Инфоурок Иностранные языки Другие методич. материалыУчебно-методическое пособие по разделу "Сестринский уход за больными в хосписе"

Учебно-методическое пособие по разделу "Сестринский уход за больными в хосписе"

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«Сестринский уход за больными в хосписе»





Дисциплина: «Иностранный язык (английский)»

Специальность: 060501 Сестринское дело

                               34.02.01 Сестринское дело











2017 год

Одобрено цикловой методической                     Составлено в соответствии с                                                                              

комиссией                                                              требованиями ФГОС к содержанию

«ОГСЭ и ЕН дисциплин»                                    и уровню подготовки выпускников по                                                    

                                                                                специальностям: 060501 Сестринское  дело,

                                                                                                             34.02.01 Сестринское дело          




Председатель:                                                          Заведующий отделом  по УР:


_____________/   Мутыгуллина  М.Б.                   _____________ /  Кузьмина  Е.С.

пр.№ ___, от «___»_________ 2017 г.














Составитель: Мутыгуллина  М.Б., преподаватель английского языка




















Пояснительная записка      ……………………………………………………..4

Тексты и упражнения…………………………..……….………………………5

Задания для внеаудиторной самостоятельной работы…………………………………………………………………..………12

Материалы для контроля конечного уровня знаний………..……………….16

Эталоны ответов к  тестам и упражнениям………………………………..………………………………….22

Список литературы и интернет-источников…………………………………27



































Главной целью изучения дисциплины «Английский язык» будущими специалистами в области сестринского дела является, в первую очередь, умение использовать ино­странный язык как средство самообразования, информационной деятель­ности, а также как средство профессионального общения.

Целью пособия является формирование и развитие базовых умений чтения и перевода английского специального научно-популярного текста по теме «Сестринский уход за больными в хосписе» на основе владения определенным лексическим и грамматическим мате­риалом. Дополнительной целью является формирование и развитие базовых умений устного профессионального общения по теме раздела.

   В задачи пособия включено развитие способности работать с языковым материалом посредством выполнения (как под руководством преподавателя, так и  самостоятельно)  заданий, требующих умения анализировать и применять грамматические правила, оценивать и классифицировать лексический фонд английского языка, адаптировать значения лексико-грамматических моделей языка к различным контекстам, выявлять словообразовательные модели и определять их типовые значения.

Пособие состоит из тематической лексики, текстов для аналитического чтения и серий упражнений. Послетекстовые упражнения обеспечивают освоение лексики и подготовку ее к использованию в различных видах речевой деятельности по тематике текстов. Задания сформулированы с ориентацией на деятельностный подход в процессе обучения и включают элементы самостоятельной работы. Также предусмотрена внеаудиторная самостоятельная работа ( домашнее чтение). Она выполняется студентами по заданию преподавателя, но без его непосредственного участия. Виды заданий имеют вариативный и дифференцированный характер и включают в себя самостоятельное выполнение переводов и  составление сообщений с использованием электронных словарей, дополнительных англоязычных источников информации.

Включены тестовые задания для контроля конечного уровня усвоения материала.

Данное пособие предназначено для студентов медицинских училищ и колледжей и преподавателей английского языка.







Text A.


Active vocabulary to Text A

1.                 to create – создавать, творить

2.                 to consider – считать, полагать

3.                 skill – умение, навык

4.                 palliation - временное облегчение или ослабление проявления болезни

5.                 to provide care – обеспечивать  (осуществлять, предоставлять) уход

6.                 to experience - испытывать

7.                 inclusion - включение

8.                 population - население

9.                 need – нужда, потребность, необходимость.


1.                 Before reading the text and doing exercises

Look through the text and point out what patients were the main users of hospice until recently.


Hospice care

Hospice care is care of the terminally ill. The philosophy of hospice is to create a climate in which the person may live in peace and comfort.

