Инфоурок Иностранные языки Другие методич. материалыТема «Health Problem» Проблемы

Тема «Health Problem» Проблемы

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Тема «Health Problem»


Обучающая цель: защита проекта в форме ролевой игры,

Как средство коммуникативной направленности.

Развивающая цель: развивать навыки аудирования и говорения на основе готового проекта.

Воспитательная цель: научить учащихся бережно относиться к своему здоровью.

Оборудование: магнитофон,схемы,плакаты,анкеты.


Ход урока


I      Организационный момент


Good afternoon , children . Smiling please

Today the theme of our lesson is “Health problem”


II      Развитие диалоговой речи

 На приеме


1)   -Good morning , doctor

-          Morning . Sit down please .

-          What’s wrong with you ?

-          I’ve got a splitting headache

-          What a pity ! You should take pills 3 time a day.

-          You’ll be all right soon


2)   -    Good morning . What’s the matter with you ?

-          I’ve got a high temperature and a frightful cold

-          Is it hard to swallow ? You have all symptoms of flue

-          I’ll write you a prescription . Take the medicine in according with the prescription

-          Drink warm lemon tea with honey

-          Thank you , doctor , good bye .


3)   -   Oh , doctor , doctor help me please  . My head is swimming . I’m sick

-          In the first place you must pass a blood test .

-          Your pulse is normal . Don’t worry . You’ll be right soon

-          Thank you , doctor


4) -     Good morning , doctor . Sorry , I’m not quite myself . I’ve got a stomach ache .

-          Well , take this mixture . That must be taken on an empty stomach .

-          Thank you doctor


 5)  -    How are you ?

-          I’m in poor health . Oh , my heart .

-          Your heart is normal . Do you smoke ?

-          Oh , yes . About 10 cigarettes a day .

-          You shouldn’t smoke at all . You should stop immediately . This is my advice for you . Good-bye

-          Thank a lot


6)      Good afternoon , doctor . My throat is sore .

-          Let me see you tongue

-          That’s all right . Now , I’d like to listen to your chest and lungs . It’ [bron’kaitis] . You should take pills every morning and evening . Stay off school for a week .

III                                           Развитие монологической речи


T: Children as you see there are many patients in our hospitals today . They have got different deceases : flue , bad cold , pneumonia , [bron’kaitis] , headache , backache , stomachache and others . Health problem is global today . Preventing sickness is better than trying to cure it after you get sick . How to be healthy ? I want to discuss this question with you . Please , be active in the discussion .

Group “A” your task was “Bad habits” . Please .


P1: Youth is a special time for any person . And young people have some problems special to this period of life , one of them is the problem of finding one self . Some teenagers don’t have interests or hobbies , so they have no aims to their lives . Our world is facing a drugs crisis . The greater part of teenagers are using or have used drugs . This is the main problem in the world , I think .


T: What would you like to add ?


P2 : I’d like to add . Because of drugs , boys and girls become angry . They loose their connection with their parents . Teenagers don’t have much money to buy drugs , so they must steal . And using drugs evokes such a dangerous illness as AIDS . Drug addicts are awore of their illness and with their lives end . To my mind our government should prevent the selling of drugs . I think you should love yourself in order to find the right way in life .


T: I completely agree with you . Who will be the next ?


P3 : I suppose teenagers are also easily influenced by others . And just in this period a great number of people begin to smoke , to use alcohol . We must think about our health , our future life , our future generations . And in the conclusion I want to say even if teenagers are given bad habits , they should just say “ NO “


T: Well , children . Good for you . Your messages are very interesting and useful . There are many new words in your speeches . Thanks a lot .

Group “B” had to prepare some information about sport . As you know sport and health are closely connected .


P1: From my point of view sport is very popular . However , the number of people who takes part in sport is quite small . A lot of people never exercises . These are the people that wait until they get sick before they start to think about their health . In our family we believe that preventing sickness is better than trying to cure it after you get sick . Frankly speaking if you want to be healthy you must go in for sport .


