Инфоурок Иностранные языки ТестыТест по дисциплине: “Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages” («Методика обучения иностранным языкам»)

Тест по дисциплине: “Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages” («Методика обучения иностранным языкам»)

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по дисциплине: “Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages”

(«Методика обучения иностранным языкам»)


<question>An approach in foreign language teaching is chosen according to:

<variant>aim of teaching

<variant>method of teaching

<variant>techniques used in teaching

<variant>classroom management

<variant>qualifications of the teacher


<question>A method in foreign language teaching is based on:




<variant>techniques of teaching

<variant>authentic teaching materials


<question>Which of the following documents contains the content of teaching English:


<variant>Unit plan

<variant>Daily plan


<variant>Teacher’s book


<question>The principle of communicative approach requires:

<variant>creation of real-life situations in teaching

<variant>learning by heart

<variant>writing dictations

<variant>repeating after the teacher

<variant>mechanical drill


<question>According to the structural view of the language the aim of language learning is:

<variant>to master the elements of the language system

<variant>to learn different types of reading

<variant>to develop learner’s mental abilities

<variant>to teach creative writing

<variant>to develop critical thinking


<question>According to the interactional view language is:

<variant>a tool for communication

<variant>a set of rules

<variant>a set of structures

<variant>a rule-governed behavior

<variant>a set of models


<question>The aim of teaching writing as a communicative activity is:

<variant>conveying of a message to the reader

<variant>teaching correct spelling of the English words

<variant>vocabulary practice

<variant>grammar practice

<variant>handwriting and punctuation


<question>Which of the following competences writing does not include:

<variant>use of correct rhythm and articulation

<variant>grammatical competence

<variant>sociolinguistic competence

<variant>discourse competence

<variant>strategic competence


<question>Which of the following does not belong to pre-writing activities:




<variant>generating ideas

<variant>discussion and debate


<question>Which of the following does not characterize the process approach to teaching writing:

<variant>imitate model text

<variant>ideas as starting point

<variant>more than one draft

<variant>emphasis on creative process

<variant>reader is emphasized


<question>Which of the following does not belong to the product approach to teaching writing:

<variant>emphasis on creative writing

<variant>imitate model text


<variant>emphasis on end product

<variant>one draft


<question>The main ways of introducing new grammar items are:

<variant>inductive, deductive, whole language participatory guided approach

<variant>inductive, communicative

<variant>communicative, direct

<variant>implicit, inductive,

<variant>explicit, inductive


<question>To facilitate learner’s learning the teacher must observe the rule:

<variant>one difficulty at a time

<variant>make learners repeat many times

<variant>make learners learn by heart

<variant>the more learners imitate the better

<variant>read more aloud


<question>The most characteristic feature of inductive grammar explanation is:

<variant>it rejects the need of formal grammar analysis

<variant>it requires translation

<variant>it rejects learning by heart

<variant>it guarantees conscious learning

<variant>it designates a passive role on the part of the learners


<question>The most characteristic feature of deductive grammar explanation is:

<variant>direct teacher explanations are followed by related exercises

<variant>students can acquire language naturally

<variant>learners discover rules for themselves

<variant>interaction takes place before explanation

<variant>the teacher’s role is rather passive


<question>Learning is:

<variant>a dynamic, reciprocal and interactive process


<variant>repeating and learning by heart

<variant>copying many texts



<question>Speaking as a communicative activity is:







<question>Listening comprehension as a communicative activity is:







<question>Writing as a communicative activity is:



<variant>grammar practice

<variant>vocabulary practice

<variant>making up dialogues in writing


      <question>Whole language participatory guided approach

<variant>stresses the functional significance of the grammatical structure before the learner’s attention is focused on the form

<variant>focuses the learner’s attention on the form  first of all

<variant>requires learning rules by heart

<variant>offers many exercises consisting of disconnected sentences

<variant>makes learning by heart necessary


    <question>Taking into account interference of the mother tongue we can divide the sounds of the English language into:

<variant>three groups

<variant>two groups

<variant>four groups

<variant>five groups

<variant>six groups


       <question>Which of the following problems the teacher does not have to cope with in teaching pronunciation:

<variant>the problem of developing learner’s penmanship

<variant>the problem of discrimination

<variant>the problem of articulation

<variant>the problem of intonation

<variant>the problem of integration


       <question>The final aim of foreign language teaching at school is:

