and a brush)-  THE ADVENTURES OF TOM SOYER 

Вика: Our next contest is “The magic numbers”

София: We’ll show you the numbers. And you have to name the fairy-tales where you can find these numbers. 

Вика: Where we can find number 7? 7 – THE WOLF AND 7 LITTLE GOATS, THE SNOWHITE AND 7 DWARFS, THE 7 RAVENS (7 воронов)  

София: What fairy-tale the number 3 belongs to? 3- THE THREE BEARS, THREE LITTLE PIGLETS


Вика: Where we can find number 12? 12 – THE TWELVE MONTHS, THE12 BROTHERS

София: Where we can find number 10? 10- THE GOAT WHO CAN COUNT TILL TEN

Вика: Our next contest is “Missing letters”

София: Take the lists of paper and fill in the missing words in the fairy-tale.

София: It’s time to check your answers. We will read the text and you have to fill the words.

Вика: Yellow team please. One winter day, many years ago, a Queen had a baby girl. The child was as white as (snow). So the (Queen) called her Snow White. But soon Snow White’s mother (died) and the King married again. The new Queen was very nice. She had a magic (mirror). The magic mirror usually said to her: «Young Queen, young Queen». «You are the (nicest) young Queen».

София: Red team, are you ready? But the years went by and, as Snow White grew up, she became more (beautiful) day by day, and one day the mirror said to the (Queen): «Queen, you are nice still, but Snow White will be more beautiful that you to see». The Queen became very (angry). She sent for one of her servants and said to him: «Take this little girl to the (forest)». While little Snow White played in the forest skipping and (picking) flowers, the servant ran back to the (palace).

Вика: And our last contest is “Proverbs and saying”.

София: Proverbs and sayings are short, clever statements of wisdomthat are transmitted from generation to generation.

Вика:They give some form of life advice. They show what’s important to people, what is considered good and bad behavior.

София: Match the beginnings to the endings of proverbs and translate them into Russian. You have 2 minutes.  (Дать время)

София: Are you ready? We want to check your answers. So, the red team read your proverbs and translate them please. (читают) Ok! Well done!

Вика: Yellow team, read your proverbs please and translate them. (читают) Ok! You are right! Take your cards!

Вика: So no it’s time to sum up the results.

София: Red team, give me your cards please.

Вика: Yellow team, I will take your cards.

Вика: The first team has ___ wise owls. The second team has____ wise owls.

София: The first team is the winner today! \ The second team is the winner today! \ The both teams are winners today! Congratulate you!

Вика: Thank you for the contest. Our actors have one more surprise for you.

София: Clap them please!

Все выходят на песню

София: Western Christian countries will celebrate a festival – Saint Nicholas’ Day. Though today is not the 6th of December we congratulate you and wish you happy Nicholas’ day. (Дарим подарки)

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