Инфоурок Иностранные языки КонспектыУрок на тему «Познание культур через достопримечательности городов Вашингтон, Москва, Саранск»

Урок на тему «Познание культур через достопримечательности городов Вашингтон, Москва, Саранск»

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Диалог культур



Обучение иностранному языку на основе ознакомления учащихся с культурой другой страны является одним из базовых принципов обучения этому предмету. Приобщение к культуре другого народа не только делает изучение иностранного языка более привлекательным для учащихся, но и способствует полноценной коммуникации, более точному и адекватному пониманию носителей данной культуры.

Знакомство с лучшими образцами культуры англоязычных стран помогает учащимся лучше и глубже осознать ценность культуры своей страны, что стимулирует и мотивирует их стремление постоянно увеличивать и углублять объём знаний о своей стране и других странах. Жить в культуре и ничего о ней не знать сегодня является опасным и разрушительным для общества и культуры.

Относительно понятия «диалог культур» существуют различные точки зрения. Чаще всего диалог культур понимается как приобщение обучаемых к культурным ценностям народа, язык которого является предметом изучения. Однако само по себе приобщение  к ценностям народа – носителя изучаемого языка не превращает этот процесс автоматически в диалог культур на том основании, что изучающие ИЯ обладают ценностями родной культуры. Истинное понимание чужой культуры возможно только при достаточно глубоком знании истории и культуры своей страны, своего края, своей малой Родины.

 Моя  концепция состоит в том, что на уроках английского языка школьники учатся межкультурному общению, познают культуру и мир английского языка, параллельно формируется умение донести до других жизненный и культурный опыт России и своей нации. На своих уроках разговорные темы, предусмотренные программой, преподношу в тесной связи  с национально – региональным компонентом: « Зимние фестивали в России», «Мордовские певцы и композиторы», «Знаменитые люди моего края», «Мордовская кухня»,  “Финно – угорский фестиваль», «Диалог культур» и т. д. Овладение учащимися ценностями родной культуры делает их восприятие иных культур более точным, глубоким и всесторонним. Только  пережив родную культуру в живой её соотнесённости с культурой страны изучаемого языка, можно стать настоящим гражданином Отечества и полноправным гражданином мира. Различные формы ведения материалов страноведческого и лингвострановедческого содержания способствуют передаче школьникам иноязычной культуры, содействует их вовлечению в диалог культур, развивают общеучебные умения учащихся, их творческие и познавательные умения, повышают интерес к изучению ИЯ в целом. Учу детей видеть в чужом не только и не столько то, что нас отличает друг от друга, сколько то, что сближает и объединяет, принять новые знания о чужой культуре для более глубокого познания своей. Познание самого себя всегда начинается с познания окружающей действительности, вхождения в  мир различных отношений, обретения своего места в этом мире.  Однако такое образование  происходит во многом стихийно, и часто молодые люди знают о мировой культуре больше, чем о культуре своей родины. Не зная собственной культуры, молодёжь не испытывает чувства гордости и ответственности за свою  страну. Между тем в стратегии модернизации образования в качестве главного результата рассматривается готовность и способность молодых людей нести личную ответственность как за собственное благополучие, так и  всего общества.

Предлагаю разработку урока «Диалог культур», который был проведён с учащимися  9 класса.



Структура урока

I Начало урока

1.1 Приветствие

1.2 Сообщение темы , цели и задач урока.

1.3 Речевая зарядка. Пословицы


II Основной этап урока

1. The excursion to Washington D.C

2.1 Контроль аудирования в формате ЕГЭ “Journey to Moscow

2.1 Прослушивание текста с записи и заполнение таблицы.

2.2 Парная работа по проверке  задания  по ключу и проставление оценок.


3. Презентация проектов о достопримечательностях Москвы.

3.1The Kremlin.

3.2  Red Square

3.3 St. Basil’s Cathedral

3.4 The Cathedral of Christ the Savoir. Novodevichy Convent

3.5. Poklonnaya Mountain. Moscow University

3.6 Ostankino Estate. Kuskovo Estate State Tretyakov Gallery

3.7  The Tretyakov Gallery


4. Работа над текстом

4.1 Чтение с извлечением  конкретной информации.

