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Урок по английскому языку "At the zoo"

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Описание презентации по отдельным слайдам:

  • Good morning, dear pupils, teachers, guests!

    1 слайд

    Good morning, dear pupils, teachers, guests!

  • At the zoo

    2 слайд

    At the zoo

  • The phonetic exercise.That is my catIt is big and fat.It has no habitTo...

    3 слайд

    The phonetic exercise.
    That is my cat

    It is big and fat.

    It has no habit

    To catch a rabbit
    [æ] :
    that, cat, and ,fat, has, habit, catch, rabbit;
    it, is, big, habit, rabbit

  •  a crocodilea deer a camelan elephanta liona leoparda cobraa rhino

    4 слайд

    a crocodile
    a deer
    a camel
    an elephant
    a lion
    a leopard
    a cobra
    a rhino

  • Lion

    5 слайд


  • Elephant

    6 слайд


  • crocodile

    7 слайд


  • cobra

    8 слайд


  • deer

    9 слайд


  • You can’t go here

    10 слайд

    You can’t go here

  • leg





    11 слайд









  • mane
[ meın]


[klɔ: ]


    12 слайд

    [ meın]


    [klɔ: ]




  • mane     [ meın]    грива
teeth      [ti:θ]         зубы
claw       [klɔ: ]...

    13 слайд

    mane [ meın] грива
    teeth [ti:θ] зубы
    claw [klɔ: ] коготь
    trunk [trлŋk] хобот
    tusk [tлsk] бивень
    neck [nek] шея
    leg [leg] нога
    horn [hɔ:n] рог
    tail [teıl] хвост
    paw [pɔ:] лапа
    fur [fз:] мех
    beak [bi:k] клюв
    feather [feðə] перо
    wing [wiŋ] крыло

  • Work in pairs.- Which animal has got a long neck?
- The giraffe.

    14 слайд

    Work in pairs.
    - Which animal has got a long neck?
    - The giraffe.

  • mane     [ meın]    грива
teeth      [ti:θ]         зубы
claw       [klɔ: ]...

    15 слайд

    mane [ meın] грива
    teeth [ti:θ] зубы
    claw [klɔ: ] коготь
    trunk [trлŋk] хобот
    tusk [tлsk] бивень
    neck [nek] шея
    leg [leg] нога
    horn [hɔ:n] рог
    tail [teıl] хвост
    paw [pɔ:] лапа
    fur [fз:] мех
    beak [bi:k] клюв
    feather [feðə] перо
    wing [wiŋ] крыло

  • over there [əuvə 
ðɛə] вон там
cute [ kju:t] умный, сообразительный

    16 слайд

    over there [əuvə
    ðɛə] вон там
    cute [ kju:t] умный, сообразительный
    anyway [eniwai]
    в любом случае
    bear [beə]

  • Find the words in the dialogue for the underlined pronouns1. It has got a lon...

    17 слайд

    Find the words in the dialogue for the underlined pronouns
    1. It has got a long neck.
    A giraffe has got a long neck.
    2. They are noisy.
    Monkeys are noisy.
    3. I find them cute.
    Ben finds them cute.

  • 18 слайд

  • + Ben finds them cute.
? Does Ben find them cute?
Yes, he does. 
No, he doesn...

    19 слайд

    + Ben finds them cute.
    ? Does Ben find them cute?
    Yes, he does.
    No, he doesn’t.
    - Ben doesn’t find them cute.

  • do / doesЕд. ч.
1 л. I do
2 л. you do
3 л. he, she, it does

1 л. we do...

    20 слайд

    do / does
    Ед. ч.
    1 л. I do
    2 л. you do
    3 л. he, she, it does

    1 л. we do
    2 л. you do
    3 л. they do

  • Fill in do, does, don’t, doesn’t.1. - …you like giraffes?
- Yes, I ….
2. - …t...

