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Урок домашнего чтения по произведению "Приключения Тома Сойера"

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Выбранный для просмотра документ карточка 1 на 13.03.docx

a) The boys didn’t speak. If one moved, the other moved – but only in a circle.

b) At last the stranger cried out “Enough!” and Tom let him stand up. The new boy went off brushing the dust from his clothes, looking back and shaking his head and threatening Tom. Tom laughed.

c) “Tom!” - the old lady pulled her spectacles down and looked over them about the room. She looked under the bed, then she went to the open door and stood in it and looked out into the garden. No Tom.

d) He got home late that night, and when he got in his room through the window, he found his aunt. When she saw his dirty clothes, she decided to turn his Saturday holiday into a working day.

e) He walked down the street. Suddenly he stopped. A stranger was before him – a boy little larger than himself.

f) Tom drew a line in the dust with his big toe, and said: “If you step over that, I’ll beat you until you can’t stand up”.

The new boy stepped over.

g) There was a noise behind her. The old lady turned around, at that moment the boy ran out of the door, jumped over the high board fence, and disappeared.

h) In a moment both boys were rolling in the dirt like cats. Finally through the fog of battle Tom appeared. He was sitting on the new boy and beating him with his fists.

a) The boys didn’t speak. If one moved, the other moved – but only in a circle.

b) At last the stranger cried out “Enough!” and Tom let him stand up. The new boy went off brushing the dust from his clothes, looking back and shaking his head and threatening Tom. Tom laughed.

c) “Tom!” - the old lady pulled her spectacles down and looked over them about the room. She looked under the bed, then she went to the open door and stood in it and looked out into the garden. No Tom.

d) He got home late that night, and when he got in his room through the window, he found his aunt. When she saw his dirty clothes, she decided to turn his Saturday holiday into a working day.

e) He walked down the street. Suddenly he stopped. A stranger was before him – a boy little larger than himself.

f) Tom drew a line in the dust with his big toe, and said: “If you step over that, I’ll beat you until you can’t stand up”.

The new boy stepped over.

g) There was a noise behind her. The old lady turned around, at that moment the boy ran out of the door, jumped over the high board fence, and disappeared.

h) In a moment both boys were rolling in the dirt like cats. Finally through the fog of battle Tom appeared. He was sitting on the new boy and beating him with his fists.

a) The boys didn’t speak. If one moved, the other moved – but only in a circle.

b) At last the stranger cried out “Enough!” and Tom let him stand up. The new boy went off brushing the dust from his clothes, looking back and shaking his head and threatening Tom. Tom laughed.

c) “Tom!” - the old lady pulled her spectacles down and looked over them about the room. She looked under the bed, then she went to the open door and stood in it and looked out into the garden. No Tom.

d) He got home late that night, and when he got in his room through the window, he found his aunt. When she saw his dirty clothes, she decided to turn his Saturday holiday into a working day.

e) He walked down the street. Suddenly he stopped. A stranger was before him – a boy little larger than himself.

f) Tom drew a line in the dust with his big toe, and said: “If you step over that, I’ll beat you until you can’t stand up”.

The new boy stepped over.

g) There was a noise behind her. The old lady turned around, at that moment the boy ran out of the door, jumped over the high board fence, and disappeared.

h) In a moment both boys were rolling in the dirt like cats. Finally through the fog of battle Tom appeared. He was sitting on the new boy and beating him with his fists.

a) The boys didn’t speak. If one moved, the other moved – but only in a circle.

b) At last the stranger cried out “Enough!” and Tom let him stand up. The new boy went off brushing the dust from his clothes, looking back and shaking his head and threatening Tom. Tom laughed.

c) “Tom!” - the old lady pulled her spectacles down and looked over them about the room. She looked under the bed, then she went to the open door and stood in it and looked out into the garden. No Tom.

d) He got home late that night, and when he got in his room through the window, he found his aunt. When she saw his dirty clothes, she decided to turn his Saturday holiday into a working day.

e) He walked down the street. Suddenly he stopped. A stranger was before him – a boy little larger than himself.

f) Tom drew a line in the dust with his big toe, and said: “If you step over that, I’ll beat you until you can’t stand up”.