T: Sport means health . If you do it regularly you’ll feel as fit as a fiddle .


P2: As far as I’m concerned I quite agree with the following words . “Good health is above wealth “ . I do my morning exercises every day . I like swimming because it’s good for legs , and it’s relaxing . Tennis is very exciting and it’s very good for arms and legs . Jogging is very good for the heart . Yoga is good for breathing . As you see sport helps to keep fit and to stay healthy . You may go in for sports .


T: It’s our of question . There are 2 ways to enjoy sport : or to be a spectator .


P3 : To make a long story short . The words by Henry Davia “Every man is the builder of a temple called his body “ Are very remarkable and exciting . This sport and games are very

popular among the children of school. We have got very good sport lessons with our teachers: Marat Zhomartovich, Valery Ivanovich, Victor Vasiljevich. Many boys and girls take the first places in sport competitions


T:         Children do you want to relax? I know Aisulu is a member of the aerobic club.

                        Aisulu please, do some exercises with the pupils.


T:         Children when you are young and growing it is important to eat a variety of food which is good for you. This makes you strong and healthy. It’s is also important not to eat a lot of food, which you don’t need or which is bad for you. The 3rd group please.

                        Who will be the 1st Alma, please.


P1        Eating the proper foods is important to stay healthy. Look at this table. The 1st groups Meat group which consists of meat, eggs, chicken, fish. Meat helps you have a strong and healthy body by providing protein. The second group of food is milk group, which consists of milk, cheese, ice-cream and sour-cream.

                        Dairy builds strong teeth and bones by providing calcium.

                        The 3rd group is Fruit and Vegetable group. Fruit and vegetable help you to have healthy, gums, good eye sight and good teeth by providing vitamin A and C.

                        The 4th group is bread-cereal group which gives you energy by providing protein, iron and several B vitamins. And the last group of food is fats and sugar. They fast sources of energy.


T:         Now, I’ll ask some questions for discussions. What do you usually eat for breakfast?


P:         To tell you the truth, my mother prepares breakfast for me. Sometimes I have got cereal or eggs, toasts and sausages. In the morning I like to drink coffee or tea with milk bread and butter. And of course, I’m very glad when I see fruit on the table. I know the proverb “An apple a day keep the doctor away”. And my mother tries to follow to this advice.


T:         I fully agree with your mother, besides, it should be mentioned, that fruit and vegetables help you to have healthy. And what about dinner?


P:         Frankly speaking my dinner consists of soup or borsh. There is salad and there are vegetables. For the second course usually we have got baked potatoes with meat, sometimes muttons or plov. And of course, no feast goes without beshbarmak strong and taste creamed tea and baursak. In summer we prefer to drink katyk, airan, kumis. They are very useful drinks.


T:         I think, you have got a healthy and right dinner. Meat helps you have a strong and healthy body strong teeth and bones by providing calcium. And now supper.


P:         As a matter of fact usually we have got supper from 6 to 8 o’clock. When our mother is tired she usually buys junk food in packets: vareniki or pelmeni. Sometimes we have got roast potatoes with salt cucumber and potatoes an omelette, or sausages. As for me I like natural juices, mineral water or soft drinks.


T:         I consider, all these products are necessary for our organism and mineral water and natural juices are useful for the stomach. Do you take vitamin pills? What kind?


P:         From time to time I take vitamin pills: pikavit, duovit, geksavid, caltsid for providing my body with useful things, which help me to healthy and strong.


T:         Naturally, I think we must use vitamin pills as you know our ecology is very bad. What snacks are healthy for you to eat?


P:         From my point of view cheeseburgers, fruits, vegetable salads, hot dogs, hamburgers, mineral water, tea with lemon, I some kinds juices: orange juice, apple juice, apricot juice, mango juice and fruit yoghurts are healthy for snack.


T:         No doubt. It’s a very good answer. Is it healthy to skip meals?


P:         To my regret. No, it isn’t. It  may affect your energy level and you might be weak, nervous, irritable and angry.