    21 слайд

    Fill in do, does, don’t, doesn’t.
    1. - …you like giraffes?
    - Yes, I ….
    2. - …they live in Brazil?
    - No, they ….
    3. - …she feed her pet?
    - Yes, she ….
    4. - …lions drink water?
    - Yes, they ….
    5. … a leopard run fast?
    - Yes, it ….
    6. - Does the Bengal tiger live in Bashkortostan?
    - No, it ….
    7. - … elephants like bananas?
    - Yes, they ….

  • Ex 2 page 42 (WB)
Fill in do, does, don’t or doesn’t.
1. – Does  Helen take t...

    22 слайд

    Ex 2 page 42 (WB)
    Fill in do, does, don’t or doesn’t.
    1. – Does Helen take the bus?
    - Yes, she does.
    2. – Do I need my book?
    - No, you don’t.
    3. - Does a line eat leaves?
    - No, it doesn’t.
    4. - Do you want milk?
    - No, I don’t.
    5. – Do you live in a big house?
    - Yes, we do.

  • Correct the mistakes.1. The Bengal tiger hide in a tall grass. 
 The Bengal t...

    23 слайд

    Correct the mistakes.
    1. The Bengal tiger hide in a tall grass.
    The Bengal tiger hides in a tall grass.
    2. Monkeys likes bananas.
    Monkeys like bananas.
    3. A bear don’t like to swim.
    A bear doesn’t like to swim.
    4. Rhinos usually lives along.
    Rhinos usually live along.
    5. Do your cat like meat?
    Does your cat like meat?
    6. My little sister don’t likes dogs.
    My little sister doesn’t like dogs.

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At the zoo


Образовательная: усвоить новую лексику по теме «Части тела животных», повторить the Present Simple tense, повторить лексику урока 4 а

Воспитательная: воспитать любовь к животным, формировать уважительное и ответственное отношение к природе.

Развивающая: развивать умение работать в паре, развить речь, мышление, память, навыки самостоятельной работы


План урока.

1.     Организационный момент.

2.     Фонетическая разминка.

3.     Описание животных.

4.     Новая лексика.

5.     Активизация лексики. Работа в парах.

6.     Физкультминутка.

7.     Описание несуществующего животного

8.     Повторение Present Simple.

9.     Чтение диалога.

10. Выводы. Оценивание.




Ход урока.

1.     Организационный момент.

T: Good morning,  dear children, guests!

P: Good morning, teacher!

T: I am glad to see you!

P: We are glad to see you too.

T: Turn to our guests and greet them.

P: Good morning, dear guests!

T: The sounds help us to find out the topic of our lesson! Listen to them  very attentively.

T: What sounds have you heard?

P: I’ve heard the sounds of animals.

T: Do you like animals?

 P: What is your favorite animal? What are your favorite animals?

Today we’ll continue our talking about animals, we’ll learn their parts of the bodies. We are going to remember the negative and interrogative forms of the Present Simple tense. We’ll have an unusual lesson. We are  going  to the zoo. Do you like  zoos?

2.     Фонетическая разминка.

T:  We can’t enter the zoo because we haven’t got tickets. The ticket seller will give us them, if we pronounce the sounds well. Let’s repeat some difficult English sounds.

 Listen to the rhyme. Учитель читает стих. Read the poem aloud.

Find the words with the sound  [æ]    , with the sound [i].Let’s check up your answers. Were you right?  Repeat after me. Ученики повторяют звуки и слова.

Read the poem as quickly as you can.  Who wants to be the first?

That is my cat

It is big and fat.

It has no habit

To catch a rabbit


[æ] :   that, cat, fat, has, habit, catch, rabbit

[i]: is, big, habit, rabbit



T: Thank you. These are your tickets to the zoo. Will we take the guests with us to the zoo?

3.     Описание животных.

T: There are a lot of animals at the zoo. Look at the cages. What are they? Называют животных.  What is it?

Let’s describe some animals. You can use these prompts.3 ученика описывают животных, используя подсказки.

It is a….

It is ….

It has got…

It is from…

It lives in….

It can..

It can’t…

P1: It is a lion. It is orange with small eyes. It is strong. It lives in Africa. It can run.

T: Are you afraid of lions?