Nurses who work in hospice often consider themselves to be like midwives, assisting in the progresses of a pregnant woman at the beginning of the new baby’s life. For some period of time, the nurse uses her skill as well as her presence to help the hospice patient. The focus of care is palliation, not cure. Pain management is a key component on hospice care.

In the United States, hospice care is provided primarily by nurses, nursing assistants and volunteers. These volunteers are often people who have lost a family member to a terminal illness, and have experienced a caring hospice program. They want to give service to other people in the same manner that they have received it. The hospice teams often make it possible for patients to stay in their homes, if there is a friend or a family member to help care for them at home.

An interesting development in hospice care in the United States is the inclusion of the chronically critically ill in the hospice population. Until recently, the main users of hospice care were cancer patients. Because chronic cardiopulmonary problems may place the person in need of acute nursing and medical care repeatedly, both patients and those caring for them are stopping to consider what the most appropriate care for the chronically critically ill might be.




I. Review your vocabulary

1. Form new words from the given ones by means of suitable suf­fix or prefix from the box. Translate them.

-edly, -ment, mid-, -sion, -ant, -ly




Terminal, wife, assist, develop, include, repeat


II. Increase your vocabulary


1. Which words or expressions from the text mean the same as the following?

to be at the last stage of a fatal disease, to think about, obstetrician, to occur, temporary relief, treatment.


2. Write out from the text combinations with the word “hospice”. Translate them.

3. Find in the text English equivalents of the following Russian words and word-combinations.

уход за больным в хосписе, пациенты в терминальной стадии заболевания, жить в мире и комфорте, беременная женщина, временное облегчение или ослабление проявления болезни, ключевой компонент, добровольцы, хронический тяжелобольной, до недавнего времени.


III. Grammar  review

1.     Put the words in right order to make up complete sentences.

1)    The word / from /hospice /medieval / is / shelter / the / derived / word / for.

2)    key / Pain / a / on /  management / component / care / hospice / is.

3)    may / cardiopulmonary problems / place / Chronic / in need of / the person / medical / acute / repeatedly / nursing / care / and.

4)    main /  the / hospice / Untill / users / care / recently / of / cancer / were / patients.

5)    create / a climate / The philosophy / in / of hospice / comfort / live / which / the person / in peace / may / is to / and.


Text Exercise

 Ask questions to which the following sentences are answers.

1)    Hospice care is a care of the terminally ill.

2)    The nurse uses her skill as well as her presence to help the hospice patient.

3)    This care may take place in centers in the community.

4)    The focus of care is palliation, not cure.

5)    In the United States hospice care is provided primarily by nurses, nursing assistants and volunteers.




Active vocabulary to Text B

1)    to worry about – беспокоиться о…;

2)    to mean – означать, подразумевать;

3)    to bring about – вызывать что-либо; приводить к…;

4)    data -   данные, факты, сведения; информация;

5)    guidelines for nursing care  - рекомендации по уходу;  

6)    caregiver (=care provider = carer)  - тот, кто ухаживает за больным, инвалидом, пожилым человеком (обычно на дому); сиделка;

7)    respond (to) - а) реагировать, отзываться на (что-л.); б) поддаваться (чему-л.)

8)    to have  great impact on  - оказывать огромное влияние на…;

9)    to share  - а) делиться; б) разделять (что-л. с кем-л.); использовать совместно



Look through the text and point out why it is important for nurses to get information from family caregivers.




Most of my days are spent living. Sometimes I think about dying, but mostly I try to live.

People have experienced fears about how they are cared for at the end of life. They worry about suffering and dying in pain. It is important to ask people what they are worrying about in order to provide quality-nursing care. We need to know, how a person and their family live with a life-threatening illness. By life-threatening illness, we mean all the diseases that can bring about a person’s death. Nurses must begin providing this care when persons first tell us about their symptoms.

We conducted a study in the United States with 407 people. We asked them to describe their experience of living with a life-threatening illness. In this kind of study, people’s words are the data used for analysis. We analyzed what people told us and have used the data to come up with guidelines for nursing care. Here are some important findings from people with the illnesses and family / friends that care for them.

