Инфоурок Иностранные языки ТестыТекстоведение по английскому языку для 10-11 классов

Текстоведение по английскому языку для 10-11 классов

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Эмблема12            Ы.Алтынсарин атындағы дарынды балаларға арналған

облыстық  қазақ гимназия-интернаты











  10-11 сыныптарға 
арналған ағылшын 
тілі пәнінен 
мәтіндер жинағы




Ағылшын тілі пәнінің мұғалімі: Искакова Динара Сериковна

















                                                 Павлодар 2014


Алғы сөз


 Ұсынылып отырған авторлық бағдарлама арнайы мектептердің 10-11 сыныптарына арналған. Ағылшын тілін практикалық тұрғыда меңгертуде оқушыларды өз бетімен жұмыс істеуге баулып меңгерген білімін, іскерліктерін, дағдыларын әр түрлі өмірлік жағдайларда шығармашылықпен қолдануға үйрету көзделеді.

     Шетел тілін оқытудың практикалық мақсатын жүзеге асырудың алғы шарты оқыту барысында коммуникативтік бағдар беру.

      Бағдарламада берілген тақырыптар мен тілдік материалдар көлемінде оқушылар оқып отырған шетел тілінде өз ойын білдіре алуы, мәтіндердің мазмұнын сөздіксіз түсіне алуы тиіс.


Әдістемелік кеңестер


   13 бөлімнен (Units) құралған авторлық бағдарламада мәтінмен қоса тест тапсырмалары ұсынылған.

Оқушы сөздіктің көмегіне жүгіне отырып, мәтінді оқып, тест тапсырмаларын орындайды.

 Тесттің мақсаты оқыған мәтінді түсінгенін айқындау.Тест жазбаша түрде орындалады. Тестті қысқаша жауаптар түрінде орындауға болады. Мысалы:    а-1, 1-2, I-Т т.б. Тестті ұсынылып отырған кілттермен тексеруге болады.

Бағдарламанның басты мақсаты тілдік материалды оқып қана қоймай бекіту, ауызекі сөйлеу тілінде қолдана білу сонымен қоса қазақ тілінде мазмұндай алу.


















 Unit I


Text “Magic Waves”




 Unit II


Text “Antarctic”




 Unit III


Text “Microsoft”




 Unit IV


Text “Science and Technology”




 Unit V


Text “The Olympic Games”




 Unit VI


Text “The Languages of the World”




 Unit VII


Text “Atomic Power Station”




 Unit VIII


Text “You can't live without it”




 Unit IX


Text “Alfred Nobel”




 Unit X


Text “Man and the Environment”




 Unit XI


Text “Pyramid Power”




 Unit XII


Text “M. Lomonosov”




 Unit XIII


Text “How is Sound Sent”


































I.                  INFORMATION FOR STUDY.

Сөздікті қолдана отырып “ Magic Waves in Your Room “ мәтінін оқып аудырыңыздар.




1. In the room where you live there are hundreds of strange, invisible complicated magic waves, all different from one another1.

2. They come into your house through the walls, ceilings and floors and they are there now.

3. Some of these magic waves are striking this book, passing through it, and through you, and through everything else in the room. They are upstairs and downstairs2. They travel along with3 passengers in buses and trains, in ships and airplanes. They are all over the world, surrounding everything and everyone.

4. Yet no one can ever see or hear them or feel them. But we know they are present. All we have to do to prove it4 is to turn on our radio and television sets. Then we pick them right out of the air5 and transform them into music and voices that we can hear, and moving pictures that we can see.

5. These magic waves come from everywhere. Turn the knob of your radio just a little, and you may hear children singing in Moscow. Turn a little more and you may hear news from Alma-Ata, or a concert from Kemerovo. Turn the knob of your television set and with the help of these same waves you will  see a film or a play from many different towns and cities.

6. All you need to do is to take the set into your room and to turn some little knobs! When you turn the knob of your radio, you release sound waves and you hear a programme. When you turn the knobs of your television set, you release sound and light waves and you can both see and hear programmes.

7. How are these waves brought to your radio or television? There is energy working around us all the time. This energy is in light, heat and sound and it travels in wave. Wave is a single vibration of energy in motion.

8. Light and heat and radio waves are different from sound waves because they do not need anything that we can see or feel through which to travel. Light and heat and radio waves are called electromagnetic waves. And because they are electric they are surrounded by the magnetic fields that electricity always makes around itself.

9. All electric current creates a magnetic force, an area around, that has the same kind of power that a real magnet has. This magnetic area around an electric current is called a magnetic field used to generate more electricity.




II.                TEST

       I.            Сөйлемдерді мағынасына қарай сәйкестендріп қойыңыздар.


   1.They come into your house…

a) because they do not need anything that we can see or feel through which to travel.

   2. They are all over the world…

b) through the walls, ceilings and floors and they are there now.

   3. Then we pick them right out of

        the air and…

c) is called a magnetic field used to generate more electricity.

      4. Light and heat and radio waves are different from sound waves…

d) is a single vibration of energy in motion.

   5. This magnetic area around an electric current…

e) transform them into music and voices that we can hear.

   6. Wave …

f) surrounding everything and everybody.


    II.            Берілген сұрақтарға жауап бола алатын абзацтарды көрсетіңіздер.

a) Толқын деген не?

b) Магниттік толқын дегеніміз не?

c) Электромагниттік толқын деп қандай толқындарды атайды?


 III.                 Сөйлемдерді оқып дұрыс (T), бұрыс (F) және берілмеген (NG) деп белгілеңіздер.


1.     Radio waves travel about one million times as fast as sound waves.

2.     Electromagnetic waves can’t  pass through ceilings, floors or walls.

3.     Wave is a single vibration of energy in motion.

4.      An electric current doesn’t create a magnetic force.


IV.            “Magic Waves in Your Room” мәтінін қысқаша мазмұндау үшін берілген сөйлемдерді дұрыс орналастырыңыздар.


1.Waves are all over the world, surrounding everything and everybody.

         2.Light and heat and radio waves are different from sound waves.

         3. In the room where you live there are hundreds of waves, different

          from one another.                         

         4.All electric current creates a magnetic force.

5.Light and heat and radio waves are called electromagnetic waves.





                                        UNIT II


I.                  INFORMATION FOR STUDY.

”Antarctica” мәтінін оқып шығыңыздар.



1.               Antarctica is the bottom of the world, where winds can reach 320 kph and temperatures can plunge below 85°C. It seems lifeless but a closer look reveals an amazing abundance of life. The coastal waters are filled with plankton and fish, and its thick ice is perforated by the breathing holes of seals. Antarctica is home to thousands of penguins and seagull-like birds. The ice itself is permeated with algae and bacteria.

