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Treasure hunt 5 class

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Выбранный для просмотра документ Treasure hunt журнал.odt


   (Intellectual game)

Aizhuldyz Tolegen

Teacher of English

School # 66,  Astana, Kazakhstan


The aim:

-   to enlarge pupils’ knowledge of English

-         to develop pupils’ critical thinking

-         to involve their interests through the intellectual games

Visual aids: chest, cards, pictures, maps, compass, clothes of pirates.

Equipment: active board, tape recorder

The procedure of the game                      

Organization moment:

1- student: -  Good afternoon, dear teachers and students!  Language is the main type of means of communication. There are nearly 3000 languages in the world. English and Russian are languages of an international communication, they are the languages of Pushkin, Shakespeare, and Byron, whom we love and respect for their poems, sonnets and novels. With the help of the knowledge of foreign languages we can communicate. And with the help of Russian and Kazakh we can develop our skills in oral speech and reading and to be patriots of our Motherland.

1-student: Right you are. Language is the main treasure of every nation. We are happy to see you at our game “TREASURE HUNT”. The participants of this game are children of the 5th forms. The game will pass as a competition between six participants.

2- student: - Let's make a big applause for the participants! These treasure hunters come from different countries and they speak different languages.

-  first participant is ________________ from 5th “A” 

- _________________  is from 5th “B”

- _________________ is from 5th “V”

- _________________ is from 5th “Z”

- ________________is from 5th “I”

2- student: - Let me introduce you the juries of our game. They are the teachers of English of our school.

1. _______________________________

2.  ______________________________

3.  ______________________________

1- student:  Dear participants let me explain the rules of the game.

        Our  game consists of 5 parts! In each part hunters will find tasks, riddles, quizzes and they have to solve them.  If they  answer the questions they will get keys to the next step.  Now let's start to look for the hidden treasure! We wish you  good luck!

2- student: First round is called “Do you know?

       Dear hunters each of you have maps on your hands. The participant who finds the right way/ direction will ask to my question. If the participant can't find the way, next participant can answer the question. A player with the lowest score leaves the game.

- You are on square C2 now. Find the key of the chest with the treasures. In which square is it?


























































































































1. Go one square west.  2B

1. How many letters are in the English alphabet?   (26)

2. Go three squares north  5B

2. Who is the president of Kazakhstan? (Nursultan Nazarbayev)

3. Go one square northwest.   A6

3. What is the capital of England?  (London)

4. Go two squares northeast.  C8

4. How many legs do elephants have?  (4)

5. Go one square north.  C9

5. When do we celebrate independence day?        (The 16th of December)

6. Go one square northeast.  D10

6. How many stars are there on American flag?             (50 stars)

7. Go three squares east.   G10

7. Who is the author of Harry Potter books?          (Joanne Rowling )

8. Go one square south.  G9,

8. Do you know the meaning of the idiom “as busy as a bee”?     (бос болмау)

9. Go one square southeast.  H8

9. What comes after Wednesday?         (Thursday)

10. Go one square southwest.  G7

10. Do you know the shortest month?              (May) logical question


1-student: Good children. I’m pleased with your answer. Now it is time to say the results of the first round.

Our second round is called – “Magic numbers”

In this round hunters will choose the numbers and answer to the logical questions. To each right answer you will get one letter.


12/ 1/ 14/ 7/ 21/  1/ 7/ 5


















12 - It’s the same color as its name.    (an orange)

1- A woman named Helen has a cat that she loves very much. The cat’s name is Murka. The cat has 3 kittens. The kitten’s name’s are Fluffy, Muffy, and Skippy. One of the kittens is white, one is black and one is orange. Fluffy is not white or orange and Skippy is not orange. What color are each of the three kittens?

14- A different points of view. The object below is a normal object from an unusual point of view. Use phrases like “it could be”, “I think it might be” etc. What is it?

                                                                                  (It’s a pencil from the front)   

7-  It’s not a man

     It’s not a woman

     But it teaches me.                          (a book)


21- Thinking outside of the box

The rules…

·        You have to connect all of the circles

·        You may only use 4 lines

·        The lines must be straight

·        You cannot lift your pen/pencil off the paper

·        You cannot move backwards along a line already   drawn


1- Your eyes, your nose, and your mouth are on your ….   (face)

7- Your mother and your father are your ….   (parents)

5- 44, 13, 16, 27 are ….   (numbers)

2- student: Can you make up a word from this letters?

Right you are – hidden word is Language

1- student: Now it's time to enjoy a beautiful song “_____________”! Let's make a big applause for Anartaikyzy Tanym, a student of the  5 “i” class!

