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Урок английского языка в 8 классе на тему "Flora and fauna of the USA"

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Lesson plan.docx 1.jpg 220px-A_mother_and_a_cub_bears.JPG 220px-Striped_Skunk_(Mephitis_mephitis)_DSC_0030.jpg 250px-American_Beaver.jpg 250px-American_bison_k5680-1.jpg 250px-Yellowstone-0169.jpg 300px-Florida-015.jpg 5163.jpg 8524396.jpeg Clothespin-tree-sequoia-Yosemite-Mariposa-Grove.jpg Sequoias3.jpg Three_raccoons_in_a_tree.jpg image.jpg images (1).jpg images (2).jpg images (3).jpg images (4).jpg images.jpg psikhotriya.jpg sequoia2.jpg slide_15.jpg yosemiti-bear.jpg загруженное.jpg Texts.docx

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Урок английского языка в 8 классе.

Flora and fauna of the USA

Тип урока: новая тема

Цели урока:

- развитие навыков работы с незнакомым текстом и умения находить основную информацию.

- знакомство учащихся с тестовыми заданиями к текстам.

Задачи урока:


1. Изучить новую лексику.

2. Ознакомить с информацией по теме, расширить кругозор учащихся.


1. Развитие творческих способностей учащихся.

2. Развитие навыков работы с тестовыми заданиями.

3. Развитие навыков чтения, письма, говорения.


1. Воспитывать интерес к предмету, любовь и ответственное отношение к окружающей среде, животному и растительному миру.

Оборудование урока:

Тексы, тесты, картинки, словари, маркеры, доска.

Ход урока:

I. Organization moment. Организационный этап.

- Gооd morning, students! I am glad to greet you at our lesson.

- Good morning, teacher!

- What date is it today?

- Today is ….

- Who is absent today?

Look at the pictures and name the theme of the lesson. (There is a map of the USA with some pictures of animals and plants on the blackboard.)

C:\Users\User\Desktop\К\image.jpgC:\Users\User\Desktop\К\images (1).jpgC:\Users\User\Desktop\К\slide_15.jpgC:\Users\User\Desktop\К\images (4).jpghttp://www.tourexpress.ru/images/content/zapovednikalligatoroveverglejds87192.jpghttp://www.nps.gov/akso/beringia/images/galleries/wildlife/BELA%202%20Wet%20Muskox.jpgC:\Users\User\Desktop\К\images (3).jpg

The topic of our lesson today is “Flora and Fauna of the USA”.

Today we'll read some interesting information about flora and fauna of the USA and we’ll learn how to do tests.

II. Warm up. Разминка

Now let’s divide into two groups. (Разделить класс на группы по 5 учащихся. Раздать учащимся картинки с изображением животных и растений и попросить их объединиться в группы.)

Стратегия «Круги на воде».

I group

II group

Назвать прилагательные

Назвать животных










original, ordinary













III. Vocabulary. Изучение новой лексики

Write down the words and practice the pronunciation.

newcomernju:kɅmə] – новоприбывший, приезжий

cattle [kӕtl] – крупный рогатый скот

trace [treis] – след, отпечаток

foothillfuthil] – предгорье

essential [iʹsenʃl] – важнейший, необходимый, основной, наследственный

featurefi:ʧə] – особенность, характерная черта, признак, свойство, общий вид

genus [ʹʤi:nəs] – вид, род

hemispherehemisfiə] – полушарие

allow [əʹlau] – позволять, разрешать

route [ru:t] – маршрут, путь следования

redwoodredwud] – красное дерево, секвойя вечнозелёная

evergreenevəgri:n] – вечнозелёный

bark [bα:k] – кора (дерева)

tough [tɅf] – крепкий, негнущийся, сильный

fireprooffaiəpru:f] – несгораемый, огнеупорный

IV. New theme.

Pre-reading task. Стратегия «Бортовой журнал» Fill in the first column. What do you know about flora and fauna of the USA?

Read and translate the texts and make posters on your theme.

I group reads the text “Bison”

II group reads the text “Sequoia”

(Учащиеся составляют постеры, на которых кратко записывают самую основную информацию из текста.)

Bison have not always lived in North America; they are relative newcomers. They belong to the wild bull family, like domestic cattle and the wild oxen of Africa and Asia. The oldest known bison traces or remains have been found in China and The Himalayan foothills, where an animal with all the essential features of the genus lived a million years ago. They developed fast and spread over most of the northern hemisphere in Europe and Siberia. During one of the Ice Ages, the sea level dropped, exposing a land bridge across the Bering Strait, allowing the faunas of Asia and North America to meet. Very early, the steppe bison moved eastward to the North American continent. Much later, men followed the same route.C:\Users\User\Desktop\Инфоурок\Урок\Pictures\250px-American_bison_k5680-1.jpg

Sequoias, or redwood trees, grow in the western United States, mostly in California and Oregon. Sequoias are some of the oldest living things on earth. They are also among the biggest. They often grow more than 30 meters high.C:\Users\User\Desktop\Инфоурок\Урок\Pictures\Clothespin-tree-sequoia-Yosemite-Mariposa-Grove.jpg

To tell the age of a tree it is necessary to cut it down. The trunk of the tree has rings. There is a ring for each year of life of the tree. By counting the rings, people can learn the age of a tree. One sequoia had 3,000 rings! Some sequoias are even older.

