Инфоурок Английский язык КонспектыУрок по английскому языку "Окружающая среда"

Урок по английскому языку "Окружающая среда"

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Приложение 1

1 группа:окружающая среда, воздух, экологические проблемы, помогать, загрязнять, мусор, перерабатывать, пластик, существа

2 группа: защищать, вырубать, костер, лес, спасать, животные, чистый, Земля, заново использовать

3 группа: стекло, разрушать, парниковый эффект, грязный, отходы, безопасный, радиация, вода

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Приложение 2

  1. I feel unhappy because I can’t change public opinion to our planet.

  2. I would like to see new energy saving laws introduced.

  3. I am afraid of the after-effects of human activities.

  4. I am sure that wise attitude to basic earth supplies is necessary.

  5. I do not want my family to live in polluted environment.

  6. I am for the use of energy saving practices in house construction.

  7. I find many simple ways to help our planet in everyday life.

Приложение 2

  1. I feel unhappy because I can’t change public opinion to our planet.

  2. I would like to see new energy saving laws introduced.

  3. I am afraid of the after-effects of human activities.

  4. I am sure that wise attitude to basic earth supplies is necessary.

  5. I do not want my family to live in polluted environment.

  6. I am for the use of energy saving practices in house construction.

  7. I find many simple ways to help our planet in everyday life.

Speaker A

I try to care about our planet. Some people argue that it’s impossible for an individual to affect major changes, but I disagree as there’re many things everyone can do to help our planet. Let’s start with our homes. Encouraging your family to recycle regularly is a good thing to start with. Every glass bottle you recycle saves enough energy to run a TV for an hour, while recycling an aluminum can saves energy to run a TV for three hours! It’s not difficult to turn out the lights when you leave the room or use re-useable containers for your lunches.

Speaker B

My name is Walton and I’m from the USA. I’m personally concerned about our environmental pollution. I try to protect the environment, to preserve it and to leave it clean and undamaged for the next generations who are at risk of not being able to leave their homes due to high city pollution. Yet now, in my native city (Boston) the smog has increased to such a threatening level that my family and I had to move, because the air was harmful to the health of my 4-year-old son.

Speaker C

In my country, England, there is hardly a part of it that is within its natural state. The typical English countryside, the hills and fields, have all been shaped by generations of cultivation. In fact, taking the planet as a whole there is hardly a part of it that humans have not changed. I fear that by our pollution humans are changing the places where they do not live and where they live. Deserts are becoming hotter, arctic ice is melting and wherever you look you can see the ugly footprint of humanity.

Speaker D

Of course we should care more about our planet water supplies. When you use water wisely, you help the environment. You save water for fish and animals. You help preserve drinking water supplies as well. You save the energy that your water supplier uses to move water to you and the energy your family uses to heat your water. When you use water wisely, you save money as your family pays for the water you use. So if kids start learning to use water wisely today, they will be helping themselves in the future.

Speaker E

My name is Susan and I’m 17 years old. I think the earth is the home we all live in but many people simply don’t care. I get depressed by all those warnings that we hear daily, acid rain, global warming and on and on. It is likely that there will always be some people who litter in towns and in the country, despite fines and knowledge of the environmental consequences. You cannot influence the way other people care for our planet and that makes me very sad.

Speaker F

I suggest we should use all resources in the most efficient way possible. A green home will be a good solution here as it helps to conserve energy as well as water. Waste and pollution will be decreased too. A green home protects the environment by using renewable solar energy. Solar panels on the roof of a home collect sunlight, which is then converted into power to heat the home and run the home equipment. So a green home will save energy as well as money in addition to having other health benefits.


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Выбранный для просмотра документ Аудирование и устная речь. Окружающая среда..docx

План урока по английскому языку № ____

Дата: _____

Класс: 10

Тема: Аудирование и устная речь. Окружающая среда.

Цель урока: Формирование основных языковых компетенций на уроке английского языка

Тип урока: комбинированный



научить учащихся использовать изученную лексику по теме “Экология” и отработать ее употребление в речи, при ответах на вопросы, аудировании, работе с текстом.

познакомить учащихся с проблемами экологии и путями их решения.


создать условия для развития памяти, умения правильно обобщать данные и делать выводы

формировать умения правильно и связанно переводить текст, понимать текст на слух.

развивать внимание и восприятие.