<variant>crosscultural communication

<variant>teaching speaking

<variant>language competence

<variant>teaching oral communication

<variant>teaching reading and speaking


 <question>Which method is characterized by the use of translation of reading passages:

<variant>the grammar-translation method

<variant>silent way



<variant>Audio-lingual method


<question>Which principle belongs to special methodological principles:

<variant>the principle of communicative approach

<variant>the principle of conscious approach

<variant>the principle of consecutiveness

<variant>the principle of durability

<variant>the principle of visualization


<question>Which method is based on G. Losanov’s theory:


<variant>silent way


<variant>Community language learning

<variant>Communicative approach


<question>In which method the frequent use of commands is considered beneficial to language learning:


<variant>Silent way

<variant>Audio-lingual method

<variant>Communicative approach

<variant>Community language learning


<question>Foreign language teaching methodology is a branch of:







 <question>Choose the most appropriate technique for communicative teaching:

<variant>simulation and role-plays

<variant>grammar analysis


<variant>close to the text retelling

<variant>learning by heart


<question>Which technique is used most often in the audio-lingual method:



<variant>grammar analysis

<variant>reading aloud

<variant>work with a dictionary


<question>Supplementary teaching aids and materials do not include:




<variant>interactive board



       <question>All the ways of presenting new words are combined into two large groups:

<variant>direct and translation

<variant>list of words and translation

<variant>reading and using a dictionary

<variant>reading and learning by heart

<variant>grouping and filling in the blanks


<question>Visual techniques of presenting new lexical units do not include:


<variant>demonstration of pictures

<variant>use of body language

<variant>demonstration of objects

<variant>use of video


<question>Verbal techniques of presenting new lexical units do not include:



<variant>use of synonyms

<variant>use of word-building elements

<variant>use of context


 <question>Translation as a way of presenting new lexical units can be of:

<variant>two types

<variant>three types

<variant>one type

<variant>four types

<variant>five types


<question>Which factor is not taken into consideration while choosing the way of presentation of new lexical units:

<variant>the time of the day

<variant>the meaning of the word

<variant>the number of pupils in the group

<variant>the age of the pupils

<variant>the stage of teaching


 <question>The best technique to present the word “doll” will be:

<variant>demonstrating a toy


<variant>using a dictionary

<variant>writing the word on the board

<variant>giving a synonym


<question>The best technique to present the word “blind” will be:

<variant>to give a definition

<variant>to write on the board

<variant>to listen to it

<variant>to repeat many times

<variant>to write down in the vocabulary


 <question>The influence of the mother tongue on learning a foreign language is called:







 <question>The aim of pre-listening activities is:

<variant>to prepare learners for listening comprehension

<variant>to introduce unknown words

<variant>to explain new grammar

<variant>to prepare visual aids

<variant>to write questions on the board


 <question>Teaching listening comprehension can be integrated with:

<variant>all mentioned

<variant>teaching speaking

<variant>teaching writing

<variant>teaching reading

<variant>teaching vocabulary


<question>Which of the following is not used in listening comprehension:


<variant>selecting the cues necessary for comprehension





<question>Which of the following does not belong to “top-down” processing:

<variant>combining sounds (letters) to form words






<question>The ability to use a number of guessing strategies to compensate for missing knowledge is called:

<variant>strategic competence

<variant>grammatical competence

<variant>sociolinguistic competence

<variant>discourse competence

<variant>cultural competence


<question>Choose the best definition of reading:

<variant>a process of communication from the writer to the reader

<variant>recognition of words, sentences

<variant>articulation of the words of the text

<variant>perception of printed material

<variant>recognition of language forms


 <question>The way we read is influenced by:

<variant>purpose of reading

<variant>number of unknown words

<variant>the length of the text

<variant>style of the text

<variant>language learning


 <question>Reading as a process is:







 <question>Which skill is least important in teaching efficient reading:

<variant>using a dictionary

<variant>using guessing strategies

<variant>reading in meaningful units




<question>What do we call the transition from supervised learning in the classroom to real-life use of the skill:

<variant>transfer of skills


<variant>language usage

<variant>making choices

<variant>producing the right meaning


<question>Which of the reading strategies is least effective:

<variant>ask my teacher for help whenever I meet an unknown word

<variant>find the sentence that contains the main idea

<variant>look at titles, subtitles, pictures and other visuals before reading

<variant>use different reading strategies to read different types of texts

<variant>start reading without panicking


 <question>Which of the reading strategies is most effective:

<variant>create some questions for myself before I read, which I think or hope the text will answer

<variant>read each word carefully in order to understand the text

<variant>say words quietly to myself

<variant>use my finger to help my eyes follow lines of the text

<variant>ask my teacher for help whenever I meet an unknown word


 <question>A task is:

<variant>a classroom activity whose focus is on communicating meaning

<variant>an exercise done in writing

<variant>an activity that involves manipulation of the forms of the language

<variant>repetitive oral practice of a language item

<variant>sentence transformation


<question>A drill is:

<variant>repetitive oral practice of a language item

<variant>a classroom activity whose focus is on communicating meaning

<variant>reaching some consensus on an issue

<variant>solving a problem

<variant>persuading someone to do something


<question>An exercise is:

<variant>an activity that involves the controlled manipulation of the forms of the language

<variant>an activity done in pairs or in small groups

<variant>an activity that requires learners to interact with one another

<variant>debating a topical issue

<variant>problem solving


<question>Which comes THIRD in grammar practice from accuracy to fluency:

<variant>meaningful drills


<variant>controlled drills

<variant>guided, meaningful practice

<variant>free discourse


 <question>Which comes last in grammar practice from accuracy to fluency:

<variant>free discourse

<variant>discourse composition

<variant>meaningful drills


<variant>controlled drills


<question>Which of the following criteria is against using a textbook:

<variant>the topics dealt with in the textbook may not be relevant or interesting for your class

<variant>a textbook is the cheapest way of providing learning material for each learner

<variant>the textbook can provide useful guidance and support for teachers

<variant>a textbook provides a clear framework

<variant>a textbook is a convenient package


      <question>Which of the following principles is not used in humanistic education:

<variant>thought and reasoning on the part of the learners are rejected

<variant>personal growth is one of the primary goals of education

<variant>the development of human values

<variant>learners should be actively involved in the learning process

<variant>behaviors that cause anxiety or stress should be avoided


<question>A lesson plan is:

<variant>a document that maps out the teacher’s intentions for the lesson

<variant>a unit plan


<variant>sequence of materials

<variant>teacher’s assumption


<question>What do we mean by the word “vocabulary” when we speak about “teaching vocabulary”?

<variant>lexical units that learners acquire during the course of studies

<variant>a dictionary

<variant>a separate book

<variant>a list of words at the end of some book

<variant>a note-book in which learners write down the words new for them


<question>The best technique to present the word “flower” is

<variant>demonstrating a picture (or a flower)


<variant>using a dictionary

<variant>giving an antonym

<variant>writing the word on the boar


<question>To teach a new word means to teach

<variant>all these aspects

<variant>its spelling

<variant>its meaning

<variant>its usage

<variant>its pronunciation and grammatical forms


<question>The reason why we remember some words better than others

<variant>all these reasons

<variant>the nature of the words themselves

<variant>under what circumstances they are learnt

<variant>the method of teaching

<variant>how they are grouped and linked with each other


<question>What method is characterized by musical accompaniment?


<variant>silent way

<variant>community language learning




<question>Which method uses commands in foreign language teaching?



<variant>silent way


<variant>communicative approach


  <question>Total Physical Response is a teaching strategy that develops

<variant>students’ listening skills

<variant>writing skills

<variant>reading skills

<variant>speaking skills

<variant>pronunciation habits


 <question>What method is characterized by teacher’s being silent?

<variant>silent way



<variant>community language learning



 <question>Which of the following doesn’t belong to the supplementary teaching materials?


<variant>audio tapes

<variant>grammar reference




 <question>Which of the following is not for learners’ use?

<variant>teacher’s book




<variant>audio cassets


 <question>Which of the following doesn’t belong to direct methods of presenting new lexical units?



<variant>use of synonyms

<variant>use of antonyms



 <question>What can’t the textbook provide for learners?

<variant>models of pronunciation

<variant>lexical material

<variant>grammatical material

<variant>texts for reading

<variant>activities for developing speaking skills


 <question>Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate:

A…is an automotized component of conscious…

<variant>habit; activity

<variant>habit; instruction

<variant>skill; activity

<variant>skill; behaviour

<variant>skill; habit


 <question>The content of teaching depends on

<variant>aims of teaching

<variant>teacher’s qualification

<variant>learners’ attitude

<variant>learners’ mood

<variant>teacher’s choice


 <question>Which of the following can’t be found in a textbook?