- Thanks Tanym! Your song is so beautiful!

- Dear, juries who has got the lowest score in this round? Jury: -

2- student:- That's the end of the second round! The third round is Polyglot”. In the third part of the game we will read some proverbs. Your aim is to guess the answer and translate it into three languages.

1. Өнер алды __________ тіл.                      (қызыл- red – красный)

2. Лучше поздно чем _________.  (никогда — never – ешқашан)

3. East or west ______is best.         (home- үй- дом)

4. Век живи-век ________.                             (учись -оқы-learn)

5. A friend in need is _________ indeed.             (friend - дос- друг)

6. Язык мой – враг ________.                         ( мой – my- менің)

7. Отанды сүю – ___________ басталады.     (отбасы- семья -family)

8. All is not ________ that glitters.                  (gold- алтын – золото)

1 -student: Great! You show us your excellent knowledge of English, Russian and Kazakh. So you get the verb ''To be'' as a key! Unfortunately, in this part we are going to say good bye to ___________. Thanks for the game. We believe that your treasure is waiting for you in the future. 

2- student: -Now let's start our 4th round which is called ''Funny tongue twisters''. Here you should read tongue twister as fast as you can.

      I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream!

      Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,
if Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,
is the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?

      Бұл-бұл- піл

Бұл бір-ірі піл.

      Бар, май шайқа,

Байқа, жай шайқа

      На дворе трава, на траве дрова

Не руби дрова на траве двора.

      Мама мыла Милу мылом,

Мила мыло не любила.

1- student: So you get the article ''the'' as a key in this part!  

          Dear participants and guests let's begin our last round. In this round only two hunters. The round is called ''GPS Navigator”. Here you should find the real treasure with the help of some clues and riddles. Your task is to find the hidden letters and make up the word.

2- student: These are your clues. T / R2 / E2 /A / S /U


1) What has 4 legs but doesn't run.  You can find the first letter under this thing. (table)  

2)  Everybody loves me. I am pretty, green and smell sweet. Look at me and you will find your letter near my foot.      (flower)

3) I usually help you to translate new words, you should look for your letter on my pages. (book/ dictionary)

4) I am not out of the class and I am not in the class. What am I? (door) Come to me and find your letter.

5) We are three in this room. We are white and clean. (window) Your letter is in front of me

6)  What becomes white when it is dirty? (blackboard) Your last letter is behind of me.

Teacher: So we have already finished our last round!. Now it is time to say results of our competition; while our juries count your scores our students of 5th grade want to devote their poems. (the members of jury make a conclusion).

                       Dedication to English

Asel is from 5th “Z”
O, English! You are a joy, delight,
That makes us busy, friendly, and bright.
You are a chance to see the world,
That is so beautiful and old.
You are a chance to realize
If man can try to be so wise,
To understand unknown speech,
And then exclaim: “It is so rich!”

Sabina is from - 5th “A”
It’s so nice to grasp creation
And master thoughts and inspiration.
It’s so great to keep in touch,
With all the world and speak so much.
I know that people mustn’t fight
And English helps them all to unite.
O, English! You’ve become my friend
Whom I should better understand.

                    Посвящение Английскому

Aknur is from 5th “A”
О, Английский! Ты отрада
И большим трудам награда.
И возможность для открытий
Дивных мест, красот, событий.
Ты тот шанс, что даст понять,
Что возможно мудрым стать
Так, чтоб столь чужой язык
Полюбил я и постиг,
Мастеров узнал творенья,
Мысли, чувства, вдохновенье,
С миром здорово общаться
И в толпе не потеряться.
Английский другом смог мне стать,
А друга нужно понимать…

                     Ана тілім

Zhalgas is from 5th “A”
Ана тілім – ақ қанатты тұлпарым,
Биіктерге самғап ұшар сұнқарым.

Ана тілім – ақ сүт берген анамсың,
Ана тілім – махаббатым құштарым.
Ана тілім – әнге қосар ардағым,
Тек өзіңмен қанаттанар арманым.
Туған тілім, бабам тілі, төл тілім,
Қазақ үшін баға жетпес бар мәнің,
Тілім менің – қасиетті бесігім,
Шаңырағым, ақ босаға есігім.
Ана тілім – ар – ұятым, ожданым.
Жоқ қой оны білмегенге кешірім.
Teacher: - ________________ is the winner of our game, because this student could show his/her  knowledge and find the chest with the treasures. Now it's high time to give a certificate for the winners of the game! At the end of the game I'd like to say thank you for pupils of the 5th grade! And thanks for all.

 Thank you for your attention! See you soon! Good bye!

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