Sequoias are evergreen trees and their bark is very tough. It is about 15 centimeters thick and is almost fireproof. The fireproof bark has helped sequoias live through many forest fires.

Tell what you have known from the text, using your poster.

Students of I group tell about bison.

Students of II group tell about sequoia.

V. Comprehension check

Look through the texts again and do the task.

The task for I group:

Complete the sentences.

1. The age of a tree is seen in its _____.

A) color

B) bark

C) rings

D) 3,000

E) leaves

2) Sequoia bark is very _____.

A) thin and soft

B) big and tall

C) beautiful

D) fireproof

E) thick and tough

3) Entitle the text.

A) Fireproof barks

B) Western United States

C) What is a sequoia?

D) The oldest living things

E) Oregon trees

The task for II group:

1) Which of the following would be the most appropriate title for the passage?

A) The classification of Asian and North American fauna.

B) An introduction to the North American bison.

C) An analysis of the bison genus in the bull family.

D) A hypothesis of the evolution of the bull.

E) An introduction to the Asian faunas.

2) According to the passage, when did the bison move to north America?

A) Over a million years ago.

B) Relatively recently in North American history.

C) During one of the Ice Ages.

D) Early in man’s habitation of North America.

E) Half a century ago.

3) According to the passage, the bison moved from Asia to North America by _____.

A) crossing the sea

B) walking over the land

C) traveling through the foothills

D) climbing over a bridge

E) walking through the forest

VI. Reflection. Рефлексия.

Complete the table. (the second column)

Стратегия «Бортовой журнал»


What I knew before ….

What I have just known …

Giving marks.

VII. Home task.

Learn the new words by heart. Write a summary about animals or plants of the USA.

The lesson is over. Good-bye.


Английский язык. Учебник-тест для подготовки к ЕНТ. К. Смакова, Е. Ким

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Выбранный для просмотра документ Texts.docx

Flora and fauna of the USA

Bison have not always lived in North America; they are relative newcomers. They belong to the wild bull family, like domestic cattle and the wild oxen of Africa and Asia. The oldest known bison traces or remains have been found in China and The Himalayan foothills, where an animal with all the essential features of the genus lived a million years ago. They developed fast and spread over most of the northern hemisphere in Europe and Siberia. During one of the Ice Ages, the sea level dropped, exposing a land bridge across the Bering Strait, allowing the faunas of Asia and North America to meet. Very early, the steppe bison moved eastward to the North American continent. Much later, men followed the same route.

1. Which of the following would be the most appropriate title for the passage?

A) The classification of Asian and North American fauna.

B) An introduction to the North American bison.

C) An analysis of the bison genus in the bull family.

D) A hypothesis of the evolution of the bull.

E) An introduction to the Asian faunas.

2) According to the passage, when did the bison move to north America?

A) Over a million years ago.

B) Relatively recently in North American history.

C) During one of the Ice Ages.

D) Early in man’s habitation of North America.

E) Half a century ago.

3) According to the passage, the bison moved from Asia to North America by _____.

A) crossing the sea

B) walking over the land

C) traveling through the foothills

D) climbing over a bridge

E) walking through the forest


newcomernju:kɅmə] – новоприбывший, приезжий

belong to [biʹlᴐŋ tu:] – быть собственностью, принадлежать (кому-л.)

cattle [kӕtl] – крупный рогатый скот

trace [treis] – след, отпечаток

foothillfuthil] – предгорье

essential [iʹsenʃl] – важнейший, необходимый, основной, наследственный

featurefi:ʧə] – особенность, характерная черта, признак, свойство, общий вид

genus [ʹʤi:nəs] – вид, род

develop [diʹveləp] – развивать, совершенствовать

hemispherehemisfiə] – полушарие

allow [əʹlau] – позволять, разрешать

route [ru:t] – маршрут, путь следования

Sequoias, or redwood trees, grow in the western United States, mostly in California and Oregon. Sequoias are some of the oldest living things on earth. They are also among the biggest. They often grow more than 30 meters high.

To tell the age of a tree it is necessary to cut it down. The trunk of the tree has rings. There is a ring for each year of life of the tree. By counting the rings, people can learn the age of a tree. One sequoia had 3,000 rings! Some sequoias are even older.

Sequoias are evergreen trees and their bark is very tough. It is about 15 centimeters thick and is almost fireproof. The fireproof bark has helped sequoias live through many forest fires.

Complete the sentences.

1. The age of a tree is seen in its _____.

A) color

B) bark

C) rings

D) 3,000

E) leaves

2) Sequoia bark is very _____.

A) thin and soft

B) big and tall

C) beautiful

D) fireproof

E) thick and tough

3) Entitle the text.

A) Fireproof barks

B) Western United States

C) What is a sequoia?

D) The oldest living things

E) Oregon trees


redwood [ʹredwud] – красное дерево, секвойя вечнозелёная

grow [grəu] – произрастать, расти

living thingliviŋ θiŋ] – живое существо

cut [kɅt] – вырубать, вырезать

trunk [trɅŋk] – ствол (дерева)

ring [riŋ] – кольцо

evergreenevəgri:n] – вечнозелёный

bark [bα:k] – кора (дерева)

tough [tɅf] – крепкий, негнущийся, сильный

thick [θik] – толстый, плотный

fireprooffaiəpru:f] – несгораемый, огнеупорный

forest firefᴐrist ʹfaiə]– лесной пожар

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