Инфоурок Английский язык ТестыТест по английскому языку

Тест по английскому языку

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Тест по английскому языку №


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К каждому заданию даны несколько ответов. В заданиях только один ответ верный. В бланке ответов под номером задания поставить крестик (х) в клеточке, номер которой соответствует номеру избранного Вами ответа.



Telecommunications refers to the transmission of signals over a distance for the purpose of communication. Information is transmitted by devices such as the telephone, radio, television, satellite, or computer networks. Examples could be two people speaking on their mobile phone, a sales department sending a fax to a client, or even someone reading the teletext pages on TV. But in the modern world, telecommunications mainly means transferring information across the Internet, via modem, phone lines or wireless networks.

Because of telecommunications, people can now work at home and communicate with their office by computer and telephone. This is called teleworking. It has been predicted that about one third of all work could eventually be performed outside the workplace. In call centres, assistance or support is given to customers using the telephone, email or online chats. They are also used for telemarketing, the process of selling goods and services over the phone.

Match the following statements as True or False:

А 1. The purpose of telecommunications is connection.

1)  True

2)  False

А 2. In modern world information is transmitted via Internet, modem, phone lines or wireless networks.

1)   True

2)  False

А 3. People are unable to work at home because of telecommunications.

1)     True

2)  False

А 4. Teleworking means communicating with your office by computer and telephone.

1)     True

2)  False

А 5. Support to customers cannot be given via telephone, email or online chats.

1)     True

2)  False

Answer the questions to the text

А 6. What is telecommunications?

1)     transmission of signals over a distance for communication;

2)     sending letters over a distance for communication;

3)     transmission of electric impulses over a distance for the purpose of communication;

4)     making phone calls for the purpose of communication.

А 7. What device CANNOT be used for transmitting information?

1)     satellite;

2)     computer networks;

3)     keyboard;

4)     modem.

А 8. Thanks to what can people work at home nowadays?

1)     because of call centres;

2)     because of telecommunications;

3)     because of special schedule;

4)     because of television.

А 9. Teleworking is:

1)     communicating by computer and television;

2)     communicating by telephone and radio;

3)     communicating by computer and telephone;

4)     communicating by telephone and face to face.

А 10. Due to telecommunicating

1)     no work can be done outside the workplace;

2)     part of the work can be performed outside the workplace;

3)     all the work can be performed outside the workplace;

4)     part of the communication can be performed in manager’s office.


Choose only ONE correct answer

А 11. The English for МАТЕМАТИК is:

1) mathematics

2) inventor

3) mathematician

4) mathematical


1) logarithms

2) trigonometric functions

3) odometer

4) slide rule


1) hardware

2) equipment

3) software

4) output

А 14. The English for ХРАНИТЬ ДАННЫЕ is:

1) edit data

2) process data

3) store data

4) expand data

А 15. The English for ВЫПОЛНИТЬ КОМАНДУ is:

1) surf program instructions

2) follow program instructions

3) execute program instruction

4) calculate program instruction

А 16. The Russian for COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY is:

1) компьютерные технологии

2) новые достижения в компьютерной индустрии

3) инструмент

4) технологический процесс

А 17. The Russian for SOLVE PROBLEMS is:

1) решать задачи

2) создавать проблемы

3) хранить задачи

4) изменять задачи

А 18. The Russian for PROGRAMMING is:

1) программист

2) программирование

3) запрограммированный

4) программа

А 19. The Russian for EMPLOYER is:

1) служащий

2) работодатель

3) директор

4) стажер

А 20. The Russian for INKJET PRINTER is:

1) струйный принтер

2) матричный принтер

3) лазерный принтер

4) турбо печать

А 21. Letters CPU stand for:

1)    clever processing unit

2)    central power unit

3)    central processing unit

4)    central programming unit

А 22. Letters PIN stand for:

1)    power indication number

2)    personal identification number

3)    pleasurable interesting number

4)    power interesting note

А 23. What is the correct translation of the sentence: “That was the machine provided with the necessary facts about the problem to be solved.”

