Инфоурок Английский язык Научные работы"Требования к современному уроку английского языка в контексте внедрения Новых Образовательных стандартов

"Требования к современному уроку английского языка в контексте внедрения Новых Образовательных стандартов

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Requirements for a Modern English Lesson in the Context of the Introduction of State Educational Standards.

                            Zherebchenko N.G.

                                                      “If we teach today the way we taught   yesterday, we will steal from children tomorrow”  

                                                                                                                           /John Dewey/                                                                        

Аннотация. Вступление в силу новых государственных образовательных стандартов возлагает новые требования на учителей английского языка для успешного достижения главных целей образования в современном обществе. Поэтому появилась необходимость рассмотреть урок с позиции требований стандарта нового поколения, проанализировать путь от традиционного к современному уроку. Авторы статьи раскрывают требования к современному уроку и предлагают наиболее рациональные методы, приемы и средства обучения, стимулирующие развитие интереса к предмету, подлинной увлеченности и формированию творческого сознания, предлагают способы формирования универсальных учебных действий, которые являются основой для развития способности обучающихся к дальнейшему самосовершенствованию и самообразованию.  В работе даны рекомендации по моделированию современного урока, созданию условий для успешной учебы и повышения мотивации обучающихся к активной учебно-познавательной деятельности.

Ключевые слова: современный урок, современное общество, универсальные учебные действия, главные цели, государственные образовательные стандарты, новые требования, мотивация, саморазвитие и самообразование.

Annotation. The entry into force of new state educational standards imposes new requirements on teachers of English Language to successfully achieve the main goals of education in modern society. Therefore, it became necessary to consider the lesson from the perspective of the requirements of the new generation standards, to analyze the path from the traditional to the modern lesson. The authors of the article reveal the requirements for a modern lesson and offer the most rational methods, techniques and means of teaching that stimulate the development of interest in the subject, genuine passion and the formation of creative consciousness, offer ways to form universal educational actions that are the basis for the development of students’ ability to further self-development and self-learning. The paper provides   recommendations on modeling a modern lesson, creating conditions for successful study and increasing students’ motivation for active educational and cognitive activity.

Key words: modern lesson, modern society, universal educational actions, main goals, state educational standards, new requirements, motivation, self-learning, self-development.

Introduction.  The State Educational Standard of secondary general education is based on the principles of system-activity, personality-oriented and competence-oriented approaches. The process of preparing for the lesson is based on the stages known to each teacher: the definition of goals and objectives, the selection of the content of educational and homework materials, methods and techniques of teaching, the organization of activities in the classroom, the definition of control methods and others. However, now the teacher must be critical of each stage of his work, as the nature of the teacher’s and student’s activities in the classroom changes. Today the student is the main character at the lesson. In the new educational process, the teacher organizes the activities of students in an innovative educational environment, where he carries out a conscious and independent search, analysis, selection, systematization and presentation of information. In order to achieve the results that are the basis of the Standard, it is necessary to reorient the educational process to active interaction and cooperation between the teacher and the student.

Review of Literature. The main provisions characterizing the lesson were laid down in the 17th-18th centuries in the works of J. A. Komensky, A. Disterweg, K.D. Ushinsky and J.F. Herbart. The Czech thinker J.A. Komensky in his book “The Great Didactics” described the classroom-lesson system developed by him. He highly valued the position of a teacher in society. The position of a teacher is honorable and responsible like no other, “above which nothing can be under the sun.” The further development of the classical teaching about the lesson was carried out by K.D. Ushinsky.  He scientifically substantiated the advantages of the classroom-lesson system and developed a typology of lessons. A. Disterweg, a German democratic teacher, justified the need to take into account the age abilities of students. He also wrote, reffering to the teacher: “...he is only able to actually educate as long as he works on his own upbringing and education”. The work of the classic of Russian pedagogy A.S. Makarenko “Pedagogical Poem” remains relevant regardless of time. Witty, accurate reflections have been inspiring for many generations. The author reflects on the eternal questions of education: how to instill in children kindness, respect for elders, self-esteem, love for the Motherland. Centuries have passed, and still the school bell calls children to class for a lesson, and teachers are in a hurry to ”…sow reasonable, good, eternal.”

In the pedagogical literature of recent years Yu. A. Konarzhevsky defines the term “modern lesson”. In his opinion, a modern lesson is, first of all, a lesson in which a teacher skillfully uses all opportunities for the development of a student’s personality, his active mental growth, deep and meaningful assimilation of knowledge, for the formation of his moral foundations.

