Инфоурок Английский язык КонспектыУрок английского языка 9 класс

Урок английского языка 9 класс

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Тема урока: «Family matters».

Цели урока:      


- обобщение лексического материала по теме «Household chores»,

- развитие навыков говорения, аудирования (просмотр видео), чтения и письма по теме.


- развитие коммуникативных навыков по теме «Criticizing»,

- развитие творческих способностей учащихся,

- развитие памяти, внимания и мышления,

- развитие умения обобщать и делать выводы.


- воспитание чувства толерантности, уважения к старшим,

- воспитание умения работать в сотрудничестве.

Оборудование: компьютер, мультимедийный проектор, аудиозапись, магнитофон, раздаточный материал.

Ход урока

1. Погружение в тему

T. Good morning, boys and girls. I’m glad to see you today. I hope all of you are fine today. Let’s watch a video film so that you could guess what we are going to discuss this lesson.

2. Оргмомент. Постановка целей и задач урока.

The film has finished. Have you got any ideas?

You are right we’re going to discuss problems in the family. Misunderstanding can be both between parents and children, sisters and brothers. So, today our lesson is devoted to family matters. By the way, what does it mean in Russian?

It’s not a secret that there are sometimes conflict situations in the family. However, everyone wants to live in a friendly family with a warm atmosphere where you are always welcome, loved and supported. That’s why our aim today is to find out what can cause conflicts in the family and how we can avoid them.

3. Основная часть

1) Проверка домашнего задания

Very often conflicts arise between family members because of household duties. Someone doesn’t want to do them at all or the proper way. Last lesson we discussed household chores. Let’s see how well you’ve learnt them at home.

Fill in: mop, make, not do, wash and keep in the correct tense:

1. Mrs. Jones ___ the beds before she gets on with the chores around the house.

2. I find it so difficult to _____ my room tidy!

3. Don’t come in here with your dirty shoes!  I ____the floor right now.

     It’s always messy.

4. Jane ___ the ironing yet, because she’s too busy.

5. Lisa and Nathan have just finished dinner, and they ____ dishes.

2) Новая тема. Введение.

Not only household chores cause conflicts in the family. Are there any other reasons for conflicts? (ответы учащихся).

I see you have had such problems. Answer my questions:

Who never gets off the phone?

Who is always taking things without asking?

Who never helps around the house?

Who never switches the lights off?

Who is leaving things everywhere?

Who never tidies up?

Who plays loud music?

Who doesn’t let you stay out late?

Who is always there for you?

Who helps with the homework?

3) Совершенствование навыков монологической речи.

Whose statements are these?

 A parent’s or a teenager’s? Match the statements (1-6) with the situations (a-c):



1. “That looks awful! You look like a tramp”

a) the son/daughter goes out with friends and comes home very late at the weekend

2. “I forgot about the time and the bus was late”

3. “Anyway, my friends are allowed to stay out later.’

b) the parents are going on a family holiday but the son/daughter wants to stay at home

4. “Why didn’t you ask me first?”

5. “I’ve got to study for my exams and I can look after the dog.”

c) the son/daughter gets an unusual haircut and begins wearing different clothes

6. “All my friends have got one”


4) Совершенствование навыков диалогической речи.

Be honest what do you usually do when you are criticized by your parents? Do you argue with them or do you confess your fault and apologies? On the board you can see the ways how to criticize and apologies. Look through the statements.

Look here is what the mom and her son are talking about. Read their dialogue. Make up your own dialogues according the given situations.

5) Развитие навыков поискового чтения.

Open your text books on p. 28 ex. 4 There is a conflict between Emma and her mother. Read the dialogue, complete it with the sentences A-F, one sentence is extra.

6) Аудирование

A girl called Janet is telling her friend Laura about her brother George. Listen and mark the sentences T/F/NS (WB p.13 ex.6)

7) Развитие навыков письма. The key to a happy family

People often get upset because of rude words we tell each other. However, it’s important to build a bridge between people, so it is necessary to use bridge builders instead of bridge burners. Read the statements and write down the ones which help avoid conflicts.





You don’t need to know about that.


I am fed up with…


What do you think about it?


What have I done now!


You always say that.


I am not a slave, you know.


You’d better not do that again


Well, you’ve got a point there.


Thank you for saying that.


You are never there for me.


If you say that again, I’ll…


Please, explain it to me again.


Your feelings are important for me.


What I am saying is very important to me.


When you say/do that it really upsets me.


Leave me alone.


4. Заключение

You have worked hard. Our lesson is over. Your marks are … Your home task is WB ex. 1,2 p.20


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