<variant>grammar reference


<variant>tape scripts



  <question>Teaching English pronunciation includes

<variant>teaching phonemes, combinations of phonemes, intonation

<variant>teaching morphology

<variant>teaching syntax

<variant>teaching retelling

<variant>teaching modeling


 <question>For teaching purposes and taking into account interference we can divide the sounds of the target language into

<variant>three groups

<variant>four groups

<variant>two groups

<variant>five groups

<variant>six groups


 <question>Pronunciation at school is taught

<variant>in integration with teaching language material and skills

<variant>in isolation

<variant>only for one month

<variant>once a week

<variant>by learning poems by heart


  <question>An approach in language teaching is

<variant>a set of correlative assumptions dealing with the nature of language teaching and learning

<variant>one of the methods of teaching

<variant>a number of connected techniques of teaching

<variant>the way the language is structured

<variant>theory put into practice


 <question>Language from the mentalist point of view is

<variant>a rule-governed behaviour

<variant>a tool for communication

<variant>a set of habits

<variant>patterns and models

<variant>oral and written communication


  <question>Language from the behaviourist point of view is

<variant>a set of habits

<variant>a tool for communication

<variant>rule-governed behaviour


<variant>programmed material


 <question>Language from the point of view of cognitivism is

<variant>a tool for communication

<variant>a rule-governed behaviour

<variant>models and patterns

<variant>a set of habits

<variant>grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation


  <question>Which of the following roles the learner doesn’t perform in cognitive methodology?

<variant>lobotomized parrot


<variant>active participator


<variant>problem solver


<question>What is grammar?

<variant>a set of rules that define how words are combined to form meaningful sentences

<variant>a list of verbs in different forms

<variant>a number of parts of speech

<variant>a number of structures

<variant>description of the language


 <question>Explicit way of presenting grammar is:



<variant>whole language approach

<variant>step by step

<variant>in chunks


<question>Implicit way of presenting grammar is:




<variant>through reading aloud

<variant>with the help of tables


 <question>In presenting grammar with a whole text the lesson highlights first of all

<variant>the meaning and usage of the new grammatical structure

<variant>the form of the new grammatical structure

<variant>the pronunciation of the new grammatical structure

<variant>the spelling of the new grammatical structure

<variant>the new vocabulary


 <question>Which of the following principles does not belong to Whole Language Teaching?

<variant>deductive way of presenting new grammar

<variant>language is language only when it is whole

<variant>importance of comprehensible input

<variant>the use of authentic texts

<variant>focus on meaning and usage first of all


 <question>Which of the following does not belong to the traditional approach to teaching grammar?

<variant>students participate in problem-solving process

<variant>little teacher/student interaction

<variant>students are passive learners

<variant>explicit explanation of grammar

<variant>interaction is supposed to take place after the explanation and plenty of structural manipulations of elements


<question>Which comes first in grammar practice from accuracy to fluency?


<variant>guided, meaningful practice

<variant>free discourse

<variant>controlled drills

<variant>free sentence composition


<question>The role of the teacher in explicit grammar instruction

<variant>direct and dominating

<variant>a guide

<variant>a counselor

<variant>teacher and learners collaborate

<variant>the teacher organizes and monitors the learners’ work


 <question>Which of the following techniques doesn’t belong to whole language teaching?

<variant>explanation of the rule

<variant>interesting story

<variant>recorded authentic listening segment

<variant>demonstration of a real-life situation



 <question>Analyzing structures and applying rules are common practices of

<variant>grammar-translation approach

<variant>communicative approach

<variant>silent way

<variant>whole language approach

<variant>contextualized teaching


<question>The main difficulty in learning a foreign language is:

<variant>the necessity to switch off from the grammar structure of the mother tongue to the grammar structure of the target language

<variant>to learn the necessary number of lexical units

<variant>to learn all the details o grammar

<variant>to master pronunciation

<variant>to learn the subjunctive mood


 <question>The main steps in teaching grammar can be represented by the following three letters:

<variant>p p p

<variant>p p c

<variant>a b c

<variant>d p p

<variant>t p p



     <question>Which comes last in grammar practice from accuracy to fluency?