1) Машину обеспечили необходимыми фактами, чтобы она решила проблему.

2) То была машина, снабженная необходимой ин­формацией о задаче, которую предстояло решить.

3) Эту машину обеспечили необходимой информа­цией о решаемой задаче.

4) Этой машине предоставили задачу, которую нужно закодировать.

А 24. What is the correct translation of the sentence: “The computers designed to use 1С were called third generation computers.”

1) Компьютеры сконструировали для использования и назвали их третьим поколением.

2) Компьютеры назывались третьим поколением, потому что в них использовались 1С.

3) Компьютеры, сконструирован-ные, чтобы исполь­зовать 1С, назывались компьютерами третьего по­коления.

4) Компьютеры третьего поколения могли использовать 1С.

А 25. Which of the sentences is correct:

1) What is the mouse widely used for?

2) What the mouse is widely used for?

3) What is used the mouse widely for?

4) What used the mouse widely is for?

А 26. Which of the sentences is correct:

1) Do the shops closes at 8 o'clock in the evening?

2) Does the shops close at 8 o'clock in the evening?

            3) Do the shops close at 8 o'clock in the evening?

          4) The shops do closes at 8 in the evening.

А 27. Which of the sentences is correct:

1) Why you not come to the youth club?

2) Why not you come to the youth club?

            3) Why don't you come to the youth club?

         4) Why is not you come to the youth club?

А 28. Which of the sentences is correct:

1)    Those devices not were only bulky.

2)    Those devices were not only bulky.

3)    Were not those devices only bulky.

4)    Not were those devices only bulky.

А 29. Which of the sentences is correct:

1)    Have computers become part of our everyday lives.

2)    Computers have part of our everyday lives become.

3)    Computers have become part of our everyday lives.

4)    Computers becomes part of our everyday lives.

А 30. Which of the sentences is correct: 

1)    Steve Jobs is the person who started Apple computers.

2)    Is Steve Jobs the person who started Apple computers.

3)    The person Steve Jobs is who started Apple computers.

4)    Apple Computers started Steve Jobs.

А 31. What is that? – … is my computer.

1)           They

2)            Its

3)           There

4)           It

А 32. My brother is … officer.

1)    one

2)    a

3)    an

4)    -

А 33. Kate is here, but her parents … .

1) isn't

2) wasn't

3) aren't

4) don’t

А 34. We've got … ap­ples left.

1)     a few

2)     a little

3)     a number

4)     any

А 35. He should … a letter.

1)          write

2)          to write

3)          writing

4)          writes

А 36. Were you in Moscow last year? — No, I … .

1)    didn't

2)    weren't

3)    wasn't

4)    did

А 37. Kate … her pencils very often.

1)          loses

2)          has lost

3)          lost

4)          losing

А 38. Our holidays are … August.

1)          by

2)          on

3)          at

4)          in

А 39. This book is … .

1)          my

2)          me

3)          myne

4)          mine

А 40. She went home early … she had finished her work.

1)          because

2)          while

3)           till

4)          since

А 41. He is thestudent in the group.

1)          very good

2)          best

3)          better

А 42. It is much … here.

1)     warm

2)     warmer

3)     more warm

4)     warmest

А 43. What's the matter … him?

1)     by

2)     on

3)     with

4)     like

А 44. Your sister used to visit your parents quite often, …?

1) wouldn't she

2) hadn't she

3) didn't she

4) used she

А 45. How many times … (you) to Rome?

1)    were

2)    has been

3)     have been

4)     was

А 46. Although your sister is very popular, she is not … as mine.

1)     pretty as

2)     prettier than

3)     pretty like

4)     so pretty

А 47. We came here … to you.

1)     speak

2)     speaking

3)     to speak

4)     spoken

А 48. I bought … yesterday.

1)     two loaves of bread

2)     two loafs of the bread

3)     two loaves of the bread

4)     some loaf of bread

А 49. We have very … money left.

1)     few

2)   little

3)   a few

4)     a little

А 50. … late.

1)     Not be

2)     Be not

3)     Don’t be

4)     Is not


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