Persons with an illness are worried that health care professionals do not listen to them when symptoms of an illness start. They may be ill for up to two years before there is a diagnosis for their illness. Physicians and nurses often do not believe their symptoms. People want doctors and nurses to listen and to believe them. They want to be treated with respect and compassion.

John (patient) said: “Some caregivers are more skillful than others in changing a painful dressing”.

People with illness know when things are going well or poorly. They know their bodies best. Nurses must listen to them in order to plan care. Persons with illness want their families included when doctors and nurses are talking with them. Mr. Black said: “When you are talking to me, you are talking to my family too”.

Persons with illnesses want nurses to know that they are living not dying. They focus on living  out the last phase of their life - not waiting to die. Tom said: “Basically I do what I want and feel good, but I also know I still have cancer”. Nurses need to focus their care on helping persons live fully within their families.  Living fully means that persons do what they can for as long as they can.

Family caregivers are the ones who know best how the person is responding and feeling about the treatment. Family caregivers know about the person’s good and bad days. The best nursing care is the care that families tell us they need. Bruce said: “When you take care of someone, you know the little things that make them more comfortable and make them feel good”.

Nurses need to understand that families experience the illness as theirs. The illness has great impact on their lives. Joan said: “If Mom doesn’t take her pills, she gets sicker and we spend more time caring for her”.

Family caregivers need help too. It is hard to be the only person taking care of an ill loved one all day, every day, for a long time. Other family members and neighbors can help in many small ways. Anna said: “If somebody comes and says, let me sweep your floor, or wash your car, it really helps.” Nurses can help other friends and family know what to do to assist the caregiver.

In summary, nurses must get information from ill persons and their families to provide care. We need to do studies in many different countries to fully understand the needs of persons in different cultures. Each nurse can add to this work by listening to their patients and sharing what they have learned.         





I. Review your vocabulary

1. Form new words from the given ones by means of combining them or using hyphen. Translate them.Check yourself with the text or a dictionary if necessary.

life, quality, care, guide, threatening, nursing, some, lines, not waiting, giver, life, times.

II. Increase your vocabulary

1.     Which words or expressions from the text mean the opposite to the following?

Dying, unimportant, to disbelieve, uncomfortable, few, life, unskillful always, healthy, worst.


2.     Write out from the text combinations with the word “care”. Translate them.

3.     Find in the text English equivalents of the following Russian words and word-combinations.

выражать опасения, в конце жизни; умирать, страдая от боли; проводить исследования; информация  для анализа; ...когда появляются симптомы заболевания; сострадание; сконцентрироваться на …; реагировать на лечение; страдающий заболеванием любимый / близкий человек; член семьи.


III. Grammar review

1. Find the Infinitive in the following sentences and define its function.  Translate the sentences.

1)    We need to know how a person and their family live with a life-threatening illness.

2)    People want doctors and nurses to listen and believe them.

3)    They want to be treated with respect and compassion.

4)    Persons with illness want their families included when doctors and nurses are talking with them.

5)    Persons with illnesses want nurses to know that they are living not dying.

6)    When you take care of someone, you know the little things make them feel good.

7)    Nurses can help other friends and family know what to do to assist the caregiver.

8)    Nurses must get information from ill persons and their families to provide care.




1.     Quick reading:

Look through the dialogue and point out what is the most important for the nurse in caring for the family member of a dead patient.




Kate has been caring for an 86 year old man who has a heart attack and dies this afternoon.

Kate: I am feeling so upset!

Mrs. Chapman: I know, Kate. This is a very difficult experience for you. Tell me more about what you’re thinking right now.

Kate: Maybe there was something I could have done.

Mrs. Chapman: You did exactly the right thing, Kate. When he complained of chest pain you got the charge nurse right away. You helped the staff when he arrested by staying with his roommate while they did what they could for him. This was appropriate for your role as a first year student. But tell me a little more about what you’re thinking and feeling.