<variant>free discourse

<variant>controlled drills

<variant>meaningful drills


<variant>free sentence composition


<question>What was ‘turned up’ to grammar in the grammar-translation method?







 <question>In grammar-translation method exercises were limited to:







<question>According to the grammar-translation method the best way to say a sentence in a foreign language is to start from:

<variant>a sentence in the mother tongue

<variant>a substitution table

<variant>a selected word-group

<variant>a rule in correct articulation

<variant>a filmstrip


 <question>What is considered to be universal according to the grammar-translation method?








 <question>What is the essential teaching aid according to the grammar-translation method?

<variant>the textbook


<variant>the teacher

<variant>the learner

<variant>the schedule


 <question>What are the primary objectives according to the grammar-translation method?

<variant>mastery of reading and writing

<variant>knowledge of foreign morphemes

<variant>insistence on grammatical analysis

<variant>mastery of speaking and listening

<variant>knowledge of vocabulary


 <question>In the grammar-translation method what was grammar identified with?




<variant>means of communication



<question>What is the main purpose of teaching a foreign language according to the direct method?

<variant>practical mastery of the language

<variant>knowledge of foreign morphemes

<variant>insistence on grammatical analysis

<variant>the use of translation

<variant>knowledge of vocabulary


 <question>Which of the features given does not characterize the direct method?

<variant>the deductive approach to teaching grammar

<variant>developing speaking skills

<variant>restricted application of translation

<variant>great care in teaching pronunciation

<variant>topical arrangement of linguistic material



 <question>Who does the following quotation belong to: ‘Learning a language has a beginning, but no end’?







 <question>In teaching a foreign language what does West propose to begin with?







<question>According to West, which aspect of a language is the easiest one?







 <question>Which way of presenting new grammar material is used in the direct method?







 <question>Which system is considered a secondary derivative one according to the audio-lingual method?







<question>What teaching aid is supposed to be the main one according to the audio-lingual method?

<variant>tape-recorded speech



<variant>teacher’s gestures




 <question>Which theory states that learning is a mechanical process of habit formation and proceeds by means of the frequent reinforcement of a stimulus-response sequence.







 <question>What process should be rule-governed according to Chomsky?







<question>Which theory states that we learn by thinking about and trying to make sense of what we see, feel, and hear.







<question>The use of activities, in which learners work on the same task, but each learner has different information needed to complete the task is a feature of:

<variant>communicative language teaching

<variant>comprehensive language teaching

<variant>cognitive code theory

<variant>audio-lingual language teaching

<variant>silent way


<question>Repetitive drill is a characteristic feature of:

<variant>the behaviorist theory

<variant>the mentalist theory

<variant>the cognitive-code theory

<variant>the Universal hypothesis theory

<variant>the holistic theory


<question>What is not implied under cognitive processes?

<variant>repetitive drill

<variant>recognition of form

<variant>perception of meaning

<variant>relations of universals and particulars



<question>Who makes decisions on the size of groups, the roles the students will be assigned, the materials needed in formal cooperative learning?




<variant>school principal

<variant>school board


<question>Students work together to achieve shared learning goals and to complete jointly specific tasks and assignments in:

<variant>cooperative learning

<variant>skills-centered learning

<variant>learning-centered learning

<variant>Soviet methodology learning

<variant>cognitive-code learning


 <question>Long-term, heterogeneous cooperative learning groups with stable membership are:

<variant>cooperative base groups

<variant>cooperative social groups

<variant>cooperative time groups

<variant>cooperative unit groups

<variant>cooperative project groups


<question>Cooperative learning is a good solution of problems that arise in:

<variant>heterogeneous classes

<variant>homogeneous classes

<variant>pre-elementary classes

<variant>post-graduate classes

<variant>experimental classes


 <question>Which one of the listed below does not belong to cooperative learning ideas?

<variant>Our teacher must be proud of us.

<variant>Your success benefits me and my success benefits you.

<variant>We all sink or swim together.

<variant>We cannot do it without you.

<variant>We all congratulate you on your accomplishment.



<question>What precedes learning according to learning-centered methodology?


<variant>practical mastery

<variant>theoretical background

<variant>philosophical views



<question>Who makes decisions during the process of developing and using a network of knowledge according to learning-centered methodology?