T:         I agree in principle with you. The next question. Why are fresh fruits and vegetables better for you than canned fruits and vegetables?


P:         Naturally, fresh fruits and vegetables have vitamins.


T:         It stands to reason. Thanks.



IV                       Аудирование текста “Health Farm”


T:         Now children, listen to the text. After having listened, be ready to answer the questions.

1)      Name Karen’s bad habits.

2)      Name Karen’s good habits.


T:         And are you interested in healthy living? What you should do to keep your health?


P:         As for me, I have no headaches, backaches, pains in the stomach. I go in for sport. I play volley-ball, basketball. Every morning I do my morning exercises. I try to eat healthy food: fruit, vegetables, lots of salad.


T:         I think you are happy.


P:        I’m very careful about what I eat and drink. Once a month I weigh myself. I want to be a slim girl. Unfortunately I do exercises from time to time. I don` t eat bread and cakes. Frankly speaking I like yoghurt.


T:       What is your weight?


P:       I never suffer from anything. My legs don` t hurt and my arms don` t hurt either. Sport is an important competitions. I like dairy products: milk, cream, cheese. I don` t like sweets. I consider I look very good.


P:       I suppose I control myself. I don` t smoke and never drink alcohol. So I want to be a healthy boy. I take regular exercises. I like to walk a lot. On Sundays I go to the swimming pool. As you know swimming is good for the back, lungs and the heart.



V                               Создание проектов


T:       Children, now you must write and read your own projects. What should we do to be healthy?

                        Project № 1

                        Project № 2

                        Project № 3




T:       Now children, fill in blanks please.

             Заполнение анкет.



VII                        Заключительный этап урока


T:       Children, our time is up. But as for me, I` d like to pay your attention to these words by Henry Davia compared our body with the temple. I think these words are very remarkable. So we must take care of body.



                 Are the students in the class interested in healthy living.














 Every day







1.Do you have breakfast?

2.Do you take morning exercises?

3.Do you smoke&

4.Do you eat fresh fruits and vegetables?
5.Are you careful about what you eat and drink

6.Do you drink alcohol?

7.Do you use drugs?

8.Do you take vitamin pills?
















Самоанализ урока.

Тема «Проблемы здоровья».

    На начальном этапе урока перед учащимися была определена основная  цель: научиться заботиться о своем здоровье. Здоровье – это главное в жизни.

Путем драматизации диалогов «В больнице» ученики погрузились в атмосферу урока. Таким образом была обеспечена положительная мотивации урока. Учащиеся быстро включились в ролевую игру. Ребята были готовы к восприятию данной темы и имели достаточный запас знаний.

В монологической речи учащиеся затронули следующие темы:

1)     Вредные привычки

2)     Спорт в жизни людей

3)     Правильное питание

Для реализации потенциала учащихся, им было дано опережающее задание по группам по теме урока. По своему типу проведенный урок является уроком обобщения, систематизации и углубления знаний.

Высокая работоспособность учащихся обеспечивалась в течение всего урока за счет применения разнообразных методов, таких как: метод проектирования, исследовательский метод, а также за счет смены видов деятельности: групповая работа по карточкам, защита проектов. На данном уроке учащиеся показали свои навыки и умения работать с дополнительной литературой, анализировать, обобщать и систематизировать материал.

Логическая последовательность и взаимосвязь этапов урока выдержана.

На уроке соблюдены следующие принципы:

- доступности

- наглядности

- связь с жизнью

- психологическое обеспечение

Развитие монологической и диалогической речи учащихся осуществлялось на протяжение всего урока, формирование знаний и умений осуществлялось целенаправленно. Цель данного урока была достигнута.







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Рабочий лист "Idioms about health"

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Рабочий лист по английскому языку "Idioms about health" предназначен для учащихся 10-11 классов, изучающих английский по учебнику Spotlight. В рабочем листе представлены разнообразные задания, которые помогут ученикам закрепить материал по пройденной теме. Можно также использовать в качестве проверки знаний учащихся.

