Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыУрок английского языка и литературы "Шекспир - бессмертный поэт".

Урок английского языка и литературы "Шекспир - бессмертный поэт".

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Интегрированный урок по английскому языку и литературе

 «Шекспир – бессмертный поэт»


6 класс









                                                               Учитель английского языка

                                                        Киян Ирина Владимировна

                                                      Учитель русского языка и


                                                               Колоджиева Татьяна Ивановна






                                               2016 г.

Интегрированный урок

 по английскому языку и литературе

в 6 «В» классе


УМК под редакцией О.В. Афанасьевой и И.В. Михеевой

«Английский язык», 6 класс


Тема: В. Шекспир – бессмертный поэт.


Цели: 1. Развитие умений говорения на основе прочитанного текста.

           2. Развитие умений аудирования с полным пониманием на слух текста.

           3. Развитие умений чтения с полным пониманием содержания текста.


          1. Учить высказываться по теме.

          2. Учить полностью понимать на слух текст.

          3. Учить читать текст с полным пониманием содержания.

Оборудование и наглядные пособия: компьютер, проектор, портрет В. Ше-кспира,  картины  мест,  где  он  жил  и  работал,  сборник  стихов  и  сонетов В. Шекспира.

План урока.

I.  Начало урока.   

    T.: The bell  has  gone. Let’s  start our lesson! Good  morning! Sit down  please!                               Say me, who is on duty today? Who is absent today?  What date  is it today?  What day is it today? Well! Take your place!

    T.: Look at  the  blackboard! You see  here 3 faces: J (Оk) L (Вad) K (So-so).     There are: OK, Bad, So-so. Choose  the  face  according to your mood. (Учащиеся выбирают.)

II.  Сообщение темы и целей урока.

    T.: Today we are going to speak about one of the greatest writers in world litera-   

          ture: William Shakespeare.

   Our objectives are:

   To develop speaking,  listening  and  reading  skills on  the  topic “Shakespeare’s         



IIIОсновная часть урока.


     1.Активизация лексического материала по теме.


T.: W. Shakespeare – immortal poet of nature. Do you agree with it?

P.: Yes, we do.

T.: Why do you think so?

P.: I  think  Shakespeare is a famous writer and his plays are popular nowadays.

T.: Well! Before you read the text think and write  what you know about Shake-speare?  Please! Look at the  blackboard! You see here a circle. Write the words which are  connected with the name W. Shakespeare. What do you  know about him? Please, one after another.

Учащиеся по порядку пишут ключевые слова.

2. T.: Well done! And now  say me please  what  you know  about Shakespeare.

         P1: I know, that  Shakespeare  was  born  in 1564 in the town of  Stratford-on-      


         P2: I know Shakespeare wanted to become an actor.

         P3: I know when William was 21, he went to London. Etc.

     3. T: Would  you  mind  doing a few  warming-up exercises?  Let’s continue my sentences.

1) W. Shakespeare  is  one  of  the … (greatest and  most famous  writers in  the world.)

2) W. was sent … (to the local grammar school.)

3) When  he had a break  William  liked  to go … (to the  forest and to the  river Avon).

4) He decided to become … (an actor).

     5) S. was both … (an actor and a playwright)

     6) His plays were staged … (in many theatres).

     7) The  writer’s  most  famous  plays are … (“Othello”, “King Lear”, “Hamlet”          and “Romeo and Juliet”).

     8) His plays are still … (popular and millions of people admire them.)

     9) S. died … (in 1616).

    4.  П.: Let’s show how much we know about Shakespeare, by giving  your asso-ciations with the following words!

        - 1564 (He was born in 1564.)

        - Playwright (He was a famous English playwright.)

        - Stratford-on-Avon (S. was born in Stratford-on-Avon.)

        - 37 (He produced 37 plays.)

        - 1616 (He died in 1616.)

        - Globe Theatre (Most of his plays were performed in the new Globe Theatre)

    5.  T.: It’s time to answer my questions!

        - What was he?

        - When was W.S. born?

        - Where was he born?

        - Where did he study?

        - What did he like to do, when he was a little boy?

        - Why did he go to London?

        - Why did W. decide to leave  Stratford? (Stratford  was a small, boring  town.                                  

          He was going to be an actor and to write plays in London).

        - What plays by W.S. do you know?

        - Why are his plays known by people?

        - How many plays did he write? (37)

        - What language did W.S. speak?

        - Is he an English or American poet?

        - Why is S. one of the greatest and the most famous writers in the world?

          (Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы.)


    6. Чтение текста и выполнение заданий.