<variant>school principal

<variant>school board


 <question>According to learning-centered methodology the teachers do not develop positive emotions by:

<variant>giving sufficient home task

<variant>using pair and group work

<variant>valuing attitude, aptitude, and ability

<variant>giving students time to think

<variant>putting less emphasis on the product


<question>According to learning-centered methodology who creates an internal system of L2?



<variant>peer group

<variant>program advisor

<variant>class mate


<question>Both low and high proficiency students should be able to carry out (some part of) a task according to:

<variant>the use-of-flexible tasks approach

<variant>the skills-centered approach

<variant>the learning-centered approach

<variant>the cognitive-code approach

<variant>the behaviorist approach


 <question>What underlies any language behavior according to the Skills-Centered Approach?

<variant>learners’ skills and strategies

<variant>teacher’s input

<variant>linguistic environment

<variant>learners’ background knowledge

<variant>aptitude and ambitions


<question>What are the objectives of Suggestopedia?

<variant>to accelerate the process of understanding and to use the language for communication

<variant>to read the subject texts in the language and translate them into the mother tongue

<variant>to exchange opinions on the classroom activities

<variant>to use flexible tasks and flexible materials

<variant>to comprehend linguistic units by scheming through texts


 <question>The factor which is not essential in the process of using the TL according to Suggestopedia is

<variant>extensive use of computer technology

<variant>relaxed learning environment

<variant>Baroque music

<variant>desuggestion of learners’ psychological barriers

<variant>learners’ childish behavior


<question>The method is called Suggestopedia because

<variant>learners are suggested to the material being learned

<variant>learners are suggestive in their behavior

<variant>learners are suggested to bring their ideas into the classroom

<variant>learners are suggested to do different types of oral activities

<variant>learners are suggestive in their utterances


<question>The subconscious or conscious processes by which a language other than the mother tongue is learned in a natural or tutored setting are referred to as:

<variant>second language acquisition

<variant>second language competence

<variant>error analysis

<variant>interface position



<question>The internalized rules which are then organized into a system constitute:







<question>The comprehension and production of language constitute:







<question>Age, aptitude and intelligence, motivation and needs, personality and cognitive style are:

<variant>learner differences

<variant>communication strategies

<variant>contrastive pragmatics

<variant>implicational universals

<variant>learning strategies


<question>The input in SLA is:

<variant>the data which the learner must use to determine the rules of the target language

<variant>the learner's mental abilities

<variant>a research procedure used to investigate classroom communication

<variant>old habits which get in the way of learning new habits

<variant>mental capacities for acquiring a language


<question>That part of the input which is processed or ‘let in’ by the learner is:







<question>The discourse jointly constructed by the learner and his interlocutors is:







 <question>Habit-formation in SLA is:

<variant>the behaviorist theory

<variant>the interlanguage theory

<variant>the nativist theory

<variant>the cognitive theory

<variant>the mentalist theory


<question>According to … errors serve as evidence of the learner’s active contribution to acquisition

<variant>the cognitive theory

<variant>the behaviorist theory

<variant>the interlanguage theory

<variant>the nativist theory

<variant>the mentalist theory


<question>Pictures, stories and games are important sources of interest for:



<variant>heterogeneous learners

<variant>homogeneous learners



 <question>What kind of phenomenon is motivation?







 <question>‘Extrinsic’ and ‘intrinsic’ can be:



<variant>Language learning

<variant>learning clues

<variant>purposes of study


 <question>Feedback, in terms of teaching in general, has two main components:

<variant>assessment and correction

<variant>visible and invisible benefits

<variant>plan and product

<variant>goals and achievement

<variant>process and result


 <question>The specific ability a learner has for learning a second language.







 <question>Theory of language learning emphasizing the learner's innate mental capacities for acquiring a language, and minimizing the contribution of the linguistic environment







<question>The speed at which the learner develops his L2 proficiency.

<variant>rate of acquisition

<variant>communicative competence

<variant>acquisition device

<variant>linguistic competence

<variant>route of acquisition


<question>A set of general principles that apply to all languages rather than a set of particular rules.

<variant>universal grammar

<variant>linguistic grammar

<variant>social grammar

<variant>general grammar

<variant>common grammar


 <question>The teacher’s choice between offering the learners either brief description or highly structural explanation is:







 <question>The major classroom activity in TPR is:

<variant>imperative drill

<variant>making up dialogues



<variant>reading aloud


 <question>Which method attends to structure and form more than meaning?


