Инфоурок Английский язык ТестыТест по английскому языку 10 класс 6 раздел (Spotlight 10)

Тест по английскому языку 10 класс 6 раздел (Spotlight 10)

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Spotlight 10

Module 6

Variant 1

A.               Match the words/phrases in Column A with the words/phrases in Column B

Column A

Column B

1.                 sparkling

A.               meals

2.                 bitter

B.               exercise

3.                 well-balanced

C.               water

4.                 iron-rich

D.               chocolate

5.                 regular

E.                foods

B.               Fill in the correct word

keep                    fight                  protect              feel                  complain

1.                 Why do you always _________ about everything? Don’t you like food here?

2.                 Fruit and vegetables _________ us from all kinds of illnesses.

3.                 I am usually in a very good mood but sometimes I __________ down in the dumps too.

4.                 He can’t __________ his emotions under control; he gets angry very easily.

5.                 Make sure you eat a lot of oranges and kiwis; it’s the only way to _______ off infections.

C.               Choose the most suitable verb forms in each sentence.

1.                 Why didn't you tell me? If you told / had told me, I had helped / would have helped you.

2.                 d) Let me give you some advice. If you smoked / would smoke / had smoked less, you didn't feel / wouldn't feel / wouldn't have felt so tired.

3.                 Terry never catches anything when he goes fishing. And if he catches / caught/had caught a fish, he throws / would throw it back!

4.                 What bad luck! If Alan didn't fall / hadn't fallen / wouldn't fall over, he won / would win / would have won the race.

5.                 If you lent / had lent us the money, we paid / would pay / had paid you back next week.

D.               Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets.

1.                 I ________ (enjoy) the play if the lady behind me hadn’t been talking all the time.

2.                 I wish he _______ (stop_ watching tv! He’s been siting there for four hours.

3.                 I wish my skin ________ (not be) so dry!

4.                 I wish my tummy __________ (not hurt) so much!

5.                 If he ______ (not study) harder, he won’t pass his English exam.

6.                 If I _____ (be) you, I wouldn’t eat so much.

7.                 If I _________ (know) how to cook, I would make you pasta with red sauce and tuna.

8.                 If I _________ (not have) to work tonight, I would come with you to the restaurant.

E.               Fill in: off, away, back, up (2). Phrasal verbs.

1.                 They have given _________ hope of finding the two drivers alive.

2.                 He has decided to give __________ smoking.

3.                 Did Fiona give ______ the cookery book you lent her?

4.                 The rubbish bin gave _______ a nasty smell in the hot weather.

5.                 Kerry gave ________ all her old clothes.

Spotlight 10

Module 6

Variant 2

A.               Match the words/phrases in Column A with the words/phrases in Column B

Column A

Column B

1.                 tooth

F.                meals

2.                 bitter

G.               skin

3.                 well-balanced

H.               decay

4.                 iron-rich

I.                  chocolate

5.                 dry

J.                  foods

B.               Fill in the correct word

catch                    fight                  keep              feel sleepy                 cut off

1.                 I always _________ in the afternoon.

2.                 Make sure you eat a lot of oranges and kiwis; it’s the only way to _______ off infections.

3.                 My dentist told me to _______ sugary products completely.

4.                 She can’t __________ her emotions under control; she gets angry very easily.

5.                 Wear a hat! You don’t want to ___________ a cold.

C.               Choose the most suitable verb forms in each sentence.

1.                 Why didn't you tell me? If you told / had told me, I had helped / would have helped you.

2.                 d) Let me give you some advice. If you smoked / would smoke / had smoked less, you didn't feel / wouldn't feel / wouldn't have felt so tired.

3.                 Terry never catches anything when he goes fishing. And if he catches / caught/had caught a fish, he throws / would throw it back!

4.                 What bad luck! If Alan didn't fall / hadn't fallen / wouldn't fall over, he won / would win / would have won the race.

5.                 If you lent / had lent us the money, we paid / would pay / had paid you back next week.

D.               Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets.

1.                 If I were you, I ________ (go) to see a dentist.

2.                 If only I ______ (be) skinner!

3.                 If only I _______ (not cause) damage to his car! He wouldn’t be so upset with me now.

4.                 If only my children _________ (eat) more fruit and vegetables.

5.                 If we _________ (not get) lost, we would have been here long ago.

6.                 If you hadn’t eaten cheese and fish for dinner, you _____ (not get) red spots all over your body.

7.                 Until you tell me what is wrong with you, I _______ (not leave).

8.                 You won’t have indigestion if you ______ (avoid) spicy food.

E.               Fill in: off, away, back, up (2). Phrasal verbs.

1.                 You must give ______ this crush diet; it’s not good for you.

2.                 What are you cooking in there? It’s giving ____ a nasty smell!

3.                 You have to give _____ this book no the library, unless you want to get a fine.

4.                 My mother gave _______ all my toys, saying I’m too old for them.

5.                 It’s a bad idea. We’d better give it ______.


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