The purpose of school education is not to transfer unified informational baggage.  The great pedagogue and scientist V.A. Sukhomlinsky urged teachers not to bring down an avalanche of knowledge on a child under the threat of losing his curiosity. “Leave something unsaid so the child can return to what he learned again and again.  The famous trilogy “I give my heart to children”, “Letters to my son” and “The birth of a citizen” has gained great fame and should become a reference for all teachers and educators. No teacher can predict what knowledge a student will need in adulthood. But he can teach him to learn so that the acquired knowledge becomes a skill.

         Great hopes for fundamental changes in the educational process are pinned on the new updated State Standard. The principal difference of the modern approach is the orientation to the results of the development of educational programs. Results mean not only subject knowledge, but also the ability to apply this knowledge in practice. Great demands are placed on the modern lesson. In accordance with the new standards, it is necessary, first of all, to strengthen the motivation to know the world around us, to search for useful information and its application in real life. Modern society needs educated, moral, enterprising people who can analyze their actions, make decisions independently, have a sense of responsibility for the fate of the country, its socio-economic prosperity. The Great demands are placed on the teacher. The teacher and his attitude to the educational process, his creativity and professionalism, his desire to reveal the abilities of each student – this is all the main resource, without which it is impossible to implement new standards of school education.

Objectives.  The purpose of this work is to consider the lesson from the perspective of the requirements of the new generation standard, to analyze the changes in the activities of the teacher and student in the preparation of a modern lesson, to focus on the formation of universal educational activities and the organization of favorable conditions for successful activity at work.

Content. A modern lesson is a time-limited period of the daily life of a teacher and a student, which is filled with hard work and creative searches, routine work and the joy of success. Each lesson should be a step forward for schoolchildren, give them a sense of the need to know the lesson material well. The emergence of a feeling of constant movement forward stimulates the learning activities of students.

  And in such circumstances, the search for effective approaches to teaching foreign languages aimed at solving specific professional problems has become relevant. An effective motivational factor of the English lesson is creating a relaxed, supportive atmosphere, a classroom psychological environment which stimulates facilitative relationship between teacher and students. Different kinds of activities, language games, songs, jokes, puzzles, movement games can be of help in maintaining a favourable classroom atmosphere which can increase students’ motivation and interest to language learning.

  First of all, let us consider the number of requirements imposed on a modern foreign language lesson in the light of new state standards.

1.      Before preparing a lesson plan, the teacher must correctly identify all the didactic tasks, and also set the goals that he wants to achieve with his students.

2.      The teacher should take into account the knowledge and skills the students have already received earlier, at the previous lessons.

3.      Separate stages of the lesson should be interconnected with each other, one follows from the other.

4.      It is necessary to carefully select the methods and means of training not forgetting about the individual physical capabilities of his students,

5.      To control mastering of a new material, the teacher should think how knowledge will be tested. It is very important to cover as many students as possible.

6.      Homework should be thought out according to students abilities and capabilities. The teacher must explain to the students the algorithm for completing tasks.

7.      It is necessary to create such conditions so that students can independently acquire knowledge.

8.      During the lesson the teacher should be a kind of guide to the world of knowledge, and not just a simple speaker.

9.      In the classroom, the teacher should develop the ability of the children to work in a team, to defend their point of view, to be an active participant of the lesson.

10.   At the end of the lesson, students conduct self-analyses and self-assessment of their activity in the lesson. The teacher initiate the reflection of students’  work in order to accustom them to self-control and self-regulation, the development of their critical thinking.

11.   The teacher should not only teach and develop his students but also bring them up love our land, the nature of our country, the world around us, moral qualities of a person.

     The peculiarity of a foreign language lesson is that it is not an independent unit of the educational process, but a link in the chain of lessons. In this series of lessons the dynamics of the educational process are carried out. The close interconnection of the lessons provides a progressive movement towards the final educational goal. It is well known that the methodology of teaching a foreign language is based on a system-activity approach. Outside of the activity in pedagogy, it is impossible to solve any problem of training, education and development. Educational activity becomes a source of inner development of the student, forming his creative abilities and personal qualities. The task of the school today is not to give a volume of knowledge, but to teach to learn. The words of the famous German mathematician A. Disterweg read: “a real teacher shows his student not a ready-made task, on which thousands of years of work are put, but leads him to the development of building material, erects a building with him, teaches construction.”

