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Учебно-методическая разработка по дисциплине «Английский язык» на тему “The Sights of St.-Petersburg”

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Министерство обороны Российской Федерации











по дисциплине «АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК»


на тему “The Sights of St.-Petersburg”


«Достопримечательности Санкт-Петербурга»


для курсантов II курса СВЦ




Разработана преподавателем

цикла ГиСЭД

Шептарской С. Ю.
















1. The Stern Confines City’s Historical Past ………………………….....................2

2. Saint Petersburg Nowadays ……………………………………………………..4

3. The Parks and Gardens……………….………………………………………….8

4. Список основной литературы…………………………………………………..10




































I. Read, translate and give the Russian equivalent of this poem. Then learn it in English by heart.


“ I love you, Peter’s great creation,

The solemn grace of your design,

The Neva with its flow magestic,

The granite of its stern confines. “


A.S. Pushkin.


creation                                                  -создание, творенье

solemn                                                   -строгий

majestic                                                 -державное

grace                                                      -стройный

design                                                    -вид

stern confines                                        -береговые границы

flow                                                       -теченье


II. Listen to the words and repeat after speaker:


1.     to launch – начинать, спускать на воду

2.     to get an access – получать доступ

3.     fortifications – укрепления

4.     desolate – пустынный, необитаемый

5.     to entrench – укреплять(ся)

6.     to lay out – разбивать участок

7.     fame – слава

8.     to erect – сооружать, воздвигать

9.     bell-tower – колокольня

10.  slender golden spire – стройный золоченный шпиль

11.  a unique monument of Russian architecture – уникальный памятник русской архитектуры

12.  political prison – политическая тюрьма

13.  architect – архитектор

14.  sculptor – скульптор

15.  artist – художник

16.  scientist – ученый

17.  composer – композитор

18.  to embody – воплощать




Remember, please!


Tsar Peter the First

the Gulf of Finland

the Baltic Sea, the Baltic Coast

the Neva-River


Island Zayachy

the Peter and Paul Fortress Cathedral

the Admiralty Shipyard

Domenico Trezzini, Adrian Zakharov


III. Listen to the text and try to understand:


In 1700 Russian Tsar Peter the First launched a war against Sweden. He wanted to get an access to the Baltic Coast and won the victory. The famous “window” to Europe was thus opened.

Peter I realized that first of all he had to build powerful-fortifications in this desolate region if the wanted to entrench himself on the Neva banks.

So on May 27, 1703 (May 16, according to the old calendar) the Peter and Paul Fortress was laid out on Island Zayachy. This day is considered to be the day of the city’s foundation, its birthday.

Built 300 years ago as “a window into Europe”, it has won the fame of the world’s finest city.

The Peter and Paul Fortress is historical center of the city. At the same time with the construction of the fortress, a wooden church was erected at its center. In 1712 according to the design of D. Trezzini on the side of this church the Peter and Paul Cathedral was built. This Cathedral with its high bell-tower and slender golded spire (122,5 m) is a unique monument of Russian architecture of the early 18th century. For almost 200 years the Fortress was a political prison.

In 1924 it was turned into a museum. In 1704 the construction of the Admiralty Shipyard was started on the opposite bank of the Neva. Four years later the first ship was launched here.

The existing Admiralty building was put up in 1806-23 by the outstanding Russian architect Adrian Zakharov who embodied (воплотил) in it the idea of Russia as a great naval power. At present the Admiralty houses are occupied by the Higher Naval Engineering School which turns out highly skilled specialists for the Russian Fleet.

So in the 18th and 19th centuries St. Petersburg developed as a naval port and a big economic and cultural center of the country.

Many outstanding architects, sculptors, writers, artists, scientists and composers lived and worked in St. Petersburg.

In 1712 St. Petersburg became the capital of Russia and was it till 1918.

The city was renamed three times and had the names: St. Petersburg – Petrograd – Leningrad - St. Petersburg – (1703-1914) – (1914-1924) – (1924-1991).



IV. Answer the following questions:


1. Why and when did Peter I build a new city?

2. When and where was the Peter and Paul Fortress laid out?

3. Who is the architect of the Peter and Paul Cathedral?

4. The Peter and Paul Cathedral is a unique monument of Russian architecture of the early 18th century, isn’t it?

5. What is the Peter and Paul Fortress now?

6. When was the Admiralty shipyard constructed?

7. Who is the architect of the existing Admiralty Building?

8. What idea did the architect (A. Zakharov) embody in it?

9. What outstanding people did live and work in Petersburg?

10. When has St. Petersburg become a capital?


V. Say what you have learned about the historical past of Petersburg, using the new words and expressions, and the questions above as a plan.