2.               There is another sort of life  as well. All around Antarctica the coast is dotted with corrugated-metal buildings, oil-storage tanks and garbage dumps – unmistakable signs of man. Not fewer than 16 nations have established permanent bases on the only continent that belongs to the whole world. They were set up mainly to conduct scientific research but they have become magnets for boatloads of tourists who  come to look at the peaks and the penguins. Environmentalists fear that miners and oil drillers may not be far behind. Already the human invaders of Antarctica have created an awful mess in what was recently the world’s cleanest spot. Over the years they spilled oil into the seas, dumped untreated  sewage off the coasts, burned garbage in open pits, and let huge piles of discarded machinery slowly rust on the frozen ground.

3.               News of the environmental pollution has unleashed a global wave of concern about Antarctica’s future. How best to protect Antarctica has been a topic of fierce debate all over the world.

4.               Despite the damage done, so far Antarctica is still largely pristine, the only wild continent left on earth. There scientists can study unique ecosystems and climatic disturbances that influence the weather patterns of the entire globe. The research being done on the frozen continent cannot be carried out anywhere else. Therefore many people argue that the continent should be turned into a “world park” in which only scientific research and limited tourism would be permitted.










II.               TEST


I.                   Сөйлемдерді мағынасына қарай дұрыс сәйкестендіріп қойыңыздар.


1.     The ice itself is permeated…

2.     Environmentalists fear that miners and oil drillers…

3.     How best to protect Antarctica…

4.     There scientists can study…

5.     Antarctica is home to thousands of…

a)     penguins and seagull –like birds

b)    unique ecosystems and climatic disturbances

c)     with algae and bacteria

d)    may not be far behind

e) has been a topic of fierce debate  

    all over  the world.


II.                Берілген сұрақтарға жауап бола алатын абзацтарды көрсетіңіздер.

a)     Антарктикада ғалымдар қандай зерттеу жұмыстарын өткізеді?

b)    Неге Артактика өзіне көп кісіні тартады?

c)     Антарктикада қандай тірі жан дүние жатады?


       III. Сөйлемдерді оқып дұрыс (T), бұрыс (F) және берілмеген (NG) деп белгілеңіздер

1. There are no seals, penguins and seagull - like birds in Antarctica.

2. Oil-storage tanks and dumps of garbage are unmistakable signs of man.

3. Antarctica is the only continent that belongs to the whole world.

4. Antarctica is the territory of permafrost .

5. There is no need to protect Antarctica because it is the world’s cleanest spot.


     IV.Мәтінді қысқаша мазмұндау үшін берілген сөйлемдерді дұрыс орналастырыңыздар.


1.     The research being done on the frozen continent cannot be carried out anywhere else.

2.     Antarctica seems lifeless but a closer look reveals an amazing abundance of life.

3.     The human invaders of Antarctica have already created an awful mess on the continent.

4.     The permanent bases of different countries were set up to conduct scientific research.

5.     News of the environmental pollution has unleashed a global wave of concern about Antarctica’s future.







I.                  INFORMATION FOR STUDY.

«Microsoft: Competition Only with Itself», мәтінін оқып шығыңыздар, сөздікті қолдана отырып ауызша аударыңыздар.



1.     Microsoft is the only large company in the world that has no competitors. Only Microsoft could grasp a giant market violating no laws. But it violated more than USA federal laws – it disturbed USA market traditions. According to these traditions, in every sector of the economy each major company has at least one major firm-competitor. There are Coca-Cola and Pepsi, Ford and General Motors, IBM and Apple. But Microsoft is singular.

2.     Then, each major company gives an opportunity for existence of many smaller firms. For example, Ford doesn’t make alarm systems, garages and radios for its cars. They are made by other smaller companies. But Microsoft itself sells each new version of Windows together with all necessary applications.

3.     So Microsoft is very unpopular in the American business world. Since 1990, scandals about Microsoft have been happening annually. It was already accused of an «anti-competition» agreement with IBM, attempting to monopolize the market of operating systems and their program security, and many other violations of anti-monopoly legislation. Sometimes Microsoft won in these conflicts, and sometimes it was defeated, but really it always remained a monopoly.

4.     The reason of Microsoft’s great success is Bill Gates. His almost supernatural talent to foretell the market’s future is well known. He can guess which product he will be able to sell very profitably some years later, and so makes this product earlier than others.

5.     For example, in 1990 Gates declared his new conception – «information on your fingertips», and foretold the development of the world computer industry in 1990-2000. He said that in the nearest future everyone would have any information within one’s grasp – «on fingertips» – with a computer’s help. Now it has already become a reality – there is almost any information one could want in networks.

6.     In 1995 Gates foretold that ten years later there would be pocket computers, car computers, PC-kiosks, and personal computers that understand the owner’s voice; that information would be accessible everywhere to everybody. A pocket computer will replace everything in a person’s pocket, except a handkerchief: credit card, pager, notebook with modem. If you need a large screen, you can use a PC-kiosk. A pocket computer will be able to connect quickly to a PC-kiosk, or any other computer.

7. At present there already are hand-held PCs. Now they are not as good as Gates promised – but an operation system in them is Windows, they are Internet-ready, and can be connected with common computers. This proves that everything Gates says is possible. As yet his forecasts aren’t completely realized, but he spoke about the year 2005, and then, probably, they will become reality.

II.               TEST

I.                   Сөйлемдерді мағынасына қарай дұрыс сәйкестендіріп қойыңыз.

1. According to this traditions in every sector of the economy each major company has…

a) he spoke about the year 2005, and then , probably they will become  reality.

2. But Microsoft itself sells each new version of Windows…

b) it was defeated, but really it always remained a monopoly.

3. Sometimes Microsoft won in these conflicts and sometimes…

c) at least one major firm competitor.

4. This proves that…

d) that has no competitors.

5. As yet his forecasts aren't completely realized, but…

e) together with all necessary applications.

6. Microsoft is the only large company in the world…

f) everything Gates says is possible.

II. Берілген сұрақтарға жауап бола алатын абзацтарды көрсетіңіздер.

   а) Билл   Гейтс 1990 – 2000 жылдар арасында өнеркісіптің қандай саласында күрт дамуын болжаған?

b) «Майкрософт» басқа да ірі компаниялардан еркешеленеді?

  c) 1990 жылдан бастап «Майкрософт» қандай жанжалдарға тап болды ?

III. Сөйлемдерді оқып дұрыс (T), бұрыс (F) және берілмеген (NG) деп белгілеңіздер.

1.      Microsoft’s products are much more expensive than the products of other companies.

2.      Microsoft is the world popular company in the American business world.

3.      The output of Pepsi is greater than that of Coca-Cola.

4.      Each major company gives an opportunity for the existence of many smaller firms.

5.      Microsoft itself sells each new version of Windows together with all necessary applications.

IV.«Microsoft: Competition Only with Itself» мәтінін қысқаша мазмұндау үшін берілген сөйлемдерді дұрыс орналастыр.

1.            So Microsoft is very popular in the American business world.

2.            Microsoft is the only large company that has no competitors.

3.          Since 1990, scandals about Microsoft have been happening annually.

4.        This proves that everything Gates says is possible.

5.        A pocket computer will replace everything in a person’s pocket.









                                                         UNIT IV


I.                  INFORMATION FOR STUDY

“Science and technologyмәтінін сөздікті қолдана отырып аударыңыздар.