           Based on the requirements of the time, the approach to the modern lesson is changing. A modern lesson should reflect the possession of the classical structure of the lesson against the background of the active use of their own creative ideas, both in terms of its construction and in the selection of educational material, technology of its presentation and training.

Following the requirements of the state standard of the second generation, it is necessary to systematically form universal educational actions among students, design their educational activities for a quarter, half a year, a year through the transition from lesson planning to topic design, implement interdisciplinary connections in practice, diagnose the achievement of planned results by students at each stage of mastering the topic.

                         The main stages of mastering the topic:

1.      Self-determination in activity. Stimulating interest in the study of the topic.

2.      Educational and cognitive activity:

a) mastering educational information at the “skill” level;

b) presentation of the results of mastering educational information.

3.      Intellectual and transformative activity.

4.      Reflexive activity


                           Simulation of a training session

                                                 Table 2



Lesson stages

Activity at the lesson stages



Organizational stage

Greeting, checking the readiness of the class, organizing attention, fixing absentees, warming up.



Checking homework

Establish the correctness and completeness of homework, eliminate the detected problems.



Preparation of students for the main stage

 Provide motivation for students. The introduction of the topic and aim of the lesson in the form of a problem question, a riddle, etc.


 The stage of assimilation of new knowledge


Ensure the perception, comprehension and primary memorization of the studied material.


Primary verification of the understanding of the material studied

Establish the correctness and awareness of the studied material, identify gaps, make correction.








The stage of consolidation of new knowledge

 To provide an increase in the level of comprehension of the topic, the depth of its understanding.


Application of knowledge

 Ensuring the assimilation of knowledge and their application in different situations.


Generalization and systematization of the acquired knowledge

 Ensuring the formation of the integral knowledge system. Establishment of  intrasubject and intersubject connections


Control and self-control of students’ knowledge

 Identification of the quality and level of knowledge on the topic of the lesson


Correction of knowledge

Correction and elimination of knowledge gaps


Homework information

To ensure that students understand the purpose, content and ways of doing homework


Summing up the lesson

 Giving a qualitative assessment of the students’ work in class





To provide students with an understanding of the assimilation of new material, the motivation of their activities, their emotional state about interaction with the teacher and the class.


         The success of a modern lesson depends on the personality of the teacher, his professionalism, the modernity of the methods used by him, an individual approach to students, the use of various ICT tools.  An accessible form of presentation of the material, a friendly atmosphere in the classroom, creating a situation of success – all this helps students to better assimilate new material for them.

Various methods and forms of work, pedagogy of cooperation should be present in the modern lesson. The educational process is a two-way process – “teacher and student.” If the teacher wants to teach and the student wants to learn, then success is guaranteed. The teacher in the classroom is only a partner in communication, an assistant, a consultant, not a dictator. The style of communication with students is democratic. The role of the teacher is very important for creating the motivation of the subject learning. The teacher is a source of knowledge able to teach students to explore and find the answers themselves.  The atmosphere in the classroom should be comfortable, benevolent, we should never laugh at each other’s mistakes, talk about them correctly, without offending a speaker. The teacher is a person the pupils imitate or want to be similar. N.D. Levitov allocates the following basic pedagogical abilities, which are necessary to each teacher. They are:

·         Ability to transfer knowledge to children in the short and interesting form;

·         Ability to understand pupils, based on observation;

·         An independent and creative way of thinking;

·         Resource or fast and exact orientation in any situation.

A.K. Markova identifies three main aspects of the teacher’s work: the pedagogical activity proper, the pedagogical communication and the teacher’s personality. To important professional qualities, A.K. Markova includes: pedagogical erudition, pedagogical goal setting, practical and diagnostic thinking, resourcefulness, improvisation, optimism, foresight and reflection.

Universal Educational Activities are an integral part of the new State Standard.  The implementation of the program for the formation of Universal Educational Activities is the key task of introducing a new State Standard. This is a whole system of student actions that provides cultural identity, social competence, tolerance, the ability to independently acquire knowledge and skills, including the organization of independent learning activities. The program of formation of Universal Educational Actions presents their   four types: personal, regulatory, cognitive and communicative educational actions.