The new boy stepped over.

g) There was a noise behind her. The old lady turned around, at that moment the boy ran out of the door, jumped over the high board fence, and disappeared.

h) In a moment both boys were rolling in the dirt like cats. Finally through the fog of battle Tom appeared. He was sitting on the new boy and beating him with his fists.


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Выбранный для просмотра документ карточка 2 на 13.03.docx


1. Why did Tom feel so unhappy on Saturday morning?

2. Who came out of the gate with a bucket?

3. Why didn’t Jim like Tom’s idea?

4. Who was the first boy who appeared?

5. Why did Ben ask Tom to let him whitewash a little?

6. Who took Ben’s place when he was tired?

7. How many coats of whitewash did the fence have on it?

8. What great law did Tom discover that day?

Choose the right answer:

1. When Tom told Aunt Polly he had painted all the fence, she

a) thanked him and let him go out;

b) didn’t believe him and went to see if it was true;

c) gave him another work.

2. When she saw the fence …

a) she got angry because only a half of it was painted;

b) she made Tom whitewash it one more time;

c) she was so pleased with his work.

3. After that Aunt Polly …

a) let him go out;

b) made him clean the house;

c) gave Tom a shiny red apple and sent him off to play.


1. Why did Tom feel so unhappy on Saturday morning?

2. Who came out of the gate with a bucket?

3. Why didn’t Jim like Tom’s idea?

4. Who was the first boy who appeared?

5. Why did Ben ask Tom to let him whitewash a little?

6. Who took Ben’s place when he was tired?

7. How many coats of whitewash did the fence have on it?

8. What great law did Tom discover that day?

Choose the right answer:

1. When Tom told Aunt Polly he had painted all the fence, she

a) thanked him and let him go out;

b) didn’t believe him and went to see if it was true;

c) gave him another work.

2. When she saw the fence …

a) she got angry because only a half of it was painted;

b) she made Tom whitewash it one more time;

c) she was so pleased with his work.

3. After that Aunt Polly …

a) let him go out;

b) made him clean the house;

c) gave Tom a shiny red apple and sent him off to play.


1. Why did Tom feel so unhappy on Saturday morning?

2. Who came out of the gate with a bucket?

3. Why didn’t Jim like Tom’s idea?

4. Who was the first boy who appeared?

5. Why did Ben ask Tom to let him whitewash a little?

6. Who took Ben’s place when he was tired?

7. How many coats of whitewash did the fence have on it?

8. What great law did Tom discover that day?

Choose the right answer:

1. When Tom told Aunt Polly he had painted all the fence, she

a) thanked him and let him go out;

b) didn’t believe him and went to see if it was true;

c) gave him another work.

2. When she saw the fence …

a) she got angry because only a half of it was painted;

b) she made Tom whitewash it one more time;

c) she was so pleased with his work.

3. After that Aunt Polly …

a) let him go out;

b) made him clean the house;

c) gave Tom a shiny red apple and sent him off to play.


1. Why did Tom feel so unhappy on Saturday morning?

2. Who came out of the gate with a bucket?

3. Why didn’t Jim like Tom’s idea?

4. Who was the first boy who appeared?

5. Why did Ben ask Tom to let him whitewash a little?

6. Who took Ben’s place when he was tired?

7. How many coats of whitewash did the fence have on it?

8. What great law did Tom discover that day?

Choose the right answer:

1. When Tom told Aunt Polly he had painted all the fence, she

a) thanked him and let him go out;

b) didn’t believe him and went to see if it was true;

c) gave him another work.

2. When she saw the fence …

a) she got angry because only a half of it was painted;

b) she made Tom whitewash it one more time;

c) she was so pleased with his work.