1.In recent years, scientific and technological developments have drastically changed life on our planet as well as our views both of ourselves as individuals in society and of entire Universe as a whole.

2.Today, science and technology are closely related. Many modern technologies such as nuclear power and space flights depend on science and the application of scientific knowledge and principles. Each advance in pure science creates new opportunities for the development of new ways of making things to be used in daily life. In turn, technology provides science with new and more accurate instruments for its investigation and research.

3.Technology refers to the ways in which people use discoveries to satisfy needs and desires, to alter the environment, to improve their lives. Throughout human history, men and women have invented tools, machines, materials and techniques, to make their lives easier.

4.Of course, when we speak of technology today, we are looking at it in a much narrower sense. Generally, we mean industrial technology, or the technology that began about 200 years ago with the development of power-driven machines, growth of the factory system, and mass production of goods that has created the basis for our modern society. Today we often say that we live in an age of science and technology. According to one estimate, 90 % of all the scientists who ever lived, were alive and active in the 1970-s. This increased scientific activity has brought new ideas, processes, and inventions in ever-growing amount.

5.The scientific revolution that began in the 16th century was the first time that science and technology began to work together. Thus, Galileo, who made revolutionary discoveries in astronomy and physics, also built an improved telescope and patented a system of lifting water. However, it was not until the 19th century that technology truly was based on science and inventors began to build on the work of scientists. For example, Thomas Edison built on the early experiments of Faraday and Henry in his invention of the first practical system of electrical lighting. So too, Edison carried on his investigations until he found the carbon filament for the electric bulb in a research laboratory. This was the first true modern technological research.

6.In a sense, the history of science and technology is the history of all humankind.





II.               TEST


I.                   Сөйлемдерді мағынасына қарай дұрыс сәйкестендіріп қойыңыздар.


1. Many modern technologies depend …

a)     lived and worked in the  


2. The history of science and technology…

b)    until he found the filament

for the electric bulb.

3. 90% of all the scientists…

c)     with new instruments for its

investigation and research.

4. Edison carried on his investigations…

d)    on science and the applica-

tion of scientific knowledge.

5. Technology provides science…

e) is the history of all mankind.


II. Берілген сұрақтарға жауап бола алатын абзацтарды көрсетіңіздер.

a) Технология мен ғалым неге тығыз байлансыты?

b) Тарихта адамдар не ойлап тапты?

c) Көптеген ғалымдар қандай жылдарда өмір сүрген?

d) Эдисоның зерттеулері неге әкеліп соқтырды?


III.Сөйлемдерді оқып дұрыс (T), бұрыс (F) және берілмеген (NG) деп белгілеңіздер.

1.     Science and technology are not related at all.

2.     The application of the latest achievements in industry demands great knowledge and good polytechnical training.

3.     The scientific revolution began in the 16th century.

4.     Galileo made revolutionary discoveries in astronomy and physics.

5.     Faraday found the filament for the electric bulb.


IV.“Science and technology”мәтінін  қысқаша мазмұндау үшін берілген сөйлемдерді дұрыс орналастыр.

1.     The history of science and technology is the history of all mankind.

2.     Today science and technology are closely related.

3.     Scientific and technological developments have changed life on our planet.

4.     Throughout human history men and women have invented tools, machines, materials and techniques to make their lives easier.

5.     90 % of all the scientists lived and worked in the 1970-s.








I.                  INFORMATION FOR STUDY.

 “The Olympic Gamesмәтінін оқып шығып, сөздікпен ауызша аударыңыздар.



1.More than two thousand five hundred years ago the first Olympic Games took place at Olympia in Greece. Only men could take part in them. Women were not allowed even to watch the competitions at the stadium under the fear of death penalty. 

2.The Olympic Games took place every four years and the time between each Games was called an Olympiad. The Games had been for about eleven hundred years, until the emperor Theodosius  banned them for religious reasons  in 394 A.D.

3.The revival of the Olympic Games began long  time afterwards, in 1892, when a young French teacher Pierre de Coubertin made a public speech before the Union of French sports club  in Paris. At that time many people in many countries practised various kinds of sports and games. They wanted to make friends and compete with sportsmen from other lands.

4.The first official modern Olympic Games were organized in Athens,the capital of Greece, in April 1896. Two hundred and eighty five athletes from thirteen countries took part in them. During these Games there were competitions in nine kinds of sports: athletics, swimming, gymnastics, weight lifting, wrestling, tennis, fencing, cycling and shooting.

5.Winter sports made their Olympic debut in 1908, when ice figure – skating was included in the Olympic programme among summer sports. International Competitions in winter sports often took place in the beginning of the 20th century, but only in 1925 the International Olympic Committee made the decision to consider the International Winter Sports Week, that had taken place in 1924 in France as the first winter Olympic Games and to hold them since that time on.

6.At first only men took part in the Games. Later rules were changed many times. Women were allowed to participate in the competitions, many new sports and games were added to the Olympic programme, several sports were stricken off. One thing remains unchanged – the popularity of these festivals of health, youth and beauty. Different  cities of the world welcomed sportsmen from many countries. Modern Olympics keep old traditions of equality, honour and justice of the international competitions. They help to bring peoples closer together.

7.In 1980 the 13th winter Olympic Games were held in Lake Placid, USA. In summer the Games of the 22nd Olympiad were held in Moscow. New sports complexes and living quarters were  built. Stadiums, cycling tracks, swimming pools and hippodromes were equipped with various modern techniques and devices.

8.About half a million spectators were present at competitions, millions in our country and abroad watched them on the television. For two weeks the flag with five coloured interweaved rings flew over Moscow and the fire, lit by the sun rays in Olympia, the birthplace of the Olympic Games, was burning above it.  


II.               TEST


I. Сөйлемдерді мағынасына қарай дұрыс сәйкестендіріп қойыңыздар.


1.     The revival of the Olympic Ga-mes began in 1892…

2.     People wanted to make friends and compete…

3.     Modern Olympic Games


4.     The 13th winter Olympic Games…

5.     For 2 weeks the fire of the Olympic Games…

a)     was burning above Moscow.


b)    when Pierre de Coubertin made a public speech before sports clubs.

c)     keep traditions of the international competitions

d)    with sportsmen from other lands


e)     were held in Lake Placid, USA


II.Берілген сұрақтарға жауап бола алатын абзацтарды көрсетіңіздер.


a)     Афинада өткен ең бірінші Олимпиада ойндарыныда қандай спорттың түрлерінен сайыскерлер бақтарын сынады:?

b)    1980 жылы өткен Олимпиада ойындары қайда өтті ?

c)     Олимпиада ойындарының тарихында қандай өзгерістерге тап болды?