        T.: Well done! We knew something about Shakespeare’s life. And now I suggest you to read a text about him, to say and to write what you have known about William from this text. You may add some words here. Everybody get a text.

(Учащиеся читают текст о В. Шекспире в течение 3-4 минут и дописывают ключевые слова.)


        Mary Arden’s house, three miles northwest of Stratford. Here lived Shakespe-are’s mother. This is a typical farm house of the period. Shakespeare’s birthplace is in Henley Street. John Shakespeare lived and kept his shop in this  house. His eight children were born here. Two of them died young.

       This is the schoolroom where Shakespeare was educated, as many people beli-eve. It is still in use.

       Anne Hathaway’s cottage, a mile from Stratford, where  she was born in 1556, and lived until she married William Shakespeare in 1582.

       This is the place where the house in which Shakespeare died used to be. It was a big house bought by William Shakespeare for his family when he was still in Lo-ndon. Here he spent the last years of his life. Unfortunately, the house was destroy-ed.

      This is the  Holy  Trinity Church  where  Shakespeare  was  buried. Visitors co-ming to Stratford  admire the beauty of  the church and honour his memory. It’s in-teresting that he died on his birthday, 23 April, 1616.

      Another memorial to William Shakespeare is the  Royal  Shakespeare  Theatre. The  present  building was constructed in 1932. The  first  building  was opened on  Shakespeare’s birthday in 1879 and destroyed  by fire in 1926.

      The bronze statue of Shakespeare, presented to Stratford by Lord Ronald Sutte-rland  Gower in 1888. Shakespeare’s figure is   high above  the  ground and on  the ground there are small figures of Shakespeare’s famous characters.


        T.: Your time is up. Write the words on the blackboard one by one. What have you known about W.S. from this text?  (Учащиеся дописывают ключевые слова на доске).

        T.: What have you known from this text about Shakespeare ?

              Will you begin: I have known that…

              (Учащиеся рассказывают, что они узнали из текста.)

        P4: I have known, that Shakespeare had 7 sisters and brothers.

        P5: I have known, that he died on his birthday, 23 April, 1616. Etc.


    7.Физкультминутка. (Учащиеся проводят физкультминутку.)

                                                   Hands on your hips,

  Hands on your knees,

 Put them behind you

                                                   If you please.

           Touch your shoulders,

                                                      Touch your nose,

                                                      Touch your ears,

                                                      Touch your toes,

                                                   Raise your hands

                                             High in the air,

           At your sides, on your hair.

           Raise your hands as before.

                            While you clap: one, two, three, four.


     8. Исполнение сонетов на русском и английском языках.


         П.: We continue our speaking about Shakespeare. You know W. Shakespeare   wrote  many sonnets – 154. What  does it mean – a sonnet? A sonnet is a  fourteen-

line poem. The sonnets of  Shakespeare are very  popular and  loved by people. All

of them were translated into different languages. Now some of you  prepared to re-ad some sonnets in English and in Russian. Listen to them! Who is the  first? (Уча-щиеся  читают сонеты  на английcком и русском языках на фоне тихой музы-ки.)


                       P7:      Неужто музе не хватает темы,

                                  Когда ты можешь столько подарить

                                  Чудесных дум, которые не все мы

                                  Достойны на бумаге повторить.


                                  И если я порой чего-то стою,

                                  Благодари себя же самого.

                                  Тот поражен душевной немотою,

                                  Кто в честь твою не скажет ничего.


                                  Для нас ты будешь музою десятой

                                  И в десять раз прекрасней остальных,

                                  Чтобы стихи, рожденные когда-то,

                                  Мог пережить тобой внушенный стих.


                                  Пусть будущие славят поколенья

                                  Нас за труды, тебя – за вдохновение.




                       P8:       Crabbed age and youth cannot live together,

                                  Youth is full of pleasure; age is full of care;

                                  Youth like summer morn; age like winter weather;

                                  Youth like summer brave; age like winter bare;

                                  Youth is full of sport; age’s breath is short;

                                  Youth is hot and bold; age is weak and cold;

                                  Youth is wild and age is tame;

                                  Age, I do abhor thee!

                                  Youth, I do adore thee!

                                   Oh, my Love, my Love is young!




                       P9:       To me, fair friend, you never can be old,

                                   For as you were when first your eye I ey'd,

                                   Such seems your beauty still. Three winters cold

                                   Have from the forests shook three summers' pride;

                                   Three beauteous springs to yellow autumn turn'd

                                   In process of the seasons have I seen;

                                   Three April perfumes in three hot Junes burn'd,

                                   Since first I saw you fresh, which yet are green.