Kate: It’s strange, but even though you know if you are caring for sick people, you will have to deal with death, I didn’t imagine this would happen until I graduated. I feel so sad.

Mrs. Chapman: What did you learn about Mr.Jones as you cared for him this week?

Kate: Well, he has several children and grandchildren and his wife is devoted to him. I met her yesterday when she brought him in soup from home for lunch. Oh, I feel so badly for her! Have they called her yet?

Mrs. Chapman: Yes, she’s on her way from home now. Would you like me to go with you to talk to his wife when she arrives?

Kate: What can I say to her?

Mrs. Chapman: She will want to know what it was like when he died, that the staff worked to make him comfortable. She will want to know, too, that you are so sorry for her loss. She may just need to sit for a while with the body, we’ll see. This is one of your roles as a nurse – to help the family with their grief.

Kate: What if I cry?

Mrs. Chapman: The most important thing for you to remember is now Mrs.Jones is your patient for this little while. If you cry with her, that’s OK, as long as you keep the focus on your caring for her, not her caring for you. Would you like me to come with you?

Kate: Please. It helps to talk about this, too. Thanks.


2.     Now read the dialogue with a dictionary to be able to discuss it in detail.



1.     Find in the Dialogue English equivalents of the following Russian words and word-combinations.

Сердечный приступ, тяжелый опыт / испытание, жаловаться на боль в груди, помогать персоналу, при остановке сердца, иметь дело / сталкиваться со смертью, сочувствовать потере,  помочь справиться с горем.


2.     Write out phrases in which Kate expresses her feelings.

3.     Find in the dialogue the lines

a)     In which Mrs.Chapman comments on Kate’s behaviour in the situation;

b)    In which Mrs.Chapman speaks about possible behaviour of the patient’s wife;

c)     In which Mrs.Chapman gives Kate recommendations concerning her behaviour with family members.

4.     Mini role-play.

Based on Text B and the Dialogue make a dialogue of your own between  a student nurse (A) and an Instructor (B).

A.    On the part of a student nurse talk about your care giving for a patient with a life-threatening disease who died today. You are very upset about the fact.

B.   On the part of an Instructor ask the student nurse about the case and her caring for the patient and try to console her.


A.   To speak about the case and to express your feelings use:

B.   To ask about the case and to console use:

I feel so sad …

I tried to do my best to ...

My main task was …

I feel like crying…

What can I say…?

What were the main problems…?

You did exactly the right thing…

That was appropriate for…

What did you learn about …?

It’s a very difficult experience…


























I.      Topics for final discussion on topic “Nursing care for persons with life-threatening illness”


Use: Text A, Text B and the exercises to the texts.

1)    Basic principles of hospice care and its development.

2)    The problem of care giving quality (on the part of a patient with life-threatening illness).

3)    The problem of care giving quality (on the part of a nurse taking care of patient with life-threatening illnesses).





1)    Read the texts and make the translation in a written form.

2)    Fill in the matrix given below.


Variant 1.

What does hospice care provide?

Hospice care services


care givers


names of hospice care













































































Variant 2


Hospice care team


Hospice care locations

Caring includes


names of hospice care































































Hospice care



Hospice care helps people with illnesses that cannot be cured and who are nearing death. The goal is to give comfort and peace instead of a cure. Hospice care provides:

·                     Support for the patient and the family

·                     Relief to the patient from pain and symptoms

·                     Help for family members and loved ones who want to stay close to the dying patient

Most hospice patients are in their last 6 months of life.


Making the Decision to Start Hospice

When you choose hospice care, you have decided that you no longer want care to cure your terminal illness. This means no longer receiving treatment that is intended to cure any of your chronic health problems. Any treatment provided is intended to keep you comfortable.

Your health care providers cannot make the decision for you, but they can answer questions and help you make your decision

·                     What is the chance for curing your cancer or illness?

·                     If you cannot be cured, how much time would any active treatment provide you?

·                     What would your life be like during this time?

