Инфоурок Английский язык КонспектыУрок для 8 класса по английскому языку "Ecological problems of a big city" (учебник Spotlight 8, модуль 5)

Урок для 8 класса по английскому языку "Ecological problems of a big city" (учебник Spotlight 8, модуль 5)

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Класс: 8-Б

Тема: Экологические проблемы большого города (Ecological problems of a big city)

Цель урока: Обобщить и систематизировать знания обучающихся по теме “Global issues”.


- развивать  навыки чтения с извлечением основной и нужной информации (ознакомительное и поисковое чтение);

- развивать умение осуществлять диалогическое и монологическое общение, соответствующее цели, ситуации, реальным коммуникативным потребностям и воз­растным интересам учащихся;

- развивать умение высказываться логично, связно;

- развивать навыки аудирования (с полным пониманием основного содержания)

- формировать и развивать учебно-организационные умения и навыки (самостоятельная работа, коллективная деятельность);

- формировать и развивать познавательные интересы и способности, твор­ческое мышление;

- развивать способность к рефлексии, как важнейшей составляющей умения учиться;

- формировать и развивать учебно-интеллектуальные умения и навыки (абстрагирование/анализ, синтез, сравнение, систематизация, логика);

- развивать память, внимание, воображение, наблюдательность;

- развивать фонематический слух;

- развивать умение планировать и логически излагать свое высказывание.

- развивать настойчивость и умение преодолевать трудности для достижения намеченной цели;
- активизировать познавательную инициативу обучающихся и формировать их социальную компетентность.




Методические принципы:                                                                                                                                 - принцип коммуникативной направленности                                                                                                       - принцип комплексной реализации целей                                                                                                                 - принцип личностного общения                                                                                                                                      - принцип коллективного взаимодействия                                                                                                                  

Дидактические принципы:                                                                                                                                  - принцип сознательности, активности, самостоятельности при руководящей роли учителя;                                                                                                                                                                                                             - принцип систематичности и последовательности;                                                                                                                    - принцип наглядности;                                                                                                                                           - принцип доступности и посильности;                                                                                                                       - принцип учета возрастных особенностей обучаемых.

Формы работы: фронтальная, групповая, парная.

Технологии: интерактивная, ИКТ, критического мышления

Планируемые результаты (формирование универсальных учебных действий):

- формирование познавательных мотивов обучающихся;
- развитие мысленного воспроизведения ситуации.
- владение навыками самоанализа и самооценки своей деятельности;                                                         - планирование своих действий в соответствии с поставленной задачей;                                                   - контроль в форме сличения способа действия и его результата с заданным эталоном.
- продуктивное взаимодействие обучающихся в решении поставленной задачи;
- участие в небольших устных высказываниях, «удерживая» логику повествования и предоставление убедительных доказательств;                                                                                                                    - умение работать в парах, в группах, учитывая позицию собеседника.
Познавательные:                                                                                                                                                                                  - поиск и выделение необходимой информации;
- применение методов информационного поиска;
- способность и умение учащихся производить простые логические действия (анализ, сравнение);
- импровизация, высказывание предположений, обсуждение проблемных вопросов;
- самостоятельное создание способов решения проблем поискового характера;
- комплексный анализ приобретенных знаний на уроке.

Тип урока: урок общеметодологической направленности (в традиционной классификации - урок  систематизации и обобщения изученного материала) Оборудование: учебник (Spotlight 8. Английский в фокусе. 8 класс. Ваулина Ю.Е., Дули Д. 2016), мультимедийный проектор, презентация, компьютеры.


Этапы урока

1. Этап мотивации

2. Этап актуализации и фиксирования затруднений

3. Этап закрепления с проговариванием во внешней речи

4. Этап включения изученного в систему знаний

5. Этап рефлексии учебной деятельности на уроке



I. Introduction (Этап мотивации)

1.     Greeting (1min.)

Good afternoon, boys and girls!

I hope you are ready to work hard. Be calm and confident on your way to knowledge.

2.     Lead-in (2 min.)

T: We continue to study the topic “Global Issues” but you’ll try to guess the subject matter of today’s lesson after watching the video (The Smoking Earth) .

