Инфоурок Английский язык КонспектыУрок английского языка по английскому языку на тему "Моя будущая профессия" 10 класс

Урок английского языка по английскому языку на тему "Моя будущая профессия" 10 класс

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15)Конспект урока английского языка в 10 классе.

Тема: MyFutureProfession (Моя будущая профессия)

Технология: коммуникативно-познавательная, информационная (мультимедиа)

Цель урока:Создать условия для развития умений устной речи, чтения, способствовать развитию творческих способностей, мышления, познавательных и речевых умений, воспитывать коллективизм, прививать интерес к изучению английского языка.

Задачи урока:

Развивающий аспект:создать условия для формирования регулятивных коммуникативных и познавательных УУД на уроках АЯ, развивать познавательную активность обучающихся;

Воспитательный аспект:развивать интерес к изучаемому языку, воспитывать уважительное отношение к выбранной профессии

Учебный аспект:совершенствовать навыки восприятия иностранной речи на слух; умения говорения и поискового чтения, развивать языковые навыки.

Формирование УУД:

Личностные: приобретают умения мотивированно организовывать свою деятельность, используют приобретённые знания и умения на этапе закрепления изученного;

Регулятивные: принимают познавательную цель и практическую задачу деятельности на уроке, стремятся к систематизации знаний и умений; осваивают способы решения проблем творческого и поискового характера; формирование умения планировать, контролировать и оценивать учебные действия в соответствии с поставленной задачей и условиями её реализации;

Познавательные: строят речевые высказывания в устной форме, делают выводы в результате совместной работы; ориентируются в своей системе знаний, находят ответы на вопросы в тексте, иллюстрациях, используя свой жизненный опыт; проводят анализ учебного материала.

Коммуникативные: оформляют свои мысли в устной форме, слушают и понимают речь других, развивают умение с достаточной полнотой и точностью выражать свои мысли; умения владеть диалогической формой речи в соответствии с грамматическими и синтаксическими нормами английского языка.

Формы организации познавательной деятельностифронтальная, парная, групповая, индивидуальная.

Оснащение: мультимедийная презентация, магнитофон, дидактический материал.

Этапы урока

Деятельность учителя

Деятельность учащегося


Вводно-мотивационный этап

(1 мин.)

Nice to meet you. Take your seat. Let's begin our lesson. Are you ready? How are you? I’m sure that you are full of energy and ready to do our lesson interesting and rich.

приветствие, ответы на вопросы, рефлексия настроения




(4 мин.)

1. First of all, let’s listen to the tape and answer some questions, please.

1)  What is this poem about? Name the main idea, please. OK.

2)  What we’ll speak about?

3)  Name the main problem of our discussion, please.

4)  And what about the aim and the tasks of this lesson? Name them.

5)  What do you think? We have got some suppositions for discussion, haven’t we? Name them, please.

2. OK! We should take part in our discussion and then we'll put down our self-marking sheets.

1.Прослушивают запись

My future profession

He wants to be a worker

On a Russian modern plant

And make machines and lorries

For our Motherland.

He wants to be a farmer

On a big collective farm

We all like some bread and butter

And to eat them gives no harm.

She wants to be a doctor

To keep the children strong

And make their parents happy

And let them all live long.

I want to be a teacher

And teach my children nice

To read, to write, to listen

And give them good advice.

2.Беседа в режиме «учитель - группа»

1)  I think there are many professions in the world. They are workers, farmers, doctors, teachers and etc. All occupations are very important. A worker makes machines and lorries. A farmer makes some bread and butter. A doctor keeps the children strong. The teachers bring up the children.

2)  My Future Profession.

3)  In my view every man should do his work responsibility.

4)  We’ll discuss our problem, read …

5)  Education is very important for the success and progress of our society

The success in education and upbringing of children depends on every teacher's personality

Our college is a "forge" of skilled specialists





Развитие умений аудирования, диалогической речи

(3 мин.)

First of all let’s discuss our problem.

St.1 (вролиучителя), will you ask me some questions about our topic?

(беседа в режиме

«студент - группа»)

St.2 With great pleasure!

1)  And what is your future profession? …..

2)  Why have you chosen this occupation? …..

3)  And what about you? …

4)  I think teaching is a human and responsible profession, isn’t it? Doyouagreewithme? …

5)  Asforme …




Беседа по теме развитие языковых навыков

(5 мин.)

1.  1. Do you know some proverbs and sayings about education?

2.  Discuss them together with your classmate and say if you agree with it. Try to explain it in English.

Work in pairs. All right.

2. Look at this book …….

I advise you to read this book.