      Personal Universal Educational Actions are a system of students’ value orientations, their attitude to various spheres of the surrounding world. They are expressed by the formulas “I and other people”, “I and cognition”, “I and society”, “I and I”. This allows students to perform different social roles: “citizen”, “classmate,” “interlocutor”, “student,” “pedestrian,” and others.

Regulatory Universal Educational Actions reflect the ability to build educational and cognitive activity, taking into account all its components: goal, motive forecast, means, control, evaluation.

       Cognitive Universal Actions are a system of ways of cognition of the surrounding world, the process of independent search, research, systematization, generalization and use of the information received.

     Communicative Universal Educational Actions reflect the ability to participate in an educational dialogue, to build a  monologue and dialogical statement, to be able to write compositions, essays, reports using information from various sources with the requirements of speech etiquette, to use expressive means of language, to keep the logic of narration and so on.

Universal Learning Activities can be formed only in the course of a certain learning activity. It is important to create conditions for such activities. To do this, you need to change the educational process itself: to master new forms of organization of the new educational process, new educational technologies, to create a new educational environment.

Designing a lesson from the perspective of the formation of universal learning activities                                                       

 Table 1

Lesson requirements

Traditional lesson

A lesson of the modern type

Announcement of the lesson topic

The teacher informs the topic of the lesson

The topic of the lesson is formed by the students themselves



The message of the tasks and objectives of the lesson



The teacher tells the students what they should learn


The students formulate it themselves. The teacher brings students to the realization of the goals and objectives of the lesson.



The teacher tells them what kind of work they have to do to achieve the goal

Students’ planning of ways to achieve the goal, taking into account the help and advice of the teacher


Practical activities of students

A number of practical works are planned under the guidance of the teacher

Group, individual, interactive methods of work are used.

The teacher acts as a consultant


Implementation of control

The teacher monitors the implementation of practical work

Students exercise control (self-control, mutual control) The teacher consults


Correction implementation

The teacher makes correction based on the results of the work performed

Students formulate difficulties and carry out correction on their own. The teacher helps, advises and consults


Assessment in the lesson


The teacher evaluates the work in the lesson

Students give an assessment of the activity based on its results (self-assessment, assessment of comrades).

The teacher consults


The summary of the lesson

The teacher finds out what the students remembered


Reflection is carried out



The teacher announces the homework and comments on it. Basically, the task is the same for everyone

Students choose the tasks proposed by the teacher taking into account individual capabilities


The problem of interest is the main one in the school training. It is though interest that the process of obtaining knowledge becomes the driving force of the intellectual, moral and emotional development of the individual. That is why non-standard and “non-traditional” forms of lessons are used in school practice. There’s a lot of different types of non-standard lessons: lesson-lecture, lesson-presentation, protection of projects, lesson-journey, lesson-concert, lesson-play, round table discussion, conference, quiz, Club of Merry and Cute, “What? Where? When?”, The Field of Wonders, etc. Non-traditional lesson forms of organizing a lesson are usually used after studying one or several topics. They create the atmosphere of a holiday, increase motivation for studying a language, they require participation of all students of the class, the use of different visual aids.

              Their aim is:

·         to assess students’ knowledge;

·         to provide interest in the language;

·         to minimize teacher’s involvement in the lesson. 

Only a previously carefully prepared lesson becomes a real source of information and useful knowledge for modern schoolchildren. Only a teacher who truly loves his pupils and his work can prepare and conduct unforgettable activities, where the time for the children will pass completely unnoticed, and valuable and necessary information will be put off in the heads. The example of a non-traditional lesson is presented in Appendix.



                “He, who doesn’t know a foreign language,

                 doesn’t know his own one”

                         /Johan Wolfgang Von Goethe/


Тема урока: «Подростки и современные технологии»  

Класс: 9

Spotlight. Module 4 – Technology


Цель урока: обучение навыкам аргументированного высказывания «за» и «против» современных технологий.

Познавательная задача: обобщение преимуществ и недостатков в использовании современных технологий.

Развивающие задачи:

1) Развитие критического мышления.

2) Развитие связной речи, языковой догадки, слуховой и зрительной памяти, внимания, логического мышления, развитие способностей к узнаванию и сопоставлению нового и ранее изученного.

3) Развитие логики высказывания, умения систематизировать свои знания, высказывать свое мнение и обосновывать свою точку зрения.

Воспитательные задачи:

1) Воспитание чувства ответственности за совместную групповую работу.