3. After that Aunt Polly …

a) let him go out;

b) made him clean the house;

c) gave Tom a shiny red apple and sent him off to play.


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Выбранный для просмотра документ карточка 3 на 13.03.docx

Tom dipped his brush and passed it along the plank; compared the small whitewashed part with the big continent of  unwhitewashed fence, and got depressed.





Tom had a good time: a big company and the fence had 3 coats of whitewash on it.



And while Ben worked in the sun, Tom sat in the shade, eating his apple




Boys happened along one after another; they came to laugh at Tom, and remained to whitewash.

Tom appeared on the sidewalk with a bucket of whitewash and a long brush.








Ben Rogers was the first boy                              who appeared.


“I’ll give you all of it!” – Ben showed an apple.

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Выбранный для просмотра документ Технологическая карта урока домашнего чтения по английскому языку в 5 классе.docx

Технологическая карта урока домашнего чтения по английскому языку в 5 классе

Технологическая карта урока домашнего чтения

Дата: 13.03.2015                                                                                                                                                                                         


                                                                     Учитель: Баландина Т.В.

Класс: 5«Б»

Тема урока:

Tom Sawyer

№ урока по календарно-тематическому плану:


Цель урока:

Развитие коммуникативной компетенции

Задачи урока**:



·        осваивать новые лексические единицы и речевые конструкции по указанной теме;

·        развивать фонетические и лексические навыки;

·        тренировать использование лексических единиц по изученным темам;


·        развиватьпамять, внимание, умение слушать и слышать учителя и одноклассников;

·        преобразовывать информацию из текстовой формы в графическую;

·        развивать логическое мышление;


·        формировать умения работать в группе;

·        прививать интерес к английскому языку;

·        воспитывать уважительное отношение друг к другу.

Тип урока:

Урок закрепления знаний, выработки умений и навыков.


Интерактивная доска, учебник, аудиозапись и т.д.

Оборудование для учащихся (раздаточный материал):


Картинки, фотографии, и т.д.

Организация пространства

Метапредметные связи

Формы работы






·                     Фронтальная

·                     Индивидуальная

·                     Групповая

·         Книга для чтения «Мировая классика» под редакцией О.Афанасьевой

·         Интерактивная доска

·         СD

Ход урока

Этап (название)

Задача этапа


        Содержание (речь учителя)



Методы, приемы работы.


1.     Начальный этап








Развивать логическое мышление, настроить на общение





Предупредить забывание произношения, развивать фонетические навыки

1.     Приветствие

- Good morning, children!

- I’m glad to see you.

- So, children, what date is it today?

2.     - Right. What day of the week is it today?

3.     Определениетемыурока

- So, look at the WB and try to guess what we are going to discuss today.

4.   - Yes. We will discuss the story about Tom Sawyer. What did he do that day? Did he like to work? Was he silly or bright? Did he finish the work? What do you think he did after the whitewashing?But did he deserve to have a rest?

5.   – No, because in fact he didn’t work. Look at the blackboard. Here is a proverb connected with work and rest. The last word is missed. You’ll get the word if you do some tasks. Is it clear?

6.     Фонетическаязарядка

- Ok.We should warm up out tongues. Look at the WB. Here are some words and their transcriptions. You are to match them.

- Verygood. Now listen to me and don’t repeat.

- Can you translate the words?

- Ok. Listen to me and repeat after me.

- Read the words in a chain.

- Good. Now open any letter you wish.






















Применение, речевое упражнение





















7 мин

2.     Основнойэтап


Тренировать лексическиеи грамматические навыки




Совершенствовать умения чтения и перевода



Развивать языковую догадку










Снять напряжение и усталость






Речевая зарядка

- Good. So, children, when did this event take place? When did it happen?

- Right. On Saturday morning in the summer. And what do you usually do on summer Saturdays. Look at the WB. These pictures will help you.

