Инфоурок Английский язык КонспектыУрок по английскому языку ''The World of Animals and Me. Let's not say goodbye''

Урок по английскому языку ''The World of Animals and Me. Let's not say goodbye''

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Тема урока:  The World of Animals and Me. Let’s not Say Goodbye



* формирование мотивации изучения ИЯ и стремление к самосовершенствованию в образовательной области «Иностранный язык »;

* готовность отстаивать национальные и общечеловеческие (гуманистические, демократические) ценности, свою гражданскую позицию.


 * составлять планы деятельности; использовать все возможные ресурсы для достижения поставленных целей и реализации планов деятельности;

* умение продуктивно общаться и взаимодействовать в процессе совместной деятельности,

* владение навыками познавательной, учебно - исследовательской и проектной деятельности,

* готовность  и способность к самостоятельной информационно - познавательной деятельности,

* владение языковыми средствами - умение ясно, логично и точно излагать свою точку зрения

              * развитие иноязычных умений общаться в виртуальном пространстве на форуме учебного сайта


* свободное использование словарного запаса по теме;

* сформированность умений написания текстов по изученной проблематике на иностранном языке, в том числе демонстрирующих творческие способности обучающихся;

* владение умением представлять тексты в виде тезисов,  сочинений

* владение умением анализировать текст с точки зрения наличия в нем основной и второстепенной информации.


 1.Teacher: There are many animals in the world but there are many animals’ problems. Today at the lesson we’ll discuss some of them. You and I want to help them. We love animals very much. You have already begun to gather information about endangered animals, learn about the status of some animals, the human connection to them. Now you can use the information to educate the public about the endangered animals.

I love all kind of animals

Dogs and cats and rabbits.

I love all kind of animals,

Despite their little habits.


видеоролик:  «Животный мир»

2.     Warming up.

 Teacher: Problem 1. Where do you think is better for animals to live?

-in the zoo;

-in the animal’s park;

-in the wild.

3. Результаты анкетирования по данной проблеме:

P: 10 pupils want animals to live in the wild. 5 pupils want animals to live in the animals’ parks. We have a discussion in a forum of our site: “Our World of English Online Community of Children”.

Обзор форума учебного сайта учителя

4Групповая работа. Варианты ответов:


-I think it is better for animals to live in the animals’ parks   because animals have a better place to live there.

-…because scientists work in the parks and they study how to save endangered animals.

-Scientists study the effects human activities.

-In the parks we can learn more about the animals.


In the wild animals have more space for living.

In the zoo and in the parks animals can’t run and jump as they like…

   Teacher: Problem 2. If I were the director of the zoo I would…

Варианты ответов:

-I would close the zoo.

-I would create the wild animal’s parks.

-I would move the zoo to the country.

 I would feed the animals well.

   Teacher: Problem 3. Animal’s show

Варианты ответов:

-As for me I like to watch animals’ show but I don’t like the animals live in the cages.

-I don’t like because animals are afraid of their master.

-I don’t like because animals are not happy.

-I don’t like the animals do things they don’t like, masters beat animals.

5.  Teacher:  London Zoo is a very good place for animals. It was founded by Zoological Society of London. Two pupils prepared a presentation about London Zoo. Listen to them and answer their questions.

  a)  Presentation London Zoo. P--Cl

  b)  P---Cl: -Where is it situated?

            -When is it open?

            -How many animals live in London Zoo?

6.  Webquest Endangered Animals



Help! Time is running for the world’s endangered species. Why are some animals are on the endangered species list? What is being done to protect them?


Your job is to report about an endangered animal. You will be working as a team with another scientists. You will need to present your final report.

             The Process

You will need to pick a role of a scientist. (biologist, zoologist) Research Tiger.


The information you gathered and your information will be evaluated.


During your web quest, you have learned much about an endangered animal. There is much more that we can learn about the status of animals and the human connection to them. How can you use the information gathered in your webquest to educate the public about endangered animals.

7.  Этапы работы с веб квестом.

a)T--Cl: What is endangered species?

P--Cl: Endangered species - are animals or plants that are soon to die out.

27,000 species become endangered each year, about 3 an hour.

Since 1996 124 of types of amphibians, 1,108 types of birds, 734 types of fish, 1 096 types of mammals, 253 types of reptiles became endangered.

T--Cl: This means that they will never be seen on the Earth again. What species of endangered animals can you name?

Ps: …..

b) T--Cl:  Why are species at risk? At home you have already analyzed ways we endangered species. Name some of them.

(Обсуждение проблемы с просмотром презентации).(Презентация прилагается).

Ps---Ps: Ways we endangered species.

1.     Habitat destruction.

2.     Human disturbance.

3.     Garbage.

4.     Hunting, fishing, harvesting.

5.     Killing the food supply.

6.     Global warming.

c) T---Cl: What is habitat?