(работа в парах)

1.  Live and learn.

As long as you live there will be new things to learn

2.  It’s never to learn and live.

On the one hand it is never too late to improve or alter one’s behavior, attitudes, and way of life, in order to lead a better life. On the other hand one must go on learning as long as one lives.

3.  Don’t teach a fish to swim.

I think don’t teach a person who is wiser and more knowledgeable than you. Don’t tell or show somebody how to do something that he can do perfectly well and probably better than you yourself.

4.  Knowledge is a power.

To tell the truth if the man without knowledge wants to do something, his dream will not come true.

5.  Zeal without knowledge is a running horse.

In my opinion if the person possesses wide knowledge he can apply it in various areas.

6. No pain – no gain. Nothing can be gained without a certain effort or compromise.



Развитие лексических и фонетических навыков

And now I’ll give you the next task.

Match the words in the box with the items in the photos.

(индивидуальная работа)

ex.15 p.54


Развитие умений диалогической речи, аудирования через ролевую игру

(3 мин.)

And now let's try to prove the first statement. “Education is very important for the success and progress of our society”

Arrange the role play on the following subject. Be as imaginative as you can.

St.2, you are a student from King’s College. Would you like to know something about education in Russia?

1.  Hi! My name is … I’m from...

What do you think? Is education very important for the success and progress of the society?

2.  What does the phrase «the right to education» mean?

3.  Why is education a duty, too?

4.  What subjects do pupils study at schools?

5.  And what about colleges in Russia?

6.  What can young people do after finishing the 11thform in your country?

7.  What departments are there at institutes and colleges?

8.  Etc………

9.  I thank you for our meeting.

It was a real pleasure for me to talk with you.

(распределение ролей, ролевая игра)

1.  Yes. Itis. You are absolutely right. Education is ……

2.  In my view every citizen of our country has the right to education. This right is guaranteed by the Constitution.

3.  To my mind it is not only a right but a duty too. Every boy and girl must get secondary education.

4.  They are ….

5.  I think a college gives general and profound knowledge in several subjects.

6.  To tell the truth, after finishing school young people can enter colleges and universities, or can start work.

7.  You see many colleges and universities have evening and extramural departments.

8.  ….

9.  Youarewelcome.




Развитие умений устной речи

(6 мин.)

And now try to prove the next supposition “The success in education and upbringing of children depends on every teacher’s personality”.



·  I think a teacher takes an active part on shaping of pupil’s character. Teaching is a very difficult job. This profession implies great responsibility and a lot of activities.


1)  My first teacher is known for her strength of character and sincerity.

2)  She is fair in her judgment.

2 группа

1)  1) She has chosen a job after her own heart.

2) My teacher is not easy to forget.

3 группа

1)  1) My teacher is known all over colleagues.

2) She is one of the greatest teachers.

·  On the one hand the classroom climate depends on the relations between a teacher and a pupil. On the other hand the teacher’s task is not only to provide the pupils with information, but also to prepare them for everyday life, to make them good and responsible citizens of the society.

·  As for me I think the teacher provides the pupils information, makes them good and responsible citizens of the society. The teacher forms their attitudes to life and to other people. I think the teacher brings up honest, tactful, considerate people.

·  I can agree with this supposition because... On the one hand a good teacher is a model of behavior for his pupils. On the other hand he must study from the pupils. I think she serves a model of behavior for her pupils.

·  You are right! She always shares her experience with her colleagues in different fields. In my opinion my teacher is a skilled, qualified and talented specialist. She loved all her children, developed the pupils’ intellect and got along well with their parents.

·  In my view a good teacher respects his pupils; he helps children to develop creative thinking, forms their views and characters. She did all the best to help children to live in the community and to prepare for real life situation.




(3 мин.)

Let’shave a rest

ex. 39 p. 196



Развитие умений просмотрового чтения

(6 мин.)

And now try to prove the next supposition “Our college is a "forge" of skilled specialists”

Let’s read the text «Beyond our Dreams» and do some exercises

(просмотровое чтение)

ex. 9 p.51

ex. 10 p.52



Развитие умений монологической речи

(6 мин.)

Tell us about your college using the following prompts

(рассказ о колледже)

ex.13 p.53


Рефлексивно-оценочный этап. Рефлексия содержания

(3 мин.)

1 Put down your homework

2. It’s time to finish. What can you say about our results? What have you done?

2. Do you like to work with children? Is teaching a job after your own heart? Will you use your knowledge in your job (in upbringing of your children)?

3. You should put down your self-marking sheets and put down your marks. Thelessonisover. Solong.

1.ex.11.p.52 (выбирают, записывают)

2. We have discussed and solved our problem; we’ve read and made dialogues.

2. Yes, we do.

Yes, of course.

As for me ….. To tell the truth …

3.Заполняют лист самооценки (рефлексия содержания) (см. ниже)


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