Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыУрок английского языка "Экстремальные виды спорта"

Урок английского языка "Экстремальные виды спорта"

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    1 слайд


  • 1                                                 2...

    2 слайд

    1 2

    3 4

    5 6


  • 1 клюшка
2 катер
3 наколенники 
4 костюм для дайвинга 
5 парашют
6 шлем
7 ко...

    3 слайд

    1 клюшка
    2 катер
    3 наколенники
    4 костюм для дайвинга
    5 парашют
    6 шлем
    7 коньки
    8 акваланг
    9 каток
    10 скейтборд
    11 ласты
    12 парк для скейтбординга
    13 самолет
    14 трамплин

    helmet skating rink
    diving suit
    parachute skates
    plane (aircraft)
    hockey stick
    skate parks aqualung

  • What have we talked about today?  

1 noun
2 adjectives 
3 verbs
1 synonym...

    4 слайд

    What have we talked about today?

    1 noun
    2 adjectives
    3 verbs
    1 synonym ( a word or a phrase)
    1 sentence


    5 слайд


  • Homework
Navigate the Internet and find additional information about extreme...

    6 слайд


    Navigate the Internet and find additional information about extreme sports
    I have some web sites, you may use them.

    Thank you very much for your work.

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Ход урока

1. Орг. момент: Good morning, class. Glad to see you. Take your seats, please. Today we have many guests. But, don’t be shy, be active!

And let's start with some warming up for our tongues. I have some tongue twisters for you. Look at the blackboard, please. At first listen, and then repeat after me.

(закрытая доска справа)

1) Do tongue twisters twist your tongue?

2) How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Before you guess the theme of the lesson, answer my questions, please:

-Do you have lessons of physical education at our school?

- What do you do at the lessons? 

-Do you go in for sport?

-What kind of sports are you fond of?

-What’s your favourite sport?

-Do you prefer to watch sports or to take part in sport?

  -Are there good sportsmen among your classmates?

2.I want you to watch an episode  and say what we’re going to discuss at the lesson today . 

Демонстрация сюжета  об экстремальных видах спорта (30 сек.)

So, what is the subject of our discussion?

Ps: x-treme sports. (Cлайд 1)

 Well, today we’re going to take a look at extreme sports. What exactly are they? How dangerous are they? What are the advantages and the disadvantages of  them? What attracts people to these sports? Is it adventure or danger?  

As we are speaking of extreme sports, let's define what the word '' extreme'' means. What are your associations with the word ‘Extreme’

(закрытая доска слева написать)












T: Can you give the definition to the word “extreme’ now?

Ps: Extreme describes activity that is very dangerous, unusual, challenging, exciting, frightening, cool.

There is a great number of extreme sports nowadays. We are going to have a look only at some of  them. On your tables you have sheets of paper with the list of sports. Read them and match the names of sports with the pictures on the slide. 

 (Слайд2 - проверка после ответов детей по щелчку)

Now I'd like you to guess what kind of sport I will describe. Listen to the description up to the end, then raise your hand and give your answer.

1. In this sport people go deep under the water to investigate the underwater world. They may use flippers and an aqualung or do this sport without any equipment.

2. People travel on a raft down a dangerous mountain rivers or waterfalls.

3. People jump from a plane with a parachute. Jumpers try not to open the parachute for as long as possible. They make synchronated movements and geometrical figures in the air.

4. In this sport people ride surfboards on waves. Waves should be high enough as it's impossible to surf when the sea is calm.

5. In this sport people ride skateboards, jump, do different tricks on then. These sportsmen often use stairs, benches for jumping.

6. Sportsmen ride bikes on dangerous rocky or mountain roads, or not on any road at all. Bikers jump and do different tricks on their bikes while riding. City benches, staircases and other objects are used for jumping.

7. Sportsmen jump with a parachute from any high place: buildings, antennas, bridges and cliffs are used.

4. Изучение нового материала

It is known that extreme sports are rather dangerous and as a rule sportsmen use special equipment to save themselves from injuries.

Now look at the following slide, listen to the words for sports equipment and facilities and repeat them. (слайд 3) первый щелчок -аудио, дальше перевод слов по порядку

skating rink 
diving suit 




plane (aircraft) 
hockey stick 
skate parks 


Find the Russian equivalents to these words and read them in pairs.

Group them according to four different extreme sports. What are the names of these extreme sports? (hockey, diving, skydiving, skateboarding)  Do you think that all of these sports are  extreme ones?

5. Физкультминутка

And now, as sportsmen are used to say, let’s have “A Time Out.”

Who is the most sporty in your class? Show, please, your classmates some exercises.  And the rest of the class, follow Sergey,please!

Hands apart!

Hands up and clap!

Hands down!

Hands on your hips!

Bend left! Bend right!

Stamp your feet!

Sit  down!

6. Now I'd like you to watch the video of extreme sports up to the end. After watching you are to answer my questions:

1) What kinds of sports are shown? (rafting, parkour)

2) What attracts people in them?

But at first look at the blackboard. Here are some words and word combinations for your better understanding. Repeat them after me and read the translation yourselves. (открытая доска справа)

-thrill seekers -  любители острых ощущений

-adrenaline junkies- адреналиновые наркоманы

-thrills and spills - острые ощущения и всплеск эмоций

-the rush- скорость, стремительность

-parkour - паркур

-railings - перила (у лестниц)

- to be scared - бояться, опасаться

1) What kinds of sports are shown?

2) What attracts people in them?

Yes, of course, extreme sports have both advantages and disadvantages. Your next task is to divide into 2 groups. One of the groups will think over the advantages  and the other  - the disadvantages of extreme sports. Take your chairs, sit closer to each other. In you work you should use word combinations from your sheets of paper, you may also add your own ideas. Tick the word combinations that you need. When you finish the representatives of each groups will come to the blackboard and put the word combinations from the blackboard in right columns.

 (открытая доска слева)

Extreme sport

 is associated with injures.

is a possibility to become famous.

 is a possibility to escape from everyday problems

 is risky.

helps to keep fit.

a waste of time and money

educates a strong will.

helps to overcome difficulties.

may lead to family conflicts

 gives a chance to find a lot of friends.

makes families worry about you.

 the equipment is expensive.

 is dangerous .

 is exciting.

helps to test yourself

satisfies curiosity

is the overstrain  of all the systems of human body.

is like a drug. The more they do them the more they want to do them again.

 (открытая доска посередине написать advantages and disadvantages )

Thank you very much. I've  listened to you with a great interest. And who is right? I think all your opinions have the right to exist. And if people like doing extreme sports, why not?

Let`s summarize everything we have known in our lesson. (слайд 4)

Work in pair and try to sum up our activity at the lesson using the following plan.

1. What have we talked today about? (1 word).

2. Give 2 adjectives characterizing extreme sports.

 3. Give 3 verbs.

4. Give a synonym to extreme sports.

5. Give a sentence describing extreme sports.

But let's return to the question of our lesson today

What attracts people to these sports? Is it adventure or danger?  (слайд 5)

What is your opinion? Would you like to try any of extreme sports? Which one?

Extreme sports are nontraditional sports characterized by high speed, high risk, danger, excitement.

I liked how you have worked today.  You were active and tried to do your best.

Your marks for today are...

And I hope you liked the lesson too and it was useful for you.

Home task (слайд 6)

  Navigate the Internet and find   additional information about extreme sports, which have not been spoken about today.  Prepare the short report about your discoveries and tell your classmates  and your classmates will guess what sport it is.

I have some web sites, you may use them.







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