4.2 Ответить на вопросы по тексту.


III. Заключительный этап урока

3.1 Подведение итогов урока.

3.2  Оценки за урок.

3.3 Домашнее задание




Цель: Приобщение к духовному наследию разных народов.





1. Совершенствование навыков устной речи.

2. Развитие навыка аудирования в формате ЕГЭ.

3. Развитие умения представлять культуру Мордовии средствами иностранного языка.

5. Формирование навыка чтения  с извлечением конкретной информации (scanning)



1. Воспитание толерантного отношения к культуре иноязычной страны.

2. Способствовать формированию у учащихся научной картины мира.

3. Воспитание человека культуры, гражданина и патриота своей страны.




1. Способствовать непрерывному развитию личности

2. Способствовать повышению общего образования  и культуры.

3. Развитие критического мышления.





!. Личностно ориентированный подход

2. Метод сотрудничества

3. Проектная методика

4. Ролевая игра


Форма проведения: элементы ролевой игры




Компьютерная поддержка, магнитофон, книги о Мордовии, иллюстрации достопримечательностей Мордовии, презентация « The USA”, презентация « Moscow”, презентация  “Saransk, текст «Saranskthe capital of Mordovia”, карточки, гимн США, гимн России, текст “Journey to Moscow, Интернет ресурсы, пословицы


Communication of cultures


I Greeting and objectives


 Good morning , dear friends. How are you? Is anybody away? Great!

 What is the weather like today? For traveling any weather is suitable , isn’t it?

Today we have an unusual lesson. The theme of our lesson  is “ Communication of cultures” The motto of the lesson is” East or West  Home is Best”  You’ll  visit the capital of the USA, speak about sightseeing of Moscow,  listen to adverts  about Moscow, read the text about Saransk and  do some activities with it. We have much to do. Be careful and active. I wish you success and I hope you’ll enjoy the lesson.


II   Activities with proverbs

I have some proverbs  to begin with.

a). Listen and repeat


Пословица английского языка

Аналог пословицы английского языка

No living man all things can

Нельзя объять необъятное

Wait and see

Поживем - увидим



The early bird catches the worm

Кто рано встает, тому бог подает



A sound mind is a sound body

В здоровом теле здоровый дух

Take the bull by the horns

Брать быка за рога

Strike while the iron is hot

Куй железо, пока горячо

Сuriosity killed the cat

Много будешь знать - скоро состаришься

At the ends of the earth

У черта на куличках

Practice makes perfect

Повторение - мать учения

No news is good news

Отсутствие новостей - хорошая новость


b) Give  an appropriate proverb to  react to the following sentences. More than one proverb can be suitable

I have a lot to do but I have very little time.

I am fed up with your questions. Can you  stop for a moment?

I can’t get to you. The place of your destination is very far from here.

He doesn’t like to revise English words.

I haven’t got any letters from my relatives. It awfully worries me.

I  can’t learn English properly. I suppose it’s not for me.

He does sport with pleasure.


III A journey to Washington D.C.


It’s high time to start our journey to Washington D.C. Guides , you are welcome

Guide 1

Dear friends! I am your guide. My name is Maria. You are welcome to the capital of the USA – Washington D.C.. As you know it stands on the Potomac River. The city is the home of all government institutions for the whole country: Congress, the White House, the Supreme Court. All the foreign embassies are here too. There are many skyscrapers.


The city is so beautiful that it doesn’t look like a capital at all.

Guide 1:

Yes , there is a lot of green here, so many parks and lawns…Japanese Park, Square Park  In the evening the whole city turns into a big fitness club. Everywhere people jog, play football or volleyball, or ride their bikes.

Pay attention to the White Building up there. It is the Capitol. The Capitol has housed chambers of the Senate and the House of Representatives for almost two centuries. The cornerstone of this impressive building was laid by George Washington himself.


P2  May I interrupt you? Can we see the White House?