Краткое описание методической разработки

Рабочий лист по английскому языку "Idioms about health" предназначен для учащихся 10-11 классов, изучающих английский по учебнику Spotlight. В рабочем листе представлены разнообразные задания, которые помогут ученикам закрепить материал по пройденной теме. Можно также использовать в качестве проверки знаний учащихся.

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Краткое описание документа:

Тема «HealthProblem»

7 класс

Обучающая цель: защита проекта в форме ролевой игры,

Как средство коммуникативной направленности.

Развивающая цель: развивать навыки аудирования и говорения на основе готового проекта.

Воспитательная цель: научить учащихся бережно относиться к своему здоровью.

Оборудование: магнитофон,схемы,плакаты,анкеты.


Ход урока


I      Организационный момент


Good afternoon , children . Smiling please

Today the theme of our lesson is “Health problem”


II      Развитие диалоговой речи

 На приеме


1)   -Good morning , doctor

-          Morning . Sit down please .

-          What’s wrong with you ?

-          I’ve got a splitting headache

-          What a pity ! You should take pills 3 time a day.

-          You’ll be all right soon


2)   -    Good morning . What’s the matter with you ?

-          I’ve got a high temperature and a frightful cold

-          Is it hard to swallow ? You have all symptoms of flue

-          I’ll write you a prescription . Take the medicine in according with the prescription

-          Drink warm lemon tea with honey

-          Thank you , doctor , good bye .


3)   -   Oh , doctor , doctor help me please  . My head is swimming . I’m sick

-          In the first place you must pass a blood test .

-          Your pulse is normal . Don’t worry . You’ll be right soon

-          Thank you , doctor


4) -     Good morning , doctor . Sorry , I’m not quite myself . I’ve got a stomach ache .

-          Well , take this mixture . That must be taken on an empty stomach .

-          Thank you doctor


 5)  -    How are you ?

-          I’m in poor health . Oh , my heart .

-          Your heart is normal . Do you smoke ?

-          Oh , yes . About 10 cigarettes a day .

-          You shouldn’t smoke at all . You should stop immediately . This is my advice for you . Good-bye

-          Thank a lot


6)      Good afternoon , doctor . My throat is sore .

-          Let me see you tongue

-          That’s all right . Now , I’d like to listen to your chest and lungs . It’ [bron’kaitis] . You should take pills every morning and evening . Stay off school for a week .

III                                           Развитие монологической речи


T: Children as you see there are many patients in our hospitals today . They have got different deceases : flue , bad cold , pneumonia , [bron’kaitis] , headache , backache , stomachache and others . Health problem is global today . Preventing sickness is better than trying to cure it after you get sick . How to be healthy ? I want to discuss this question with you . Please , be active in the discussion .

Group “A” your task was “Bad habits” . Please .


P1: Youth is a special time for any person . And young people have some problems special to this period of life , one of them is the problem of finding one self . Some teenagers don’t have interests or hobbies , so they have no aims to their lives . Our world is facing a drugs crisis . The greater part of teenagers are using or have used drugs . This is the main problem in the world , I think .


T: What would you like to add ?


P2 : I’d like to add . Because of drugs , boys and girls become angry . They loose their connection with their parents . Teenagers don’t have much money to buy drugs , so they must steal . And using drugs evokes such a dangerous illness as AIDS . Drug addicts are awore of their illness and with their lives end . To my mind our government should prevent the selling of drugs . I think you should love yourself in order to find the right way in life .


T: I completely agree with you . Who will be the next ?


P3 : I suppose teenagers are also easily influenced by others . And just in this period a great number of people begin to smoke , to use alcohol . We must think about our health , our future life , our future generations . And in the conclusion I want to say even if teenagers are given bad habits , they should just say “ NO “


T: Well , children . Good for you . Your messages are very interesting and useful . There are many new words in your speeches . Thanks a lot .

Group “B” had to prepare some information about sport . As you know sport and health are closely connected .