III.Сөйлемдерді оқып дұрыс (T), бұрыс (F) және берілмеген (NG) деп белгілеңіз


1. Ice figure-skating was included into Olympic Programme in 1910.

2.     The first Olympic Games took place at Olympia.

3.     Russian athletes took part in the Olympic Games in 1952 for the first time.

4.     The Olympic Games were banned by the emperor Theodosius in 394 A.D.

5.     Millions people in our country and abroad had no chance to watch Olympic Games in Moscow.

IV.«Olympic Games» мәтінін  қысқаша мазмұндау үшін берілген сөйлемдерді дұрыс орналастырыңыздар.

1.     Winter sports made their Olympic debut in 1908.

2.     Many new sports and games were added to the Olympic programme.

3.     Many people in many countries practised various kinds of sports and games and wanted to compete with sportsmen from other countries.

4.     Modern Olympic Games keep old traditions of equality, justice and honour.

5.     The Olympic Games took place every four years and the time between them  was called an Olympiad.




I.                  INFORMATION FOR STUDY.

 «Languages of the world» оқып шығыңыздар.




1.Nobody knows what the first language was. But scientists feel sure that nobody speaks it today because all languages change and keep on changing as long as people use them. One language may change in different ways in different places and grow into several languages.

2.If we could meet the people who spoke English five hundred years ago, we probably couldn′t understand much what they said.

3.English itself is a mixture of several languages. Scientists believe that these languages and many others all grew out of the same language which they call Indo-European. Nobody speaks it now. But some of its descendants are Latin, German, English, French, Greek, Russian and many of the different languages spoken in India.

4.Britain and America were once described as nations divided by a common language. Just what is difference between the English spoken in Britain and America?

5.The first English settlers to reach America arrived in Virginia in 1607 and in Massachusetts in 1620. They all spoke English of the early seventeenth century – the language of Shakespeare and Milton. Most of them came originally from the south and south-east of England. Although some of them had spent some years of exile in Holland they spoke with the accents of the southern part of their home country. To a large extent they kept that form of speech, but they soon learned to give old words new uses. They also took words from the local Indian languages for plants and animals that were new to them.

6.Until the Declaration of Independence in 1776 over two-thirds of the settlers in what later became the U.S. came from England. After that date many other people came to make a new life for themselves in the New World. These included Irish, French, Germans, Dutch, Italians, Slavs, and Scandinavians. All these people gave new words to the language of North America. The Negroes who had been taken from Africa as slaves to work on the rice and cotton plantations added words and structures from their own native languages. Some people today think that the very American expression O.K. comes from a similar expression which was brought to America by the Negroes.

7.All these people contributed in various ways to the language which was to become American English. Most civilizations and cultures – in their writings, traditions, folk stories – have traces of the old language.






II.               ТEST

I. Сөйлемдерді мағынасына қарай дұрыс сәйкестендіріп қойыңыздар.



1. Scientists feel sure that …

a.spoke English of the 17th 


2. One language may change …

b. nobody speaks the first

    language now.

3. The first settlers …

c. in different ways in

    different places.

4. There are …

d. have some traces of the

    old language.

5. Most civilizations and cultures …

e. some of descendants of

   Indo-European in use now.

II.Берілген сұрақтарға жауап бола алатын абзацтарды көрсетіңіздер.


а. Каково происхождение английского языка по предположениям ученых?

в. Смогли бы мы понять людей, говоривших на английском языке 500 лет назад?

с. Под влиянием каких языков формировался английский язык, на котором говорит современная Америка?


III.Сөйлемдерді оқып дұрыс (T), бұрыс (F) және берілмеген (NG) деп белгілеңіздер.


1. English as well as many other languages grew out of the same language.

2. If you met the people who spoke English five hundred years ago, undoubtedly you could understand what they said.

3. Britain and America were once described as nations divided by a common language.

4. The Egyptian king Psammetichos decided to learn which of the world′s languages was the oldest.


IV. «Languages of the world» мәтінін қысқаша мазмұндау үшін берілген сөйлемдерді дұрыс орналастырыңыздар.


1. Scientists believe that English as well as some other languages all grew out of the same language.

2. American English, for example, differ in various ways from the English language spoken in Britain.

3. But all languages kept on changing as long as people used them.

4. It may be explained by the fact that a number of nations contributed to the language which was to become American English.

5.It is called Indo-European.




 “Atomic power plants” мәтінін сөздік қолдана отырып аударыңыздар.


                        ATOMIC POWER PLANTS                


1.  Atomic power plants have become operational in many countries of the world. They could have become an in­exhaustible source of electric power but for the danger they might cause to the environment.

2.   To understand why people object to building new atomic power plants it is necessary to get to know the process of converting nuclear energy into electrical one.

3.  All nuclear reactors of atomic power plants work by splitting uranium atoms and releasing energy in the form of heat. The heat is then used to boil water and pro­duce steam which is directed onto turbine blades to drive the turbines and electric generators.

4.  The dangerous part of the process is the release of heat as a result of nuclear fission. The amount of heat is so great that unless the reactor is cooled properly by constantly circulating water, the fuel rods in the active reactor zone can melt into uncontrollable mass capable of destroying the reactor wall and releasing deadly ra­dioactivity.

5.  And despite the fact that the reactors are equipped with multiple sets of water pipes and reserve cooling systems various faults occur which endanger the entire system.

6. A number of accidents in the course of decades of atomic power plants operation, the most disastrous be­ing the Chernobyl catastrophe, required special measures to make them safer and that, no doubt, will make elec­tricity more expensive.

7  Today designers have found ways to build reactors that are much safer than those now in operation. Instead of one huge reactor with many uranium rods they pro­pose to construct a series of four small-scale separate reactors that use fuel in such small quantities that it can't melt down under any circumstances. And the fuel itself will be introduced into the reactors in the form of comparatively small grains encapsulated in ceramic spheres that can withstand temperatures as high as 1820'C. (The reactor fuel in this case will never reach temperature higher than 1650'C.)

8             Radioactive waste remains deadly for life during many centuries, contaminating soil and water and causing se­vere damage to the environment. Unfortunately the prob­lem of waste disposal has not been solved anywhere in the world.








I.                   Сөйлемдерді мағынасына қарай дұрыс сәйкестендіріп қойыңыздар.



1. It is necessary to get to know …

a) splitting uranium atoms and releasing energy in the form of heat.

2. The steam is directed onto turbine blades…

b) and cause severe damage to the


3. Atomic power plants work by …

c) to build much safer reactors than

    those now in operation.

4. Today designers have found ways …

d) to drive the turbines and electric


5. Radioactive waste contaminate soil and water..

e) the process of converting nu-

    clear energy into electrical one.


        II. Берілген сұрақтарға жауап бола алатын абзацтарды көрсетіңіздер.


a)Атомстанцияларында атомдық реакторлар қалай жұмыс істейді?

b) Жұмыс барысының қай бөлігі зиянды болып есептеледі?

c) Реакторды қауіпсіздендіру үшін кострукторлар қандай жолды ойлап тапты?

d) Реактивті қалдықтар қандай қауіп төндіреді?