способствовать воспитанию бережливости и экономии

способствовать воспитанию бережного отношения к окружающей природе.

научить учащихся работать в паре, группе, слушать друг друга.



формирование познавательных мотивов обучающихся

развитие мысленного воспроизведения ситуации


владение навыками самоконтроля и самооценки своей деятельности


продуктивное взаимодействие обучающихся в решении поставленной задачи

участие в небольших устных высказываниях


высказывание предположений, обсуждение проблемных вопросов.

Оборудование: учебник, карточки, иллюстрации. доска

Этап урока

1. Организационный момент

Good morning. Glad to see you. Sit down. How are you today?

2. Постановка цели урока

Look at these pictures and try to guess what we are going to speak about.

P1: water pollution

P2: ecological problems

P3: environment

3. Работа с лексикой по теме

You’re right. So, today we are going to speak about ecological and environmental problems and the ways of helping our planet. On your desks you see cards with Russian words on ecology. Translate the words into Russian.

(В каждой группе 4 ученика)

Приложение 1. (карточки со словами)

4. Аудирование

Now let’s listen to some texts about ecological problems.(У каждого ученика карточка с заданием по аудированию) You’ll hear six texts. Your task is to find the correct answer to each statement. One statement is extra. You’ll hear the texts twice. Be very careful.Are you ready? (Учащиеся прослушивают тексты). Now I’ll give you the correct answers and you’ll check the answers of your partner and give marks to him. One point is for each correct answer. Thank you for your job. (Учитель собирает карточки). Приложение 2. (тексты для прослушивания)

Приложение 2а

5. Работа с текстом. Чтение и перевод текста. We’ve spoken a lot about ecological problems and I’d like you to tell about the ways of solutions of these problems. At home you were to read and translate the text at page 64. But before we start reading the text look at the picture. Here you can see 3Rs: 1R – reduce, 2R – reuse, 3R- recycle.

T: What can we reuse?

P1: Plastic bags and bottles

P2: Old newspapers

T: How can we reduce using natural resources?

P1: We must switch off the light when we leave the room and use energy saving light bulbs.

P2: We should turn down the heating and shorter showers.

T: How can we reuse things?

P1: We can swap magazines, books and clothes and give the old ones to someone who needs them.

T: Now let’s read and translate the text. (Учащиеся читают и переводят текст)

T: Good job. I’d like to listen to your ideas of helping our planet. What can we do to solve the problem? You can use the ideas from the text as well as yours.

6. Монологические высказывания. Развитие навыка устной речи

P1: We can help protect the environment by practicing 3Rs: reduce, reuse, recycle. First of all, we can reuse some things before we throw them away. For example, from old jeans we can make new shorts or give them to someone who needs them. We shouldn’t throw away empty jars and bottles as we can use them for storing other things.

P2: I’d like to add that we must always switch off the lights when we leave an empty room. We must try to cut down the amount of paper we use. If you use a computer always proofread your writing on the screen before you print it out. Use both sides of the paper and then recycle it. You know, that telephone calls and email messages don’t create paper waste.

P3: I advise to buy things with simple packaging that can easily be recycled. If you prepare a packed lunch to eat at school, take a sandwich in a reusable lunchbox, juice in a reusable bottle. To help the environment we can swap magazines, books and clothes with friends.

7. Подведение итогов

T: I hope all advice is useful and we can follow it in our life. Our lesson is coming to an end and I’d like you to answer my question. Can we live in a better, cleaner, safer world?

P1: I think we can. All of us can do three Rs, we can reuse old things, reuse the amount of water.

P2: We can do other things to help our planet: plant trees and flowers, help animals, don’t litter in the streets.

P3: People must think of future generations and take care of nature. I’m sure we’ll be able to save our planet.

8. Домашнее задание. Выставление оценок

Now I’d like to thank you for the lesson. You were very active and hard-working and I give you excellent marks. It’s time to write your home task. Please design a simple project on "Ecology problems and solutions" and present it in groups. Use ideas from the text as well as your own ideas.

9. Рефлексия деятельности

Now, I’d like you to tell me what new things you’ve learnt today.

P1: Today I’ve learnt many simple ways to help our planet in everyday life. I mean 3Rs. I will use them in my life.

P2: Now I know about the use of energy saving practices.

P3: I understand the importance of the ecological problems and try to do everything possible to solve them/

10. Заключительныйэтап The lesson is over. Good bye.

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