·                     Can you change your mind after you have started hospice?

·                     What will the dying process be like for you? Can you be kept comfortable?

Starting hospice care changes the way you will be receiving care, and it may change who will be providing the care.


What Hospice Care Offers

Hospice care is given by a team. This team may include doctors, nurses, social workers, counselors, aides, clergy, and therapists. The team works together to give the patient and family comfort and support.

Someone from your hospice care team is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to provide any support or help you, your loved one, or your family needs.

Hospice care treats the mind, body, and spirit. Services may include:

·                     Control of pain.

·                     Treatment of symptoms (such as shortness of breath, constipation, or anxiety). This includes medicines, oxygen, or other supplies that help you manage your symptoms.

·                     Spiritual care that meets your needs.

·                     Giving the family a break (called respite care).

·                     Doctor services.

·                     Nursing care.

·                     Home health aide and homemaker services.

·                     Counseling.

·                     Medical equipment and supplies.

·                     Physical therapy, occupational therapy or speech therapy, if needed.

·                     Grief counseling and support for the family.

·                     Inpatient care for medical problems, such as pneumonia.

The hospice team is trained to help the patient and family with the following:

·                     Know what to expect

·                     How to deal with loneliness and fear

·                     Share feelings

·                     How to cope after death (bereavement care)


Where Does Hospice Care Take Place

Hospice care most often takes place in the patient's home or the home of a family member or friend.

It also may be given in other locations, including:

·                     A nursing home

·                     A hospital

·                     In a hospice center

The person in charge of care is called the primary care giver. This may be a spouse, life partner, family member, or friend. In some settings the hospice team will teach the primary care giver how to care for the patient. Caring could include turning the patient in bed, and feeding, bathing, and giving the patient medicine. The primary care giver will also be taught about signs to look for, so he or she knows when to call the hospice team for help or advice.


Alternative Names

Palliative care - hospice; End-of-life care - hospice; Dying - hospice; Cancer – hospice.



































Тест по разделу «Сестринский уход за больными в хосписе».

Вариант 1.


Complete the sentences.

1.     Hospice care is …

a)     care of the terminally ill

b)    the philosophy of hospice

c)     assisting in the progresses of a pregnant woman


2.     Nurses must get information from ill persons and their families…

a)     to experience a caring hospice program

b)    to provide care

c)     to live in peace and comfort


3.     The focus of care is …

a)     an interesting development in hospice care

b)    palliation, not cure.

c)     a key component on hospice care


Choose the correct translation


4.     в конце жизни

a)     at the beginning of life

b)    at the end of life

c)     during life


5.     умирать, страдая от боли

a)     not waiting to die

b)    think about dying

c)     suffer and die in pain


6.     симптомы заболевания

a)     symptoms of an illness

b)    terminal illness

c)     cured symptoms


7.     сострадание

a)     respect

b)    suffering

c)     compassion


8.     сконцентрироваться на

a)     focus on

b)    respond to

c)     worry about


9.     член семьи

a)     an ill loved one

b)    a life partner

c)     a family member


10.               уход за больным в хосписе

a)  hospice care

b)  hospital care

c)   patient care


11.               жить в покое и комфорте

a)  to live in suffer and pain

b)  to live in love and respect

c)   to live in peace and comfort


12.               ключевой компонент

a)  a password

b)  a key word

c)   a key component


13.               хронический тяжелобольной

a)     the chronically critically ill

b)    the chronic critical illness

c)     the terminally ill


14. рекомендации по уходу

a)     health care professionals

b)    guidelines for daily living

c)     guidelines for nursing care


Find the same words and expressions


15. to be at the last stage of a fatal disease

a)     to be the terminally ill

b)    to be chronically ill

c)     to be permanently ill


16. to think about

a)     to believe

b)    to consider

c)     to relieve


17.  an obstetrician

a)     a nurse

b)    a midwife

c)     a surgeon


Find the opposite words and expressions


18. healthy

a)     wealthy

b)    ill

c)     helpful


19. unskillful

a)     skillfully

b)    skillful

c)     unusual


20.  worst

a)     best

b)    better

c)     worse
















Тест по разделу «Сестринский уход за больными в хосписе»

Вариант 2.