     Are you impressed?  So, we’ll try to discuss some ecological problems today. (Student), name the topic of our lesson. Right you are! The subject matter of our today’s lesson is “Ecological problems of a big city”.

     By the end of the lesson you’ll be able to express your feelings about the ecology of a big city, to give your arguments, to respond logically to your friends’ opinions.

3.     Warming-up (4 min.)

1.            T: Nowadays people understand how important it is to solve the environment problems. Let's start with revising our topical vocabulary. Name the most serious ecological problems we are having now. (Brainstorming)

Students’ answers

T: Now let’s choose the best way to define the terms. Look at the task on the screen. To do this task let’s play the lexical game “Do you believe?” Your task is to ask a question and answer it to each other. Let’s start with me.

(Student), do you believe that hurricane is a shaking of the ground?

S: No, I don’t. Hurricane is an extremely violent wind or storm. (Student), do you believe that…(S-S)    Appendix 1

2.            T: There is the part of the Native American saying on the screen. Let’s read it:

  S: “Only when the last tree has died and the last river been poisoned and the last fish been caught, will we realized…”

T: And our task is to define the ending of this quotation by the end of the lesson.                      T: Today we have a burning problem. It’s ecology. By the way, what does the word “ecology” mean?                                                                                                                Students’ answers

T: What are the sources of pollution?  How are they divided?                                                         Students’ answers

T: What are the natural sources?                                                                                                    Students’ answers

T: What are the anthropogenic sources?                                                                                   Students’ answers

T: Why is air pollution the most dangerous among all kinds of pollution?                                  Students’ answers

T: What does air pollution cause?                                                                                                       Students’ answers

T: Thank you very much for your work!

II. Main part

(Этап актуализации и фиксирования затруднений)

1.            Checking homework (2 min.)

T: Now I suggest you revising our lexical and grammar material. First let’s check your homework. What was your task?

S: We had to complete the gaps with the correct infinitive or –ing form of the verbs in brackets, ex.5, p.84.

T: OK, let’s start from the first sentence. Read them in turn.

Students’ answers

T: Well done! Thank you!

2.            Revising lexical and grammar material (8 min.)

T: Now let’s revise our lexical material. To do the next task we need to use computer programme. So that I divide you into two groups.

     Group 1 (students ‘names), take your places at the computers. You have to replace the words in bold with a synonym using the words in the box. (“My Test” on the PC) You have 3 minutes for this task.  Appendix 2

     Group 2 (students ‘names), stay at your places. Your task is to match the words in the list with the nouns and make some sentences using our grammar point. Use the verbs on the blackboard. You have 3 minutes too.  Appendix 3                                                    (on the blackboard: protect, avoid, must, should, want, would like….)                                                     E.g. I really want …(to understand the causes of greenhouse effect)                                       Students’ answers

T: The time is up. Group 1, are you ready? How many points have you got?                             S: 10 points. (T: Well done!)                                                                                                        S: 8 points. (T: What mistakes have you got? Read your sentence. What is the right variant?)                                                                                                                                              T: Thank you. Take your places. And now the task for all of you. (Pair work) You’ll work in pairs. You have the task to match the phrases to form complete sentences. Explain your choice.  You have 1 minute.  Appendix 4                                                                             T: The time is up. I think you are ready. Let’s check.                                                                T: Thank you for your work. It was excellent but I have one more task for you.

3.  Listening (6 min.)

(Этап закрепления с проговариванием во внешней речи)

T: Have you ever experienced such natural disaster as flood?  But the habitats of the South-Eastern Asia have done. Let’s listen to the report about this terrible event in Bangladesh.                                                                                                                    Pre-listening activity:                                                                                                                  T: On the blackboard you can see some key-words. Let’s read them.                                                   On the blackboard: Bangladesh, hit by heavy rains, serious flooding, people died, others made homeless, animals drown, rescue workers, trapped, food, medicines, tents.                                                                                                                                                                  T: So, let’s listen to the report.    Appendix 5                                                                      Post-listening activity: Role-play, group work.                                                                               T: To do the next task let’s unit into 3 groups. Group 1, you are journalists. Group 2, you are rescue workers. Group 3, you are victims of the flood. Journalists, ask these two groups some questions about the flood. The rescue workers and the victims, you answer their questions briefly. Using given information journalists have to make a brief report about the recent flood in Bangladesh. Is it clear? OK. Listen again and answer the questions of journalists:

1)    What has happened?