P1: From my point of view sport is very popular . However , the number of people who takes part in sport is quite small . A lot of people never exercises . These are the people that wait until they get sick before they start to think about their health . In our family we believe that preventing sickness is better than trying to cure it after you get sick . Frankly speaking if you want to be healthy you must go in for sport .


T: Sport means health . If you do it regularly you’ll feel as fit as a fiddle .


P2: As far as I’m concerned I quite agree with the following words . “Good health is above wealth “ . I do my morning exercises every day . I like swimming because it’s good for legs , and it’s relaxing . Tennis is very exciting and it’s very good for arms and legs . Jogging is very good for the heart . Yoga is good for breathing . As you see sport helps to keep fit and to stay healthy . You may go in for sports .


T: It’s our of question . There are 2 ways to enjoy sport : or to be a spectator .


P3 : To make a long story short . The words by Henry Davia “Every man is the builder of a temple called his body “ Are very remarkable and exciting . This sport and games are very

popular among the children of school. We have got very good sport lessons with our teachers: Marat Zhomartovich, Valery Ivanovich, Victor Vasiljevich. Many boys and girls take the first places in sport competitions


T:         Children do you want to relax? I know Aisulu is a member of the aerobic club.

                        Aisulu please, do some exercises with the pupils.


T:         Children when you are young and growing it is important to eat a variety of food which is good for you. This makes you strong and healthy. It’s is also important not to eat a lot of food, which you don’t need or which is bad for you. The 3rd group please.

                        Who will be the 1st Alma, please.


P1        Eating the proper foods is important to stay healthy. Look at this table. The 1st groups Meat group which consists of meat, eggs, chicken, fish. Meat helps you have a strong and healthy body by providing protein. The second group of food is milk group, which consists of milk, cheese, ice-cream and sour-cream.

                        Dairy builds strong teeth and bones by providing calcium.

                        The 3rd group is Fruit and Vegetable group. Fruit and vegetable help you to have healthy, gums, good eye sight and good teeth by providing vitamin A and C.

                        The 4th group is bread-cereal group which gives you energy by providing protein, iron and several B vitamins. And the last group of food is fats and sugar. They fast sources of energy.


T:         Now, I’ll ask some questions for discussions. What do you usually eat for breakfast?


P:         To tell you the truth, my mother prepares breakfast for me. Sometimes I have got cereal or eggs, toasts and sausages. In the morning I like to drink coffee or tea with milk bread and butter. And of course, I’m very glad when I see fruit on the table. I know the proverb “An apple a day keep the doctor away”. And my mother tries to follow to this advice.


T:         I fully agree with your mother, besides, it should be mentioned, that fruit and vegetables help you to have healthy. And what about dinner?


P:         Frankly speaking my dinner consists of soup or borsh. There is salad and there are vegetables. For the second course usually we have got baked potatoes with meat, sometimes muttons or plov. And of course, no feast goes without beshbarmak strong and taste creamed tea and baursak. In summer we prefer to drink katyk, airan, kumis. They are very useful drinks.


T:         I think, you have got a healthy and right dinner. Meat helps you have a strong and healthy body strong teeth and bones by providing calcium. And now supper.


P:         As a matter of fact usually we have got supper from 6 to 8 o’clock. When our mother is tired she usually buys junk food in packets: vareniki or pelmeni. Sometimes we have got roast potatoes with salt cucumber and potatoes an omelette, or sausages. As for me I like natural juices, mineral water or soft drinks.


T:         I consider, all these products are necessary for our organism and mineral water and natural juices are useful for the stomach. Do you take vitamin pills? What kind?


P:         From time to time I take vitamin pills: pikavit, duovit, geksavid, caltsid for providing my body with useful things, which help me to healthy and strong.


T:         Naturally, I think we must use vitamin pills as you know our ecology is very bad. What snacks are healthy for you to eat?