VI. Make up short dialogues about the history of St Petersburg.




I. Read the text to get more information about St. Petersburg nowadays, paying great attention to its sights.

The following words and expressions will help you to translate:


1. a real treasure-store of the art – настоящая сокровищница искусств

2. the Venice of the North – Северная Венеция

3. the Northern Palmyra – Северная Пальмира

4. … is famous for its magnificent architectural ensembles – знаменит своими великолепными архитектурными ансамблями

5. one cannot help admiring – нельзя не восхищаться

6. masterpiece – шедевр

7. to commemorate – во ознаманование (служить напоминанием)

8. Napoleon – Наполеон

9. marvelous – изумительный

10. exhibit (item) – экспонат

11. … is graced with – украшен

12. solid granite columns – колонны из гранитных монолитов

13. relieves – рельефы (изображения)

14. domed structure – постройка с куполом

15. the old boat of Peter the Great – ботик Петра Великого

16. marine paintings – живопись художниковмаринистов

17. examples of armaments and military machinery – образцы оружия и техники

18. military glory – боевая слава




Remember, please!

Palace Square

the Winter Palace

the Hermitage


Leonardo da Vinci




The Russian Museum








St. Isaac’s Cathedral


the Central Naval Museum

the Stock Exchange

T. de Thomon

the Summer Gardens

Nevsky Prospect

the Kazan Cathedral (the Cathedral of our lady of Kazan)

the monument to Peter the Great (the Bronze Horseman)


the White Nights




Nowadays St. Petersburg is 2nd largest and most important city in Russia. It’s a real treasure-store of the arts.

Its population is about 5 mln people and it occupies an area of 607 sq. km. The city lies on 42 islands which are interconnected by some 539 bridges and 20 canals so it is sometimes called the Venice of the North or the Northern Palmyra.

In St. Petersburg there are over 80 museums, about 20 theatres, universities, colleges, institutes, schools and libraries.

The city is famous for its magnificent architectural ensembles of the 18th – 19th centuries.

In St. Petersburg tourists usually start sightseeing from Palace Square, the largest and most beautiful one. One cannot help admiring the ensembles in Palace Square: the Winter Palace and four other buildings.

It contains the masterpieces of the outstanding Western-European artists and sculptors: Leonardo da Vinci, Raphael, Rembrandt and other unique works of art.

It has 400 halls and numbers over 3 mln items from prehistoric to modern times (15,000 paintings, 12,000 sculptures, 600,000 drawings, 1,000,000 coins and medals).

The Alexander Column (47.5 m high) in the center of Palace Square was erected in 1834 to a design of Montferrand to commemorate Russia’s victory over Napoleon in the 1812 war.

The Russian Museum, designed by Rossi, contains marvelous paintings of the famous Russian artists: Tropinin, Repin, Bryllow, Surikov the works of sculptors: Shubin, Antokolsky and others. It numbers nearly 400,000 exhibits.

One of the finest architectural monuments of the 19th century (architect Montferrand) is St. Isaak’s Cathedral.

It took 40 years to built. The most well-known architects and sculptors took part in the construction. The Cathedral is graced with 112 solid granite columns weighting up to 114 tons each, and about 400 relieves and bronze sculptures.

It’s one of the largest domed structure in the world (101.5 m high).

The Central Naval Museum, located in the historical building of the Stock Exchange (architect T. de Thomon) was constructed in the beginning of the 19th century (1709).

It numbers over 800,000 items, including “the Grandfather of the Russian Navy” – the old boat of Peter the Great, 2,000 models of ships, 2,000 marine paintings 7,000 examples of armaments and military machinery. It’s the symbol of the military glory of the Russian Navy.

At the present days St. Petersburg is one of the largest and best equipped ports of Russia and the center of the shipbuilding industry.

Nevsky Prospect is the main street of the city, covering a total of 4.5 km, where there are amazing buildings, shops, hotels and the remarkable Kazan Cathedral (architect Voronikhin) with two monuments in front of it (the monument to Kutuzov and Barclay de Tolly).

One cannot but forget to mention the Monument to Peter the Great (the Bronze Horseman) (sculptor Falconet). It’s located on the Decembrists’ Square. The pedestal of the monument is a huge rock called “Thunder Stone” which was found in the vicinity of St. Petersburg and weighed about 1,000 tons.

The monument was unveiciled (торжественно открыт) in 1782.

The city is beautiful at all times of a year, and especially during the magic time of the White Nights. Nowadays St. Petersburg has become truly a “window into Europe”.

Nearly 200,000 foreigners come to Petersburg by sea every year.

Welcome to St. Petersburg to get acquainted with the amazing sights!


II. Say what places of interest in St. Petersburg you have been to/haven’t been to and you would like to visit.


III. Imagine that you are showing foreign students around (the Hermitage, the Russian Museum, etc.)


      1. Make up an excursion on using the given text.

      2. Say who the architect is, when it was created (built), what it is famous for.

       3. Advise them to visit memorial monuments, devoted to the heroic defenders of Leningrad: the Piskariovskoye Cemetery, the Victory Square at the end of Moskovsky Prospect which was the front-line of the city defence, Victory Park, the monument “Broken Ring” on the shore of Lake Ladoga, marking the beginning of the Ice Road of life and many others.