Complete the sentences

1.     … is a key component on hospice care.

a)     Pain management…

b)    The philosophy of hospice…

c)     The volunteers…


2.     Life-threatening illnesses are…

a)     terminal illnesses

b)    chronic cardiopulmonary diseases

c)     all the diseases that can bring about a person’s death.


3.     The volunteers are often …

a)     people who have lost a family member to a terminal illness.

b)    nurses and  nursing assistants providing care.

c)     a friend or a family member caring for ill loved ones.


Choose the correct translation

4.     выражать опасения

a)     give service

b)    consider themselves

c)     experience fears


5.     проводить исследования

a)     ask the patients

b)    conduct a study

c)     get information from ill persons


6.     информация  для анализа

a)     data used for analysis

b)    information from ill persons

c)     important findings from people


7.     реагировать на лечение

a)     respond to treatment

b)    get treatment

c)     provide treatment


8.     страдающий заболеванием любимый / близкий человек

a)     a family member

b)    an ill person

c)     an ill loved one


9.     пациенты в терминальной стадии заболевания

a)     the terminally ill

b)    the chronically ill

c)     an inpatient


10.            временное облегчение или ослабление проявления болезни

a)     palpation

b)    palliation

c)     palpitation


11.            добровольный помощник

a)     a spouse

b)    a caregiver

c)     a volunteer


12.             ухаживать за кем-либо

a)     be cared for something

b)    take care of someone

c)     spend time caring for someone


13. обеспечивать уход

a)     to provide care

b)    to plan care

c)     to focus on care 


14.  жить полной жизнью

a)     to live fully

b)    to live alone

c)     to live suffering


Find the same words and expressions


15. to occur

a)     to start

b)    to use

c)     to consider


16. temporary relief

a)     acute pain

b)    palliation

c)     painkiller


17. treatment

a)     care

b)    comfort

c)     cure


Find the opposite words and expressions

18.  dying

a)     living

b)    staying

c)     working


19.  few

a)     much

b)    little

c)     many


20.  life 

a)     death

b)    live

c)     care
















1 вариант

2 вариант

































































Text A

I.                  Review your vocabulary


1.     Terminally, midwife, assistant, development, inclusion, repeatedly


II. Increase your vocabulary


1. to be at the last stage of a fatal diseasethe terminally ill; to think aboutto consider; obstetrician - midwife, to occurto start, to begin, temporary relief - palliation, treatment - cure.


2. Write out from the text combinations with the word “hospice”. Translate them.


уход за больным в хосписе – hospice care

пациенты в терминальной стадии заболевания – the terminally ill

жить в мире и комфорте – to live in peace and comfort

беременная женщина – a pregnant woman

временное облегчение или ослабление проявления болезни - palliation

ключевой компонент – a key component

добровольцы - volunteers

хронический тяжелобольной – chronically critically ill

до недавнего времени – untill recently


II.              Grammar  review

1.Put the words in right order to make up complete sentences.

1)    The word  hospice  is derived from the medieval word for shelter.

2)    Pain management is a key component of hospice care.

3)    Chronic cardiopulmonary problems may place the person in need of acute medical and nursing care repeatedly.

4)    Untill recently, the main users of hospice care were cancer patients.

5)    The philosophy of hospice is to create a climate in which the person may live in peace and comfort.


Text B

I. Review your vocabulary

1. life-threatening, quality-nursing, guidelines, sometimes, life-not waiting, caregiver.


