открытого урока английского языка
по теме
«Времена года» в 4 «Б» классе
Тип урока: урок обобщения и систематизации знаний.
Тема: Seasons and months. Времена года.
Цели: систематизировать знания учащихся по теме «Времена
года» на английском языке.
- воспитательные: воспитание доброго отношения к природе,
окружающим людям; умения выслушать другого, умения сотрудничать; формирование
качеств человека XXI века (самостоятельность, активность, умение объективно
оценивать свои достижения и успехи одноклассников);
- развивающие: развитие
мышления, памяти, воображения учащихся; развивать интеллектуальные умения;
формировать мотивацию к изучению иностранного языка;
- образовательные: обобщение,
закрепление знаний учащихся;
- практические: совершенствование
произносительных навыков; развитие навыков монологической и диалогической речи;
использование лексико-грамматических структур при работе по теме c помощью The present Indefinite Tense.
Оборудование: компьютер, раздаточный материал, картинки по
временам года.
Ход урока
Орг. момент.
T. Good morning, boys and girls!
P. Good morning, good morning,
Good morning to you!
Good morning, dear teacher,
We are glad to see you!
T. I am glad to see you, too! Sit down, please. How are
you? Who is on duty today? Who is absent today? What date is it today? What
month is it now? What season is it now? Name me, please, winter months. What is
the weather like today? Today we are having an unusual lesson. We have guests.
Greet them, please.
P. Выполняют команды учителя.
Фонетическая зарядка.
T. Now, children, look at the blackboard. Let’s train our
tongues. Repeat after me.
[ ei ] – rainy, April, May
[ ɔ: ] – autumn, August, warm
[ dʒ ] – January, June, July
[d]- dry, cold, cloud, cloudy
[s] – snow, snowy, sunny, spring, season, summer
[w] – weather, wet, warm, winter
T. Name the words with these sounds (игра
«Вспомни слово»: дети вспоминают слова с каждым из этих звуков).
T. Let’s read this poem all together.
Spring is green, Summer is bright, Autumn is yellow, Winter
is white.
T. What is this poem about?
P. It is about seasons.
T. Name them please
P. Перечисляют
времена года.
T. I want to read you a poem. Listen to it very attentively.
(January brings the snow, Makes our feet and fingers glow. February snows
again, And sometimes it brings us rain. What is this poem about?
P. Отвечают на
вопрос учителя.
T. What are we going to speak today? What is the theme of
our lesson?
P. The theme of our lesson is “Seasons and months”.
T. Who can write it down?
P. Один из
учеников записывают тему урока на доске.
T. What are we going to do today?
P. Remember words, read, write, play, speak English.
II Актуализация знаний.
T. How many seasons are there in a year? What are they?
T. What season comes after winter?
P. Spring comes after winter.
T. What season comes after spring?
P. Summer comes after spring.
T. What season comes after summer?
P. Autumn comes after summer.
T. What season comes after autumn?
P. Winter comes after autumn.
T. Thank you. How many months are there in a year?
P. There are 12 months.
T. Name summer (autumn, winter, spring) months. Well done!
T. Let’s play a game. I need four pupils. Who wants to
play? Come here.
Игра «Времена года»
Учитель начинает сам или выбирает учащегося,
который будет играть роль Весны. Далее игра продолжается по цепочке, в ней
принимают участие все дети.
P1. I'm Spring. I'm warm and sunny. March, April, May are
spring months. And who are you?
P2. I'm Summer. I'm hot and bright. June, July, August are
summer months. Go away, Spring! It’s my turn! And who are you?
P3. I'm Autumn. I'm cool and rainy. September, October,
November are autumn months. Go away, Summer! It’s my turn! And who are you?
P4. I'm Winter. I'm cold and snowy. December, January,
February are winter months. Go away, Autumn! It’s my turn! And who are you? И т.д.
Повторение The Pr. Indefinite
Tense. Fill the gaps with the help of
verbs.(На доске предложения с пропуском глагола. Нужно вставить
подходящий глагол. Глаголы то же на доске.)
Children play snowballs in winter. A boy plays snowballs in winter. Trees turn yellow. A tree turns yellow.
T. Well done! Thank you. Let’s have a break.
1. Физкультминутка (исполняется песенка с движениями «The Body Song»).
Thank you.
Start to work under the text. What is the title of the
P. Отвечают.
Favourite season.
Прочитай рассказ Мэг и поставь «T »,
если предложение верно или « F», если предложение неверно.
My name is Mag. My favourite season is autumn. It
is a very beautiful time of the year. The trees are brown, yellow and red.
When it is warm and sunny, my parents, my brothers
and I can have a picnic in the park. We like to ride a bike or a scooter on a
warm autumn day. Sometimes we fly a kite or play hide-and-seek.
When it is rainy, my brothers Tom and Tim don’t go
for a walk. We listen to music, play computer games, read books or watch TV. I
like to draw pictures. You can see nice autumn trees and blue sky in them. My
brothers like my pictures very much. My brother Tom can write poems. He likes
poems about autumn.
In autumn school starts and I can see my school
friends again. When I am on holidays I don’t see them. I miss my school friends
a lot.
I think autumn is a wonderful season.
likes autumn very much.
2.Mag can ride a bike and a scooter.
3. Mag has got a kite.
4.Tom and Tim are Mag’s school friends.
5.Tom can draw but Mag can’t.
6.Mag likes to see her friends at school.
T: Well done! Thank you! Now I want to know how well you
remember the text. There statements are from the text. Find out which of them
are true or false.
III Заключительный
T: It’s time to finish our lesson. Do you like it? What can
we do now? (Speak about seasons and months).
Подведение итогов урока, домашнее задание.
T: Next time we are going to start with a new theme, that
is why you won’t get any home work.
T: Thank you very much. Good bye!
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