P--Ps: Habitat is where a species naturally found.

d) T--Cl: What do humans need?

Ps--Cl:-area on land (special characteristics);

-the breathable air;

-the temperature can’t be too hot or too cold;

-food, water, shelter.

e)  T--Cl: What are humans’ actions?

         Ps: build cities, use land;

         -Human habitat take up more space.

f) T---Cl: What are the results of human actions?

P: People destroy the homes of species.

g)Ps--Ps ,P--Cl:Учащиеся делают  короткие сообщения: Ways we endangered animals”.

(Называют животных и те факторы, которые привели к исчезновению вида).

Ps--Cl: - Human disturbance. Wild life is wild. Species don’t thrive in places where people (or their pets)bother them.

            - Garbage: After we leave a species habitat, we often leave our garbage. Human garbage is a problem for many species.

             - Hunting, fishing, harvesting. The most direct way that humans affect plants and animals is by killing them for our use. Exotic pet trade is also a problem.

      -Another way that human activity endangered species is by killing their food supply.

    - Global warming. Polar Bears became endangered because the climate is warming, the ice breaks up several weeks earlier than it used to meaning that the bears have less time to fatten up and have to last through a longer time without eating.

    - When people bring an “exotic” species into a new environment, it often causes big trouble. The new species may 1)prey on the “ native” species (the ones that already live there),2) eat all the food supply, 3)introduce new diseases

g) T--Cl: Create a poster:  “Ways we endangered species”.

h) T---Cl: What can you do to save animals?


     -Be careful! Don’t disturb the habitat of animals and plants.

     -Don’t waste natural resources!

     -Recycle garbage! Human garbage causes problems for many species.

     -Don’t pollute the environment!

     -Use non-toxic garden products!

     -Don’t pull up plants!

     -Watch where you are stepping.

     - Don’t buy leather, fur coat!

      -Join societies!

i)Create a table on the blackboard: “What can we do to protect species”?

j) T:  Pay attention to the Tiger Forum 2010 which held in st. Petersburg. Our pupils have some information.

-P1:  Tiger Forum 2010 was held in st. Petersburg in November 21-24. 13 tiger Range Countries (TRC) adopt a declaration to save the wild tiger from extinction.

-P2: Hollywood star Leonardo diCaprio pledged to donate the WWF 1 million dollars for tiger conservation efforts.

-P1---CL: What did the Tiger Forum adopt?

J) T ---Cl: Watch the video and answer the questions:

-What is the main idea of the Tiger Forum 2010?

-How many tigers are there in the wild?

Видео. Сайт: http://www.google.com/tiger forum

  Tiger Forum 21 – 24 November st. Petersburg 2010 (содержание видео)

                   Less than 3,200 tigers remain in the wild today. Across the Asia and the Russian Far East the stripes of the tiger thread us together. They are our culture, our history and our passion. 13 tiger Range  Countries unite to save the wild tiger.


Ps:     -We must unite to save tigers.

           - They are our culture, our history.

           -The forum is very actual.

k) PCl: Сообщения учащихся об Амурском тигре:

Amur tiger lived from Lake Baikal to northern China. Now, some 200-400 animals live along the Amur River in the national parks of the Far East of Russia. Tigers live on a very large grounds.3-6 animals need the habitat of 1000 aquare kilometers. In search of food tigers walk 15-20 kilometers a day.

l) T—Cl:   Pick a role of a scientist (biologist or zoologist).Read and translate the text ”Tiger” and fill up the “Data Collection Sheet for the Zoologist” or” Data Collection Sheet for the Biologist



            A century ago, tigers can be seen from eastern Turkey and the Caspian Sea through all parts of Asia. Now at the close of this century, their number is dwindling rapidly. They can only be found in sporadic areas of India, Nepal, Manchuria, China, and South East Asia. Tigers live in various types of habitat. They can survive in rainforests, mangrove swamps, grasslands, savannas, and mountain countries. There were about 100,000 tigers in existence, but now there are only 3,250 - 4,700 left in the wild. The South Chinese tiger is on the verge of extinction. It is estimated that there about 30 -80 of them left. [Worldwide Tiger Population]

            Tigers are the largest cats in the world. They weigh between 250 - 700 pounds (113.4 - 317.5kg). At shoulder height, tigers measure about 3 feet (.91m). The length of tiger, including the tail and depending on the subspecies, is 7 -12 feet (2.13 - 3.65m). Living in the wild they can exist for 15 years, but in captivity they can live up to 20 years. The famous of all tigers are the Bengals. The body is orange with widely spaced black stripes. The belly part of it is white.

            Tigers usually live alone. They are only together when mating time comes or when raising up cubs. The usual gestation period is 100 - 105 days. The females give birth to 2 - 4 cubs each time. The cubs weigh about 2 pounds (.91kg) at birth. At this time the cubs are totally dependent on the mother for food and protection. After 2 months they start to mature, but still rely on the mother. During this time the cubs play with other cubs of the territory. As the cubs become young tigers, they don't adhere to their mother any more. At this stage they learn to be good hunters as well as find new habitats. When they are 2 years old, the tigers are ready to set off on their own.