      III.    Сөйлемдерді оқып шығып, ішінен мәтінге сәйкес келмейтін сөйлемдерді белгілеңіздер.


1.     Atomic power plants have been used in many countries of the world.

2.     Many people object to building new atomic power plants.

3.     Radioactive waste is safe for life and the environment.

4.     Special measures are reguired to make atomic power plants safer.



     IV. “Atomic power plants” мәтінін қысқаша мазмұндау үшін берілген сөйлемдерді дұрыс орналастырыңыздар.


1.     Special measures are required to make atomic power stations much safer.

2.     Radioactive waste contaminates the environment and remains a serious problem in many countries.

3.     Today designers have found effective ways to build much safer reactors.

4.     Atomic power stations have become an inexhaustible source of electric power.

5.     The dangerous part of the process is the release of heat as a result of nuclear fission.





I.                       INFORMATION FOR STUDY.

“You can′t live without itмәтінін сөздікті қолдана отырып аударыңыздар.





1.It is in our bodies. It is in living things around us. It is used in some church services and in social customs. We have superstitions and sayings about it. It has thousands of uses in the world today. One of these is to flavour the egg you have for breakfast. Can you guess what it is? Common table salt.

2.Salt is necessary for the life and health of people, plants and animals. Blood, sweat and tears are all salt. Body cells must have just the right amount of salt to function properly. Too much salt can be dangerous for your heart  and blood vessels. But if you work or play hard enough to respire heavily, you must replace the salt lost from your system or you could suffer from heat exhaustion.

3.Salt is made up of two elements, sodium and chlorine, its chemical name is “sodium chloride”. Ordinarily these two work together in proper balance in the body.

4.Today we take salt for granted, but many years ago salt was scarce, it was used as money. African traders exchanged it for twice its weight in gold. The soldiers in Julius Caesar's army received common salt, called solarium, as part of their pay. From this came the word salary.

 5.From the earliest times, salt has been a symbol of lasting friendship and honor. When the Arabs say, “There is salt between us,” they mean, “We have eaten together and are friends.”

6.When salt was scarce, it was considered bad luck to spill any of it. Many people still believe this. To prevent bad luck, they say, you must take a pinch of the spilled salt between the thumb and first finger of your right hand and throw it over left shoulder.

7.Today, almost 40 000 000 tons of salt are produced in the United States alone, taken from mines, wells, and the sea. Some salt deposits are thousands of years. In Poland, 900 feet underground, miners have cut out whole rooms and have carved statues out of pure salt crystals. In another old mine in Columbia, 345 feet down, there is an excavation large enough to hold 10 000 people.

8.Only a small amount of all the salt produced seasons our food. The rest of it is used in other ways – to preserve food, to cool refrigerated railroad cars, to cure animal hides, to melt winter snow and ice. Chemical compounds made from table salt are also used in manufactured things like glass, soap, paper, and rayon, in heat-treating, smelting, and refining metals, and in water-softening. Common table salt is necessary in many ways we take for granted – our very lives depend upon it.





I. Сөйлемдерді мағынасына қарай дұрыс сәйкестендіріп қойыңыздар.


1. Salt…

a) work together in the body.

2. You must replace the salt lost from your system…

b) it was considered bad luck to 

     spill any of it.

3. These two elements…

c) is necessary for the life and

    health of people, plants and



4. When salt was scarce

d) to hold ten thousand people.

5. There is an excavation in an old salt mine…

e) not to suffer from heat exhaustion.


II. Мәтіннің ішінен ұсынылған ақпаратты табыңыз:


а) тұздың химиялық құрамы

в) “salary”  сөзінің пайда болуы (жалақы)

с) Польшадағы тұздық үңгірдің пайда болуы



III.Сөйлемдерді оқып дұрыс (T), бұрыс (F) және берілмеген (NG) деп белгілеңіздер.


1.Wild animals replace the salt in their systems by licking natural salt deposits.

2. Salt is made of three elements.

3.Today we take salt for granted, but many years ago salt was scarce.

4.Most of all the salt produced seasons our food.


IV.“You can′t live without it” мәтінін қысқаша мазмұндау үшін берілген сөйлемдерді дұрыс орналастырыңыздар.


1. At the same time we have many superstitions and sayings about it.

2. In the modern world salt has thousands of uses, our very lives depend upon it.

3. Many people still believe them.

4. We take salt for granted today.

5. It is due to salt′s role in the earliest times.

6.Then it was scarce and cost more than gold.





                                               UNIT IX


Alfred Nobel – Man of Contrasts мәтінін оқып шығыңыздар.


                                        ALFRED NOBEL – MAN OF CONTRASTS

1.   Alfred Nobel, the great Swedish inventor and industrialist, was a man of many contrasts. He was the son of a bankrupt, but became a millionaire, a scientist with a love of literature, an industrialist who managed to remain an idealist. He made a fortune but lived a simple life, and although cheerful in company he was often sad in private. A lover of mankind, he never had a wife or family to love him; a patriotic son of his native land, he died alone on foreign soil. He invented a new explosive, dynamite, to improve the peaceful industries of mining and road building, but saw it used as a weapon of war to kill and injure his fellow men. World-famous for his works he was never personally well-known because throughout his life he avoided publicity.

2.   Alfred Nobel was born in Stockholm on October 21, 1833 but moved to Russia with his parents in 1842, where his father, Emmanuel, made a strong position for himself in the engineering industry. But soon he went bankrupt and returned to Sweden where Alfred began his study of explosives in his father’s laboratory. He had never been to school or University but had studied privately and by the time he was twenty he was a skilful chemist and excellent linguist, speaking Swedish, Russian, German, French and English. Like his father,  Alfred was imaginative and inventive, but he had better luck in business and showed more financial sense. He was quick to see industrial openings for his scientific inventions and built up over 80 companies in 20 different countries. Indeed his greatness lay in his outstanding ability to combine the qualities of an original scientist with those of a forward-looking industrialist.

3.   But Nobel’s main concern was never with making money or even with making scientific discoveries. Seldom happy, he was always searching for a meaning to life, and from his youth had taken a serious interest in literature and philosophy. Perhaps because he could not find ordinary human love – he never married – he came to care deeply about the whole of mankind. He was always  generous to the poor. His greatest wish was to see an end of wars, and thus peace between nations, and he spent much time and money working for this cause until his death in Italy in 1896. His famous will, in which he left money to provide prizes for outstanding works in Physics, Chemistry, Physiology, Medicine, Literature and Peace, is a memorial to his interests and ideals.




