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Текст для работы с лексикой по теме "Окружающая среда"

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Задание: Переведите текст письменно, письменно ответьте на вопросы к тексту.

   Nowadays we are living in the time of rapid scientific and technological progress, which results in an increasing effect on the biosphere (1) of Earth.

   I consider that the most destructive problem of nature is global warning. This phenomenon (2) causes the increase in the average temperature of the Earth’s near-surface air and oceans in recent decades.

   Today the issue of global warming has become a question of vital (3) concern. The global average air temperature near the Earth’s surface raised 0.742C during the 100 years ending in 2005. Moreover, the global warming is a terrific climate change, which will cause the global cooling in future. Increasing global temperature will increase the intensity of extreme weather events and change the amount of precipitation.

   However, not all of the reasons that cause global warming are of human nature. Natural phenomena such as solar variation combined with volcanoes (4) probably had a small warming effect.

   The Earth’s climate changes in response to variations in its orbit around the Sun, volcanic eruptions (5), and atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations. People are responsible for the latter and have to take serious measures as increasing global temperature will cause the level of world ocean to rise. Other effects of global warming include the changes in agricultural yields, species extinctions (6) of flora and fauna and increases in the range of disease vectors.

   Global warming could also affect human health, harm wildlife and damage ecosystems. Warming may enhance air pollution, particularly in urban (7) centres, increasing the incidence of respiratory diseases. Asthma and allergic disorders result from climate changes too. Health risks can be solved through various scientific strategies (8) which may include improved and extended medical care services, better housing and air conditioning, water purification (9) and public education.

   Most national governments have signed the Kyoto Protocol aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions. However, I don’t think that is enough to lessen the negative influence of global warming. The next way out would be to stop using fuel and start exploiting alternative natural resources like water, solar and wind power that may provide us with the necessary amount of energy.

   We all have to remember that this planet is our home. It gives us so many resources to live on so we have to take care of it as well.


1. biosphere ['baɪəsfɪə] - биосфера

2. phenomenon [fɪ'nɔmɪnən] - явление, феномен

3. vital ['vaɪt(ə)l] - существенной, жизненно важный

4. volcano [vɔl'keɪnəu] - вулкан

5. eruption [ɪ'rʌpʃ(ə)n] - извержение

6. extinction [ɪk'stɪŋkʃ(ə)n] - вымирание

7. urban ['ɜːb(ə)n] - городской .

8. strategy ['strætəʤɪ] - план, стратегия, разработки

9. purificationpjuərɪfɪ'keɪʃ(ə)n] - очистка


1. What is the most destructive problem of nature?

2. What does this phenomenon cause?

3. Why has the issue of global warming become a question of vital concern?

4. What reasons cause global warming?

5. What may warming enhance?

Natural catastrophes - Природные катастрофы

   We, humans, now dominate the Earth — and our planet is in grave danger of suffering from our activities.

   But from time to time the Earth threatens us, warns of the danger of killing the planet and ourselves. We have to be very careful what we do with nature, provoking to some extent natural disasters like drought, sandstorm and famine in Africa, flood in Netherlands, hurricanes in the USA, volcanoes and earthquakes in Turkey, Japan, Mexico, Italy, Armenia, typhoons and tidal waves, landslide and fire. Natural disasters make big problems and people all over the world come to help the regions where the catastrophe has happened. Different countries send to the area of the natural disaster food and medical supplies, as well as doctors, nurses, blankets, tents and clothes.

   Natural catastrophes, being great tragedies, teach us to be merciful to the other people and to our planet — the Earth.


1. dominate - властвовать

2. threaten - угрожать

3. warn - предупреждать

4. disaster - катастрофа

5. drought [draut] - засуха

6. famine ['fæmɪn] - голод

7. earthquake - землетрясение


1. Why is our planet in grave danger?

2. Are we careful with nature?

3. What nature disasters do you know?

4. Do natural disasters make big problems?

5. What do natural catastrophes teach us?




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