II. Increase your vocabulary


·         Dying - living                                             

·         unimportant - important                             

·         to disbelieve – believe               

·         uncomfortable – comfortable

·         few – many

·         life - death

·         unskillful - skillful     

·         always - sometimes

·         healthy – ill (sick)

·         worst - best



1)    be cared for at the end of life

2)    to provide quality-nursing care

3)    guidelines for nursing care

4)    friends that care for them

5)    health care professionals

6)    to plan care

7)    to focus their care on helping persons

8)    the best nursing care

9)    take care of someone

10)           spend more time caring for her

11)           to provide care



выражать опасения – to express fears,

в конце жизни – at the end of life;

умирать, страдая от боли – (suffering and) dying in pain;

проводить исследования – conduct a study;

информация  для анализа – the date used for analysis;

...когда появляются симптомы заболевания – when symptoms of an illness start;

сострадание - compassion;

сконцентрироваться на … - focus on;

реагировать на лечение – respond about the treatment;

страдающий заболеванием любимый / близкий человек – an ill loved one;

члены семьи – family members.


III. Grammar review


1)      We need to know how a person and their family live with a life-threatening illness.

2)      People want doctors and nurses to listen and believe them.

3)      They want to be treated with respect and compassion.

4)      Persons with illness want their families included when doctors and nurses are talking with them.

5)      Persons with illnesses want nurses to know that they are living not dying.

6)      When you take care of someone, you know the little things make them feel good.

7)      Nurses can help other friends and family know what to do to assist the caregiver.

8)      Nurses must get information from ill persons and their families to provide care.



1) Мы должны знать, как человек и их семьи живут с опасной для жизни болезнью.

2) Люди хотят, чтобы врачи и медсестры слушали их и верили им.

3) Они хотели, чтобы к ним относились с уважением и сочувствием.

4) Больные люди хотят, чтобы их семья присутствовала, когда врачи и медсестры разговаривают с ними.

5) Больные люди хотят, чтобы медсестры знали, что они живут, а  не умирают.

6) Когда вы заботитесь о ком-то, вы знаете, что любая мелочь, может сделать так, чтобы они чувствовали себя хорошо.

7) Медсестры могут помочь другим друзьям и семье понять, что делать, чтобы помочь ухаживающему человеку.

8) Медсестры должны получать информацию от больных людей и их семьи, чтобы обеспечить уход.





Variant 1.


What does hospice care provide?

Hospice care services


care givers


names of hospice care


Support for the patient and the family


Control of pain.


a spouse

Palliative care – hospice


Relief to the patient from pain and symptoms


Treatment of symptoms


a life partner

End-of-life care - hospice;


Help for family members and loved ones who want to stay close to the dying

Spiritual care that meets your needs.


a family member

Dying - hospice;



Giving the family a break (respite care).


a friend

Cancer – hospice.



Doctor services.






Nursing care






Home health aide and homemaker services.







Medical equipment and supplies.






Physical therapy, occupational therapy or speech therapy, if needed.






Grief counseling and support for the family.






Inpatient care for medical problems, such as pneumonia.





Variant 2



Hospice care team


Hospice care locations

Caring includes


names of hospice care



the patient's home


turning the patient in bed

Palliative care – hospice



the home of a family member or friend.



End-of-life care - hospice;


social workers

a nursing home



Dying - hospice;



a hospital


giving the patient medicine

Cancer – hospice.



a hospice center






























Список литературы и интернет-источников


1.                     Г.М.Перфильева, И.Ю.Марковина. Английский язык для медицинских сестер. – М.: Эксмо, 2009.

2.                     MedlinePlus. Веб-сайт с медицинской   информацией  [Электронный ресурс] / - Режим доступа:  https://medlineplus.gov/, свободный. – Яз. англ.(дата обращения- 17.01.2017)

3.                     Национальная библиотека медицины США [Электронный ресурс] / U.S. National Library of Medicine. – Режим доступа:  http://www.nlm.nih.gov , свободный. – Яз. англ. (дата обращения – 17.01.2017)

4.                 Онлайн словарь ABBYY Lingvo. – Режим доступа:  http://www.lingvo.ua/ru , свободный. (дата обращения – 17.01.2017)


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