II.                 TEST

 I.  Сөйлемдерді мағынасына қарай дұрыс сәйкестендіріп қойыңыздар.



1.     World-famous for his works…          a) with those of a forward-   

                                                                    looking  industrialist

2.     He had never been to school …          b) a serious interest to

                                                                     literature  and philosophy

3.     His greatness  lay in his outstanding   c) for outstanding works in

 ability to combine the qualities of an          physics, chemistry, medi-      

 original scientist…                                      cine, literature and peace

4.     From his youth he had taken…             d) but had studied privately

5.     Alfred Nobel left money to                    e) he was never personally                   

provide prizes …                                             well-known


II. Берілген сұрақтарға жауап бола алатын абзацтарды көрсетіңіздер.


a)     А. Нобельді бүкіл әлемге әйгілі қылған жаңалық?

b)    А. Нобель өз өмірінде нені қатты қалады?

c)     Альфред Нобельдің ұлылығы неде?


        III. Сөйлемдерді оқып дұрыс (T), бұрыс (F) және берілмеген (NG) деп белгілеңіздер.


1. He died in Italy in 1896.

2. Alfred Nobel was the great German inventor and industrialist.

3.By the time of 20 he was a skilful chemist and excellent linguist.

4.He did not leave money to provide prizes for outstanding works in mathematics.

4.      Alfred Nobel was slow to see industrial openings for his scientific inventions.


        IV. Alfred Nobel – Man of Contrasts” мәтінін  қысқаша мазмұндау үшін берілген сөйлемдерді дұрыс орналастыр.


1.     Like his  father Alfred was imaginative and inventive.

2.     Alfred began his study of explosives in  father’s laboratory.

3.     World-famous for his works, he was never personally well known because he avoided publicity.

4.     Alfred Nobel the great Swedish inventor and industrialist was a man of many contrasts.

5.     His greatest wish was to see the end of wars, and thus peace for nations and he spent much time and money working for this cause.





“Man and the Environmentмәтінін оқып шығыңыздар.




1.The environment situation is known to have long been a subject of separate and joint research efforts by specialists of  interrelated fields – biologists, chemists, biochemists and others who have to combine their knowledge with the information available to specialists in physics, geology, oceanography and meteorology, or to the experts in sociology, psychology, philosophy, etc. The problem of man and his interaction with the environment has now become the focal point for many sciences not because it is fashionable but because of its great significance for the whole of mankind.

2.Scientific exchanges and discussions are sure to be always useful because they contribute to general scientific advance. Many Western scientists say our world to be through a global ecological crisis which means the gradual destruction of the human  race. Russian scientists are not so pessimistic but they do think that man′s intervention in nature is steadily increasing, which is a growing threat to the environment. The very term “crisis” is not quite accurate. What we see at present are signs of ecological imbalance which may cause a crisis if due measures are not taken. The air we breathe, the earth we live on and its rivers and seas are becoming polluted with ever more dangerous materials - the by-products of Man′s activities.

3.Interrelations between man and the biosphere are of a very complex nature. Man, like every other living organism, depends for his life on what the biosphere provides: water, oxygen, food, etc. On the other hand, the biosphere is reported to be strongly affected by all sorts of human activities. The conflicts that arise in this man-and-the environment interaction are different. For example, man creates new compounds, new substances, pure chemical elements which are unknown to the biosphere. They do not belong to the natural cycle of matter, therefore they weaken the capacity of natural complexes for self-regulation. Thus, though not changing biologically, we change the medium we live in.

4.Forests are disappearing. Deserts are advancing at the same speed and, if there are qualitative changes in the biosphere, it is supposed not any longer to correspond to the biological requirements of man, whose ability to adapt is very limited.

5.The great scientist Vladimir Vernadsky was the first to realize the necessity for quite a new approach to the biosphere as early as the mid-forties. It is Vernadsky′s concept of the biosphere that we accept today.

6.That we must act now is clear. If your house is in order, you′re all right.




I. Сөйлемдерді мағынасына қарай дұрыс сәйкестендіріп қойыңыздар.


1. The environment situation is a subject of research efforts…

a) the biosphere will no longer  correspond to the biological requirements of man.

2. This problem has now become…

b) are of a very complex nature.

3. Ecological imbalance may cause a crisis…

c) if due measures are not taken.

4. Interrelations between man and the biosphere…

d) the focal point for many sciences.

5. It is supposed that…

e)  is very limited.

6. Man′s ability to adapt…

f) by specialists of interrelated fields.


II. Берілген сұрақтарға жауап бола алатын абзацтарды көрсетіңіздер.


а) Қай ғалым қоршаған ортаға өзгеріс еңгізу керек туралы ең бірінші ашық айтқан еді?

б) Адам мен биосфераның тығыз байланысы ғылымның қай қиыншылықтар тудырып отыр

в) Батыс және орыс ғалымдарының экологиялық тұрғыдан ой пікірі несімен ерекшеленеді?


III. Сөйлемдерді оқып дұрыс (T), бұрыс (F) және берілмеген (NG) деп белгілеңіздер.


 1. Forests are disappearing, deserts are advancing at the same speed.

2. The biosphere is reported to be slightly affected by all sorts of human activities.

3. Also, we are becoming more and more worried about water pollution.

4. The pollution of the environment comes from many sources: chemical waste from factories, domestic waste from cities and towns and so on.


 IV. “Man and the Environment” мәтінін  қысқаша мазмұндау үшін берілген сөйлемдерді дұрыс орналастырыңыздар.



1. Scientists′ approaches to the problem are different.

2. The problem of man and his interaction with the environment is now a major subject for scientists in many fields.

3. Anyhow, we must take due measures to stop environmental changes.

4. Some scientists think the environmental situation to be a crisis, others consider it as a sign of ecological imbalance.

6.     It is because of its great significance for the whole of mankind.







 «Pyramid power» мәтінін сөздікпен аударыңыздар.




1.As the story goes, a Frenchman, Antoine Bovis, first noticed these powers while exploring the Great Pyramid in Egypt during the 1920s. He saw the bodies of small animals which had wandered into the Pyramid and died. Instead of decomposing, as would be expected, these bodies had dehydrated and mummified. On returning to France he conducted a series of experiments with model pyramids and discovered, for instance, that steak was still quite edible and tasted good after being left under a pyramid for several months.

2.Bovis′ discoveries were taken up by the Czechoslovakian Karl Drbal in the 1950s. He found that pyramids could affect non-organic matter as well as organic matter. A razor blade, for example, never became blunt if placed under a pyramid. Even blunt razor blades placed under a pyramid for a few hours became sharp. Drbal found that one razor blade could be used up to 200 times or more if kept under a pyramid. He also discovered that the position where his razor blades sharpened best corresponded to the position of the King′s Burial Chamber in the Great Pyramid – directly under the apex one-third of the way up. Drbal patented a Pyramid Razor Blade Scharpener in 1959 and small red and white plastic pyramids appeared on the market soon afterwards.

3.Since then American researchers have discovered many more powers of the pyramid. A recent claim is that meditation is facilitated and enhanced if done under a pyramid or wearing a pyramid as a hat. Like razor blades, old and dry tobacco can be revived under model pyramids. In fact, the list of pyramid experiments is endless but here is one of the things I have tried with pyramids.

