Инфоурок Английский язык КонспектыУрок “Nature around us”

Урок “Nature around us”

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1.   Организационный момент

Teacher: Good afternoon, my dear children!

Students: Good afternoon, teacher!

Teacher: Happy to see you! Sit down! How are you? Are you ready to learn, to know anything new?

Students: Yes!

Teacher: Great!

2.   Постановка цели и задач. Этап мотивации

Teacher: And now look at the screen, listen to music and think what we are going to speak about during our lesson.(наэкраневидеообокружающемнасмиреприродыипесняЛуисаАрмстронга “What a Wonderful World”) After watching the film you should give your associations.

Pupils: Beautiful forests, clean rivers, green grass, fresh air…

Teacher: Did you like it?

Teacher:What do you think what we are going to speak about?

Pupils: We are going to speak about nature. Our theme is “Nature around us”

Teacher:  I think wehave got some positive emotions and I hope our lesson will be interesting and creative. 

T: Open you exercise books and write the date. Today is 15th of April.

3.   Teacher: The tasks of our lesson are:

torevise the words on the themethenature

to discuss the environmental problems

to repeat the grammar

to speak about animals in danger

towork with the lapbook.

T: We are going to work with it  during our lesson.


T: At the beginning of the lesson I want to ask your attention to this rules, you should follow them:

-         Be active! –Be attentive! –Be emotional!– First think then speak!


4. Teacher: Фонетическаязарядка.


First task. Let us   revise the words on the theme the nature



Take this cards with a song, read and complete the sentences with the names of animals, thenlisten and check.Уч-ся читают текст песни и заполняют пропуски названиями животных, затем слушают и проверяют.

Animal Song

Thelion  is the king of the jungle.

The elephant is big and strong.

The crocodile is very dangerous.

The snake is very long.

The monkey  likes to swing through the branches.

The camel likes to walk, walk, walk.

The hippo likes to sit in the mud pool all day.

The parrot likes to talk, talk, talk

EX. 2

Let’s talk a little. Look at the screen and answer the questions.

1.     What does nature includes?(what is the nature?)

2.     What animals do you know?

3.     What birds do you know?

4.     What plants do you know?

5.     What words are these pictures associate? ( air pollution, water pollution, forest cutting ( deforestation), litter

T. Children, can we say “We have environmental problems”

P. Yes, wecan.

 6.  Учебно-познавательнаядеятельность.


EX. 3

Teacher:Lookatthescreenagain. Read the sentences and match them with meanings.




EnvironmentPeople who kill animals for their meat.


Hunters           The material which pollutes rivers, lakes and forests

LitterA planet where we live.


The ЕarthIt’s the place where animals, birds and  plants are protected.

A nature reserve           Everything that is around us


Environment  –  Everything that is around us.

Hunters                           – People who kill animals for their meat.

Litter                               – The material which pollutes rivers, lakes and forests.

The Еarth–  A planet where we live.

A Nature reserve             It’s the place where animals, birds and  plants are protected. 

T : Great. You know the words on the theme “The nature around us” very well. You can see interesting fact  about animals, birds and plants in our lapbook.



Teacher: Excellent. Second task of our lesson is to discuss environmental problems.

Read and match the texts with the titles. Each title is a name of an environmental problem.Onetitleisextra.

На смарт-доске высвечивается слайд с текстом и иллюстрациями к нему, a также с 7 заголовками.

1. Endangered animals

2. Deforestation[dɪfɔːrɪˈsteɪʃn](уничтожениелесов)

3. Litter

4. Water Pollution

5. Global warming

6. Air Pollution


А.People produce too much packaging and food waste and throw them in the streets; that causes many illnesses which spread more easily.Litter

B. A lot of animals become endangered or die out because people kill them for their horns, tusks (бивень,клык)and beautiful skin. They are hunted and killed for their skin and body parts which are used in medicine. Endangered animals


C.Factories and cars produce poisonous gases which go up into the air. More and more people are getting skin cancer[ˈkænsə](раковоезаболевание)Air Pollution


D. Forests are disappearing as trees are cut down or burnt. Less and less oxygen is produced.Deforestation [dɪfɔːrɪˈsteɪʃn]

E.  Dangerous waste from factories goes into oceans, seas and rivers, killing fish.WaterPollution

Сначала учащиеся читают заголовки вслух, затем они читают текст про себя(вслух) и заполняют таблицу.

 Teacher: Let’s check up your answers.

На смарт доске учащиеся записывают правильные ответы. Keys: A3 B1 C6D2 E4


Teacher: What environmental problems did you read about?

Pupils: Litter(Soil pollution) ,Endangeredanimals, Air Pollution, Deforestation, Water Pollution.

T: Well done!

Next task of our lesson is Grammar task.