2) Воспитание уважения к точке зрения собеседника.

Учебные задачи:

1) Повторение и расширение лексического запаса по теме.

2) Развитие навыков говорения, чтения и аудирования, навыки проектной работы.

Ожидаемый результат: развивают монологическую и диалогическую виды речи, навыки аудирования. Интегрируют знания по английскому языку и информатике. Осознают ценность совместной деятельности. Умеют структурировать информацию в форме проектов.

Тип урока: урок комбинированного типа посвящен развитию репродуктивных речевых навыков и занимает промежуточное место в изучении темы «Компьютерные технологии», связывая этап формирования (рецептивный) и этап активизации (репродуктивный) речевых навыков.

Технологии: здоровье-сберегающие, игровые, развивающего обучения, информационно-коммуникативные, проектные.

Методы обучения: творческий, наглядный, частично-поисковый, рефлексивный.

Форма и виды работы: Индивидуальная, фронтальная, парная, групповая.

Оснащение урока: компьютер, телевизор, видео, учебная презентация, презентации учащихся, раздаточный материал.

Структура урока (45 мин.)

1.      Организационный момент. (1 мин.)

2.      Актуализация опорных знаний, умений и представлений обучающихся и подготовка к восприятию новой темы. (4 мин.)

3.      Мотивация учебной деятельности. (5 мин.)

4.      Оглашение темы, представление ее содержания и ожидаемых результатов. (1мин.)

5.      Изучение нового материала. (10 мин.)

6.      Осмысление знаний и умений. (9 мин.)

7.      Систематизация и обобщение новых знаний и умений на преобразовательном и творческом уровнях. (8 мин.)

8.      Рефлексия. Самоконтроль и самооценивание. (4 мин.)

9.      Инструктаж  к выполнению разноуровневого домашнего задания.

(2 мин.)




I Greeting. (Slide 1,2)

           The motto of the lesson “To live is to learn and learning helps to live”

·         Aiming.

To be – active, helpful.

To work – in cooperation

To practice – language skills

·         Introducing the topic

Do you agree with the statement?

“If technology changes, life always changes too” (Folk wisdom) (Slide 3)

II Warm up

a)      Video “Then and now”

b)      From the past through the present to the future (Slide 4)

·         What tools were used for counting / mailing / telephoning /printing in the past? (Slide 5)

·         Are they used now? Why not? (Slide 6)

·         What device(s) do(es) it all now? (Slide 7,8)

III The main body

1. Group work. Interview your partners. (Slide 8)

1.      What gadgets do you use?

2.      What do you use them for?

3.      How often do you need them?

4.      The main device for us is a computer, isn’t it?  (Slide 9)

it can …

it does …

it helps …


2. Reading and acting out the dialogue

But sometimes there may be some problems in its work. Let’s read and find out the problem

(Slide 10)

“Computer problems” ex.  4 p.60

3. Listening. Doing the quiz (Slide 11)


Sharon: Good morning, this is Sharon Travers with our weekly show “Tech Info”. We have two special guests here with us today, Bob and Sam Sutton, who are going to give us some useful information about the Internet. Good morning, Bob.

Good morning, Sam.

Bob & Sam: Good morning, Sharon.

Sharon: Bob, I think everyone listening to us has used or at least heard about the Web, but could you give us some specifics? First of all, what is the Internet exactly?

Bob: Well, Sharon, the Internet is a worldwide system of computer networks whose main aim is to provide the user with information. There are millions of web sites you can go to, as you know.

Sharon: Yes, and when we type in www. at the beginning of many websites we want to look at, what does this actually stand for, Sam?

Sam: It means World Wide Web. This was created by Tim Berners-Lee in 1989, but it has grown a lot since then. In 1993, there were about 600 websites on the Web, but by 2006 there were over 100 million!

Sharon: That’s incredible, isn’t it? So, which country has the highest number of Internet users, Bob?

Bob: Sweden has the highest number of Internet users – about 75% – but there are millions of users all over the world and these numbers are increasing all the time.

Sam: All people really need a computer, of course, and an Internet Service Provider too, which is the company you use to get access to the Web. The average Internet user now visits around 1,000 websites each month and 17,000 new websites are added to the Internet daily.

Sharon: Interesting stuff ... well, Bob and Sam, thank you for being on “Tech Info” today.

