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Тест 6 класс Комарова

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                   Методические рекомендации к проведению оценочных работ

Промежуточная контрольная   работа в 6 классе предусмотрена в форме лексико-грамматического теста, включающего в себя изученную грамматику и лексику. Тест предусмотрен на 1 урок  45 минут, с последующим разбором.

Критерии оценивания: 1 балл - за каждый правильный ответ.

Всего за работу: Максимум –25 баллов.

 «5»  (22-25 баллов),

«4»  (17-21 баллов)

«3»  (10-16 баллов)

«2»  (9 и меньше).

Примерные оценочные материалы итоговой работы

Variant 1

1.Write negative sentences with be going to.

    Example:   I / go to school tomorrow morning.

                      I'm not going to go to school tomorrow morning.

1. She / watch TV tonight.

2. Tim / go to the beach.

3. They / sunbathe on the beach.

4. You / play football with us.

5. We / eat pizza again today.

6. I / go shopping with you.

2. Order the words to make questions.

1. high / is / mountain / How / the ?

2. the / long / River Nile / is / How ?

3. you / walk / far / How / can ?

4. is / cold / the / South Pole / How ?

5. you / tall / How / are ?

6. house / big / is / your / How ?

7. your / How / old / brother / is ?

8. run / fast / How / a / horse / does ?

3. Circle the correct alternatives.

1. He was / were in Wales.

2. Julies Caesar weren't / wasn't Greek.

3. They was / were in the house before.

4. There was / were four musicians in the Beatles.

5. Macbeth was / were a play by Shakespear.

6. Dinosaurs was / were very small.


4. Choose the right variant.

1. I often … DVDs on Saturdays.

a) listen b) watch c) play

2. JK Rowling is a British … . Harry Potter is her creation.

a) painter b) explorer c) writer

3. In the evening Olga plays … or read … .

a) lunch, music b) chess, magazines c) TV, books

4. A school subject in which you study novels, stories, poems and plays.

a) Geography b) Literature c) History

5. This animal is big. It's brown. It eats meat and fish, but it likes berries and honey, too.

a) bear b) rabbit c) giraffe


Variant II

1.Write negative sentences with be going to.

                    Example:   I / go to school tomorrow morning.

                      I'm not going to go to school tomorrow morning.

1.She / go shopping with you.

2. They / go to the beach.

3. He / play basketball with us.

4. I / sunbathe on the beach.

5. They / watch TV tonight.

6. He / eat pizza again today.

2. Order the words to make questions.

1. your / How / old / sister / is ?

2. is / warm / the / North Pole / How ?

3. he / tall / How / is ?

4. the / long / River Mississipi / is / How ?

5. city / big / is / your / How ?

6. run / fast / How / an / emu / does ?

7. you / jump / high / How / can ?

8. long / football pitch / is / a / How ?

3. Circle the correct alternatives.

1. I was / were happy at school.

2. We weren't / wasn't in the room.

3. His children was / were noisy.

4. She was / were a good student.

5. Louis Pasteur was / were a French scientist.

6. The Beatles was / were from Liverpool


4. Choose the right variant.

1. My parents … to classical music.

a) listen b) watch c) play

2. Beethoven and Bach were German … . They wrote and played classical music.

a) painter b) explorer c) composers

3. In the evening Olga plays … or read … .

a) lunch, music b) chess, magazines c) TV, books

4. A school subject in which you study the events of the past.

a) Geography b) Literature c) History

5. A large African animal with a very long neck and long legs.

a) crocodile b) rabbit c) giraffe







Методические рекомендации к проведению оценочных работ

 для детей с ОВЗ

Итоговая   работа для детей с ОВЗ в 6  классе предусмотрена в форме лексико-грамматического теста, включающего в себя изученную грамматику и лексику. Тест предусмотрен на 1 урок  45 минут, с последующим разбором.

Критерии оценивания: 1 балл - за каждый правильный ответ.

Всего за работу: Максимум –15 баллов.

 «5»  (12-15 баллов),

«4»  (8- 11баллов)

«3»  (4-7 баллов)

«2»  (3 и меньше).



Variant 3

1.Write negative sentences with be going to.

                        Example:   I / go to school tomorrow morning.

                      I'm not going to go to school tomorrow morning.