Teacher:Look at the screen and say: What is this form?

P: FutureSimple (будущеепростоевремя)

HowdoweformFutureSimple?(Какобразуетсябудущее простое время)

Pupils:Глагол  will, shall  и основной глагол V









Ex. 5

We will work with the grammar and speak about nature around us.

Работавпарах. Take the grammar cards, read word combinations, use them .Put the verbs in Future Simple,ask, answer the questions, and act the situations out. Work in pairs (Use I will or I will not ).

Plant trees,  feed birds in winter,Take a care of a pet, teach parrotto speak,  save water and energy, pick up litter, make environmental programs,  litter, kill animals, pick flowers, touch a snake, catch a mouse, feed a dog, go to the zoo, teach parrot to speak, give water to the pet, hunt animals, see wild animals.

-I will plant trees next month. What will you do?

   -I will feed birds in winter.

T: You did it well. Excellent


9.    Teacher: Children, are you tired? Do you have a rest?

Bear: Good morning, may I come in?

Teacer: Who are you?

Bear: I am Bear.

Teacher: Where are you from?

Bear: I am from Australia. Children, let us sing and dance.

Cлайд9  (физкультминутка)

Oh, I'm a Gummy Bear
Yes, I'm a Gummy Bear!
Oh, I'm a Yummy, Chummy, Funny, Lucky Gummy Bear.
I'm a Jelly bear, Cuz I'm a Gummy bear,
Oh I'm a movin', groovin', Jammin', Singin' Gummy Bear
Oh Yeah!
(Gummy GummyGummyGummyGummy bear) [Pop! ]
Bing ding badoli party
Zing bingbadoli party
Bredingbadoli party party pop
Oh, I'm a Gummy Bear
Yes, I'm a Gummy Bear!
Oh, I'm a Yummy, Chummy, Funny, Lucky Gummy Bear.
I'm a Jelly bear, Cuz I'm a Gummy bear,
Oh I'm a movin', groovin', Jammin', Singin' Gummy Bear

Слайд 10   фильморедкихживотных:

(Сингапурская  методика, структура ЭЙ АР ГАЙД.)

EX. 6

T :  Attention, please! We discussed a lot of problems, did we?

P: Yes, we did.

T: One  of these problems is the endangered  animals problem.


Take the cards and write the names of endangered animals in column BEFORE. What endangered animals do you know?

Now watch the film and write the names of endangered animals in columnAFTER


Top 7 endangered animals:

Tiger.People have hunted and killed many tigers for fun and for their beautiful skin.

The beautiful  White Bengalis one of the rarest species.

Polar Bearis in danger because of weather changes and warm temperature. Polar bears could be extinct in 10-25 years.

Cross River Gorillais now incredibly rare. It is killed for sport and sometimes even for food.

MekongGiantCatfish (гигантскийсоммеконг) native to the Mekong River criticly endangered. Only a few hundret left.

Giant Panda like to live in bamboo forests, but  they are slowly disappearing. They are only 300 left.

Golden-Headed Langur  (золотойлангур) . They are mostly wiped-out (уничтожены). They are only 70 individuals remain.

JarvanRinocerosdue the poaching there are only 60 left.


T:Children, why do you think this animals are in danger?

P: The people hunt the animals for food, for skin, for fun

Teacher:We see that the situation is serious. What do we do to save these animals?

T: Look at our lapbook, there is information about extinct animals on the lapbook, you can read this information after the lesson. (Налэпбукеразмещенакнижкаобизчезнувшихживотных)

10.          T:Yes, you are right. We should open more reserves.  Do you know about thee reserves in our region.It is Smidovich Reserve in Temnikow.


Ex. 7.

T: I have some information about it. Look at the screen.

T :SmidovichReserve  protects the countryside, plants, animals and birds.

It was foundedby P. G. Smidovichin 1936.  He was statemanandtook part in environmental protection. SmidovichReserve is located on the territory of Temnikovbetween Moksha and Satis rivers.   There are a lot of  species  of birds and animals. In the reserve there is a Nature Museum. In the last 5 years it has been actively developing eco-tourism: There were  created the eco paths, places for rest. 

The reserve is home to more than 200 species of animals. Many of these plants are rare and listed in the red book: red deer, bison, brown bear, budger(барсук), lynx(рысь), white stork(аист) and others.

Did you like the lesson? What did you like most of all? Would you like to take care of animals and birds?

11.          T:  Заключительный этап урока.

Teacher: Today we have discussed a lot about the nature, environment. I am sure that you are real friends of our planet. It's very important to save it. A famous Russian writer MihailPrishvin said: "To protect nature means to protect our motherland". I hope you will keep these words in your heart.

All your answers were very good. Thank you for the lesson.