- Thank you very much. I’ll open the next letter.


- Good for you. So it’s time to read the story. Let’s read some passages.

- Thank you. Translateit, please.

- So, as you understand, Tom was made whitewash the fence. Who made him? Who told him to do it?

- Right, Aunt Polly. Do you know why she made him?

- Let’s find it out. I have a little text for you, it’ll help to answer our question. But first you should put the parts of the text in the right order. I give you 2 minutes to complete the task.

- So, let’s check it. Why Aunt Polly told him to whitewash the fence?

- Right, because he was guilty and she decided to punish him.So, you may open another letter.


- Verynice. Do you remember the story well? Let’s check it. Look at the WB. What did the boys give Tom for the chance to whitewash? Match the thing and the boys.

- Very nice. One more letter.


Now it’s high time to relax. Let’s watch a video and sing a song

Проверка детального понимания текста (аудирование)

- Verynice. So children, now let’s watch the video and answer the questions. I’ll give you the cards. Task 1. First, let’s read the questions. Are you ready?

- So answer the questions, please.

- Very good. Get the next letter.

- What was Aunt Polly’s reaction when Tom told her that the fence was whitewashed? Did he believe him?

- Ok. Let’s watch the second part of the video and choose the right answer. Task 2 in your cards. Let’s read and translate it.

- So, are you ready?

- Ok, let’s check it.

- Not bad. You may open one more letter.

- Now finish my sentences. Be attentive.

1.      Tom appeared on the sidewalk with … (a bucket of whitewash and a long brush.)

2.      Jim came out of … (the gate with a bucket.)

3.      Tom said: “Say, Jim, I’ll bring the water if you whitewash some” but Jim didn’t … (like the idea.)

4.      Ben Rogers was … (the first boy who appeared.)

5.      Ben got more and more interested, and … (presently he said: “Say, Tom, let me whitewash a little.”)

6.      And while Ben worked in the sun, Tom sat in the shade, … (eating his apple, and planned how to catch other boys.)

7.      Boys happened along one after another; they came to laugh at Tom, but … (remained to whitewash.)

8.      Tom had a nice, good, free time all the while: a big company … (and the fence had three coats of whitewash on it!)

Подготовка к пересказу.

- Very nice. Getanotherletter. Did you guess the word? Ok. Now look at the WB. Here are some pictures from the video. Matchthemwiththesentences.

- Verygood. Now I’ll give you cards. Put these pictures in the right order. It’ll be your plan for retelling.

- Goodforyou. Getthelastletter. So what is the proverb?

- Businessbeforepleasure. Whatdoesitmean?

- So, did the main character follow this proverb?


Фронтальный опрос







Фронтальный опрос





Фронтальный опрос





Фронтальный опрос







Фронтальный опрос

Речевое упражнение, применение






























5 мин





1 мин







5 мин











5 мин














8 мин

3.     Заключительный этап


Развитие навыков говорения

1. Объяснениедомашнегозадания

At home you are to retell the story.

2. Рефлексия

- Did you like our lesson? What new did you learn today?

3. Оценкадеятельностиучащихся

-. And your marks are: …, you get an excellent mark because you worked very hard today. …, you get a good mark because you can work better. Next time be more attentive, please and you will get “excellent” too.

4. Прощание

- Stand up, please. Thank you very much. The lesson is over. You may be free.





Фронтальный опрос




Оценка:_____________    Подпись учителя: _____________________

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Краткое описание документа:

Уроки домашнего чтения являются неотъемлемой частью обучения английскому языку в нашем учебном заведении. Данный материал можно использовать в 5-7 классе, в зависимости от языковой подготовки обучающихся. Из опыта работы могу отметить, что чтение классической английской литературы, соответствующей возрасту обучающихся повышает как мотивацию к изучению английского языка, так и интерес к процессу чтения. Надеюсь, что данная разработка окажется полезной.

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