4.I tried placing pyramids above plants to see if growth was helped by pyramid powers. I had two identical avocado plants so I placed a pyramid over one but not the other. The plant with the pyramid over it has grown faster and healthier than the other plant. To revive the weaker plant I tried watering it with water which I had left under a pyramid for a few days: sure enough the plant sprouted new leaves and began to look much healthier until I started watering it with ‘untreated’ tap water again.

5.Despite all the experiments with pyramids there is still no scientific explanation for their powers. All you can do is build your own model pyramid and see if it works for you, like it did for me. See, for instance, if pyramids can sharpen blunt knives and scissors as well as razor blades or find out if a pyramid can preserve perishable food or milk. The only way to find out if you believe in this strange inexplicable power is to try the experiments for yourself.



II.               TEST


I. Сөйлемдерді мағынасына қарай дұрыс сәйкестендіріп қойыңыздар.


1. Bovis′ discoveries…

a) were taken up by Karl Drbal in     the 1950s.

2. A razor blade never became blunt…

b) a Pyramid Razor Blade

    Sharpener in 1959.

3. He found that one razor blade..

c) if placed under a pyramid.

4. Drbal patented…

d) began to look much healthier.

5. The plant sprouted new leaves and…

e)could be used up to 200 times

or more.


II. Берілген сұрақтарға жауап бола алатын абзацтарды көрсетіңіздердер.


а) Карл Дрбал пирамидамен тәжірибе өткізіп жатқанда нені тапты?

в) Пирамиданың мүмкіндіктерін анықтау үшін автор қандай тәжірибе өткізді?

с) Бовис пен Дрбалдан кейін осы салада тәжірибені кім жалғастырды?


III. Сөйлемдерді оқып дұрыс (T), бұрыс (F) және берілмеген (NG) деп белгілеңіздер.



1. He tried placing pyramids under plants to see if growth was helped by pyramid powers.

2. Small red and white plastic pyramids appeared on the market shortly before Drbal patented his Pyramid Razor Blade Sharpener.

3. The plastic pyramids provided energy using the same principle as the Great Pyramid in Egypt.

4. Despite all the experiments with pyramids there is still no scientific explanation for their powers.


IV. «Pyramid power» мәтінін қысқаша мазмұндау үшін берілген сөйлемдерді дұрыс орналастырыңыздар.



1. His discoveries were taken up by K.Drbal from Czechoslovakia.

2. Antoine Bovis, a Frenchman, was the first to begin making experiments with model pyramids in the 1920s.

3. K. Drbal patented his discovery in 1959.

4. He found that pyramids  affected non-organic matter as well as organic matter.

5. However, there is no scientific explanation for the pyramid powers.

6.Since then American researchers have discovered  more powers of the pyramid.




I.                  INFORMATION FOR STUDY.

MICHAIL LOMONOSOVмәтінін оқып шығыңыздар.


                                   MICHAIL  LOMONOSOV


1.             Michail Lomonosov was born in 1711 in the family of a fisherman in the northern coastal village of Denisovka not far from Archangelsk. When he was ten years of age his father began to take him sea fishing. The dangerous life of a fisherman taught him to observe the natural phenomena more closely. During long winter nights young Lomonosov studied his letters, grammar and arithmetic diligently.

2.                 Being the son of a peasant, he was refused admission to the local   school. After some years, through concealing his peasant origin, he gained admission to the Slavonic-Greek-Latin Academy and for five years lived a hand-to-mouth existence on three kopecks a day. The noblemen’s sons studying with him made fun of the twenty-year-old giant who, in spite of the jeers and his own poverty, made rapid progress.

3.                 After five years came the chance of entering the Academy of Sciences, as there were not enough noble-born students to fill the quota. His ability and diligence attracted the attention of the professors and as one of three best students he was sent abroad. He spent all the time there studying the works of leading European scientists in chemistry, metallurgy, mining and mathematics. On his return to Russia in 1745 he was made a professor and was the first Russian scientist to become a member of the Academy of Sciences.

4.                 Soon, largely thanks to Lomonosov’s efforts, a chemistry laboratory was built, in which he was to work for nearly 10 years. He was instrumental in the founding of a mosaic and stained-glass factory.

5.                 In addition to his research, Lomonosov made a major contribution to the organization of science in Russia, particularly in the last decade of his life. He also elaborated a consecutive system of education which consisted of three stages: gymnasia (secondary school), university and academy. He divided students into those who studied at the state’s expense and those who paid for their tuition.

6.                 For versatility Lomonosov has no equal in Russian science. Many of his ideas and discoveries only won recognition in the nineteenth century. He was the first to discover the vegetable origin of coal, for instance, and as a poet and scientist he played a great role in the formation of the Russian literary language. His living memorial is the Moscow University, which he founded in 1755.

7.                 The scientist and poet died in April 1765. Despite his numerous achievements in the field of science, Lomonosov did not leave a fortune to his family. His widow was forced to request the government to write off her husband’s debts and could not even afford to put a tombstone on his grave.

8.                 Lomonosov’s private library was bought by Count Orlov but subsequently disappeared. It was rediscovered in the library of Helsinki University thirty years ago and was returned to the library of the Russian Academy of Sciences.


II.               TEST


I.                   Сөйлемдерді мағынасына қарай дұрыс сәйкестендіріп қойыңыздар.


1.     The dangerous life of a fisherman…

2.     He spent all the time there…

3.     Largely thanks to Lomonosov’s  efforts…

4.     He also elaborated

5.     Lomonosov’s private library

a)      was bought by Count Orlov

b)     a chemistry laboratory was built

c)     a consecutive system of education

d)    studying the works of leading European scientists.

e)     taught him to observe the natural  phenomena more closely



II.                Берілген сұрақтарға жауап бола алатын абзацтарды көрсетіңіздер.


a)     Михаил Ломоносовтың қандай қасиеттері Білім Академиясының профессорларын қызықтырды?

b)    М. Ломоносов ғылыми ортадан басқа қай салада танымал болды?

c)     М. Ломоносовтың жеке кітапханасымен не болды?

III.             Сөйлемдерді оқып дұрыс (T), бұрыс (F) және берілмеген (NG) деп белгілеңіздер.


1.     M. Lomonosov was born in the village of Denisovka not far from Archangelsk.

2.     Lomonosov made a major contribution to the organization of science particularly in the first decade of his life.

3.     Many of his ideas won recognition in the 20th century.

4.     The Moscow University founded in 1755 was named in honour of M. Lomonosov.


IV. “MICHAIL LOMONOSOV” мәтінін қысқаша мазмұндау үшін берілген сөйлемдерді дұрыс орналастырыңыздар.


1.     He spent all  the time abroad studying works of leading European scientists.

2.     For versatility Lomonosov has no equal in Russian science.

3.     Lomonosov did not leave a fortune to his family.

4.     Concealing his peasant origin Lomonosov gained admission to the Slavonic-Greek-Latin Academy.

5.     Lomonosov was the first Russian scientist to become a member of the Academy of Sciences.






«HOW IS SOUND SENT OVER WIRES» мәтінін оқып шығып, аударыңыздар.