                                  Ah! yet doth beauty, like a dial-hand

                                   Steal from his figure, and no pace perceiv'd;

                                   So your sweet hue, which methinks still doth stand,

                                   Hath motion and mine eye may be deceiv'd:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

                                   For fear of which, hear this, thou age unbred, —

                                   Ere you were born was beauty's summer dead.


                       P10:      Нет, для меня стареть не можешь ты.

                                   Каким увидел я тебя впервые,

                                   Такой ты и теперь. Пусть три зимы

                                   С лесов стряхнули листья золотые,

                                   Цветы весны сгубил три раза зной,

                                   Обвеянный ее благоуханьем,

                                   Пронизанный зеленым ликованьем,

                                   Как в первый день стоишь ты предо мной,

                                   Но как на башне стрелка часовая

                                   Незримо подвигает день к концу,

                                   Краса твоя, по-прежнему живая,

                                   Незримо сходит в бездну по лицу.

                                   Так знайте же, грядущие творенья, —

                                   Краса прошла до вашего рожденья.


Н. В. Герделъ (конец XIX в.)


          T.: Well done, pupils!


      9. Проведение викторины.

          T.: Pupils, you have  read the text about W.S., you have  much  spoken about him and now I want you to answer the  questions about  Shakespeare. Tatyana  Iva-novna has prepared a quiz for you. We are interested, if  you know some facts from W. Shakespeare’s Biography.

          (Татьяна Ивановна проводит викторину.)

          1). Где родился Шекспир? (в Стратфорде на Эйвоне)

       2). Когда родился Шекспир? (23.04.1564)

       3). Кто был его отец? (Перчаточник)

       4). Какие иностранные языки он изучал? (латинский, греческий)

       5). Кем он работал после окончания средней школы? ( Учителем в той же самой школе.)

       6). Во сколько лет он женился и на ком? (18 лет, Анна)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      7). Сколько детей у него было? (3: Сюзанна и двойняшки Хэмнит (мальчик) и Джуди (девочка.)

8). Почему он бросил семью и уехал в Лондон? (Он хотел стать актером и писать пьесы.)

9). Сколько братьев и сестер было у В.Шекспира? (7; он был третий ребенок)

10). В каком театре он работал и как он назывался? («Глобус»)

11). Сколько пьес он написал? (37)

12). Сколько сонетов он написал? (154)

13). В каком году он перестал писать? (в 1613)

14). Когда он умер? (23.04.1616)

15). Какие произведения он написал?

(Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы викторины.)


 10. T.: Very well. And now I want you to tell us about W.S. using these words.

  (Учащиеся, используя ключевые слова, рассказывают о Шекспире

  и демонстрируют слайды.)


          P11: W. Shakespeare was one of the greatest and famous writers of the world. He was born in 1564 in Stratford-on-Avon, a small  English town. He studied at lo-cal  grammar  school because  his father wanted  his son to  be an educated  person. While studying at school, William didn’t have much  free time but he liked to go to the forest and river Avon.

         Young  William liked  to watch actors and actresses who visited Stratford-on-Avon. He was fond of actor’s profession and decided to become an actor. With this purpose he went to London. There he played and  wrote plays as well. In his works he described the events of England’s contemporary life. His  plays that were staged in many theatres and which were then translated into many languages made Shake-speare a very popular person.

          In all  Shakespeare wrote thirty-seven plays. He cooperated with the best En-glish  theatres during  twenty-five years. His  best and  the  most  famous plays  are “Othello”, “King Lear”, “Hamlet”, “Romeo and Juliet”.

          Besides plays Shakespeare wrote a lot of poetry, which is translated into ma-ny languages and is well-known throughout the world.

          William  Shakespeare died in 1616. But  his creations are  still  popular  now and millions of people still admire them.

          T.: Well done! I see you know much about Shakespeare’s life.


IV. Заключительный этап урока.

      1. Подведение итогов урока.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       T.: Thank you very much for your preparation and your activity at the lesson. I was greatly impressed with your answers. You showed your excellent knowledge of the topic. Let’s sum up!

           - Did you like our lesson?

           - Who was the best pupil today? Who was at the top of the class?

           - Was it interesting for you to get to know more about W.S.?

(Учащиеся отвечают на вопросы.)

T.: Well! Your marks are: (учитель ставит оценки за урок.)  I want to draw  your attention to the board. I want to ask you. How are you now? (Учащиеся отвечают по настроению: OK, So-so).


           2. Домашнее задание.


T.: Your home task is to write what you have known about W.S. (about 6-8 senten-ces). Our lesson is over. Bye-bye. See you on Saturday.

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