2)    When and where has it happened?

3)    How many people have been made homeless?

4)    How many people have died? Around 3000 people.

5)    What has happened to the animals?

6)    What are rescue workers doing?

7)    Who said, “I’ve lost everything. My house and all my cattle”?

8)    What is being sent to the area?

T: Great! Who can report this information? Who is the main reporter in your group? Please, (student).                                                                                                                                            Students’ answers

T: Well done, you are excellent!                                                                                           Break (1 min.)                                                                                                                                                          T: And now it’s high time to have a rest. (Student), go to the blackboard, you are the leader now. Let’s start.                                                                                                                     S: Stand up, please. Act like an earthquake, a hurricane, a tornado…Thank you. Sit down.

4.     Reading (8 min.)                                                                                                                            (Этап включения изученного в систему знаний)

T: The aim of the next part of the lesson is to teach you to find out and appreciate the information, analyze it and draw conclusions using your logical thinking.

T: You know we have spent thousands of years fighting for our survival. Nowadays we have discovered that our planet is under threat and, to make matters worse, it’s all our fault. You have the texts on your desks. I want you to read this article about the problems of our planet. And your task is to choose the most suitable heading from the list A-F for each part 1-4. You have 4 minutes.  Appendix 6

T: The time is up. I think you are ready. Let’s check.

Students’ answers

T: Right you are! And now you have to fill in the correct prepositions, then choose any three statements and make sentences using our grammar. You can use the verbs on the blackboard.  Appendix 7                                                                           (on the blackboard: protect, avoid, must, should, want, would like….)                                       Students’ answers

T: That’s good. Thank you for your work.

5.     Speaking (Group work, 6 min.)

T: Our next task is to skim the text and make notes under the following headings: “PROBLEM – CAUSE – EFFECT”. You can work in the same groups. Think about the roles in your groups: who is speaking about the problem, the cause, the effect. You have 3 minutes.  Appendix 8                                                                                                   T: Time is up. So look at your notes and talk about the problems our planet is facing.                                                                                                                                                   Students’ answers                                                                                                                                                T: Thank you so much. You are great!

III. Summarizing (3 min.+ 3 min.)                                                                      (Этап рефлексии учебной деятельности на уроке)

T: At the beginning of the lesson I have proposed you the part of the Native American saying:

 “When the last tree is cut down and the last fish is killed, the last river is poisoned, then …”

T: Please give your own ending of this quotation.  You may start with “people will understand…”     

  Students’ answers

T: You are right. Look at the screen, there is a whole saying there:                                          “Only when the last tree has died and the last river been poisoned and the last fish been caught, will we realized we cannot eat money”

T: Do you agree with it? Thank you. I agree with you. I hope you understand that the problem of pollution doesn’t have any borders and we have to protect nature in the whole world.

T: Our lesson is coming to the end and I want to thank everybody who took part in our work. Let’s summarize. What have we done?

  Students’ answers

T: . Let’s summarize our work with haiku (or cinquain)

T: Nice. Our work was great and we’ll continue it in our next lesson. So your home task for the next lesson is to prepare for the test. You have to revise vocabulary, grammar, word formation and using prepositions with phrasal verb “call”. Is it clear?  Your marks are:









Appendix 1










a period of time with no rain.

large amount of water that cover an area which is usually dry.

a violent wind storm which consists of a tall column of air spinning around very fast.

an extremely violent wind or storm.

a shaking of the ground.

a huge wave caused by an earthquake which flows onto land.

a violent tropical storm in which the air goes round and round.

large mass of snow falling down the side of a mountain.