1.                       Let us speak about the nature of sound. What is sound? You can answer this question in Russian but you cannot do it in English. So read and remember. Sound is the rapid disturbance of air, which affects our ear drums and enables us to hear. These rapid disturbances in the air we call vibrations.

2.                       It is air that makes it possible to hear sound, and where there is no air or atmosphere it is impossible to hear anything. You can hear no music, or noise, or talking if there is no atmosphere or air around you to carry the sound to your ears.

3.                       Whenever a thing vibrates it moves very rapidly: 600 or 700 times every second. In doing this it pushes the air around it and sends out little air waves very much like the tiny waves on the surface of a pond when you throw some light thing into it. The waves travel in all directions, and they travel very fast.

4.                       Vibrations – very rapid movements of a wire, paper or anything else – send our tiny air waves that gently strike against our ear drums and make it possible for us to hear.

5.                       It is impossible to see these rapid vibrations, or air waves because they are so tiny and gentle that you cannot feel them against your body. But you know they are present, because you can hear them and you can feel the thing that vibrates and produces the sound.

6.                       Try this simple experiment with sound. Just hold a large empty paper box such as a hat box gently in both hands and hold it close to your radio when it is turned on as loud as it can go.

7.                       You will feel how the sides of the box vibrate. Your fingers will feel tiny vibrations all over the box as long as it is near the loud radio music.

8.                       This is because the air inside and outside the box is filled with vibrations from your radio – the thousands of tiny air waves that are sent out by the loud-speaker affect the sides of the box and make it vibrate.

9.                       But more important than that: turn off the radio and let the box continue to vibrate; then the box itself will play music. The music will not be loud, but it will be music! If the box is made of strong paper it will vibrate more and play the music louder.

10.                   If you try this experiment, you will see that any sound makes the sides of the box vibrate. If you talk close to the box you will feel how it vibrates a little and, again, if that gentle vibration repeats itself after you stop talking, you will hear that the box «speaks» the words you spoke in your own tone and voice.




I.                   Сөйлемдерді мағынасына қарай дұрыс сәйкестендіріп қойыңыздар.


1.Sound is the rapid disturbance of air which…

2.The waves travel in all directions, and…

3.It is impossible to see these rapid vibrations or air waves because…

4.It is air that…

5.You will feel…



a) …they travel very fast

b) …how the sides of the box vibrate

c) …affects our ear drums and enables us to hear

d) …makes it possible to hear sound

e) …they are so tiny and gentle


II.Берілген сұрақтарға жауап бола алатын абзацтарды көрсетіңіздер.


а) Дыбысты не арқылы естей аламыз?

б) Дыбыс дегеніміз не?

в) Тербеліс дегеніміз не?


III.Сөйлемдерді оқып дұрыс (T), бұрыс (F) және берілмеген (NG) деп белгілеңіздер.

1.             Sound waves travel at the speed of 330 meter per second.

2.             Sound is the rapid disturbance of air.

3.             It is impossible to see air waves.

4.          Radio waves travel at the speed of 186 000 miles per second.

5.          Whenever a thing vibrates it moves only 2 or 10 times every second.


IV.«HOW IS SOUND SENT OVER WIRES» мәтінін  қысқаша мазмұндау үшін берілген сөйлемдерді дұрыс орналастырыңыздар.


1.     Vibrations – very rapid movements of a wire, paper or anything else – send out tiny air waves that gently strike against our ear drums.

2.     It is air  that makes it possible to hear sound.

3.     The waves travel in all directions, and they travel very fast.

4.     Sound is the rapid disturbance of air.

5.     It is impossible to see these rapid vibrations.







I. 1-b, 2-f, 3-e, 4-a, 5-c, 6-d.  II. a-7, b-9, c-8.  III. 1-N, 2-F, 3-T, 4-F.                                            IV. 3, 1, 2, 5, 4.


I.  1 – c, 2-d, 3-e, 4-b, 5-a.     II. a-4, b-2, c-1.   III. 1-F, 2-T, 3-T, 4-N, 5-F.     IV. 2, 4, 3, 5, 1.


I. 1 – c; 2 – e; 3 – b; 4 – f; 5 – a; 6 – d; II. a – 5; b – 1; c – 3; III. 1 – N; 2 – F; 3 – N; 4 – T; 5 – T; IV.2, 1, 3, 5, 4


  I. 1.-d, 2-e, 3-a, 4-b, 5-c;  II. a-2, b-3, c-4, d-5;  III. 1-F, 2-N, 3-T,

  4-T, 5-F;  IV. 3, 2, 4, 5, 1


I. 1-b, 2-d, 3-c, 4-e, 5-a; II. a-4, b-7, c-6; III. 1-F, 2-T, 3-N, 4-T, 5-F;    IV. 5, 3, 1, 2, 4.


I.1-b, 2-c, 3-a, 4-e, 5-d; II. a-2, b-1, c-5; III. 1-T, 2- F, 3-T, 4-N;

IV.1, 5, 3, , 2, 4.


I. 1-e, 2-d, 3-a, 4-c, 5-b; II. a-3, b-4, c-7, d-8; III. 3; IV. 4, 5, 1, 3, 2.


I.1-c, 2-e, 3-a, 4-b, 5-d; II. a-3, b-4, c-7; III. 1- N, 2-F, 3- T, 4 – F; IV. 4, 1, 3, 5, 6, 2

                                                       KEYS 9

I.1- e, 2-d, 3-a, 4-b, 5-c.  II. a-1, b-3, c-2.  III. 1-T, 2-F, 3-T, 4-N, 5-F.  IV. 4, 3, 2, 1, 5.


I. 1-f; 2-d; 3-c; 4-b; II. 5-a; 6-e. a-5; b-1; c-2; III. 1-T; 2-F; 3- N; 4- N; IV.2, 5, 1, 4, 3.


I.1-a; 2-c; 3-e; 4- b; 5-d; II. a-2; b-4; c-3; III. 1-F; 2-F; 3-N; 4-T; IV. 2,   1, 4, 3, 6, 5


I.  1-e, 2-d, 3-b, 4-c, 5-a.      II. a-3, b-5, c-8.   III. 1-T, 2-F, 3-F, 4-N. 

IV. 4, 1, 5, 2, 3.


I. 1 – c; 2 – a; 3 – e; 4 – d; 5 – b.  II. a – 2; b – 1; c – 4.  III.  1 – N; 2 – T;

3 – T; 4 – N; 5 – F.    IV.4, 2, 3, 1, 5.




1.     Effective Reading Upper Intermidiate, Amanda French & Peter Nicoll, Macmillan

2.     Effective Reading Pre - Intermidiate, Jackie Mcavoy, Macmillan

3.     English in Mind, Herbert Puchta & Jeff Stranks, Cambridge

4.     Internet

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