1. She / watch TV tonight.

2. Tim / go to the beach.

3. They / sunbathe on the beach.

4. You / play football with us.

5. I / go shopping with you.

2. Circle the correct alternatives.

1. He was / were in Wales.

2. Julies Caesar weren't / wasn't Greek.

3. They was / were in the house before.

4. There was / were four musicians in the Beatles.

5. Dinosaurs was / were very small.

3. Choose the right variant.

1. I often … DVDs on Saturdays.

a) listen b) watch c) play

2. JK Rowling is a British … . Harry Potter is her creation.

a) painter b) explorer c) writer

3. In the evening Olga plays … or read … .

a) lunch, music b) chess, magazines c) TV, books

4. A school subject in which you study novels, stories, poems and plays.

a) Geography b) Literature c) History

5. Translate this word «юбка».

a) glasses b) trainers c) skirt



Ответы примерным оценочным материалам итоговой работы

Variant 1

1.Write negative sentences with be going to.

1.She isn't going to watch TV tonight.

2.Tim isn't going to the beach.

 3.They aren't going to sunbathe on the beach.

4.You aren't going to play football with us.

 5. We aren't going to eat pizza again today.

 6.I'm not going to shopping with you.

2. Order the words to make questions.

1.How high is the mountain?

2. How long is the River Nile?

3. How far can you walk?

4. How cold is the South Pole?

5. How tall are you?

6.How big is your house?

7.How old is your brother?

8. How fast does a horse run?

3. Circle the correct alternatives.

1. He was in Wales.

2. Julies Caesar wasn't Greek.

3. They  were in the house before.

4. There were four musicians in the Beatles.

5. Macbeth was  a play by Shakespear.

6. Dinosaurs were very small.

4. Choose the right variant.

1. I often … DVDs on Saturdays.

a) listen b) watch c) play

2. JK Rowling is a British … . Harry Potter is her creation.

a) painter b) explorer c) writer

3. In the evening Olga plays … or read … .

a) lunch, music b) chess, magazines c) TV, books

4. A school subject in which you study novels, stories, poems and plays.

a) Geography b) Literature c) History

5. This animal is big. It's brown. It eats meat and fish, but it likes berries and honey, too.

a) bear b) rabbit c) giraffe



Variant II

1.Write negative sentences with be going to.

1.She isn't going to go shopping with you.

2. They aren't going to go to the beach.

3. He isn't going to play basketball with us.

4.  I'm not going to sunbathe on the beach.

5. They aren't going to watch TV tonight.

6. He  isn't going to eat pizza again today.

2. Order the words to make questions.

1. How old is your sister ?

2. How warm is the North Pole ?

3. How tall is he?

4. How long is the River Mississipi?

5. How big is your city ?

6. How fast does an emu run?

7. How high can you jump?

8. How long is a football pitch?

3. Circle the correct alternatives.

1. I was happy at school.

2. We weren't in the room.

3. His children  were noisy.

4. She was  a good student.

5. Louis Pasteur was  a French scientist.

6. The Beatles were from Liverpool


4. Choose the right variant.

1. My parents … to classical music.

a) listen b) watch c) play

2. Beethoven and Bach were German … . They wrote and played classical music.

a) painter b) explorer c) composers

3. In the evening Olga plays … or read … .

a) lunch, music b) chess, magazines c) TV, books

4. A school subject in which you study the events of the past.

a) Geography b) Literature c) History

5. A large African animal with a very long neck and long legs.

a) crocodile b) rabbit c) giraffe





Variant 3

1.Write negative sentences with be going to.

1.She isn't going to watch TV tonight.

2.Tim isn't going to the beach.

3.They aren't going to sunbathe on the beach.

4. You aren't going to play football with us.

5. I'm not going to shopping with you.

2. Circle the correct alternatives.

1. He was in Wales.

2. Julies Caesar wasn't Greek.

3. They  were in the house before.

4. There  were four musicians in the Beatles.

5. Dinosaurs were very small.

3. Choose the right variant.

1. I often … DVDs on Saturdays.

a) listen b) watch c) play

2. JK Rowling is a British … . Harry Potter is her creation.

a) painter b) explorer c) writer

3. In the evening Olga plays … or read … .

a) lunch, music b) chess, magazines c) TV, books

4. A school subject in which you study novels, stories, poems and plays.

a) Geography b) Literature c) History

5. Translate this word «юбка».

a) glasses b) trainers c) skirt

















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