Appendix 2

extinct   habitats     threatening   issue   captured   forested  conservation   prevent      approaches to

1. Sally is keen of environmental protection. She wants to save the Earth.


2. We must stop our planet from being completely destroyed.


3. Animals should be allowed to live in their natural homes.


4. More and more animals are being caught and put in zoos.


5. Many species of wild animals are no longer in existence.


6. The environment is a (an) topic which everyone should know about.


7. Tree-covered areas are in danger of disappearing completely.


8. Water pollution is endangering sea life.


9. We need to find more effective methods of dealing with pollution.


10. Cutting down the trees is very dangerous for our planet.



extinct   habitats     threatening   issue   captured   forested  conservation   prevent       approaches to

1. Sally is keen of environmental protection. She wants to save the Earth.


2. We must stop our planet from being completely destroyed.


3. Animals should be allowed to live in their natural homes.


4. More and more animals are being caught and put in zoos.


5. Many species of wild animals are no longer in existence.


6. The environment is a (an) topic which everyone should know about.


7. Tree-covered areas are in danger of disappearing completely.


8. Water pollution is endangering sea life.


9. We need to find more effective methods of dealing with pollution.

approaches to

10. Cutting down the trees is very dangerous for our planet.



Appendix 3

acid      factory      oil   breeding  heavy noise  forest   endangered   thick











acid      factory      oil   breeding   heavy   noise   forest   endangered   thick

endangered species

noise pollution

thick smog

acid rain

heavy traffic

oil spills

factory emissions

breeding programmes

forest fires

Appendix 4

You should avoid…

Our teacher suggested…

Katya has dedicated her life…

She doesn’t let her children…

Teams of doctors tried…

You can…

…to help the earthquake victims.

…swimming with a full stomach.

…putting the recycling bin in the classroom.

…to photograph the animals.

…go to school by bike.

…play with matches.

Appendix 5

This week Bangladesh has been hit by heavy rains. The rains have caused serious flooding in the area. Many people have died. Others have lost their houses.  These rains are the worst the area has experienced in the last ten years. Thousands of people have been made homeless. Around 3000 people have died. Many animals have drowned. Rescue workers are trying to save people who are trapped in their houses. A local farmer said: “I’ve lost everything – my house and all my cattle.” The government has asked other countries to help. Food, medicines and tents are being sent to the area.



Appendix 6

The rainforests are dying, rare plant and animal species are disappearing, rivers and seas are being contaminated, people are dying of hunger and the air is being polluted.

One of the major problems is the destruction of the rainforests in South America. They are home to half the world’s species and to millions of people. Moreover, the rainforests clean the air by absorbing carbon dioxide and giving out oxygen. The trees are being cut down for paper or to make room for cattle farms. As a result, birds and animals lose their homes and die. This destruction is also bringing about changes in the climate, air pollution, flood, drought, and famine.

Another big problem is water pollution. Can you imagine that swimming in the sea or drinking a glass of water is not safe? Factories are polluting our rivers and lakes with dangerous chemicals. Oil tankers are releasing thick, black oil into our oceans. Tons of industrial and domestic waste are poured into our seas. As a result sea life is threatened with extinction.

Air pollution is another important issue. The cars and factories in and around our cities are giving off dangerous fumes. More and more people have developed allergies and breathing problems. If we don’t do something now, our cities will become impossible to live in.

Fortunately, it is not too late to solve these problems. We have the time, the money and even the technology to prepare the way for a better, cleaner and safer future. We can plant trees and adopt animals. We can create parks for endangered species. We can put pressure on those in power to take action. Together we can save our planet.

A)    A water grave

B)    Running out of time

C)    Choking to death

D)   No trees – no life

E)    We can do it!

Appendix 7

           1) the destruction ….the rainforests  4) to live……a city

           2) to cut down …..paper                        5) to put pressure…..sb

           3) to die ….hunger                                   6) those…..power


Appendix 8




Destruction of the rainforests

Trees are burnt and cut down

Birds and animals lose their homes and die.

We have changes in climate, less oxygen, drought, air pollution, flooding, famine.

Water pollution

Rivers and lakes are polluted with dangerous chemicals from factories.

Oil tankers are spilling thick black oil into our oceans.

Sea life is threatened with extinction.

Water is not safe to drink or swim in.

Air pollution

Cars and factories are giving off dangerous fumes.

More and more people have developed allergies and breathing problems.

Cancer risk.


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