            If there were 100 cubs born, 50 would not survive to be independent. They would either be killed by poachers or burned by local villagers. Of the 50 that do live to adulthood, maybe 30 of them will never establish territories.

            Tigers tend to prey on large hoofed animals. They usually hunt by areas where there is a water source and a lot of grass. Deer, pigs, and antelopes most of the time spend they day there. The tiger would hide behind tall bushes where they can be camouflaged. Once they spot their prey, they furtively approach it within a radius of 30 - 60 feet (10 - 20m). When the prey does not notice them, they quickly rush toward it in top speed and bring it down. There are many methods when it comes to killing their prey. Tigers either bite in the throat, suffocate, or crush the neck and vertebrate of their victim.

            Tigers are endangered because of the loss of habitat. Humans are clearing forests to ease the stress of population growth. By doing so tigers have less and less room to live and hide from hunters. Also tiger parts are sold for traditional medicine used. Parts like bone, blood, and skins are highly priced. A tiger is worth at least $60,000. In 1972 the World Wildlife Fund join up with the Indian government to save the dying tigers. This project was called "Operation Tiger." They plan to set aside reserves where tigers can grow and reproduce naturally without the fear of being killed. As a result the population of Bengal Tigers doubled from 2,000 to 4,000 since the last 20 years. In 1994 the United States had a trade sanction against Taiwan to stop tiger trading. In 1993 alone 1,100 pounds (500kg) of tiger bones were confiscated in New Delhi. Conservationists are still working hard to set up more reserves so the tiger population will increase in the future.


Data Collection Sheet for the Zoologist.

Description  (What does your animal look like, the size, colour?)



 Family (What are the family members called?  How many young are born? When are the young born?)

_________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________

 Solutions (What steps have been taken to protect this animal?)



Data Collection Sheet for the Biologist

Habitat   (Where does your animal live?)



 Food (What does your animal eat? How does it get its food?)

_________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________

 Problems (Why has this animal became endangered?)

_________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________

Образец заполнения

Data Collection Sheet for the Zoologist.


Description (What does your animal look like, the size, colour)

Tigers are the largest cats in the world. They weigh between 250 - 700 pounds (113.4 - 317.5kg). At shoulder height, tigers measure about 3 feet (.91m). The length of tiger, including the tail, is 7 -12 feet (2.13 - 3.65m). Living in the wild they can exist for 15 years, but in captivity they can live up to 20 years.

Family (What does the family members called? How many young are born? When are the young born?)

Tigers usually live alone. They are only together when mating time comes or when raising up cubs. The females give birth to 2 - 4 cubs each time. The cubs weigh about 2 pounds (91kg) at birth. At this stage they learn to be good hunters as well as find new habitats. When they are 2 years old, the tigers are ready to set off on their own.

Solutions (what steps have been taken to protect this animal)

. In 1972 the World Wildlife Fund join up with the Indian government to save the dying tigers. This project was called "Operation Tiger." They plan to set aside reserves where tigers can grow and reproduce naturally without the fear of being killed. As a result the population of Bengal Tigers doubled from 2,000 to 4,000 since the last 20 years. In 1994 the United States had a trade sanction against Taiwan to stop tiger trading. In 1993 alone 1,100 pounds (500kg) of tiger bones were confiscated in New Delhi. They set up more reserves so the tiger population will increase in the future.

Образец заполнения: 

Data collection sheet for the Biologist.


Habitat (Where does your animal live?)

Now tiger can only be found in sporadic areas of India, Nepal, Manchuria, China, and South East Asia. Tigers live in various types of habitat. They can survive in rainforests, mangrove swamps, grasslands, savannas, and mountain countries. There were about 100,000 tigers in existence, but now there are only 3,250 - 4,700 left in the wild.

Food (What does your animal eat?)

Tigers tend to prey on large hoofed animals. They usually hunt by areas where there is a water source and a lot of grass. Deer, pigs, and antelopes most of the time spend they day there. The tiger hide behind tall bushes.

  Problems (Why has this animal became endangered?)

Tigers are endangered because of the loss of habitat. Tigers have less and less room to live and hide from hunters. Also tiger parts are sold for traditional medicine used. Parts like bone, blood, and skins are highly priced. A tiger is worth at least $60,000.

 There were about 100,000 tigers in existence, but now there are only 3,250 - 4,700 left in the wild. They would be either killed by poachers or burned by local villages.

Living in the wild tigers can exist for 15 years, but in captivity-up to 20 years.

  m) Подведение итогов исследования исчезающего животного –тигр с использованием презентации “Tiger

 n) домашнее задание: продолжить работу над проектом ''Endangered animals”


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