Guide 1:

Well. The place we are looking at is world famous. It’s the White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500. So if you want to write to the American President, now you know the address.


P 3:

We would like to go in.


I’m sorry, but there are no regular tours of the White House. If you really want to go inside, you have to plan the whole thing well in advance and buy special tickets.



Oh, I didn’t know. But why?


Guide 1:

Because the President and the first Lady live here. It’s their home and they need some peace and quiet. Did you know that all the Presidents of the United States have lived here?



 Yes, we did.

Guide 1:

There is one exception however. George Washington never lived in the white House. It was finished after his death. Look at this four – sided stone structure which look like an Egytian obelisk. It honours the “ Father of our  country”, general and the first President of the United States – George Washington.


And does it have any connection with Thomas Jefferson?

Guide 2 :

I’m afraid not. But you can see Jefferson Memorial in Washington too. You can see extracts from Jefferson’s  most famous works on the walls of the memorial.


That’s very interesting. And when was it built?


Guide 2:

It was dedicated to the 200th anniversary of Jefferson’s birth, so it was opened in 1943

P 8:

And what about President Lincoln?


Guide 2:

There is the Lincoln Memorial with a huge statue of Lincoln in the middle. The Memorial looks like a Greek temple, and it has 36 columns, one for each state at the time of Lincoln’s death. It’s a very important symbol, because Lincoln spent his whole life trying to keep the country united.

Washington takes pride in its world – class museums at the Smithsonian Institution. There is something for everyone: The Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum, The Smithsonian Natural History Museum, The Smithsonian American History Museum and many more. The museums are free and fun to visit with a lot of guided tours and different activities.

P 9:

And what about the FBI?

Guide 2:

Well. If you ‘re a fan of spy stories, you’ll enjoy the FBI’s demonstration of spy equipment and real – life stories about finding criminals and fighting terrorism.


IV Listening


Thank you very much . You have given us an excellent presentation of Washington D.C. We admire it. American Studies helps us to understand our native culture. The heart of Russia is Moscow Before speaking about it I would like you to listen to adverts  about Moscow and fill in the table.


a) Match the ads  (A – I)  and  numbers (1 – 9)/ One is extra.




A  Tours to Moscow

B  Tickets

C  Hotels in Moscow

D  Restaurants




E  Visa

F  Attractions

G  Shops

H  Listings

I  Transport
























Journey to Moscow


    Welcome to Moscow - the capital of Russia, its political, scientific, historical, architectural and business centre, from which power and might of the Russian state developed.



Hotels in Moscow

Tours to Moscow

If you are to visit Moscow as a tourist or on business, or you are planning to meet your partners in Moscow and need accommodation, we are glad to offer you Moscow hotels reservation at discounted rates. You can reserve a hotel of any level - from tourist class to 5-star luxurious hotels. It is an easy on-line reservation with individual approach to every client. If you hesitate about the hotel we will recommend you something according to your wishes and means, trying to make the best possible choice for you.

Our company offers you various tours to Moscow - from short to long - term and for different budget. You can choose any you like from the list of popular tours on our page or order a special one. You only have to inform us about your preferences, approximate amount you plan to spend on the tour and the level of the hotel you want to live at. We will make an individual tour for you, basing on your reguirements, with your own guide and car. All forms of payment are accepted. We will try to make your tour unforgettable and hope you will enjoy your stay in our beautiful city.



Our site offers you a chance to get familiar with the most beautiful and famous sights of Moscow. Here you can find pictures of the most renowned and interesting places, with the description of their history from the day of construction to our days. You will have an opportunity to learn about them and make your choice on what you would like to see most of all. You can order a tour or an excursion with our company and our guide will tell you in details about all the places you like to see. You are always welcome!

If you are planning a trip and want to get tickets at the best possible rates and in shortest time we are glad to offer you our service. In our company you can reserve an airline or a train ticket for internal or international routes. If you are not sure about the best way to the place of your destination we will help you to choose the optimum route at the best price and make your trip comfortable. Your tickets will be delivered to your home or office within city boundaries by our delivery service or to any place of the world by express post.



