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Тесты к спецкурсу "Литература англоязычных стран"

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Спецкурс «Литература англоязычных стран»



TEST1.                                                                                                                               I.There were five invasions of England. Match the time and the invaders.

1.      about the 4th century BC                              a) the Danes

2.      the 1st century AD                                        b) Anglo-Saxon tribes

3.      the middle of the 5th century                        c) the Celts

4.      the end of the 8th century                             d) the Normans

5.      the 11th century                                            e) the Romans   


II. Divide the words into two groups: those of Celtic (1)   and Latin (2)  origin.

a)      dun

b)      strata

c)      vallum

d)      avon

e)      dum

f)       loch

g)      castra


III. The beautiful Saxon poem «Beowolf» tells us of the times long before the Anglo-Saxons came to Britain.Choose the events, which took plaсe in the poem.

a)      a monster killed and  ate people

b)      a king fell in love with a princess

c)      a fight with Grendel

d)      a magician  helped Hrothgar

e)      a young knight of Jutes saved the country


IV. Beowolf was from

a)      Denmark

b)      Scandinavia

c)      England


V. Hrothgar was

a)      a monster

b)      a king

c)      brave soldier


VI. During the period of the Norman conquest there were different kinds of literature, which were written in different languages. Match each type of literature with the language it was written in.

             1.historical chronicles                                       a) Norman - French

             2. ballads and songs                                          b) Anglo - Saxon

             3. poetry                                                            c) Latin


VII. Choose the events, which took place in the 14th century in Britain.

a)      The Danes invaded the country

b)      Christianity was penetrated

c)      Three epidemics of the plague

d)      The first University was founded

e)      Hundred Yeas War

f)       War of Roses




VIII. Who translated the Bible from Latin into English?

a)      Geoffrey Chaucer

b)      John Wycliffe

c)      William Caxton

d)      Thomas Mallory


IX. Who is the author of the following sayings: «Better three hours too soon than a minute too late».”Have more than you show, speak less than you know”.

a)      Geoffrey Chaucer

b)      Thomas More

c)      William Shakespeare


X. Choose the words which we can use speaking about Geoffrey Chaucer.

a)      a poet

b)      a courtier

c)      a monarchist

d)      an atheist

e)      an educated man

f)       a peacher


XI. What was Chaucer’s attitude towards:

       1. religion and churchmen                              a) escaped his satire

       2.  the court and the knights                           b) he attacked with real humor

       3.  the townsfolk                                             c) he liked the sense of

       4.  the peasants                                                d) he spoke with admiration


XII. What Chaucer’s stories are the following characters from?

1.      Arveragus                                                  a) “The Pardoner’s Tale”

2.      The Traitor Death                                      b) “Three Promises”

3.      Three Rioters

4.      Aurelius

5.      The Magician


XIII. Which of the following  are from the ballads about Robin Hood (1)  and which are from the legends about King Arthur (2)?

a)      Nottingham

b)      The Sheriff

c)      Sir Ector

d)      Igrain

e)      Merry men

f)       Round Table

g)      The Noble Knights

h)      Princess Guenever

i)       Megician Merlin

j)       Sherwood Forest 


XIV. How is Elizabethan time (1558 – 1603) called?

a)      rebirth

b)      golden age

c)      flourishment of art


XV. What of the following is connected with the life of Thomas More?

a)      War of Roses

b)      Oxford

c)      The Tower

d)      Queen Victoria

e)      Lord Chancellor

f)       Parliament


XVI. William Shakespeare wrote both tragedies and comedies. Which of the following plays are tragedies (1) and which are comedies (2)?

a)      “Much Ado about Nothing”

b)      “King Lear”

c)      “Hamlet”

d)      “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”

e)      “ The Twelfth Night”

f)       “All’s Well That Ends Well”

g)      Julius Caesar”

h)      “As You Like It”

i)       “Othello”


XVII. From what Shakespeare’s play are these characters

a)      Claudius

b)      Gertrude

c)      Horatio

d)      Polonius


XVIII. These events take place in  one of Shakespeare’s plays. Which one?

a)      the father divides his kingdom between his two daughters

b)      the king is left without power and kingdom

c)      the third daughter tries to help her father

d)      the king goes mad


XIX. W.Shakespeare wrote …………… sonnets.

a)      140

b)      150

c)      145

d)      154


XX. Shakespeare devoted his sonnets to:

a)      his mother

b)      his wife

c)      his friend

d)       Dark Lady


Test II.


I.                    The Age of Enlightenment was a period during:

a)      the second half of the 16th century and  the first half of the 17th century

b)       the second half of the 17th century and all the 18th century

c)      all the 17th century


II.                 The writers of the Age of Enlightenment wanted:

a)      to improve the world by teaching people

b)      to improve people

c)      to improve the political situation in the world



III.              The central problem of the writers of the Enlightenment was:

a)      the study of man and the origin of his good and evil qualities

b)      the study of the political situation in the world

c)      the study of the influence of the church on the political situation


IV.              English writers of the Age of Enlightenment formed two groups. Match the groups (1, 2) with the names of the writers (a – f):

1.      a group of writers who hoped to better the world simply by teaching

2.      a group of writers who openly protested against the vicious   social order

a)      Robert Burns

b)      Henry Fielding

c)      Daniel Defoe

d)      Alexander Pope

e)      Jonathan Smith

f)       Samuel Richardson


V.                Who is the author of the following novels:” Oliver Twist”, “Domby and Son”, “Pickwick Papers”, “David Copperfield”:

a)      George Gordon Byron

b)      Charles Dickens

c)      Sisters Bronte


VI.              Who of sisters Bronte wrote the novel “Jane Eyre”?

a)      Emily

b)      Anne

c)      Charlotte


VII.           Match the names of the following writers with the titles of their books.

1.      George Gordon Byron                                       a) “The Devoted Friend”

2.      Charles Dickens                                                  b) “Silver Blaze”

3.      Oscar Wilde                                                        c) “Childe Haroild’s Pilgrimage”

4.      Arthur Conan Doyle                                           d)”Pickwick Papers”


VIII.        In what novel of Oscar Wilde the portrait reflects all the changes in the hero’s appearance, but the hero himself remains untouched by the course of time?

a)      “The Devoted Friend”

b)      “The Picture of Dorian Gray”

c)      “The Selfish Giant”


IX.              Who of the following writers was a doctor by profession?

a)      Charles Dickens

b)      Arthur Conan Doyle

c)      Oscar Wilde












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