P2: It is an elephant. It’s grey. It has got big ears. It has got a long tail. It live in India, Africa.

T: Do you like elephants? Look at the next  picture. What is it?

P3: It is a crocodile. It is green. It has got a lot of teeth. It can’t fly.

T: Have you got a crocodile at home?

Are you afraid of cobras?

Have you ever seen a deer?  Can it run? Have we got deer in Bashkortostan? Yes, of course we have.

4.     Новая лексика.

T: Unfortunately, we can’t go straight. There is a sign. Read the sign.

P:  You can’t go here.

T: Children we can’t go straight, because we haven’t learnt the new words. Let’s learn the new words from the topic “Parts of the body of an animal”. I’d like you to watch this video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TxaRvCIAbuQ

 Do you like the video? Repeat after me.

Учитель читает слова. Ученики повторяют вместе. Читают по цепочке.













Guess the meanings of the words. Translate the words.

We can go straight.

5.     Активизация лексики.Работа в парах.

T: Open your books at page 68. Let’s do ex 2. Look at the picture. Read, translate the example.

P: -Which animal has got a long neck?

-         The giraffe.

Answer the question.

-         Which animal has got a beak?

-         The peacock.

T: Make up your exchanges. Work in pairs

6.     Физкультминутка.

  T: I think it’s time to have rest. Stand up. Let’s remember our song .



7.     Описание несуществующего животного.

Look at this unusual animal. He  is from another planet. His name is Totty. Let’s describe him.

He is…

He has got…

His is…

His are…

8. Чтение диалога.

T: There is a girl and a boy at the zoo. What is her name?

P: Her name is Ann.

T: What is his name?

P: His name is Ben.

T: Let’s listen to their conversation. Open your books at page 68. Read the dialogue to yourself. Who wants to read the text?

Читают диалог.

T: Answer the questions. What is the dialogue about? The dialogue is about the zoo.  Does Ann like the zoo? Who has long legs? Does Ann like monkeys? Do you like monkeys?

Ex 5 page 69. T: Find the words in the dialogue for the underlined pronouns.

1.     It has got a long neck.

2.     They are noisy.

3.     I find them cute.

P: 1. A giraffe has got a long neck.

2. Monkeys are noisy.

3. Ben finds them cute.

Let’s check up your answers.

T: Look at the last sentence. What  tense is it?

P: The Present Simple tense.

9. Повторение настоящего простого времени.

T: Some of the animals are ill at the zoo. We can cure them. You have to remember the present simple tense.

Учащиеся вспоминают the present simple tense.

T: Make up the question to the last sentence.

Does Ben find them cute?

Ben doesn’t find them cute.


Look at the board. Do the exercise.

Fill in do, does, don’t or doesn’t.

1.     - … you like giraffes?

        Yes, I ….

2.     - … they live in Brazil?

-         No, they….

3.     - ….she feed her pet?

-         Yes, she ….

4.     - … lions drink water?

-         Yes, they….

5.     - Does a leopard run fast?

-         Yes, it ….

6.     - Does the Bengal tiger live in Bashkortostan?

-         No, it ….

7.     - Do elephants like bananas?

-         Yes, they ….

8.     - Does a cobra bite humans?

-         Yes, it ….

Ex 2 page 42. (WB). Do this exercise in writing. Выполняют упражнение письменно. Change your workbooks in pairs.

10. Выводы.Оценивание.

Well done, boys and girls. You help to cure  a lot of animals.  They are thanking you for your answers, your today’s work. Что вы сегодня узнали на уроке?

 The animals like your class. But what about you? Do you like the animals, the zoo? My dear friends, you must take care of animals. Don’t hurt animals, don’t catch birds, because they are our friends.  Write down your home task.

Your marks for the lesson.

I’d like to finish our lesson with the poem:

All creatures are amazing

Just like me and you

Help protect the animals

This is their world too.


The lesson is over. Bye.



1.     Е. Ваулина, Д. Дули, В. Эванс, О. Подолянко Английский в фокусе - 6-е изд. - М.: Просвещение, 2012.

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