      4. Ask them if they know that:

During the Second World War Leningrad (as it was called then) was surrounded by the fascists. They wanted to take the city by storm. The blockade began which lasted 900 days and nights. But Leningraders displayed unprecedented heroism, defending their city and victory came in January 1943. The blockade was lifted, but millions of people died during it.

       5. And remember them that in our country no one and nothing has been forgotten. Leningrad (St. Petersburg) is the Hero-City.


IV. Tell them all you know about St. Petersburg and its places of interest.

These questions will help you:


1. When was St. Petersburg founded?

2. Who was it founded by?

3. What was the first construction which was laid out on Island Zayachy?

4. What do you know about the Peter and Paul Fortress?

5. What can you say about the Admiralty?

6. Why do we call St. Petersburg the Venice of the North and a real treasure store of arts?

7. What magnificent architectural St. Petersburg ensembles of the 18th and 19th centuries are famous for?

8. What memorial monuments, devoted to the heroic defenders of Leningrad do you know?

9. Prove that nowadays St. Petersburg has become truly a “window” into Europe.


V. Translate from Russian into English:


1. Санкт-Петербург – один из самых больших и важных городов в России.

2. Его население около 5 млн. человек и общая площадь 607 кв.км.

3. Город расположен на 42 островах, которые соединяются 539 мостами и 20 каналами.

4. В Санкт-Петербурге более 80 музеев, 20 театров, несколько университетов, институтов, школ, Военно-Морских и Морских колледжей, библиотек.

5. Санкт-Петербург – один из самых больших и прекрасно оснащенных портов России и центр судостроительной промышленности.

6. Санкт-Петербург был столицей России с 1712 до 1918 года.

7.В Санкт-Петербурге жили и работали выдающиеся архитекторы, скульпторы, писатели, художники, ученые и композиторы.

8. Город красив во все времена года, но особенно во время «белых ночей».

9. Тысячи иностранных туристов приезжают в Санкт-Петербург каждый год, чтобы познакомиться с его великолепными достопримечательностями.

10. Добро пожаловать в Санкт-Петербург!




I. Read the text.

The following words and expressions will help you to understand:


1. clipped shrubs – стриженые кусты

2. grille – ограда, решетка

3. artistic wrought-iron work – художественная работа по ковке железа

4. embankment – набережная

5. ancient – древний, старинный

6. oak – дуб

7. lime(tree) – липа

8. maple – клен

9. marble sculpture – мраморная скульптура

10. in honour of the victory – в честь победы

11. scenic ponds, lawns – живописные пруды, лужайки

12. to arrange – устраивать, оборудовать

13. impressive – впечатляющий

14. plant – растение, сажать




In St.Petersburg there are a lot of wonderful parks and gardens.

The Summer Garden, laid in 1704 is the oldest and the most beautiful. Peter the Great dreamed of creating a garden more beautiful than that at Versailles and planted its first trees himself. The garden was created in “regular” style with straight alleys and paths, clipped shrubs and trees.

Famous grille fenced off the Summer Garden from the Neva Embankment. It was designed by the architect Yuri Felten. The grille is one of the finest examples of artistic wrought-iron work in the world.

The summer garden with its ancient oaks, limes, maples is a popular place of recreation. Its alleys are decorated with marble sculptures.

Primorsky Victory Park is one of the youngest parks in the city. It was planned by the people of St Petersburg in honour of the victory over fascism. Large works began in October 7, 1945 and within a month the people of Leningrad had planted thousands of trees and shrubs. There are scenic ponds, lawns, alleys, paths. Beaches and tennis-courts were arranged. There is a large Kirov Stadium.

Tavrichesky (Taurida) Garden is a favourite children’s park. It was laid out in 1783 – 1789 next to the Tavrichesky Palace.

Botanical Garden of the Academy of Sciences is one of the most impressive gardens of the city. You can find there 5 millions plants from all around the world.

Kirov Central Park of Culture and Rest (Elagin Island) is very large. It was opened in 1932. It’s situated on the Petrogradskaya Side and is a favourite place in all seasons to relax. There are a lot of paths, lakes, boat rentals, sport grounds, cafes, etc.


II. Say what parks and gardens in St. Petersburg you have been to/haven’t been to and you would like to visit.


III. Tell them all you know about parks and gardens in St. Petersburg.



















Список основной литературы:


1. Китаевич Б.Е., Сергеева М.Н., Каминская Л.И. Учебник английского языка для мореходных училищ. – М.: РКонсульт, 2003.

2. Березина Н.А., Памфилов С.В.  Leningrad (a short guide). – Л.: Лениздат, 1988.

3. Вакс Э.П., Афонина Е.П. Дух Санкт – Петербурга. – СПб.: Мир и семья – 95, 1997.

4. Эпштейн Г.А., Казанская Н.М. A Glimpse Of St Petersburg. – СПб.: ООО «Триада»,1996.  











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