Our site provides information about restaurants of Moscow. You can find the description of restaurants of various cuisines - from traditional Russian to Caucasian and Exotic. The restaurants are located in different parts of Moscow - you may choose any depending on the food you prefer and the most convenient place for you. There are phone numbers indicated, so you can always call beforehand and make sure there is a table reserved for you.

Here you can find information about the biggest shops in Moscow. If you want to buy a present or a souvenier for your friends and relatives and have no time to wander around the city in search of the best place you can check the list of shops on our page and can also call there to learn if they have what you need. The shops offer a wide range of products - from furniture to food.



Visa Support


If you are planning a trip to Moscow you will need a Russian visa. We will provide free visa support for you. In order to get it you have to reserve a hotel with our company. Then you will get a Confirmation and a Hotel Voucher from our company after you make hotel reservation.
Having those papers you apply to a Russian Consulate in your city and they will grant a Russian travel visa for you for the whole period of your stay. It is easy and doesn't take much time. We accept all forms of payment to make your journey as comfortable as it can be.

This listing contains the most important items for travellers and business people visiting Moscow. It is compiled to make your stay in our beautiful Russian capital unforgettable, to make the arrangements easy and quick.
You can find any information you need here - from reserving hotel or a ticket to auto repair and home furnishings. We hope this catalogue will really be helpful to you and you will apply to its services every time you are planning an event in the area of Moscow city.


b) Change your cards with your partners and check with the key. Put marks.




2 A

3 F

4 B

5 D

6 G

7 E

8 H

9 I


V. Present your  projects  “The attractions of Moscow”

(Appendix 1)

 1. The Kremlin.

 2.  Red Square

 3. St. Basil’s Cathedral

 4. The Cathedral of Christ the Savoir. Novodevichy Convent

 5. Poklonnaya Mountain. Moscow University

 6. Ostankino Estate. Kuskovo Estate State Tretyakov Gallery

 7.  The Tretyakov Gallery


T :

Well done.  

1. Have you ever been to Moscow?

2. Would you like to visit Moscow one day?

3. What is Moscow associated with?


VI  T: Some of you have visited Moscow. The others haven’t been to Moscow yet. But I’m sure that everybody was in the capital of Republic of Mordovia – Saransk. It’s time to remember our native town . I’ll give you the text “ Saransk – is the capital of the Republic of Mordovia. We admire St Ushakov’s Cathedral, Pushkin park and Sychkov Gallery, Erzya Museum There are many Sport Complexes which train Olympic champions as our school leaver Valera Borchin. Scan the text and be ready to answer the questions.

             How can you describe Saransk today?

P 10:

 Present day Saransk is totally new town as compared with the old one. It’s a town of modern industry, high schools, scientific – research institutes and new residential areas with modern conveniences and good amenities.

 Saransk attracts us by its beauty. There is St Ushakov’s Cathedral, Pushkin Park, Sychkov gallery, Erzya Museum, Sport Buildings; the Ice Palace, the Sport Centre for training Olympic champions. It is not only a cultural centre. Industry is being developed here too.

VII T: A conclusion word

I’m thankful to you for  your good work at the lesson. I hope that you will be real citizens of  our large country – Russia and its little part – Mordovia. And you  will do your best  to change it to a better, nicer, richer  place to live in. What proverbs express your love to your Motherland?

   P 1: “East or West Home is Best”.

   P2 : “There Is No Place Like Home“


 You are right”

Your marks…

VIII  T: Homework

1.Translate the text “Saransk – is the capital of Mordovia” in detail. Do it in  written form.

2. Retell the text./ Make up a  plan.




1. Anashkina  I.A. L.V. Vereschagina“About Mordovia in English”

   г. Саранск Издательство Мордовского Университета, 2005 – 56 с.

2.  Internet Resources  http://www.moscow-hotels-russia.com/sights.htm      http://www.norvica.ru/eng_cities/mow/sightseeing

3. K. I Kaufman “Happy English. ru “ 9th  form: Учебник для 9 класса    общеобраз. учрежд.- Обнинск: Титул, 2008 – 272 стр

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