CARD №1.Matchthesentences


Environment                          People who kill animals for their meat.

 Hunters                                   The material which pollutes rivers, lakes

and forests

Litter                                            A planet where we live.


The Еarth                                                              It’s the place where animals,   

                                                                          Birds and plants are protected


A nature reserve Everything that is around us.



CARD №2.Read texts about the main environmental problems. Read and match them with the titles. Each title is a name of an environmental problem. One title is extra.


1. Endangered animals

2. Deforestation [dɪfɔːrɪˈsteɪʃn](уничтожениелесов)

3. Litter

4. Water Pollution

5. Global warming

6.  Air Pollution


A.People produce too much packaging and food waste and throw them in the streets; that causes many illnesses which spread [spred] (распространяться) more easily.


B.A lot of animals become endangered or die out because people kill them for their horns(рога) , tusks (бивень,клык) and beautiful skin. They are hunted and killed for their skin and body parts which are used in medicine.

C. Factories and cars produce poisonous gases which go up into the air. More and more people are getting skin cancer[ˈkænsə] (раковоезаболевание)


D. Forests are disappearing as trees are cut down or burnt. Less and less oxygen is produced.

E.  Dangerous waste from factories goes into oceans, seas and rivers, killing fish.


CARD №3.Read word combinations, translate,  use them . Ask, answer the questions, put the verbs inFuture Simple and act the situations out. Work in pairs.

-Will you plant trees next month?

-Yes, I will.

To plant trees,  to feed birds in winter, to take a care of a pet, to teach parrotto speak,to save water and energy, to pick up litter, to make environmental programs, to  litter, to kill animals, to pick flowers.


CARD №4.Put verbs into Present Perfect Continuous.

1.Some industries _______ (use) new technologies for some time to help the environment.
2.Children ______(build) nesting boxes for a month.
 3. Mankind ___________ (pollute) the nature for centuries.
4.How long ___(you/take care) of this injured bird?
5. We ________(not save) our planet for centuries.

















CARD №5.Write the names of endangered animals in column BEFORE , then

watch the film and write the names of endangered animals in columnAFTER






















CARD №5.Write the names of endangered animals in column BEFORE , then

watch the film and write the names of endangered animals in columnAFTER




















CARD №5.Write the names of endangered animals in column BEFORE , then

watch the film and write the names of endangered animals in columnAFTER






















CARD №5.Write the names of endangered animals in column BEFORE , then

watch the film and write the names of endangered animals in columnAFTER





















CARD №5.Write the names of endangered animals in column BEFORE , then

watch the film and write the names of endangered animals in columnAFTER























CARD №5.Write the names of endangered animals in column BEFORE , then

watch the film and write the names of endangered animals in columnAFTER






















CARD №5.Write the names of endangered animals in column BEFORE , then

watch the film and write the names of endangered animals in columnAFTER






















CARD №5.Write the names of endangered animals in column BEFORE , then

watch the film and write the names of endangered animals in columnAFTER























CARD №5.Write the names of endangered animals in column BEFORE , then

watch the film and write the names of endangered animals in columnAFTER

























 Pollution - загрязнение, protection–защита, recycle - перерабатывать), save - спасать, экономить, waste – отходы, extinct – вымершие, factory – фабрики, Nature –природа, environment –окружающаясреда, Ecology–экология, airpollution –загрязнениевоздуха, water pollution –загрязнениеводы, forest cutting ( deforestation) вырубкалесов, the atmosphere–атмосфера, to breatheдышать, plant  - растение, animal–животные, protect - защищать

protection–защита, dangerous - опасный , in danger – вопасности

to killanimals – убиватьживотных,  to huntanimals for food (skin, fun)–охотитьсяживотныхрадиеды (шкуры, забавы), Hunters –охотники, litter –мусор, to litter – мусорить, a nature reserveприродныйзаповедник, to keep – хранить, держать

lionлев, elephantслон, crocodileкрокодил, snake - змея, monkey-обезьяна, camelверблюд, hippo-  бегемот, parrot-попугай

Plant trees–сажатьдеревья, feed birds in winter–кормитьптицзимой, take a care of a pet–заботитьсяопитомцах, teach parrotto speakучитьпопугаяговорить, pick up litter–собиратьмусор

to litter – мусорить, kill animals, pick flowers, touch a snake–трогатьзмею,  catch a mouse–ловитьмышь ,feed a dog  -кормитьсобаку

gotothezoo – ходитьвзоопарк, huntanimals – охотитьсянаживотных

Tiger, White Bengal , Polar Bear , Cross River Gorilla,  Mekong Giant Catfish  (гигантскийсоммеконг) , Giant Panda , Golden-Headed Langur  ( золотойлангур) , JarvanRinoceros (носорог)



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