P:         From my point of view cheeseburgers, fruits, vegetable salads, hot dogs, hamburgers, mineral water, tea with lemon, I some kinds juices: orange juice, apple juice, apricot juice, mango juice and fruit yoghurts are healthy for snack.


T:         No doubt. It’s a very good answer. Is it healthy to skip meals?


P:         To my regret. No, it isn’t. It  may affect your energy level and you might be weak, nervous, irritable and angry.


T:         I agree in principle with you. The next question. Why are fresh fruits and vegetables better for you than canned fruits and vegetables?


P:         Naturally, fresh fruits and vegetables have vitamins.


T:         It stands to reason. Thanks.



IV                       Аудирование текста “Health Farm”


T:         Now children, listen to the text. After having listened, be ready to answer the questions.

1)      Name Karen’s bad habits.

2)      Name Karen’s good habits.


T:         And are you interested in healthy living? What you should do to keep your health?


P:         As for me, I have no headaches, backaches, pains in the stomach. I go in for sport. I play volley-ball, basketball. Every morning I do my morning exercises. I try to eat healthy food: fruit, vegetables, lots of salad.


T:         I think you are happy.


P:        I’m very careful about what I eat and drink. Once a month I weigh myself. I want to be a slim girl. Unfortunately I do exercises from time to time. I don` t eat bread and cakes. Frankly speaking I like yoghurt.


T:       What is your weight?


P:       I never suffer from anything. My legs don` t hurt and my arms don` t hurt either. Sport is an important competitions. I like dairy products: milk, cream, cheese. I don` t like sweets. I consider I look very good.


P:       I suppose I control myself. I don` t smoke and never drink alcohol. So I want to be a healthy boy. I take regular exercises. I like to walk a lot. On Sundays I go to the swimming pool. As you know swimming is good for the back, lungs and the heart.



V                               Создание проектов


T:       Children, now you must write and read your own projects. What should we do to be healthy?

                        Project № 1

                        Project № 2

                        Project № 3




T:       Now children, fill in blanks please.

             Заполнение анкет.



VII                        Заключительный этап урока


T:       Children, our time is up. But as for me, I` d like to pay your attention to these words by Henry Davia compared our body with the temple. I think these words are very remarkable. So we must take care of body.



                 Are the students in the class interested in healthy living.














 Every day







1.Do you have breakfast?

2.Do you take morning exercises?

3.Do you smoke&

4.Do you eat fresh fruits and vegetables?
5.Are you careful about what you eat and drink

6.Do you drink alcohol?

7.Do you use drugs?

8.Do you take vitamin pills?
















Самоанализ урока.

Тема «Проблемы здоровья».

    На начальном этапе урока перед учащимися была определена основная  цель: научиться заботиться о своем здоровье. Здоровье – это главное в жизни.

Путем драматизации диалогов «В больнице» ученики погрузились в атмосферу урока. Таким образом была обеспечена положительная мотивации урока. Учащиеся быстро включились в ролевую игру. Ребята были готовы к восприятию данной темы и имели достаточный запас знаний.

В монологической речи учащиеся затронули следующие темы:

1)      Вредные привычки

2)      Спорт в жизни людей

3)      Правильное питание

Для реализации потенциала учащихся, им было дано опережающее задание по группам по теме урока. По своему типу проведенный урок является уроком обобщения, систематизации и углубления знаний.

Высокая работоспособность учащихся обеспечивалась в течение всего урока за счет применения разнообразных методов, таких как: метод проектирования, исследовательский метод, а также за счет смены видов деятельности: групповая работа по карточкам, защита проектов. На данном уроке учащиеся показали свои навыки и умения работать с дополнительной литературой, анализировать, обобщать и систематизировать материал.

Логическая последовательность и взаимосвязь этапов урока выдержана.

На уроке соблюдены следующие принципы:

- доступности

- наглядности

- связь с жизнью

- психологическое обеспечение

Развитие монологической и диалогической речи учащихся осуществлялось на протяжение всего урока, формирование знаний и умений осуществлялось целенаправленно. Цель данного урока была достигнута.







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