Bob & Sam: Thank you, Sharon

·         b) Quiz “The Internet” ex.1 p.64


R E L A X A T I O N “Eye training”

4.Modern technology. Pro & Cons (Slide 12)

“Teenagers and technology” ex.3 p.66

5.Speaking. “Different people – different views”. Making conclusion


You can do so many things online these days. I buy nearly all my gifts from shopping websites now, for example, and I always book tickets for concerts and transport on the web. I can’t believe I used to spend hours trying to get through on a phone line or standing in a long queue! My parents use the web a lot now too. They read online newspapers every day and check their bank accounts. Sometimes they even do their supermarket shopping online!


Computers are supposed to make our lives easier, but sometimes it takes so long to do simple things on them. The other day, for instance, I was doing some research for my school Geography project, but I had to visit about twenty websites before I found anything useful. Sometimes, as well, I spend ages just surfing the Net or

chatting online when I suppose I could be spending time with my family or doing sport.


I’m not sure how I would survive if I didn’t have a computer! I use my laptop every single day. I mainly use it to do my homework on and to watch DVDs or listen to music in the evenings. Also, we recently moved house, so I write a lot of emails to all my old friends. I definitely wouldn’t be able to keep in touch with them as well if I didn’t have my own computer.


I’m thinking of joining a class to learn more about how to use a computer. I can see that computers are really useful for so many things, but to tell you the truth, I don’t know very much. I mean, I know how to use the Internet and send an email, but that’s about all. I think it would help me a lot if I knew a little more.


I really enjoy anything to do with computers and I’ve taught myself a lot of things that most people don’t know. Actually, my friends are always phoning me to ask me how to solve problems that they have!

A.    I’m good with computers.

B.     Computers can take up a lot of my time.

C.     I couldn’t live without my computer.

D.    The Internet has changed the way my family and myself live our lives.

E.     I only know the basics.

6. Students’ presentations

  1. Teens & Gadgets. Pro & Cons
  2. Life in the future
  3. Technology

7. Project work in groups

A.    New devices and their uses

B.     Round the clock

C.    Pro and cons

8. Summing up (Slide15)

1.      Can virtual dogs replace real dogs in the future? Why?

2.      Will computers replace teachers in the future? Why?

3.      Can you do anything without your gadgets?

4.      Can they replace communication with friends and family?

IV Reflection. Cinquain (Slides 16, 17)

1.       Computer

Modern, advanced

Types, prints, stores

Helps in many ways


2.        Mobile

Smart, multi-tasking

Calls, answers, communicates

“Alter ego” craft


3.       The Internet

Useful, global

Connects, transfers, shares

Embraces the whole word


V Self assessing

Our achievements

We did all the best! Excellent!

We tried as much as we could. Rather good.

We should learn English better!

VI Home assignment by choice

a)      How to be a reasonable gadget user?

b)      Pie chart “Teens in social nets”

c)      New Year’s wishes and resolutions about gadgets.

The conclusion and prospects for further research. The modern lesson is a constant search, incessant dialogue, joint collective work based on trust and goodwill. Lively and kind communication with the teacher is what warms the heart and soul of our students.

A modern lesson is a real pedagogical work, in which the teacher contributes his creativity, his methodological handwriting, love for his subject and his students.

Our further research will be related to the development of a series of modern non-standard English lessons for high school students, taking into account the requirements of the updated State Standard of Education.

 We want to end our article with the wonderful words of the famous American writer William Arthur Ward, who inspires us in our difficult but noble work.

 “A mediocre teacher expounds.  A good teacher explains. An outstanding teacher shows. A great teacher inspires.”


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2.       Lebedev O.E. Objectives of the lesson: competence approach//National education/O.E. Lebedev. – M.: School Technologies, 2011. - № 6. – 10-17 p.

3.       Leontiev A.A. Language, speech, speech activity/A.A. Leontiev. - M.: Prosvescheniye, 1969. - 214 p.

4.       Levitov N.D. Children’s and Educational Psychology/N. D. Levitov. –

M.: Prosvescheniye, 1964. – 478 p.

5.       Markova A.K. Psychology of Professionalism/A.K. Markova. -  M.: International Humanitarian Fund “Knowledge”, 1996.- 49-54 p.

6.       Mitina L.M. The Teacher as a Person and a Professional (psychological problems)/L.M. Mitina. -  M.: Делo, 1994. - 215 p.

7.       Federal State Standards of General Education/Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. -  M.: Prosvescheniye, 2010                                        

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