<variant>communicative approach

<variant>silent way

<variant>community language learning



<question>The out-of-class work learners do between lessons is called:


<variant>project work





<question>The form of classroom interaction where learners work together part or all of the time is called:

<variant>group work

<variant>choral work


<variant>frontal work

<variant>independent work


 <question>Tasks are the organizing principle in:

<variant>communicative approach

<variant>grammar-translation method

<variant>audio-lingual method


<variant>H. Palmer’s method


<question>What kind of process is learning?







 <question>The emphasis in Communicative approach is on

<variant>the process of communication

<variant>mastery of the language forms

<variant>learning rules

<variant>enriching vocabulary

<variant>drill and memorization


<question>Which method teaches language through physical activity?



<variant>Silent way

<variant>Community language learning

<variant>The Natural Approach


<question>The method developed by Georgi Lozanov is called


<variant>suggestive way





<question>The stage of a lesson when a new language item is introduced to the learners is called:







<question>The skill becomes automatic through:



<variant>choral work

<variant>much reading



<question>The information that learners get on their performance is called:







<question>The learning approach that asserts the central role of the “whole person” in the learning process is called:







<question>A system for the teaching of a language based on a particular theory of language and language learning is called:







<question>A formal test that is usually administered by some examining body is called:



<variant>control work




 <question>The process of working out the rules on the basis of examples is called:







<question>Which comes second in grammar practice from accuracy to fluency:

<variant>controlled drills


<variant>free sentence composition

<variant>meaningful drills

<variant>free discourse


<question>In behaviourist approach the language is mastered through:

<variant>learning patterns



<variant>its function

<variant>learning rules


<question>The content of teaching pronunciation does not include:


<variant>sounds of the English language





<question>A “lexical unit” means

<variant>any item that functions as a single meaning unit



<variant>a list of words for learning

<variant>a new word


<question>Which component of communicative competence includes knowledge of language structure and language elements?







 <question>Which component of communicative competence includes ability to read, write, speak and comprehend spoken speech?







<question>Which component of communicative competence includes knowledge of accepted norms of behavior in the English-speaking countries?







<question>Ability to use appropriate strategies to interpret and construct texts is called:

<variant>discourse competence

<variant>pragmatic competence

<variant>linguistic competence

<variant>social competence

<variant>strategic competence


<question>Put these notions (approach, method, technique) in the hierarchical order beginning with the major one:

<variant>approach, method, technique

<variant>method, approach, technique

<variant>technique, method, approach

<variant>technique, approach, method

<variant>method, technique, approach


<question>To develop students’ mental abilities, intelligence, creative potential and imagination is:

<variant>educational aim of teaching a foreign language

<variant>cultural aim of teaching a foreign language

<variant>practical aim of teaching a foreign language

<variant>concrete aim of teaching a foreign language

<variant>classical aim of teaching a foreign language


 To develop students’ knowledge about the culture of the people whose language they are learning is:

<variant>cultural aim of teaching a foreign language

<variant>educational aim of teaching a foreign language

<variant>practical aim of teaching a foreign language

<variant>concrete aim of teaching a foreign language

<variant>classical aim of teaching a foreign language


<question>Communicative Methods of Language Teaching advocate:

<variant>group work, information-gap tasks, pair-work, tasks aimed at imitating natural communication

<variant>chorus practice, repetitive drills, pair-work

<variant>controlled frontal and individual exercises

<variant>group work, individual tasks, pair-work, tasks aimed at repetitive practice

<variant>focus on grammatical accuracy and communication patterns


 <question>A branch of science that studies mechanisms of speech production and speech comprehension is called:



<variant>language didactics




<question>Phonetic exercises are divided into:

<variant>recognition and reproduction exercises

<variant>reading aloud and drilling

 <variant>demonstrational and articulatory

<variant>group and frontal

<variant>exercises with mirror and computer


 <question>Automated communicatively motivated correct use of grammar structures in oral speech is called:

<variant>grammar habit

<variant>grammar skill

 <variant>speaking habit

<variant>lexical habit

<variant>lexical skill


<question>Exercises imitating natural communication using various skills refer to:

<variant>communicative exercises

<variant>semi-communicative exercises

 <variant>linguistic exercises

<variant>lexical exercises

<variant>exercises aimed at developing habits and skills


<question>Exercises aimed at analyzing language elements refer to:

<variant>linguistic exercises

<variant>semi-communicative exercises

<variant>communicative exercises

<variant>lexical exercises

<variant>exercises aimed at developing habits and skills


<question>“Re-write these sentences in the passive voice” is an example of:

<variant>linguistic exercises

<variant>semi-communicative exercises

<variant>communicative exercises

<variant>lexical exercises

<variant>exercises aimed at developing habits and skills


<question>“Answer the questions to the text” is an example of :

<variant>semi-communicative exercises

<variant>communicative exercises

<variant>lexical exercises

<variant>exercises aimed at developing habits

<variant>linguistic exercises


<question>“Listen to the text and express your ideas on the topic” is an example of:

<variant>communicative exercises

<variant>semi-communicative exercises

 <variant>linguistic exercises

<variant>lexical exercises

<variant>exercises aimed at developing habits and skills


 <question>“Make up a dialogue according to the model” is an example of:

<variant>semi-communicative exercises

<variant>communicative exercises

<variant>linguistic exercises

<variant>lexical exercises

<variant>recognition exercises


<question>Positive transition of skills in the mother tongue to the target language is called:







<question>Negative transition of knowledge of the mother tongue structure to the target language is called:







<question>This type of reading is aimed at getting a general idea of the text:




<variant>reading for details



 <question>This type of reading is aimed at finding specific information:




<variant>reading for detail



<question>This type of reading is aimed at analyzing the target language elements:




<variant>reading for detail



 <question>This type of reading is aimed at understanding and analyzing all the information in the text:

<variant>reading for detail






<question>Which of the following is the example of scanning:

<variant>read the text to find Ann’s, Sam’s and Julie’s birthdays

<variant>read  the text and find all the verbs. Analyse the tense forms.

<variant>look through the text and choose the best article

<variant>finish reading the story at home

<variant>read the text to find out exactly how the machine works.



 <question>Which of the following is the example of skimming:

<variant>look through the text and choose the best article

<variant>read the text to find Ann’s, Sam’s and Julie’s birthdays

<variant>read  the text and find all the verbs. Analyse the tense forms.

<variant>finish reading the story at home

<variant>read the text to find out exactly how the machine works.


<question>Which of the following is the example of study reading:

<variant>read  the text and find all the verbs. Analyse the tense forms.

<variant>look through the text and choose the best article

<variant>read the text to find Ann’s, Sam’s and Julie’s birthdays

<variant>finish reading the story at home

<variant>read the text to find out exactly how the machine works.


 <question>Which of the following is the example of  reading for detail:

<variant>read the text to find out exactly how the machine works.

<variant>read  the text and find all the verbs. Analyse the tense forms.

<variant>look through the text and choose the best article

<variant>read the text to find Ann’s, Sam’s and Julie’s birthdays

<variant>finish reading the story at home


<question>This type of reading is used for reading books, poems, magazines, etc. in your free time:







<question>What are three stages of working with a text for reading:

<variant>pre-reading, while-reading, after-reading

<variant>doing vocabulary exercises, reading aloud, re-telling

<variant>reading, translating, re-telling

<variant>presenting new vocabulary, practicing grammar, making a plan of the text

<variant>pre-reading, reading and re-telling


<question>What are three stages of working with a text for listening:

<variant>pre-listening, while-listening, after-listening

<variant>vocabulary work, repeating after the speaker, re-telling the text

<variant>listening, translating, acting out

<variant>presenting new vocabulary, practicing grammar, making a plan of the text

<variant>pre-listening, listening and re-telling


<question>“Look at the title of the text and guess what the text is about” is an example of:

<variant>pre-reading task

<variant>while-reading task

<variant>lexical task

<variant>problem-solving task

<variant>after-reading task


<question>“Look at the key words in the text and guess what the text is about” is an example of:

<variant>pre-reading task

<variant>while-reading task

<variant>lexical task

<variant>problem-solving task

<variant>after-reading task


 <question>“What do you think about the problem discussed in the audio text?” is an example of:

<variant>after-listening task

<variant>while-listening task

<variant>lexical task

<variant>problem-solving task

<variant>preparatory task












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